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Paper Code : 016

CSAT – 01
Time Allowed: 2 Hours Maximum Marks: 200

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10A/C Gandhi Nagar Jammu, Ph. 0191-2456098 | 96222-88178,9419146810.

Passage 1 between home and office.
(d) Benefits of working in a flexible work place.
For stressed employees seeking to balance work
and personal lives, time is nearly as important as 2. A company’s policy of providing non-
money, more important for some. That’s why monetary funds is beneficial to the
more employees are requesting flexible benefits company in return. This has been
including telecommuting from home, flexitime, supported by the fact that
and compressed workweek. Flexible work (a) Employees are more happy receiving non-
arrangements do more than just help new monetary benefits.
mothers return to full-time work. They comprise (b) The company has to spend less on
an aspect of non-financial compensation that providing benefits to its employees.
allows families to manage a stressful work/home- (c) Flexibility at work place enhances the
juggling act. If Congress amends the Fair Labour image of the company and also leads to
Standards Act, workplace flexibility will receive an raised productivity.
additional boost. As the proposal legislative (d) The firms can help their employees to
amendment now stands, the formula calls for an strike a balance between their personal
hour and a half of comp time for each hour of and professional life.
overtime worked and an employee could accrue
up to 160 comp hours. When labour markets are 3. From the passage, it can be inferred that
tight, the competition for highly skilled workers (a) Non-monetary benefits such as flexibility at
become intense. In such an environment, it is work place are beneficial for both the
important if not crucial, for survival for firms to find employees as well as the employers.
and sustain a balance between quality of life for (b) Flexibility at work place is enjoyed by all
employees and organizational goal. The employees.
Americans with Disabilities Act may also (c) Working women need more non-monetary
encourage some forms of flexibility. The act benefits as compared to other employees.
requires reasonable accommodation and prompts (d) Flexibility at work place is a trick to attract
this question: if an employee could perform the more employees these days.
essential functions of the job away from the work
site, as is possible for some jobs by 4. The author agrees with all of the following
telecommuting, would denying the employee this statements except
flexibility be acceptable? For employers, work- (a) Employees demand flexibility to maintain a
place flexibility can be a key strategic factor in balance between their personal and
attracting retaining the most talented employees. professional life.
And, there is a strong statistical correlation (b) Many employees feel that non-monetary
between employee satisfaction increased benefits are better than other benefits.
company profits, according to a nationwide sure; (c) Profits earned by a company is
of US workers released by the Gallup independent of the workplace satisfaction
Organization and Carlson Marketing Group. This of its employees.
survey indicates that nearly seven out of ten (d) With flexi-working hours, working mothers
employees say non-monetary forms of can be full-time employees.
recognition provide the best motivation. This
prevalent attitude certainly explains the expanded Passage 2
interests of World at Work: the Professional
Association for Compensation, Benefits, and Sustainable Development & Collective
Total Rewards. Benefits claimed for a flexible Responsibility Forum (SDCRF) is an Integrated
workplace; include increased productivity, Networking Platform for all the stake holders of
improved recruitment, and retention of Society, Economical Development Activity and
employees, and enhanced company image. climate change. We invite thought leaders,
philanthropists, social leaders, NGOs, VOs, social
1. What is the central idea of the passage? entrepreneurs, Funding Agencies, Governments and
(a) Non-monetary benefits provided by the Media to join together to strategise, brainstorm and
companies – a boon for the employees take action to build more lucrative and long term
especially working mothers. sustainable models.
(b) Employees’ preference of non-monetary SDCRF will bring on board corporate entities who
benefits over monitory benefits. have an inbuilt integrated system of Corporate
(c) Flow workplace flexibilities provide Social Responsibility as a policy and practice;
employees a chance to strike a balance companies who have imbibed diversity in the

