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1. CHALACHEW MULUGETA…………………………………………………………GUR/03376/11

2. CHERINET BISETEGN………………………………………………………………..GUR/03326/11

3. EDLAWIT NARDOS……………………………………………………………………GUR/03581/11

4. FITSUM ASSEFA……………………………………………………………………….GUR/05518/12

5. GETAWA ANTEALEK…………………………………………………………………GUR/03458/11



Abstract: Changes in the hydrological process caused by urbanization lead to frequent flooding in
Cities. For fast-growing urban areas, the impact of urbanization on the hydrological process needs
to be systematically analyzed our study indicates that the rain island effect in different districts of
city became stronger with the increase of its built-up.

The uneven land use resulted in the difference of runoff process. The flood peak lag was 25–30%
earlier with the change of land use. The change of flood peak increased by 10–30% with the change
of built-up. The runoff coefficient increases by 20–35% with the increase of built-up, and its change
increased with the change of land use. Affected by the rain island effect, precipitation tends to
occur in areas where built-up is dominant, which overall magnifies the impact of urbanization on
the hydrological process. This provides new ideas for urban flood control. Refine flood control
standards according to regional land use changes to cope with the hydrological process after

Significant changes have taken place in the urban hydrological process such as the increase of peak
and the reduction of water degeneration and the increase of surface run off . The causes of urban
hydrological process change mainly focus on two aspects. One is the impact of climate change. The
mechanism of the impact of climate change on hydrological processes is relatively clear .Many
studies have shown that climate change altered regional hydrological conditions and cities
amplified the hydrological changes of natural water sheds. Another is the impact of urbanization.
Land use changes related to urbanization change rainfall-runoff generation processes in complex
ways. In the process of urban development, urban resources (population, impermeable surface,
building density, green space, etc.) are disproportionately distributed within urban areas. Hence,
the rainfall-runoff relationship become more complex and highly non-linear depending on changing

rainfall time-space distribution and land use found that the impact of land use change on runoff
process is increasing with urbanization, so it is of great significance to analyze the impact of land
use change on runoff process in combination with the characteristics of the urbanization process,
which is helpful to cope with the changes of the hydrological process after urbanization and
improve the city’s flood control ability and protect urban security.

Urban expansion changes the natural underlying surface condition .which affects the catchment
characteristics. The expansion of built-up areas disturbs the original vegetation cover, reducing the
amount of penetrations and increasing the amount of runoff. Based on this many studies took

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impervious surface as the main index to analyze the impact of land use change on hydrological
process, and found that combinations of impervious surface and spatial rainfall patterns enhance
hydrological responses . However, the relationship between rainfall-runoff is highly non-linear and
complex. The use of impervious surface to analyze the impact of land use change on runoff process
has limitations. Further research is needed on the impact of land use changes on runoff processes
caused by urbanization. Assessed the relative influence and marginal effects factors affecting direct
runoff using boosted regression trees, and the results showed that the runoff had the strongest
correlation with rainfall, followed by impervious surface, normalized difference vegetation index,
antecedent 5-day rainfall. Infiltration, evaporation, and basal flow are the most sensitive to land
use, while soil water is the least. The above studies show that urbanization affects the distribution
of temporal characteristics of rainfall and hydrological processes. However, there is limited
understanding of rainfall and runoff sensitivity to the rapidly development of urban.

Gondar is an ideal research area to study the effects of urbanization on hydrological processes. On
the one hand, compared with other rapidly developing cities, Gondar has a network of rain stations
and hydrological stations established earlier, which is convenient to obtain rainfall data and
hydrological data. On the other hand, the urbanization of Gondar is typical. In recent years, driven
by a series of development policies, such as reform and opening-up and the construction of the
Central Plains urban agglomeration, Gondar is in the process of rapid urbanization, with a rapidly
expanding urban area and obvious imbalance of development among regions.

As a result the impact of urbanization on the hydrological process is increasingly obvious, and many
researches are concentrated here based on the Landsat remote sensing images to extract the land

Gondar urbanization area led to the decline of the capacity of the water system through analyzing
the changes of Gondar water system structure and the capacity of the water system structure with
river length, water area, river network density, water surface ratio, water system connectivity,
storage capacity, adjustable storage capacity, unit storage, capacity per unit area, and adjustable
storage capacity per unit area. It is necessary to adopt low-impact development (LID) to meet
Gondar requirements for urban rainfall and waterlogging.

