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MATH 1280 --1 Introduction to Statistics

Assignment Unit 6
University of the People
10th, March 2022
Question 1
a. Write a brief definition of the word "quartile" as we have used it in previous weeks.
Be sure to provide a citation: 
Quartile refers to a number that separate data into four equal parts or into quarters,
whereby the quarters may or may not be part of the given data (Yakir, 2011).

b. Write a brief definition of the word "quantile" as it might be used in statistics. Be

sure to provide a citation (do not cut and paste... use your own words to
summarize what you discovered)
Quarters and quartiles are two concepts that are comparable. Unlike quarters, which split
data into quarters, quartiles divide data into equal groups with the same amount of data
components from a sample; it is used for simulated distribution (Yakir, 2011).

c. From within interactive R, enter the command shown below (the command
shows a help page for the pbinom command).  Provide a very brief
description of the arguments that are passed to the pbinom() command
("arguments" in computer programming are the options that you give to a
function so that the function can calculate what you want it to).  Note that
one of the arguments is lower.tail = TRUE, and because there is a value
assigned to it with the equals sign, it means that if you do not enter a new
value for lower.tail, it will be set to TRUE by default.  Do not type the ">"
into R, it is the command prompt:

> ?pbinom
The first argument is the value q and all the values to the left of the value q.
The second argument is the size of the trial.
The third argument is the probability of having the desired result in each trial.
The argument of “lower.tail=TRUE” means to consider the values to the left of q,
while “lower.tail=FALSE”means to consider the values to the right of q

Question 2

2) You can use the dbinom() command (function) in R to determine the probability of
getting 0 heads when you flip a fair coin four times (the probability of getting heads is 0.5):
dbinom(0, size=4, prob=0.5)
> dbinom(0,4,0.5)
[1] 0.0625

Find the equivalent values for getting 1, 2, 3, or 4 heads when you flip the coin four
times.  TIP: after you run the first dbinom() command, press the up arrow and make a
small change and run it again.

probability of getting exactly 1 head: 0.25

probability of getting exactly 2 heads: 0.375
probability of getting exactly 3 heads: 0.25
probability of getting exactly 4 heads: 0.0625

Question 3

Use the pbinom() function in R to show the cumulative probability of getting 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4

heads when you flip the coin 4 times (this is the same as finding the probability than the
value is less than or equal to 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4.)

probability of getting no more than 0 heads: 0.0625

probability of getting no more than 1 head: 0.3125

probability of getting no more than 2 heads: 0.6875

probability of getting no more than 3 heads: 0.9375

probability of getting no more than 4 heads: 1

Question 4

4) The following R command will show the probability of exactly 6 successes in an

experiment that has 10 trials in which the probability of success for each trial is 0.5:

dbinom(6, size=10, prob=0.5)

(True/False)____________ TRUE
Question 5

5) Read Yakir (2011, pp. 68-69) carefully to review the meaning of the pbinom function (related
to tests that a value will be “equal to” versus “less than or equal to” a criterion value).  What is
the probability of getting fewer than 2 heads when you flip a fair coin 3 times (round to 2
decimal places) ?  __

> pbinom(1,3,0.5)

[1] 0.5

Therefore, the probability is 0.50 (when rounded off to 2 decimal places)

Question 6
6) What is the probability of getting no more than 3 heads when you flip a fair coin 5 times (be
sure to understand the wording differences between this question and the previous one—round
to 2 decimal places)? _______


[1] 0.8125

Therefore, the probability is 0.81 (when rounded off to 2 decimal places)

Question 7

What is the expectation for the time interval between customers entering the store?  Be sure to
specify the units of measurement in your answer (see Yakir, 2011, pp. 79-80).  Round to 3
decimal places: _______________ 0.250 minutes (when rounded off to 3 decimal places)
Question 8

What is the variance of the time interval?  Be sure to specify the units of measurement in your
answer. Round to 3 decimal places

0.625 minutes

i.e. Var (X) = 1/λ^2 = 1/16 = 0.625 minutes (when rounded off to 3 decimal places)

Question 9

The pexp() function is introduced at the bottom of Yakir, 2011, p. 79, and there are some tips
above.  What is the probability that the time interval between customers entering the store will
be less than 15.5 seconds. Be sure to enter values so that everything is in the same unit of
measurement.  Be sure to specify the units of measurement in your answer.  Round your answer
to 3 decimal places: ___________

> pexp(15.5/60,4)

[1] 0.6441811

=0.644 seconds (when rounded off to 3 decimal places)

Question 10
What is the probability that the time interval between customers entering the store will be
between 10.7 seconds and 40.2 seconds (see Yakir (2011, p. 79-80)?________


[1] 0.421445

Question 11

The qexp() function in R allows you to enter a probability, and it will tell you the criterion
value (“cutoff point”) that corresponds to that probability value (e.g., if you enter .05 it
tells you the cutoff point below which 5% of the values in the distribution fall).

What value of x would be the criterion value (cut-off point) for the top 5% of time
intervals (Round to 3 decimal places, and include the units of measurement)? _______

> qexp(0.95,4)

[1] 0.748933112

Question 12

Describe in your own words the meaning of the number that the following R command
produces (you are asked to interpret the resulting number so that we understand what
that number means).

pexp(1.2, rate=3)

> pexp(1.2, rate=3)

[1] 0.9726763
This shows that the probability that a randomly selected value from variable A will be greater
than 9
Question 13

What is the probability that a randomly selected value from variable A will be greater than 9 (see
Yakir, 2011 p. 88-89, 100)?_ 0.2524925

[1] 0.2524925

Question 14

What value of variable A would be the cutoff point (criterion value) for identifying the
lowest 4% of values in variable A (use the qnorm function)? 1.747942


[1] 1.747942

Question 15

What is the probability that a randomly selected value from variable A will be more than
one standard deviation above its mean (there are couple ways to solve this, one way is
to use the standard normal distribution, Yakir, 2011, p. 90-91) ?__________ 0.1586553


[1] 0.1586553

Yakir, B. (2011). Introduction to Statistical Thinking (With R, Without Calculus). Retrieved on

April 19, 2021, from

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