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Reference No.: BatStateU-FO-RES-02 Effectivity Date: August 22, Revision No.

2016 00

I. Research Project Title: Kapeng Barako in a Tea Bag

II. Name of Student: Jaqueline Mae B. Amaquin

III. Proponent Agency:

Jaqueline Mae B. Amaquin

IV. Cooperating Agency:

FDA (Food and Drug Administration)- it is in charge of medical devices, tobacco products,
medications, foods and cosmetics. The FDA is responsible for protecting and promoting public health
through the regulation and supervision of food safety. Before Kapeng Barako in a Tea Bag introduce in
the market, FDA approval is needed.

V. Rationale:
There is one product that all Batangueños are truly proud of, for its great aroma and perfect match
with the native delicacies and the benefits that can receive from a bean called the Kapeng Barako.
According to, Kapeng Barako is a variety of coffee grown in the Philippines,
most particular in the province of Batangas. Mention “kapeng barako” and most people immediately think
of the province of Batangas.
Kapeng Barako is a variation of the Liberica species which big cherries and unusual flavour. It’s
tall and can reach up to 17 meters in height, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. It’s
also a rare species: estimates vary, but even the most generous state that it accounts for less than two
percent of commercially produced coffee worldwide. Some literature on the subject of coffee production in
the Philippines and Batangas seems to have simply assumed that the coffee planted in the boom years of
the 19th century was “barako.”
Liberica would initially be planted in the Roxas estate in Lipa, although the plantation would
eventually be overrun by other forms of native vegetation. Still, the estate would ultimately become the
primary source of seeds when the planting of liberica eventually caught on and this type of coffee became
“widely cultivated” in Batangas.
Kapeng Barako coffee has a strong smell and distinctive flavor. It’s been a cultural staple in the
Philippines for over two hundred years. Today, it’s  struggling to find a place in the hearts and cups of the
younger generation. Some locals are even asking if there’s room for it in the third wave.
Kapeng Barako can affect the body resistance. The coffee is a kind of drink that brewed and gives
energy because of the effect of caffeine, the caffeine will affect the body depends on how it prepared.
Kapeng Barako is also used as a body scrub in spa treatment. The coffee is the best antioxidants besides on
giving us energy, it lessens the chance to risk having heart decease and Alzheimer.
This is what’s referred to as the strong taste and it is certainly an acquired taste for most people
since not a lot of people appreciate it. Partnered with that strong taste, it is a perfect type of coffee to be
made into an espresso for the people to fully savor its unique taste. Kapeng Barako is available locally,
although consumption still remains low. For most locals, the drink invokes memories of their parents

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sipping it while the roosters crow at 5am, preparing for another day under the sun.
The patronage of instant coffees are increasing day by day and Starbucks and other coffee shops
penetrated the market. Because of that, most people forget the importance and benefits of pure and natural
coffee which is Kapeng Barako. It is better to appreciate the importance of Kapeng Barako in Batangas.
Aside from it is one of the Batangueños identity, Kapeng Barako have lots of health benefits.
And then there's the problem with demand. Kapeng Barako has difficulty finding it's way onto the
menus of mainstream coffee outlets in the Philippines. Many speculate it's because Kapeng Barako is
popular with the older generation, since that's all they knew back in the day. Also, this crowd generally
liked their coffee strong and bold, complete with that extra kick.
The researcher wants to know the status of Kapeng Barako in terms of consumers demand. Also
the researcher chose this study to know the current status of Kapeng Barako after the evident declining
stage of this product. That's why this study aims to contribute to the preservation of Kapeng Barako by
doing improvements on it to be more attractive to younger generation.
This study intends to revive the presence of Kapeng Barako in today's generation. Putting Kapeng
Barako in a tea bag will become favorable to those people who loves drinking Kapeng Barako because it
will become easier for them to brew it. For other people, the traditional way of preparing kapeng barako is
time consuming. The researcher wants to spread the coffee habit amongst every one through Kapeng
Barako in a tea bag.

