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A Potential Function for Computer

Simulation Studies of Proton Transfer in


Departments of Physics & Chemistry, Universite´ de Montreal,
´ C.P. 6128, succ. Centre-Ville,
Montreal, Quebec H3C 3J7, Canada

Received 28 March 1996; accepted 28 May 1996

A potential energy model is developed to study the intramolecular proton
transfer in the enol form of acetylacetone. It makes use of the empirical valence
bond approach developed by Warshel to combine standard molecular mechanics
potentials for the reactant and product states to reproduce the interconversion
between these two states. Most parameters have been fitted to reproduce the
key features of an ab initio potential surface obtained from 4-31G* Hartree]Fock
calculations. The partial charges have been fitted to reproduce the electrostatic
potential surface of 6-31G* Hartree]Fock wave functions, subject to total charge
and symmetry constraints, using a fitting procedure based on generalized
inverses. The resulting potential energy function reproduces the features most
important for proton transfer simulations, while being several orders of
magnitude faster in evaluation time than ab initio energy calculations. Q 1997
by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

sion of multiple donors and acceptors in a solvent.

Introduction However, most theoretical studies have been based
on simplified model systems 3 ] 5 that do not allow
quantitative comparisons with experimental data.

P roton transfer reactions are important in sev-

eral areas of chemistry and biology and have
therefore been studied intensively.1, 2 Intramolecu-
Nevertheless, various numerical techniques allow-
ing a rigorous treatment of quantum effects in
realistic systems have been developed in recent
lar proton transfer reactions are particularly attrac- years. Quantum statistical calculations based on
tive from a theoretical point of view, because they discretized Feynman path integrals 6, 7 can be ap-
provide a well-defined situation without the com- plied to systems with a considerable number of
plications associated with the translational diffu- degrees of freedom, and dynamical methods such
* Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed. as wavepacket propagation8 can be used on a
E-mail: quantum subsystem coupled to a classical environ-

Journal of Computational Chemistry, Vol. 18, No. 3, 368]380 (1997)

Q 1997 by John Wiley & Sons CCC 0192-8651 / 97 / 030368-13

ment that is treated with classical molecular dy-

namics techniques. To apply such methods to a
realistic model for a real proton transfer system, it
is necessary to have a sufficiently accurate poten-
tial energy surface that can be evaluated in an
acceptable amount of CPU time. It is the aim of
this work to provide such a potential energy sur-
face model for the study of proton transfer in
The most rigorous potential energy surfaces
available today are those obtained from ab initio
calculations based on various levels of FIGURE 1. The minimum energy conformation of
Hartree]Fock MP2, MP3, or density functional acetylacetone.
theory approaches.9, 10 Although such energy sur-
faces have been used to perform classical molecu-
lar dynamics simulations for small systems,11, 12 intend to study solvated systems in the future, we
the evaluation of the energy and the forces for a have chosen acetylacetone for our studies.
given nuclear configuration is much too expensive Our potential energy model consists mostly of
to be used at each time step of a fully or partly
standard bond, angle, and dihedral potentials as
quantum-mechanical simulation, even in the ab-
used in molecular mechanics applications. The
sence of solvent. An important feature of quantum
ability to form and break bonds is introduced by
simulation methods, such as path integration or
combining the reactant and product potentials us-
wavepacket propagation, is that they require the
ing the empirical valence bond ŽEVB. approach
frequency evaluation of the potential energy at
developed by Warshel and coworkers.14 ] 17 We also
many more nuclear configurations than classical
used a Lennard]Jones type potential for the O H
simulations. Semiempirical quantum chemistry
bond to improve the accuracy of the potential
methods are somewhat faster and have been used
energy surface for the transferring proton Žall other
in classical simulations,13 but are still impractical
for a quantum treatment of the nuclei. This leaves bond potentials are harmonic.. All parameters of
the construction of an appropriate potential energy the resulting model are fitted to the results of ab
model function with parameters obtained by some initio energy calculations. In this way, we obtain a
fitting procedure as the only viable option. It potential energy model that reflects the salient
should be pointed out that this approach is not features of the ab initio potential while being hardly
only several orders of magnitude faster than ab more expensive to evaluate than standard molecu-
initio calculations, but might also turn out to be lar mechanics potential terms.
more accurate than a low-level ab initio calcula-
tion, provided that high-level calculations have
been used in parameter fitting. Construction of a Potential Function
The molecule we have chosen for our studies of
intramolecular proton transfer is the enol form of FUNCTIONAL FORM
acetylacetone, whose structure is given in Figure 1.
The proton H a can be bound to either of the two The essential problem with the standard poten-
oxygen atoms and the molecule can undergo inter- tial functions used in classical simulations is that
conversion between these two states. The fact that they do not permit the breakup and formation of
the reactant and product states are mirror images chemical bonds. To obtain a meaningful descrip-
of each other simplifies the construction of a model tion of the potential along the reaction path, we
potential significantly. A more popular molecule used the empirical valence bond ŽEVB. approach,14
in studies of intramolecular proton transfer has which describes the molecule as a coupled two-
been malonaldehyde, which differs from acetylace- state system. The two states correspond to the
tone by the absence of the two methyl groups. reactant and the product state of the proton trans-
However, malonaldehyde is not stable in common fer reaction; in the case of acetylacetone, they are
solvents, whereas acetylacetone is stable in a wide mirror images of each other. For one configuration
range of polar and nonpolar solvents. Since we R s Žr 1 , r 2 ??? . of the molecule, the EVB potential