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culture, companies who care about inclusions in processing and pouring out their thoughts.
hiring, and all those who promote leadership! On (b) SDCRF is a platform only for climate
the other hand, SDCRF brings together those change.
institutions, Nongovernment organizations, (c) All living conditions are favourable.
Voluntary Organizations who strive to make an (d) Sustainable/development will hamper our
impact at the grass root levels to facilitate the end future
beneficiaries and needy! Also those institutions
that are directly involved in saving our world! DIRECTIONS:
Meaning, the entities who work towards water Select the correct alternative from the given
conservation, sanitations, waste management, choices.
climate change and many such aspects that
determine our future! 9. Asha has only Rs.10 and Rs.5 coins with
Sustainable Development is all about our future her. If the total number of coins that she
that we must care about. All of you know about has is 40 and the amount of money with her
irrational consumption patterns, that are leading is Rs.325, then the number of Rs.5 and
to climate changes and driving the human race Rs.10 coins are,
towards ‘not so favourable’ living conditions. The (a) 25 and 15 (b) 5 and 35
forum is for all those who strive to accomplish (c) 35 and 5 (d) 15 and 25
common goals that matter a lot to very place, we
will be leaving behind for our next generations. It 10. Find the number of divisors of 248
is ‘collective responsibility’ that will bring in excluding one and itself?
changes to these terrible conditions. All of us, (a) 4 (b) 6
let's make a move towards a bringing on the (c) 8 (d) 10
change factor facilitate social organizations that
are directly connected to the roots of these 11. Find the least number which will leave a
issues. Empower them to make that impact for remainder of 4 when divided by 12, 16, 20 ?
sustainable development. (a) 64 (b) 124
With the recent inclusion of mandatory CSR (c) 244 (d) 48
contribution under Company Act 2012, passed by
parliament that has lead to a debatable scenario 12. Find the fraction equivalent to decimal
with the corporate entities of their willingness to 0.4(07)?
be a part of the social activity. Members SDCRF (a) 403/990 (b) 286/990
will share their thoughts, and discuss the way for (c) 127/495 (d) 254/999
to become a part of the social revolution.
13. What least digit should come in place of #
5. According to the passage who can in the 9 digit number 14#932555, for which
promote leadership the number is divisible by 9?
(a) SDCRF (a) 0 (b) 1
(b) Corporate entities (c) 2 (d) Any of these
(c) Corporate Social Responsibility
(d) Non-government Organizations 14. What is the product of smallest 105 whole
6. Which ‘collective responsibility’ is the (a) 250 (b) 0
author talk about? (c) 300 (d) None of these
(a) Determination of future
(b) Irrational consumption patterns 15. The recurring decimal representation
(c) Integrated system of CSR 1.24242424.…. is equivalent to ….
(d) Accomplishment of common goals (a) 8/33 (b) 41/33
(c) 11/33 (d) 41/99
7. In the passage, the word ‘lucrative’
means 16. The father’s age is eight times his son’s
(a) Comfortable (b) Luxury age. Four years hence, the age of the father
(c) Profitable (d) Expensive will be four times his son’s age. The
present age of the son and the father are,
8. Which of the following statements is respectively…
true? (a) 4 and 32 (b) 5 and 40
(a) Members at SDCRF can become a part (c) 6 and 48 (d) 3 and 24
of social revolution by developing,

