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Why go Fine Free

Our mission is to provide access to information, ideas, and cultural opportunities essential to a literate
and educated society and to provide a welcoming environment where people can seek out and explore
all library resources without barriers.

The reason to go fine free is stated in our mission statement, “to provide access… without barriers.”
Fines act as a barrier. This barrier prevents people from checking books out and makes some residents
feel unwelcome and embarrassed. By eliminating fines on at least some of our materials, it encourages
more residents to visit the library and will increase circulation. This will lead to better relations with the
public and the ability to serve more people

Going Fine Free at WPLD

• 6-week implementation time-frame (The earliest date for fine free would be Dec 6, 2021 if the
board approves the move to fine free tonight.)
• Decisions to be made:
o Patron type – Do we only want children fine free or all patrons?
o Materials - We need to decide which materials are fine free. (See Operating Policy #2
and Equipment Policy for details about current fines)
▪ Print material (books, audiobooks, magazines, everything currently set to $0.10
▪ AV material (videogames, movies, music)
▪ Electronics/Equipment (Hotspots, Nooks, Chromebooks, Launch Pads)
o Patrons with current fines –
▪ Do we forgive fines and leave bills for damage and lost items?
▪ Do we forgive only children’s accounts?
• Overdue Notice timeframe is accelerated and UMS Collection Agency will need to be contacted
to adjust collection timeframe.
o Currently Notices go out about every week beginning at 7 days overdue. (Patrons who
receive text or email notices will receive a courtesy notice stating that an item will be
due in 3 days.) At 44 days overdue the item is considered LOST and the patron is billed
for the item. The patron is sent to collections at this point.
o Fine Free Libraries still send out notices every week beginning at 7 days overdue.
However, at 21 days overdue the item is considered to be LOST and the patron is billed
for the item and sent to collections.
• Staff training and education
• Patron education materials created and shared.

Fine Free Proposal:

Submitted by Lisa Butler for approval at 10/18/2021 board meeting

Who: All Wilmington Public Library Patrons

When: January 1, 2022 “We all need a Do Over!”


Proposal 1:

• Books, magazines, and audiobooks: no fines

• DVD’s, CD’s, video games, and guitars $0.50 per day
• Mobile Hot Spot, Chromebooks, Nooks, and Launchpad Tablet: $2.00 per day
• Rental Hot Spot: $5.00 per day
• Maximum fill will remain at $10

Proposal 2:

• Books, magazines, audiobooks, and CD’s (music): no fines

• DVD’s and video games $0.10 per day
• Guitars $0.50 per day
• Mobile Hot Spot, Chromebooks, Nooks, and Launchpad Tablet: $2.00 per day
• Rental Hot Spot: $5.00 per day
• Maximum fine will remain at $10


Week 1 (October 19-25, 2021):

• Contact PrairieCat and set-up implementation.

Week 2 (October 26-31, 2021):

• Continue working with PrairieCat on implementation

• Begin staff training
• Create flyers and patron education materials.

Week 3 (November 1-7, 2021):

• Continue working with PrairieCat on implementation

• Continue staff training
• Start Patron advertisement and education campaign.

Weeks 4-6 (November 8-30, 2021):

• Finalize implementation with PrairieCat and the “Go Live” date

• Alert UMS to the change and “Go Live” date
• Ramp up patron education campaign about going fine free.
• Purge old fines per board’s approval

One month before fine free (December 2021)

Submitted by Lisa Butler for approval at 10/18/2021 board meeting

• Transition to a “trial period” as part of the patron education campaign

“Go Live” date: January 1, 2022

Submitted by Lisa Butler for approval at 10/18/2021 board meeting

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