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2. Statement of problem

In nature, the problems associated with excess storm water are diverse and extremely
Floods inundate built up property, endanger lives and prolonged high flood stages that
delay highway traffic and cause damage to bridge abutment and other structure (Dirk,
2001). The problem related to flood is crucial and important and therefore runoff routing
based on the urbanization is necessary to prevent and predict damage.
There are many environmental problems in Addis Ababa. However it seems that their
nuisances are not perceived in same way. The city of Gondar contains riparian areas in flood
prone areas.
The riparian areas in the city are the catchments area of the angerve river, the shenta river
system, the west shenta river system and the Big shenta river system.
The city has suffered from serious flood damages especially in the years 1978, 1994 and
1995 which caused serious social disturbances such as loss of human lives and houses,
damages to various infrastructures, and paralysis of socio-economic.
There is a link between the increasing severity of flood and deforestation and the wide
spread urbanization of lower banks . In addition to this the flood problem could be due to
the limited number of inlet along the street and these inlets are clogged, clogging due to the
solid waste disposal illegally .
The flooding problem affects the whole of gondar drainage network. 8000 people are
directly affected by the damage, this report also claims that there are potential risk,
increased by urban growth in several parts of the town.
As mentioned above the 10 gondar site reaches 2800m at its peak in the northern part of
the town and lower south wards on steep slopes to the shenta plateau which reaches
The steep slopes in this area could favor the speed and so increase the power of the flow,
in the case of floods lower down. Owing to this situation and the lack of flood control
projects in the city, the results of this study will be a good direction for the city
administration of Gondar to tackle the flooding problems and its effect on environment

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The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of land use changes
due to urbanization on flood generation at various locations in Gondar water
shed using HEC-HMS rainfall runoff modeling for a design storm with
duration of 24 hours IDF Curve and return periods ranging from 5 to100

Specific Objective

1. Use of HEC_HMS to calculate the flow values corresponding to different amount

of rainfall in given area for different land use periods.
2. To recommend an estimate of peak discharges return period design storm at
various locations along the Gondar city to aid in the design of the passive treatment
3. To see the flood volume trend at the, reaches, sub basins and at the outlet of the
study area for each land use periods by comparing the changes in the agricultural
area with that of changes in the urban area.
4. To define the river and catchments characteristic.
5. To show the flow volume whether it is due to urbanization or other factors.
6. To recommend the problem of the flooding in the city to the municipality so that
the administration of the city can give a great attention reducing the cause of

4 .Methodological to over com the problem

This section deals with the descriptions of methodologies and procedures
developed to accomplish the objective of the thesis. It is followed by "GIS, HEC- HMS,
HECGEOHMS and ARC-HYDRO application" including land use digitizing of different periods,
DEM processing.
Firstly, two main data types required as input includes DEM and IDF curve. Other
input data such as soil, land cover, land use changes due to development depending on the
model approach and physical characteristics of the watershed including lengths and slopes,
drainage pattern of the study area, was made at the beginning of the study.
In addition to this some of the flood prone areas, illegal waste disposal areas, illegal
housing along the river banks and inside the forest area, forest density and soil erosion due to
the deforestation was also investigated.

After having data, the activity was carried out for the 5 periods of the land use
starting from 1975 to the current land use and including the future land use (2020 year). The

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main output from each period is discharge volume at the out let of the catchments. Since the
procedure and methodology as well as some of their results are the same for all the land use
periods, in this chapter the current land use period was used as an example.

. Procedures

• Urban Land use digitizing using Arc GIS

• Terrain preprocessing using DEM, ARC-GIS and Arc-Hydro tool for preparation of
spatial hydrographic features to be used as an input for HECGeo-HMS.

• HEC-Geo-HMS data processing for Water shed delineation and for generation of Basin
Model file and importing it in to HEC-HMS.

• Curve Number (CN) Grid generation using land use and soil data of the study area.