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17. The sum of the digits of a two-digit pernicious weakness. But, the seventy- third and
number is 9. If 9 is subtracted to it, the seventy-fourth constitutional amendments (1992)
digits of the number get reversed. The make it mandatory to decentralize planning in India.
number is… Centralized planning has throttled balanced and all
(a) 27 (b) 72 round regional development. As a result, people’s
(c) 36 (d) 54 felt needs have not been reflected in the plans.
Particularly, the present mode of planning has not
18. What percentage of numbers from 1 to assisted much the weaker sections of the society.
30 has 2 or 4 in the unit's digit? Decentralized planning is bottom-up planning. It is
(a) 12 (b) 15 undertaken at the grass-roots level. It involves local
(c) 20 (d) 22 people and their organizations. Being closer to the
people, it directly meets their needs and aspirations,
19. A Stationery seller had some Pens, and is thus best suited to enlist people’s
Sharpeners, Erasers & Pencils. He sells participation. Based on citizen participation its
65% of the total units and still has 105 implementation would make most effective use of
units. Originally, he had: locally available resources. As decentralized
(a) 300 units (b) 400 units planning starts from the lower-level, it gets
(c) 272 units (d) 580 units integrated with the people and is thus people-
20. For a candidate to clear an examination,
he/she must score 55% marks. If he/she 24. Which of the following statement about
gets 120 and fails by 78 marks, the total decentralized planning is true in present
marks for the examination is: day India?
(a) 300 (b) 320 (a) It is option of the State to introduce
(c) 360 (d) 400 (b) It is detrimental to regional development
(c) It is top down planning
21. How much is 80% of 40 is greater than (d) It is mandatory planning
4/5 of 30?
(a) 4 (b) 6 25. The advantages of decentralized planning
(c) 9 (d) 8 is/are, select the correct answer from the
codes given below:
22. In a factory, there are 40% technicians (i) Better use of local resources
and 60% non-technicians. If the 60% of (ii) Effective implementation of the plan
the technicians and 40% of non- (iii) Ensuring people’s participation in planning
technicians are permanent employees, (iv) Ensures bureaucratic responsibility to the
then the percentage of workers who are local people
temporary is? Codes:
(a) 32% (b) 42% (a) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) (b) (i), (ii), (iii)
(c) 52% (d) 62% (c) (i), (ii) (d) (i) only

23. A vendor sells 50 percent of apples he 26. Which of the following is the meaning of
had and throws away 20 percent of the Decentralized Planning?
remainder. Next day he sells 60 percent (a) It is based on blue-print.
of the remainder and throws away the (b) It is directed planning.
rest. What percent of his apples does the (c) It is planning from below.
vendor throw? (d) It is autonomous of national framework of
(a) 26% (b) 42% planning.
(c) 52% (d) 32%
27. Which one of the following is not the
Passage 3 weakness of centralized planning?
(a) Imbalanced Regional Development.
The need for decentralized planning in India has (b) Gap between the plan objectives and
been felt for a long time. But, it was strongly people felt needs.
articulated during the Fourth-Five Year Plan (c) Integration of national and local resources.
(1969-74). To encourage decentralized planning (d) Blocking of people’s participation in
a state planning machinery in each state was set planning.
up but planning in India continued to remain
highly centralized. This was its single most