VI. Objective of the Study:

The following are the general and specific objectives of the study. The objectives of this study
focus on the importance of Kapeng Barako in a tea bag in the market.
 The general objective is to determine the impact of putting Kapeng Barako in a Tea Bag to those
who drinks Kapeng Barako.
 To make sure that the consumers will drink the right amount of Kapeng Barako if it is in a tea bag.
 To describe on how the product will benefit the market as well as the consumers.
 To promote the innovative Kapeng Barako and place it in the market and make it more attractive
to consumers.
 To know the basics particular segment of Kapeng Barako in a tea bag in the market.
 To study the awareness and perception of customer towards the new product.
 To know the status of Kapeng Barako in terms of consumers demand.
 To support Kapeng Barako in a tea bag by introducing it in younger generation.

VII. Significance of the Study:

The result of this study could benefit the following :
To the other researchers. This study gives knowledge to the researchers who will conduct
research about on how the consumers of Kapeng Barako will satisfy in putting it in a tea bag. This will
serve as fresh ground for the researcher whose study will be related in the innovation about Kapeng
Barako. It can be reliable source of information for their new research.
To the consumers. This study will benefit those consumers who are also Kapeng Barako lovers

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on knowing more about their beloved early morning beverage.
To the establishments. The result of this study could help them determine the possible action they
could increase the demand of Kapeng Barako by determining the impact of Kapeng Barako in a tea bag to
the consumers.
To the retailers. This study will benefit those retailers who are retailing Kapeng Barako. They
will have knowledge on how to make Kapeng Barako in demand within the market.

VIII. Review of Related Literature:

This chapter includes the discussion on related local literature and foreign literature which provide
relevant facts about reviving the presence of Kapeng Barako in today's generation.
Local literature
For years, kapeng barako has been one of the shining prides of Batangueños. And the best way to
support its production is to choose this crop over the other types of coffee. Philippines once became a top
coffee-producing country. The Barako coffee is the Philippine term for coffee produced in Batangas. This
Philippine coffee is of the Liberica variety.
To share about Batangas’ best : Kapeng Barako or the Philippine/Batangas Coffee. Historians say
that kapeng barako was brought in the Philippines centuries ago by the Spaniards while the country was
part of Spain’s colony.They planted coffee trees on the highlands. And because of good combination of
humidity, cold, soil and the tropical climate, these plantation flourished. By the 19th century, the
Philippines was the 4th largest coffee producing country in the world.
While the Barako has become a generic name for all coffee from Batangas, real Barako refers to
Philippine Liberica and is known for its particularly strong taste, powerful body and distinctly pungent
odor. “Barako,” in the vernacular, is a colloquial term referring to male strength and machismo. As such,
particularly strong-tasting coffeeis often identified as barako by the locals. Historically, it takes its name
from "barako,"the Tagalog word for wild boar, because these creatures are rather fond of dining on the
plant's leaves and berries. The famous Liberica coffee vanetal and more commonly known as "Kapeng
Barako" is about 3% of Philippine coffee, and became favored for its ability that is capable to grow in any
soil type, (“Philippine Arabica Coffee Production”, 2016).
Demand for barako has never returned to its heyday of two centuries ago but that hasn’t stopped
some cafes and businesses in the Philippines from seeing its value. Spots like Cafe de Lipa in the
Philippines take pride in their barako brew, while places like Figaro Coffee even went so far as to come up
with a “save the barako” initiative that included programmes revolving around awareness, new plantings,
research and targeted marketing. The campaign has managed to get liberica production back in the game
and it now represents about three to four per cent of the Philippines’ national coffee harvest.
According to the study of Acedera et al. (2009), Despite the competent demands of kapeng barako,
many farmers still refuse to plant and harvest kapeng barako. As what they say, it has a very high market
value but a very low market value. As a result, kapeng barako is now in danger of extinction. Because of
these premises, there are some programs, like the save the Barako campaign, which aims to advance the
consistency of its production, and its endorsement to the premium market. The campaign continuously
exerts a lot effort to raise public awareness about the potentials of Kapeng Barako and they also promote
“barako” to be the people’s choice of brew.
Foreign Literature
Perhaps the solution to Barako’s unpopularity lies abroad. A number of cafés owned by second
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and third generation Filipinos are proudly showcasing the drink. For them, it’s a piece of their heritage.
Jovan and Omar operate Barako Bean, a London-based roastery dedicated to sourcing and roasting single
origin Filipino coffees – including Barako. They are an example of how traditional drinks and the third
wave don’t have to remain separate.
Rowena Romulo recently opened a branch of Romulo Café in London, where she stocks Barako
Bean’s coffee. When we ask her about Barako, she says, “We were offered this [drink] when we visited
places like Batangas and Cavite. It reminds me of the hospitality Filipinos are known for.” Ryan Andres,
owner of the café Barako Kávéház in Budapest, Hungary, offers both Filipino Arabica and Barako. He
tells us he has earned a huge following with locals and tourists alike.
Yet while he’s championing Barako as a world-class coffee, he struggles to convince everyone.
“The younger generation is extremely brand conscious,” he says. “They have a mindset that Barako is
inferior and nothing more than cheap market ccoffee. Rowena Romulo has a similar experience. She tells
hat she thinks the issue lies in a proliferation of international brands and local chains aspiring to a Western
Recent studies show that moderate coffee consumption can help with overall energy levels and the
ability to learn and remember tasks. In other words, according to Dr. Pankaj Naram, the research says that
coffee increases both alertness and mental acuity. Other studies show that coffee drinking on a regular
basis can help increase the body's natural ability to burn fat. It does this, according to researchers, by
boosting the metabolic rate by as much as 15 percent.
Coffee Beans Liberica true to its name, originated in Liberia, West Africa. Although it is still
grown in Liberia, Malaysia is now the leading producer of Coffea Liberica. The coffee was brought to
Indonesia to replace the Arabica trees killed by the coffee rust disease at the end of the 19th Century. The
coffee itself has more in common, cupping wise, with Robusta. It is still found in parts of Central and East
Java today.