is defined as the lower eigenvalue of the ‘‘Ham- with

36 E0

U1Ž R . e
r0 s ( kr
ž e U2 Ž R . / Ž1.
Here rmin is the equilibrium bond length, E0 is the
energy at this bond length Žthe energy is zero at
which is given by r s `., and k r is the force constant of an harmonic
approximation to the Lennard]Jones potential
U1 q U2 around r s rmin .
E EVB Ž U1 , U2 , e . s
2 The nonbonded potential is defined by standard
partial charges and Lennard]Jones interactions:
U1 q U2 2

y (ž 2 / y U1U2 q e 2 Ž2.
ECoulomb Ž ri j . s
qi q j e 2
ri j

This leads to a double-well potential where the 12 6

i j. i j.
wells correspond to the reactant and product states 1 R Žmin R Žmin
Žalthough somewhat modified. and the height of
the barrier between them is controlled by the cou-
E LJ Ž ri j . s 2 E0
2 ž / ž /
ri j
ri j
Ž 10.

pling parameter, e , whose value must be found as As usual, the nonbonded potential is not calcu-
part of a fitting procedure. The reactant and prod- lated for nearest and next-to-nearest neighbors
uct potentials, U1 and U2 , consist of standard along a chain of bonds Ž1]2 and 1]3 interactions..
molecular mechanical bond, angle, dihedral, and
nonbonded potentials; we use the functional form
of the CHARMM potential,18 in which the various
contributions are:
The parameters for the model described in the
2 previous section were adjusted to reproduce as
E bond Ž r . s k r Ž r y rmin . Ž3.
well as possible an ab initio potential energy sur-
Eangle Ž u . s ku Ž u y umin . Ž4. face. The following criteria were used in the fitting
Edihedral Ž f . s < kf < y kf cos Ž nf f y fmin . Ž5.

Eimproper Ž v . s k v Ž v y vmin .
Ž6. B ground state geometry;
B electrostatic potential surface around the
Some angles have an additional Urey]Bradley po- molecule;
tential of the form: B vibrational frequencies;
B energy difference between ground and tran-
EUB Ž r . s k UB Ž r y rmin .
Ž7. sition state;
B potential energy surface for the transferring
where r is the distance between the two outer proton with all other atoms fixed in the
atoms. ground and transition states; and
For the H a Oa and H a O b bonds, the an- B energy as a function of distorted ground
harmonic character of the potential surface was state geometry.
significant and it was found necessary to have a
more accurate representation than a simple har- The reference ground state geometry was ob-
monic potential. We used a Lennard]Jones-type tained from an energy minimization on a
potential parameterized as: Hartree]Fock potential energy surface using
Gaussian 90.19 The transition state geometry was
1 r0 12 obtained similarly by minimizing the potential en-
ELJ Ž r . s 2 E0 ž / ergy under constraints imposing C2V symmetry.
2 r q r 0 y rmin The choice of basis sets in Hartree]Fock calcula-
6 tions is always a compromise between accuracy
y and computational effort. We have chosen the
ž r q r 0 y rmin / Ž8.
4-31G* basis set for everything except the evalua-