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28. The initiative for decentralized planning 31. A and B together have Rs. 1210. If of A's
in India was first taken under amount is equal to of B's amount, how
(a) Third-Five-Year Plan much amount does B have?
(b) Fourth-Five-Year Plan (a) Rs. 460 (b) Rs. 484
(c) Fifth-Five-Year Plan (c) Rs. 550 (d) Rs. 664
(d) 73rd Amendment in the Constitution
32. Seats for Mathematics, Physics and
Passage 4 Biology in a school are in the ratio 5 : 7 : 8.
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only There is a proposal to increase these seats
global international organization dealing with the by 40%, 50% and 75% respectively. What
rules of trade between nations. At its heart are will be the ratio of increased seats?
the WTO agreements, negotiated and signed by (a) 2 : 3 : 4 (b) 6 : 7 : 8
the bulk of the world’s trading nations and ratified (c) 6 : 8 : 9 (d) None of these
in their parliaments. The goal help producers of
goods and services, exporters, and importers 33. Divide Rs. 390 among 3 persons A, B and C
conduct their business. such that 3 times A’s share, 2 times B’s
share and 4 times C’s share are all equal.
29. Which of the following is the most The shares of A, B and C are respectively..
logical and rational assumption that can (a) Rs.120, Rs. 180, Rs. 90
be made from the above passage? (b) Rs.60, Rs. 90, Rs. 45
(a) WTO deals with the rules of (c) Rs. 240, Rs. 157, Rs. 90
international trade. (d) None of these
(b) WTO works according to agreements
signed most of the countries of the 34. A is two years older than B who is twice as
world. old as C. If the total of the ages of A, B and
(c) Producers and exporters follow rules set C be 27, then how old is B?
WTO. (a) 7 (b) 8
(d) WTO facilitates international trade to be (c) 9 (d) 10
conducted smoothly.
35. Present ages of Sameer and Anand are in
Passage 5 the ratio of 5 : 4 respectively. Three years
hence, the ratio of their ages will become
India has made progress in terms of increasing 11 : 9 respectively. What is Anand's present
the primary education attendance rate and age in years?
expanding literacy to approximately three- (a) 24 (b) 27
quarters of the population in the 7-100 age group, (c) 40 (d) Cannot be determined
by 2011. India’s improved education system is
often cited as one of the main contributors to its 36. There are 20 people in a party. If every
economic development. Much of the progress, person shakes hand with every other
especially in higher education and scientific person, what is the total number of
research, has been credited to various public handshakes?
institutions. (a) 180 (b) 155
(c) 145 (d) 190
30. Which among the following is the most
rational and critical inference that can be 37. The five digit number 7500A8 is divisible by
made from the above passage? 4. How many values of A are possible?
(a) The attendance in primary education (a) 0 (b) 3
has increased in India. (c) 5 (d) 4
(b) Nearly 75% people in then age group of
7-100 years are literate now in India. 38. Which one of the following is not a rational
(c) Progress in the field of education is the number?
key to India’s success. (a) 0.2333 (b) 0.56666
(d) Many public institutions have (c) √3 (d) 7
contributed towards the progress in
science and technology. 39. The product of first 15 natural numbers is
(a) even (b) odd
(c) prime (d) Can’t say

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40. A number consists of 3 digits whose (b) A person can be a good speaker even if he
sum is 10. The middle digit is equal to does not have confidence as long as his
the sum of the other two and the number message is important
will be increased by 99 if its digits are (c) A speaker should not accept money
reversed. The number is: offered by the audience
(a) 145 (b) 253 (d) Talking is more important than listening
(c) 370 (d) 352
Passage 8
Passage 6
The business friendly reforms in the Indian States
Economic globalization is the increasing are moving at a very slow pace. More than 50
economic integration and interdependence of percent of them have not even started one single
national, regional and local economies across the reform out of the target 420 required reforms. This
world through an intensification of cross-border shows that policy makers have still not understood
movement of goods, services, technologies and the significance of having investor friendly policies
capital. Whereas globalization is a broad set of for increasing business opportunities and
processes concerning multiple networks of consequently increasing the employment. One can
economic, political and cultural interchange, only hope that the states will warm up to the idea as
contemporary economic globalization is propelled the work on ranking the business friendly states will
by the rapid growing significance of information in gain momentum in the years to come.
all types of productive activities and
marketization, and by developments in science 43. What is the most rational, logical and
and technology. critical inference that can be made on the
basis of the passage above?
41. Which of the following is the most (a) The policy of the centre government has
logical and rational assumption that can failed miserably
be made from the above passage? (b) The target of 420 reforms is ambitious and
(a) Economic activities are witnessed impossible to achieve
among different levels of the world (c) The State governments resent interference
resulting into economic globalization. from the centre government
(b) Globalisation is a vast and distinct term (d) The States implementing reforms will have
from that of economic globalization. better ratings
(c) Globalization and economic
globalization are one and the same 44. The sum of two numbers is 25 and their
terms. difference is 13. Find their product.
(d) Globalisation is the result of (a) 104 (b) 114
development in science and technology. (c) 315 (d) 325