IX. Methodology:
Methodology refers to first an approach towards inquiry and later involves in to particular methods
or techniques. It is systematic method of discovering new facts or verifying old facts, their sequences in
the relationship, casual explanation and the natural laws, which govern them. To achieve the defined
objectives it outlines the approach for conduct of the whole research work describe the research design,
subject of the study, data gathering instrument and data gathering procedure.
Research Design
Due to the objectives of the research, the research is more qualitative and exploratory in nature.
In order to have more comprehensive definition and to become more familiar with the study, an
extensive literature survey will be conducted to collect secondary data for the location of different
variable, probable contemporary information and clarity of concepts. For identification of key concepts
out of possible variables related to the various dimensions of research descriptive, research design has
also been opted for.
The purpose of descriptive research is to get an accurate determination about the innovative
product which is Kapeng Barako in a tea bag. The researcher will use this kind of research to get first
hand data from the respondents so as to create rational conclusions and recommendations for the study.
Subject of the Study
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With the help of this research the objective of researcher is to redefine the coffee drinking taste
and make it more convenient for the customers to brew Kapeng Barako in their home or office by means
of putting Kapeng Barako in a tea bag. While determining the subject of the study, the researcher was
looking for a comprehensive dimension. So Kapeng Barako in a tea bag has been chosen for the study.
Data Gathering Instrument
The researcher read some material like journals, books, unpublished thesis, and gathered
information through the help of internet. The question was based on the objective of the study. The
researcher will used a self-constructed questionnaire. The questionnaire is about the impact of Kapeng
Barako in a tea bag to consumers who are Kapeng Barako lovers. It will be the combination of open and
close-ended questions. Close-ended questions include the semantic differential scale of 1 to 5, 1 being
not important and 5 being very important. The semantic differential is a five-point scale with end points
associated with bipolar labels.
Data Gathering Procedure
After the approval of the title, the relevant information, studies and literature in different
articles, book, journals, paper reviews and through the help of the internet, the researcher gathered a lot
of information. The researcher started gathering relevant information and facts from different book and
websites in the internet which are references for the information needed. Also the researcher consulted
other people who were experts in the field to come up with a good research material.

X. References:

Prepared by: Prepared to:

Jaqueline Mae B. Amaquin Sir Alexander Corachea

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