370 VOL. 18, NO. 3


tion of the electrostatic potential surface; this basis First, we select a set of points, r j Ž j s 1 ??? n., at
set has been used successfully in other studies.20 which the potential, fref Žr j ., is to be evaluated. The
The electrostatic potential energy surface used for points are randomly chosen in a region around the
fitting partial charges was obtained with a 6-31G* molecule in which each point is at least 3 A ˚ away
basis set, whose suitability for such applications from the heavy atoms ŽC and O., but no more than
has been established by Carlson et al.21 5A ˚ from any atom. This covers the solvent-acces-
sible region of the molecule. Within this region,
the points have a uniform distribution. It was
Nonbonded Interactions
found that 1000 points are sufficient to obtain
The first step in the fitting procedure was the convergence to an accuracy of three digits for
determination of the parameters for nonbonded acetylacetone.
interactions. The Lennard]Jones parameters, which Denoting the positions of the nuclei by R i Ž i s
describe mainly intermolecular interactions, were 1 ??? N ., and the partial charges to be determined
taken from parameters for similar molecules in the by qi , we can write the potential of the partial
CHARMM PARAM22 force field.22 The partial charges at the evaluation points as:
charges were determined by fitting to the electro-
static potential surface of the molecule. The refer- fq Žr j . s Ý A ji qi Ž 11.
ence data were obtained from 6-31G* Hartree]Fock i
calculations with Gaussian 90,19 using the ground
and transition state geometries from the 4-31G* with:
The fitting procedure that was used differs sig- 1
A ji s Ž 12.
nificantly from others published previously.23 ] 28 <r j y R i <
The general aim is to find the set of partial charges
which best reproduces the ab initio electrostatic
It should be noted that the rows of A correspond-
potential at a set of points which are thought to be
ing to different j need not refer to the same nu-
representative of the accessible region during an
clear configuration; it is possible to obtain optimal
interaction with another molecule. In early ap-
fits for several conformations by combining them
proaches, a set of points evenly distributed on a
in one fitting problem.
grid located in the accessible volume around the
The aim of the least-squares procedure is to find
molecule has been used.23, 24, 26, 27 Using a grid im-
the values of the charges, qi , that minimize the
plies an arbitrary choice of directions for its axes,
and sometimes the results are strongly dependent
on that choice. A better procedure is to select 2
points on several surfaces that have a fixed dis- x2s Ý f q Ž r j . y fref Ž r j . Ž 13.
tance from the van der Waals molecular surface j

defined by the atomic radii.25, 28 In the present

work, we have used a set of points randomly However, the set of charges must also obey the
distributed in the accessible volume. This proce- imposed constraints, such as fixed total charge,
dure is much simpler, because it does not require fixed total dipole, or equality of certain charges
the construction of the molecular surface, and has due to symmetry. All constraints of interest are
the additional advantage of making it easy to test linear in the charges and can therefore be written
the convergence of the fitted charges by adding in the form:
more points. Furthermore, a scheme based on gen-
eralized matrix inverses was used both for the Ý Bk i q i s c k , k s 1 ??? n c Ž 14.
solution of the least-squares problem and for han- i
dling constraints. This scheme is conceptually
clearer than the more common approach based on where n c is the number of constraints. For exam-
Lagrange multipliers and solution of the normal ple, if constraint k is to define the total charge to
equations, and it also helps in analyzing problem- be zero, all Bk i would be one and c k would be
atic situations where the data points are not suffi- zero. A method for finding the minimum of x 2
cient to determine a set of point charges un- subject to constraints of the form given in eq. Ž14.
ambiguously. This is described in detail in the based on generalized matrix inverses is described
Appendix. in the Appendix.