Passage 7 45. The average of 20 numbers is zero. Of

them, at the most, how many may be
Public speaking is not a talent with which persons greater than zero?
are born. It is more or less a matter of skills. The (a) 0 (b) 1
key to be a good speaker is to be yourself. Faking (c) 10 (d) 19
someone’s else style does not help. We have to
remain true to ourselves. Contrary to popular 46. The average weight of 8 person's increases
beliefs, confidence, stage presence and smooth by 2.5 kg when a new person comes in
talking are not keys to successful public place of one of them weighing 65 kg. What
speaking. The key is to have something worth might be the weight of the new person?
saying. The key principle is to remember that the (a) 76 kg (b) 76.5 kg
speaker’s job is to give to the audience, not to (c) 85 kg (d) Data inadequate
take from them.
47. The average of first 10 natural numbers is?
42. Which of the following is the most (a) 5 (b) 5.5
logical, rational and critical inference (c) 6 (d) 6.5
that can be drawn from this passage?
(a) Faking help some people to become 48. The average of 10 numbers is 230. If each
good speakers number is increased by 4, what will the new
average be?

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(a) 274 (b) 235 Passage 10
(c) 234 (d) 239 The development since industrial revolution has
been based on unsustainable development. This
Directions for Questions 49 to 52: unsustainable development have improved lives of
Study the following information carefully and millions of people economically but caused
answer the questions given below: environmental and societal harm that threatens to
Six friends A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in a reverse or undermine development. It is time to set
row facing towards North. C is sitting exactly aside the dichotomy and link economic processes to
between A and E. E is not at the end. B is the environment and natural resources through
sitting immediate right of E. F is not at the government interventions that encourage
right end. D is sitting second to the left of C. sustainable patterns of production and consumption.
That calls for higher resource efficiency.
49. How many persons are there to the right
of D? 54. Which of the following is the most logical
(a) One (b) Two and rational assumption that has been
(c) Three (d) Four made in the above passage?
(a) Till now government has not intervened in
50. Which of the following is sitting to the the production and consumption process
left of D? (b) Higher resource efficiency will encourage
(a) F (b) C sustainable development
(c) E (d) A (c) Till now governments have discouraged
sustainable development
51. Who is immediate left of C? (d) Economic progress cannot take place
(a) A without environmental growth
(b) E
(c) Either E or A Directions for questions 55 and 56:
(d) Cannot be determined A, B, C, D, E and F not necessarily in that order,
are sitting around in a round table. It is observed
52. Who is at the right end? that A is between D and F, C is opposite to D. D
(a) A and E are not on neighbouring chairs.
(b) B 55. Which one of following pairs must be
(c) E sitting on neighbouring chairs?
(d) Cannot be determined (a) A, B (b) C, E
(c) B, F (d) A, C
Passage 9
56. Which of following is true?
The centre government has come up with a (a) A is opposite to B
scheme of borrowing money from the EPFO for (b) C is opposite to D
financing some of its scheme. This is a very (c) C and B are neighbours
dangerous idea and it cannot be redeemed no (d) B and E are neighbours
matter how nobly the money is utilised. There are
two problems with this scheme: On the one hand 57. 6 persons A,B,C,D,E and F are standing in a
it will increase the fiscal deficit and on the other it row facing north . C and D are neighbours
will lower the return for the PF. Using this and E is second to right of C. B is standing
unclaimed money without returning will amount to left of A. A is fourth from F.
robbing the poor. Who are standing on Extremes?
(a) A and F (b) B and D
53. What is the most rational and critical (c) A and D (d) None of these
assumption of the above passage?
(a) There is substantial unclaimed amount 58. Five people A, B, C, D and E are, seated
lying with the EPFO about a round table, Every chair is spaced
(b) The EPFO is a public trust equidistant from adjacent chairs.
(c) The government should increase the I. C is seated next to A.
returns of PF balances II. A is seated two seats from D.
(d) The management of EPFO should be III. B is not seated next to A.
privatised Which of the following must be true?
I. D is seated next to B.
II. E is seated next to A.