• Estimating of Imperviousness for each sub basins of the urban Area

• Generating peak flow, time to peak, volume of discharge and the runoff hydrographs
on the study area using HEC-HMS Hydrological Model by employing storm precipitation
depth of the Study area.

• Identifying the hot spots where flood is frequently occurring in the junctions of the
sub basins.

. Methodology

. Land Use Digitizing The land uses of the city for each period (before 1975, 1975-1985, 1985-
1995, 1995-2006 (current land use) and 2006-2020 (future land use) which were obtained from the
Addis Ababa Municipality were gee referenced using GIS to the coordinate system of the study area
(WGS84, projection: UTM, Zone 37N). Each land use type for each year was digitized using Arc GIS
(Figure 3.1) to calculate the area of each land use type and to prepare for merging with soil data

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and land cover of the Gondar cit

o Meteorological Data The design rainfall depths for 24-hour events were used for this
o The input for the metrological model was the IDF curve which is developed for the
study area.

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 The IDF curve has been created using extreme rain fall data for northern
Ethiopia including Gondar
o asummarized the design rainfall depth for different flood return period the plotted
data points and the logarithmic curve.
o There is only one stream flow gagging station in the study area which was gauged
near shenta town on Gondar Humera road since 1981.
o Unfortunately there are no hourly discharge data available in this station, which can
be used for calibration on urban study Dueto this lack of hourly flow data distributed
across the watershed, it was concluded the HEC-HMS model could not be properly
calibrated using historical data.
 DEM (Digital Elevation Model) The DEM 90 of Ethiopia that is used to asses
several potential catchments using SRTM was obtained from Ministry of
water resource.
 The DEM was processed according to the location of the study area. The full
process of the DEM is described in the methodology part.
 Soil, Land Cover and Land use Data The land uses of the city for each period
(before 1975, 1975-1985, 1985-1995, 1995-2006 (current land use) and
2006-2020 (future land use) were collected from the gondar Administration.
o Those land uses were geo-referenced using GIS to the coordinate system of the
study area
o And finally they were digitized based on the land use classification which is already
identified by the Municipality.The Soil and Land Use data for the entire watershed
were obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture (ETHIO-GIS) Hydrological soil group
of Ethiopia.

6.Conclusion and recommendation

As described above in this chapter the peak flows and the flood volumes was
predicted using the HEC HMS methods and the results will be presented as 5
sections - The results for the period before 1975, 1975-1985, 1985- 1995,
1995-2006 (current land use) and 2006-2020 (future time).
These periods have been selected for this study due to some historical
events as described in the literature review. The various methods used in the
HEC-HMS program were the 24-hour rainfall distribution for various return
periods (5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 years), dimensionless SCS UH as the transfer
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function, curve number method to estimate the sub-basin losses due to
abstraction, the Muskingum method for the reach routing.
Using trial and error for the values of k and x for input to the Muskingum
routing method, the HEC-HMS program was run for all the return periods,
HEC-HMS is a highly graphical user interface model; and it requires the
construction ·of three model components that are required for ·a run: Basin
Model, Meteorological Model, and Control Specification Model.
HEC-HMS Model simulation was made for one day with a time interval of 5
minutes (which is less than 0.29*the smallest Lag Time) for floods of 5,
10,25,50,and 100 year return period, and the peak flows, times to peak, and
volumes of flow/runoff hydrograph at the various outlets of the watershed
were obtained. Using the HEC-HMS program, the peak flows, runoff
hydrograph, and volumes of flow at the various outlets, reaches and sub
basins were predicted with the 67 time of concentration estimated from the
SCS lag formula, and for the various return periods , for the given land use
A figure illustrating the hydrographs at the outlet of the whole study area,
reach and sub basin for 5 and 100 year return periods is presented .The
results and discussion below will focus on comparison of the results for the
return period of 5 and 100 year of all land use periods at the main outlet of
the study area and at the main rivers which are historically flooded areas.
As described above the HEC-HMS models developed for all of the study area
is for watersheds with no available hourly gauging information. Because of
this, most of the hydrologic models presented are not calibrated and are
only estimates.

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from gonder history in book

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