We have applied this procedure with the fol- e , and all the parameters of the Lennard]Jones
lowing constraints on the charges: potential for the H a Oa bond w see eq. Ž8.x to
obtain good agreement with the ab initio results
B The total charge of the molecule must be for the ground state geometry, the energy differ-
zero. ence between ground and transition state, and the
B The charges of all hydrogens in the two potential energy surface for H a with all other atoms
methyl groups are identical. in their ground state positions. This was the most
time-consuming step of the fitting procedure. The
B The charges in the reactant and product bond lengths and angles from the ground state ab
ground states are the same, i.e., Oa s O b , initio calculations were used as initial values, to-
C M a s C M b, and C a s Cb . gether with a value for e that gave the correct
energy difference to the transition state. Reason-
The last condition is an approximation which able guesses were used for the H a Oa parame-
makes it possible to calculate the electrostatic in- ters. All parameters were then improved in an
teractions of the acetylacetone molecules with other iterative manner, adjusting the geometric parame-
molecules only once outside of the EVB relation ters and e in turns. Initially, least-squares fits
eq. Ž2., because EEVB ŽU1 q Uel , U2 q Uel . s Uel q using a linearization of the potential based on
EEVB ŽU1 , U2 .. To check the effect of imposing the finite-difference approximations were used, but in
constraints, alternative charge values were calcu- the later stages the finite-difference approximation
lated with only the total charge constraint. The became insufficient and the final adjustments had
differences between the two sets of charges were to be made manually.
found to be small; the average absolute difference Because both the ground state and the transition
is 0.026 e, the highest is 0.1e Žfor C b .. To see how state are planar, the force constants for the dihe-
well these charges represent the transition state, a dral angle energy terms have no influence on the
separate fit was performed using the transition two geometries and therefore on the quantities
state geometry. Again the differences to the ground used so far in the fitting procedure. They can be
state charges were found to be small with an obtained independently from ab initio evaluations
average difference of 0.1e and a maximum of 0.3e of the energy of torsional deformation. The energy
Žfor C c .. of several distorted configurations Žobtained from
the ground state geometry by changing individual
dihedral angles. was obtained in 4-31G* approxi-
Internal Energy Terms and Coupling
mation: torsion around the C a C c bond, torsion
around the C c C b bond, and torsion of only the
The next step in the fitting procedure involved methyl groups around these axes. These were used
all parameters that affect the ground state geome- to fit the dihedral energy terms involving the axes
try, i.e., the bond and bond angle parameters C a C c and C c C b and the improper dihedrals
as well as the coupling parameter, e . To simplify around C a and C b .
this process, the H M C M H M angle was ex- The force constants for the dihedral terms re-
cluded. This angle is the only one that occurs in a lated to the out-of-plane motion of the proton H a
nonplanar substructure; adjusting its parame- were again taken from the CHARMM PARAM22
ters would complicate the fitting procedure with- force field.22 The remaining dihedral angle poten-
out leading to a significant improvement, because tial, the one for the dihedral angles describing the
there is no reason to assume that details of the hydrogen atoms in the methyl groups, was ad-
methyl group potential will affect proton transfer. justed to reproduce the lowest vibrational frequen-
The force constant for this angle was taken from cies, corresponding to rotational vibrations of the
the CHARMM PARAM22 force field,22 and its methyl groups, to the extent possible. The refer-
equilibrium angle was taken from the ground state ence frequencies were again obtained from 4-31G*
reference geometry. Hartree]Fock calculations.
The force constants for the remaining bond and
bond angle energy terms were obtained from the
force constant matrix resulting from the ab initio Results and Discussion
calculations for the ground state. The equilibrium
bond length and angle parameters were then ad- The reference geometry of the reactantrproduct
justed together with the EVB coupling parameter, ground state, obtained from an ab initio energy