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Select the correct answer from the codes politicians add to the hopes of the persons who have
given below: nothing else to live with. These same politicians
(a) I only (b) II only claim hate towards those who are different. Both
(c) Both I and II (d) Neither I nor II politics and history have demonstrated, again and
again, that anger binds more people than love. Love
59. There are seven persons up on a ladder, is what we idealize. Hate is what we feed on. Give
A, B, C, D, E, F and G (not in that order). people a good reason to hate and they will buy into
A is further up than E but is lower than it, even if know you are manipulating them.
C. B is in the middle. G is between A and
B. E is between B and F. If F is between 62. Which of the following statements best
E and D, the person on the bottom step sums up this passage?
of the ladder will be… (a) Politicians manipulate the dreams of the
(a) B (b) F people for their success
(c) D (d) E (b) Hate cannot be separated from politics
(c) People enjoy being manipulated
60. Four children are sitting in a row. A is (d) Hope always lead to pain
occupying the seat next to B but not next
to C. If C is not sitting next to D, who Passage 13
is/are occupying seat/seats adjacent to
D? There are also many non-telecom players like
(a) B Cholamandalam Investment and Finance and Sun
(b) A Pharma’s Dilip Shanghvi, who have received RBI’s
(c) B and A in-principle nod to run payment banks. I see a lot of
(d) Impossible to tell innovative options in the form of unbundling of
banking. We have seen banks basically doing
Passage 11 everything, they give loans and take deposits and
they also do payment service and advice. Now, the
The dignitaries from around the world will come to best of services can happen for clients as banks
us and meet us. This was part of our duties. All of unbundle.
these dignities admired India’s democracy Payments can be at the centre of the relationship
specifically in the region where different non- and payment banks can bring a non-banking
democratic governments dominated. In contrast financial company (NBFC) or a mutual fund (MF) as
Indian democracy did not waver. Even in 1977 a partner and create an offering that replicates a
when Indian democracy faced its gravest danger bank. NBFCs are good at lending, payment banks
the voters were allowed to change their have expertise in doing payments and an MF
government. This causes difficulty when we some manages money well. We can create a seamless
of our more impatient fellow-citizens do not seem combination that is good for the customer and for
to realise the magnitude of India’s democratic the bank as well.
63. Which of the following can be inferred from
61. Which of the following statements is the the above passage?
most logical, rational and critical I. Payment banks cannot take deposits
inference of the above passage? II. Payment banks cannot give loans
(a) Indian democratic success is a great III. Payment banks cannot manage customer’s
success money
(b) In 1977 India ceased to be a democratic (a) I and II (b) II and III
country (c) III and I (d) All of these
(c) 1977 was a turning point in the Indian
democracy Directions for questions 64 and 68:
(d) Indian democratic traditions have
ancient roots A building has eight floors, in such a manner
that the ground floor is numbered one, the floor
Passage 12 above it, is numbered two and so on such that
the topmost floor is numbered eight. One of the
The politicians always aim at fulfilling the hopes eight persons, viz, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and W lives
of the growing middle class that always live on on each floor.
hope. They lie, mislead, misguide, misinform and R lives on the third numbered floor. Only two
fantasize for fulfilling this function. These persons live between the floors of R and V. W

