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Modal verbs

The modal verbs include can, must, may, might, will, would, should.
They are used with other verbs to express ability, obligation, possibility,
and so on. Below is a list showing the most useful modals and their most
common meanings:

Modal Meaning
Example can to express ability I
can speak a little Russian. can to request permission
Can I open the window? may to express possibility I may
be home late. may to request permission May I sit down,
please? must to express obligation I must go now. must. to
express strong S he must be over 90 years old.
belief should to give advice You should stop
smoking. would to request or offer Would you like a
cup of tea? would, in if-sentences If I were you, I would

Modal verbs are unlike other verbs. They do not change their form
(spelling) and they have no infinitive or participle (past/present). The
modals must and can need substitute verbs to express obligation
or ability in the different tenses. Here are some examples:

Past simple
perfect Future
Sorry I'm late. I had to finish my math test.
She's had to return to Korea at short

Infinitive Past
You'll have to work hard if you want to pass
the exams. I don't want to have to go. I
couldn't/wasn't able to walk until I was 3 years
old. I haven't been able to solve this problem.
Can you help? I'm not sure if I will be able to come to
your party. I would love to be able to play the


Modals are auxiliary verbs. They do not need an additional auxiliary

in negatives or questions. For example: Must I come? (Do I must
come?), or: He shouldn't smoke (He doesn't should smoke).
Date: _
Short Grammar Test
Modals Te
A. Complete the chart with the correct uses of the modal
verbs and the correct past tense forms.

Past Tense
Present Tense Must / Have to Can't / Mustn't
Can Be able to Don't have to



B. Choose the correct modal verb to complete the sentence. Make

sure to put the verb in the correct tense (PAST or PRESENT).


1) She
finish the essay yesterday because her teacher asked her to
do so. 2) You
come back in the afternoon. All classes have been cancelled. 3) You
take a break! You've been studying too long.
__ you speak Spanish when you were 8? 5) You
tip a taxi driver, it's optional. 6) My brother David is very talented.
hold his breath for 3 minutes. It's amazing! 7) The teacher yelled at
me yesterday. She said, "Sally! You
_do all of your homework or you will fail this semester of school!" 8)
be late for the exam tomorrow! It's very important for your educational
future. 9) "Phoebe, you
accompany me to the party yesterday. I know you don't like social
gatherings, but it was very nice that you decided to go." 10) Peter
ride a bike when he was only 3 years old. 11) We
play video games after school for more than an hour when I was a child.
My mother always thought that it could made us intellectually
stupider. 12) My father told me that I
go to the movie theatre with you tomorrow night.

C. Circle the correct modal verb that means the same as the first

1. We are forbidden to leave our car here,

We don't have to / mustn't leave our car here. 2. I recommend this

book to you. It's fantastic.
You have to /can read this book. It's amazing! 3. I was very good at art when I
was younger.
I could / had to paint very well when I was little. 4. Diving isn't possible in the
pool. It's too shallow.
You mustn't/ aren't able to dive in the pool. 5. It's not necessary to come
to work tomorrow but you
can come for overtime if you want. You don't have to / mustn't come to
work tomorrow but we'll pay you overtime if you want. Is it OK if I turn on
the television? Can/Must I turn on the television?
Choose the most appropriate modal.
1. My son .................. be home by now. Where can he be?
a. have to b. would should d. could 2. I think your thumb is
broken. You ................... go to the emergency room.
a. might b. could c. ought to d. can 3. If you are interested in
losing weight, you ................. try this new diet. a. could
b. mustn't c. had to d. have got to 4. Johnnie's fallen down the stairs!
............... I call an ambulance? a. Should b. Can
C. May d . Ought 5.
You ............... come too early. We
won't leave until nine o'clock.
a. has to b. must c. needn't d. can't 6. The train was badly damaged in the crash,
but the passengers .........
get out through a broken window. a. can b. had to
c. ought to d. were able to

®) Spot the Error X: Can you correct the mistakes?

1. He must to be there by six o'clock.

2. Do you like to go out tonight?

3. You don't have to park here. It's forbidden.
4. You should talked to him. He's very upset.
5. He can be able to speak three languages..

6. I had like some coffee, please.


7. Children ................ be accompanied by an adult at the zoo. a.

ought b. must c. would
d. mustn't
8. You ................. talk during tests. It's forbidden.
a. don't have to b. mustn't c. couldn't d. ought to 9. I can feel the heat. We
.................. be near the fire. a. can b. would c. must
d. have to
10. They ................. hear him because he was whispering.
a. wouldn't b. mustn't c. shouldn't d. couldn't 11: You've never heard of the
Beatles! You .................. be serious! a. must b. had to c. can't
d. shouldn't
12. .................. you like to have dinner with me tonight? a.
Could b. May
c. Should d. Would 13. You .................. let him hear about the
party tomorrow. It's a surprise!
a. mustn't b. wouldn't c. couldn't d. can't 14. ................. speak to the
Chief of Police, please? a. Must b. May!
c. Would I. d. Am I able to 15. I crashed into a wall, but luckily I
.................. force open the car door and
escape. a. would be able to b. could
c. had to
d. was able to
7. You ought see a doctor.

8. Did you can finish your work last night?

9. Shall you go out tonight?

10. Will you like some coffee?

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