372 VOL. 18, NO. 3


minimization, is given in Table I, together with the shorter according to the fitted potential energy
minimum-energy geometry of the fitted potential surface. The most important deviation from the
function. The excellent agreement is not surpris- reference geometry is in the Oa O b distance,
ing, given that the ground state geometry was which is too large by 0.1 A.˚ This is a consequence
fitted with a sufficiently large set of free parame- of accumulated small deviations in the angles along
ters. It is more interesting to compare the geome- the ring. The energy difference between ground
tries of the transition state, given in Table II. The state and transition state is 9.44 kcalrmol from
transition state geometry was not used at all in the both the ab initio and the fitted potential energy
fitting procedure, and yet it shows a good agree- surface.
ment. The bond lengths between the heavy atoms An important feature of a potential energy sur-
are reproduced well, and also the angles involving face for quantum-mechanical proton transfer simu-
the proton H a . In addition, the changes in the lations is the shape of the potential energy surface
internal coordinates as the molecule passes from for the proton with the remaining nuclei in fixed
the reactant to the transition state have the correct positions. Due to the significant delocalization of
direction; i.e., the bonds that get shorter according the proton Žthe de Broglie thermal wave length of
to the reference potential energy surface also get a proton is around 0.5 A ˚ at 300 K. this whole
surface is expected to have an important influence
TABLE I. on the behavior of the system. Reproducing the
Ground State Geometry for Ab Initio main features of the whole surface is obviously a
and Fitted Potential. much more difficult task than obtaining a good
Ab initio Model potential ground state geometry. As shown in Figure 2, the
proton energy surface is at least qualitatively cor-
Distance [A rect in the fixed reactant configuration. The posi-
Ha } Oa 0.9645 0.9645 tion and depth of the second higher-energy well
H a } Ob 1.7922 1.7930 are somewhat different, but the energy difference
Ob } Oa 2.6243 2.6251 between the wells is so large that the second well
Oa } Ca 1.3139 1.3139 is not expected to play an important role. The
Ca } Cc 1.3462 1.3462 proton energy surface in the fixed transition state
Cc } Cb 1.4533 1.4535 configuration of the fitted potential is shown in
Cb } Ob 1.2115 1.2115 Figure 3. Again, the main features of the potential
C a } C Ma 1.5020 1.5020
energy surface are well reproduced, although the
C Ma } H M a 1 1.0800 1.0824
C Ma } H M a 2 1.0833 1.0806
fitted potential lacks the shallow double-well char-
C Ma } H M a 3 1.0833 1.0806 acter observed in the ab initio potential. This detail
Cc } Hc 1.0726 1.0725 of the ab initio surface could not be reproduced
C b } C Mb 1.5094 1.5094 exactly with the current potential function. Never-
C Mb } H M b 1 1.0798 1.0819 theless, because the barrier in the ab initio surface
C Mb } H M b 2 1.0852 1.0802 is low Ž1.7 kcalrmol., we do not expect this to be a
C Mb } H M b 3 1.0852 1.0802 serious deficiency. A numerical solution of the
Angle [degrees] ¨
one-dimensional Schrodinger equation for this
Ha } Oa } Ca 108.852 108.850 double-well potential indicates that the ground
Oa } Ca } Cc 123.738 123.742 state wave function has a barely noticeable two-
Ca } Cc } Cb 121.782 121.795
peak structure. Moreover, there is an asymmetric
Cc } Cb } Ob 122.512 122.517
O a } C a } C Ma 113.207 113.218
double well for both the ab initio and the fitted
C c } C a } C Ma 123.056 123.040 potential for all other configurations Žthis is also
C a } C Ma } H Ma 1 109.900 110.444 the case for any small deviations in the neighbor-
C a } C Ma } H Ma 2 110.402 109.148 hood of the transition symmetric state.. Because
C a } C Ma } H Ma 3 110.402 109.148 the occurrence of the perfectly symmetric transi-
Ca } Cc } Hc 119.025 119.017 tion state Ža rather singular configuration. is an
Cb } Cc } Hc 119.193 119.188 extremely rare event, such small detail of the po-
C c } C b } C Mb 117.269 117.269 tential energy surface should not have a strong
O b } C b } C Mb 120.219 120.214 influence on complex dynamical quantities involv-
C b } C Mb } H M b 1 109.690 109.384 ing larger regions of configuration space.
C b } C Mb } H M b 2 110.160 109.170
Figure 4 shows the energy as a function of
C b } C Mb } H M b 3 110.160 109.170
various torsional deformations from the ground



Transition State Geometry for Ab Initio and Fitted Potential.

Ab initio Model potential

Distance [A˚]
H a } Oa, H a } Ob 1.1919 1.2444
Oa } Ob 2.3307 2.4317
Oa } C a, Ob } Cb 1.2594 1.2536
C a } C Ma , C b } C Mb 1.5017 1.5045
Ca } Cc , Cc } Cb 1.3954 1.3886
C M a } H Ma 1 , C M b } H M b 1 1.0802 1.0821
C M a } H Ma 2 , C M b } H M b 2 1.0838 1.0804
C M a } H Ma 3 , C M b } H M b 3 1.0838 1.0804
Cc } Hc 1.0707 1.0726
Angle [degrees]
Oa } H a } Ob 155.741 155.400
H a } Oa } C a, H a } Ob } Cb 103.185 101.763
Oa } C a } Cc , Cc } Cb } Ob 120.540 120.408
Ca } Cc } Cb 116.809 120.256
O a } C a } C M a , O b } C b } C Mb 117.738 117.872
C c } C a } C Ma , C c } C b } C Mb 121.722 121.720
C a } C Ma } H M a 1 , C b } C M b } H M b 1 109.432 109.729
C a } C Ma } H M a 2 , C b } C M b } H M b 2 110.283 109.189
C a } C Ma } H M a 3 , C b } C M b } H M b 3 110.284 109.189
Ca } Cc } Hc , Cb } Cc } Hc 121.596 119.872

FIGURE 2. The potential energy surface for H a in the plane of the heavy atoms, which are in the ground state
configuration. The axes are labeled with the distances (in angstroms) from O a along the principal axes of inertia (same
orientation as for Fig. 1). The energy difference between two contour lines is 2 kcal / mol. (a) Ab initio potential (the
contour plot is generated from 16 by 16 energy values. (b) Fitted model potential (the contour plot is generated from 61
by 71 energy values).