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lives on the floor immediately above the floor high-tech manufacturing units, manned by the
of Q. Only one person lives between the floors brightest and best in the field. But their top
of T and U. T lives above U. Only one person managers say it is only a matter of time before their
lives between the floors of R and S. S lives on organizations will be torn apart either by new
any floor below the floor of T. technologies, new business models, innovative
marketing tools, or even fancier products.
64. Who among the following lives on the
fifth numbered floor? 72. Which of the following words best
(a) S (b) Q describes the tone of the passage?
(c) W (d) P (a) Complex (b) Engaging
(c) Critical (d) Defiant
65. Who among the following lives exactly
between the floors of R and S? Passage 15
(a) U (b) P
(c) V (d) T Well the importance of being deliberate, let’s say,
about our priorities and our goals comes from the
66. Who among the following lives on the way that our brain processes information. The truth
topmost floor? is that our conscious brain can only process a
(a) T (b) Q portion of reality around us at any one time, which is
(c) W (d) R kind of hard to accept, because subconsciously
we’re filtering out most of what’s going on around us
67. Four of the following five are alike in a and we don’t really like to think of ourselves as not
certain way and hence they form a being objective observers of the world. But what the
group. Which one of the following does brain decides to consciously prioritize and make
not belong to that group? sure we notice are things that resonate with what is
(a) R (b) V already top on mind for us and you can see where
(c) P (d) S this is going. It means that if you’ve decided that
something is a priority, you are way more likely to
68. How many persons live between the see it and to notice it than if it isn’t.
floors of Q and U?
(a) None (b) One 73. Which of the following, if true, supports the
(c) Two (d) Four conclusion of the author?
I. Compared to people who are not hurt in
69. Look at this series: 2, 1, (1/2), (1/4), ...... earthquakes, the people hurt in past
What number should come next? earthquakes are 50 per cent more likely to
(a) (1/3) (b) (1/8) identify the early signs of earthquakes.
(c) (2/8) (d) (1/16) II. Couples in love are 60 per cent more likely
to recognize their partner in busy market
70. Look at this series: 5.2, 4.8, 4.4, 4, ... place than the couples who are not in love.
What number should come next? III. Compared to general public, unarmed and
(a) 3 (b) 3.3 off duty police inspectors are 45 per cent
(c) 3.5 (d) 3.6 more likely to stop robbery before it
71. Which word does NOT belong with the (a) Only I (b) I and II
others? (c) II and III (d) All of these
(a) inch (b) ounce
(c) centimeter (d) Yard 74. Statements:
In a one day cricket match, the total runs
Passage 14 made by a team were 200. Out of these 160
runs were made by spinners.
Through all this, we expect some things to stay Conclusions:
constant such as the daily delivery of 80% of the team consists of spinners.
newspapers, milk, bread and other essentials; the The opening batsmen were spinners.
shop around the comer stocking our favourite (a) Only conclusion I follows
brands of chewing gum or cigarettes; telephone (b) Only conclusion II follows
bills to come in regularly and our favourite serials (c) Either I or II follows
to play on television. Now think of the companies (d) Neither I nor II follows
behind these products. Yes, many of them are

10A/C Gandhi Nagar Jammu, Ph. 0191-2456098 | 96222-88178, 9419146810. Page 9

75. Statements: All bags are cakes. All
lamps are cakes.
Some lamps are bags.
No lamp is bag.
(a) Only conclusion I follows
(b) Only conclusion II follows
(c) Either I or II follows
(d) Neither I nor II follows

76. Statements: All mangoes are golden in

No golden-coloured things are cheap.
All mangoes are cheap.
Golden-coloured mangoes are not
(a) Only conclusion I follows
(b) Only conclusion II follows
(c) Either I or II follows
(d) Neither I nor II follows

77. Statements: Some kings are queens. All

queens are beautiful.
All kings are beautiful.
All queens are kings.
(a) Only conclusion I follows
(b) Only conclusion II follows
(c) Either I or II follows
(d) Neither I nor II follows

78. Statements: Some doctors are fools.

Some fools are rich.
Some doctors are rich
Some rich are doctors.
(a) Only conclusion I follows
(b) Only conclusion II follows
(c) Either I or II follows
(d) Neither I nor II follows

79. SCD, TEF, UGH, ____, WKL

(a) CMN (b) UJI
(c) VIJ (d) IJT

80. ELFA, GLHA, ILJA, _____, MLNA

(a) OLPA (b) KLMA
(c) LLMA (d) KLLA

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