374 VOL. 18, NO. 3


FIGURE 3. The potential energy surface for H a in the plane of the heavy atoms, which are in the transition state
configuration. The axes are labeled with the distances (in angstroms) from the point between O a and O b along and
perpendicular to the O a } O b axis. The energy difference between two contours is 2 kcal / mol. (a) Ab initio potential
(the contour plot is generated from 16 by 17 energy values). (b) Fitted model potential (the contour plot is generated
from 61 by 71 energy values).

FIGURE 4. The energy as a function of torsional deformation from the ground state. The solid lines represent the ab
initio potential, and the dashed lines the fitted model potential. (a) Rotation of H a , O a , C a , and the methyl group around
C Ma around the axis C a } C c . (b) Rotation of O b , C b , and the methyl group around C Mb around the axis C c } C b . (c)
Rotation of the methyl group around C Ma around the axis C a } C c . (d) Rotation of the methyl group around C Mb around
the axis C c } C b .




Ten Lowest Vibrational Frequencies Force Constants for Bonds [see Eq. (3)].
per Centimeter.
Ab initio Model potential Bond rmin ˚]
[A ˚2 ]
[kcal / mol A

93.0103 88.62 Oa } Ca 1.3413 612.0

122.2650 124.68 Ca } Cc 1.3639 730.1
160.3442 136.21 Cc } Cb 1.4805 429.3
199.3143 169.58 Cb } Ob 1.2146 1015.7
239.9272 287.55 C Ma } C a 1.5363 386.5
390.0118 321.70 C b } C Mb 1.5466 358.6
417.6479 449.05 Cc } Hc 1.08165 450.6
534.9204 471.93 CM } HM 1.0850 424.0
602.2793 499.37
696.7507 595.64
˚ and k r s 1000 kcalrmol A
0.89135 A, ˚2 ; these val-
ues produce the best possible agreement of the
state. It is evident that the fit is very good for the proton potential energy surface ŽFigures 2b and
range of angles that can be expected to occur 3b..
under the influence of thermal fluctuations. Fi- It should be noted that our use of the EVB
nally, the first ten vibrational frequencies are com- method differs from previous applications.14, 15 In
pared in Table III. Because only one parameter was these applications, the energy surfaces for the
left to adjust the low-frequency vibrations, one ‘‘pure’’ states are given as inputs; e.g., they were
would not expect a very good agreement, but obtained from semiempirical or ab initio calcula-
differences are nevertheless not very large. tions, and the EVB method then provides a kind
The potential parameters are listed in Tables of interpolation to produce an energy surface
IV]VII. Table IV gives the Lennard]Jones parame- that allows reactions. The off-diagonal elements
ters, which are taken from the CHARMM in eq. Ž1. are either also known or obtained via
PARAM22 force field,22 and the partial charges some approximation as a function of the diagonal
obtained from fitting to the ab initio electrostatic elements. Therefore, they are, in general, config-
potential for the ground state geometry. The pa- uration-dependent. In the present case, the
rameters for the bonded interactions are given in EVB method is used to obtain a model that allows
Tables V Žbond., VI Žbond angle., and VII Ždi- bond breaking and formation from a model that
hedral angle.. does not. No information about the off-diagonal
The fitted value for the coupling parameter e is coupling is available. Because the model already
101.33 kcalrmol. The parameters for the H a Oa
bond w see eq. Ž8.x are E0 s 500 kcalrmol, rmin s
Force Constants for Angles [see Eq. (4)].
Lennard – Jones Parameters and Partial Charges umin ku
[see Eqs. (9) and (10)].a Angle [degrees] [kcal / mol]

Atom q [e] E 0 [kcal / mol] ˚]

Rmin / 2 [A Ha } Oa } Ca 115.93 88.3
Oa } Ca } Cc 122.95 142.9
Ca 0.825 y0.07 1.9924 Ca } Cc } Cb 119.62 177.2
Cc y0.930 y0.07 1.9924 Cc } Cb } Ob 120.59 140.0
Cb 0.825 y0.07 1.9924 C Ma } C a } O a 112.29 79.0
Oa y0.615 y0.1521 1.77 C Ma } C a } C c 124.76 75.6
Ob y0.615 y0.1521 1.77 C Mb } C b } O b 119.48 98.2
Ha 0.443 y0.046 0.2245 C Mb } C b } C c 119.93 59.8
Hc 0.245 y0.03 1.3582 Hc } Cc } Ca 120.04 41.8
CM y0.602 y0.08 2.06 Hc } Cc } Cb 120.34 48.3
HM 0.171 y0.022 1.32 HM } CM } HM 108.80 35.5
H M } C Ma } C a 111.00 49.7
The Lennard ] Jones parameters are taken from the H M } C Mb } C b 111.0 46.0
CHARMM PARAM22 force field 2 2 for equivalent atoms.

376 VOL. 18, NO. 3


TABLE VII. therefore essential to parameterize the model, in-

Force Constants for Dihedral Angles and Improper cluding the value of e , very carefully.
Dihedral Angles [see Eqs. (5) and (6)]. The choice of the EVB approach to model bond
fmin , vmin kf , kv formation leads to the symmetry restriction on the
Dihedral [degrees] [kcal / mol] nf charges for practical reasons, as discussed in the
‘‘Nonbonded Interactions’’ subsection. However,
H a } Oa } Ca } Cc 180 3.0 2 this restriction is equivalent to the condition that
Oa } Ca } Cc } Cb 180 10.0 2 the partial charges in the final potential energy
C a } Cc } Cb } Ob 180 1.0 2 surface be independent of the position of the nu-
CM } Ca } Cc } Cb 180 2.0 2 clei, which is a condition that is almost always
Ca } Cc } Cb } CM 180 5.5 2 imposed on partial charges in empirical force fields.
H a } Oa } Ca } CM 180 1.0 2
Moreover, we have shown that its effect on the
Oa } Ca } Cc } Hc 180 5.5 2
resulting charges is small.
Ob } Cb } Cc } H c 180 1.5 2
CM } Ca } Cc } Hc 180 5.5 2
CM } Cb } Cc } Hc 180 1.5 2
HM } CM } Ca } O 180 0.1 3 Summary
HM } CM } Cb } O 180 0.1 3
Ca } Hc } Cb } Cc 0 10.0 0
We have developed a potential function for an
Cb } Hc } Ca } Cc 0 10.0 0
O a } C Ma } C c } C a 0 90.0 0
atomic model of acetylacetone that is detailed
O b } C Mb } C c } C b 0 90.0 0 enough to allow realistic proton transfer studies,
yet simple enough to be evaluated rapidly, in
contrast to ab initio potentials. The model is based
on the EVB method14 and standard molecular me-
contains many fit parameters, the simplest work-
chanics harmonic potentials for bonds, angles, and
ing approximation for the off-diagonal element
dihedrals, plus a Lennard]Jones potential for the
was chosen. As our results show, a good fit can be
H a Oa bond. The parameters were adjusted to
obtained with this choice, and therefore, more
match as closely as possible the main features
complicated options were not investigated. Fitted Žgeometry, energy barrier, energy surface for the
parameters in an EVB potential have been used
proton. of a 4-31G* ab initio potential and the
before in the context of free energy barrier calcula-
electrostatic potential of a 6-31G* Hartree]Fock
wave function.
As one would naively expect, the structural
We have used our potential function in a dis-
properties of the minimum-energy configuration
cretized Feynman path integral calculation of the
obtained with the full EVB potential energy sur-
potential of mean force and rate constant for the
face resembles the one found with the ‘‘pure’’
proton transfer in the gas phase and in various
state potential, U1; the bond lengths differ by about
solvents; the results will be published elsewhere.
3% and the angles by up to 5%. However, despite
Another promising area of application that we are
such small structural differences, the product and
working on is the use of wavepacket propagation
reactant EVB states differ significantly from the
techniques to study the real-time dynamics of pro-
‘‘pure’’ states described by the surfaces U1 and U2
ton transfer. We hope that our work will encour-
w see eq. Ž2.x . This is an immediate consequence of
age others to apply advanced numerical tech-
the strong coupling between the two pure states
niques to our realistic model potentials, and to
due to the off-diagonal element, e . It follows that
develop similar potential functions for other
the properties of the EVB potential, such as the
vibrational frequencies, cannot be readily deduced
from those of the pure states. Of particular impor-
tance, the potential energy surface seen by the
transferring proton Žwhich is most directly depen- Appendix: Charge Fitting with
dent on the Oa O b distance. is substantially af- Generalized Inverses
fected by the coupling between the two pure states.
The energy difference, D E, between ground and In this appendix we show how the charges that
transition state depends strongly on the value of e ; minimize eq. Ž13., subject to the constraints given
its derivative is given by ­ D Er­e s y0.74. To in eq. Ž14., can be obtained in the form of an
obtain a meaningful potential energy surface it is explicit expression. This expression can be evalu-



ated accurately and noniteratively, and the evalua- The general least-squares solution of eq. Ž21. is
tion procedure can help to locate problematic situ- given by: 30
ations where the charges cannot be determined
unambiguously, and even give hints about how to q9 s A9q p9 q Ž 1 y A9q A9 . x Ž 23.
improve the fit by adding more data points.
for an arbitrary vector x; the error of the solution is
For brevity, we write eq. Ž11. in the form:
the same for all x. We obtain the solution with
minimal length for x s 0; the reason for choosing
Aq s p q Ž 15.
the minimal-length solution will be explained in
what follows. Having found q9, we insert it into
w the ith element of p q contains f q Žr i .x and eq. Ž14.
eq. Ž18. to get the original charges q. It should be
noted that the general inverses must be calculated
Bq s c Ž 16. with a numerically stable method, such as singular
value decomposition ŽSVD..
We denote the vector containing the values of the The majority of previously published charge
reference potential by p ref . fitting methods 24 ] 28 differ from our scheme on
Equation Ž14. is an underdetermined system of two points: Ž1. they use Lagrange multipliers to
linear equations for the partial charges q. It has a take constraints into account instead of eliminating
solution if and only if: them as we do in eq. Ž18.; and Ž2. they obtain the
least-squares fit for the charges by solving the
BBq c s c Ž 17. normal equations. The second difference is the
more important one, and to illustrate the advan-
where Bq is the generalized inverse of the matrix tage of our approach we will for now assume that
B.30 If this condition is fulfilled, the general solu- no constraints are present; i.e., that the fitting
tion is given by: problem is given by finding the least-squares solu-
tion of the linear equations Aq s p ref .
q s Bq c q Ž 1 y Bq B . q9 Ž 18. The method described above gives the solution:

for an arbitrary vector, q9; otherwise, the con- q s Aq p ref q Ž 1 y Aq A. x Ž 24.

straints are incompatible and there is no solution.
By inserting eq. Ž18. into eq. Ž13., we obtain a new for arbitrary x. The normal equations for this prob-
least-squares problem for q9: lem are:

ATAq s AT p ref Ž 25.

<ABq c q APq9 y p ref < 2 s min Ž 19.
and they can easily be derived by setting the
with derivative of the least-squares condition with re-
P s 1 y Bq B Ž 20. spect to q equal to zero. Their solution is:
This is equivalent to finding the ‘‘best’’ solution q s Ž ATA . AT p ref Ž 26.
Žin the least-squares sense. of the system of linear
equations: The relation between the two approaches can be
seen from a well-known formula for the general-
A9q9 s p9 Ž 21. ized inverse:
with: Aqs Ž ATA . AT Ž 27.

A9 s AP, p9 s p ref y ABq c Ž 22. which, however, is valid only if the matrix A has
full column rank. Under that condition, Ž1 y Aq A.
This system of equations is at the same time is zero, such that the arbitrary vector x in our
overdetermined Žthere are more equations than solution does not contribute. But in many situa-
unknowns. and underdetermined Žthe column rank tions this condition is not or not well enough
of the matrix A9 is smaller than the number of fulfilled, which can cause problems in the tradi-
unknowns, since the matrix P is in general singu- tional charge fitting schemes. Although it is rare to
lar.; i.e., there is no exact solution and the least- have a matrix A that is strictly rank-deficient, it
squares solution is not unique. happens frequently that the columns of A are

378 VOL. 18, NO. 3


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D. T. Nguyen, T. Ngo, B. Prodhom, B. Roux, B. Schlenkrich,
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