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____/ 100
Student’s full name: ……………………….…………………..….. Score:
Teacher: Mg. Elmer Rene Merino Cueva Date: ……..….. Class: Basic VII Tempo: 90’

1 Track 5 Listen and tick (✓) the sentence you hear.
1 a You can sleep at the airport. 2a
b You can’t sleep at the airport. ✓ 3a
2 a You can see the airport from my house. 4b
b You can’t see the airport from my house. 5b
3 a You can get to the airport by bus. 6a
b You can’t get to the airport by bus.
4 a You can smoke in the terminal building.
b You can’t smoke in the terminal building.
5 a You can book your ticket online.
b You can’t book your ticket online.
6 a You can walk from terminal 1 to terminal 2.
b You can’t walk from terminal 1 to terminal 2.


2 Track 6 Listen and mark the linked sounds.

2 There are some
1 There’s an apple.
2 There are some bananas.
3 There aren’t any
3 There aren’t any biscuits.
4 There’s some olive oil.
4 There’s some olive oil.
5 There isn’t any water.
5 There isn’t any water.
6 There’s an egg.
6 There’s an egg.

Language focus
3 Complete the sentences with can or can’t.
You can use my bicycle if you want. 1 can’t
1 I’m sorry, but you eat or drink on public transport. 2 can
2 Yes, of course I speak English! 3 Can
3 you fly direct to Moscow from Beijing? 4 can’t
4 Lucy drive a car because she’s only 15 years old. 5 can
5 There are three trams you take to the airport.

4 Choose the correct answer, a, b or c.
Emily is teacher.
aa b the c–
1 We live in city centre.
aa b the c– 1b
2 What do you usually do on Saturday evenings? 2c
aa b the c– 3a
3 Dan’s got fantastic camera. 5c
aa b the c–
4 Alena comes from Czech Republic.
5 William goes to work by car.
aa b the c–


5 Complete the sentences with there is / there are, there isn’t / there aren’t or
is there / are there.
There are some bananas on the table.
1 any trams in the city centre? 1 Are there
2 any vegetarian food on the menu. 2 There isn’t
3 any bread? 3 Is there
4 any buses on Sundays. 4 There aren’t
5 a lively atmosphere in the restaurant. 5 There is / There’s


6 Choose the correct answers.

How much / many sisters have you got? 1 much
1 How much / many do those grapes cost? 2 many
2 How much / many languages can you speak? 3 many
3 How much / many students are in your class? 4 much
4 How much / many fruit do you eat every day? 5 much
5 How much / many money have you got in your wallet?

1 motorbike
7 Add letters to complete the types of transport.
2 plane
fe r ry
3 train
1m b e
4 scooter
2p e
5 tram
3t n
6 car
4s t r
7 bus
5t m
8 ship
6c r
9 taxi
7b s
10 bicycle
8s p
9t i
10 b e


8 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

delayed gate online luggage destination boarding
1 luggage
Our flight is delayed because of bad weather. 2 online
1 Your is really heavy. What have you got with you? 3 boarding
2 I always book my ticket because it’s very easy. 4 gate
3 You can’t get on the plane without your pass. 5 destination
4 The number for our flight is B1.
5 Bali is a fantastic holiday .


9 Write the words in the box in the correct column.

apple bread sandwich fruit salad egg water biscuit grape orange juice
cheese tomato

Countable Uncountable Countable: sandwich, egg,

apple bread biscuit, grape, tomato
Uncountable: fruit, salad, water,
orange juice, cheese

10 Match words 1–6 with words a–f to make word pairs.
1 food and f
2 herbs and
3 bread and 2e
4 sweet and 3a
5 fruit and 4c
6 knife and 5b
a butter
b vegetables
c sour
d fork
e spices
f drink


Functional language
11 Who says each sentence? Write S (Server) or C (Customer).
Hello, I’d like a coffee, please. C 1S
1 Anything else? 2C
2 Can I have one of those, please? 3S
3 Eat in or takeaway? 4S
4 Regular, small or large? 5C
5 Keep the change.


12 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

that much welcome would like thank
Would you like a cappuccino?
1 You’re . 1 welcome
2 ’s £5.50, please. 2 That
3 What would you ? 3 like
4 you. 4 Thank
5 How is that? 5 much

The Hodgson family from Texas, USA are probably the most talented family in the country.
Thomas is the father of the family. He's 52 years old and he can do everything. He can run for
a long time. Every day, he goes running in his neighbourhood for 40 minutes. He can also
swim very well. He swims for his state's over-50 team! Thomas can't speak any foreign
languages, but his wife, Judy, certainly can! She can speak French, Spanish and even Japanese.
And she can teach them too. She works at the Pinewood Language Academy.

Thomas and Judy Hodgson have three children and they can all do many things too. Robbie,
23, can't run for long distances like his father, but he can run very fast. He can run 100 meters
in just 11 seconds. That's very fast. He can also fly! Not like a bird, but using a hang-glider. He
goes hang-gliding every weekend in the hills near the family home. The middle child is Janine,
who is 19. She's similar to her mother and she loves foreign languages. She studies Italian and
French and can speak both of them very well. When she's with her mother, they can speak
French and nobody in the house understands them!

Clara is the baby of the family. She's only 9 years old. She can't speak French and she can't fly.
What can she do? She can bake the best cakes in the world! And her parents and her brother
and sister can eat them.

A) Read about the special talented family, then put one word into each
gap to complete the sentences in the exercise.

1. Texas
1. The family lives in the American state of _________ 2. running
3. can’t
2. Thomas likes swimming and _________ 4. three
5. teacher
3. He _______ speak any foreign languages. 6. fast
7. bake
4. Judy speaks English and _______ other languages. eats

5. Judy is a __________.

6. Robbie can't run far, but he can run ______.

7. Clara can _____ very good cakes.

8. Her family _____ the cakes.

B) Read about the special talented Hodgson family, then choose the correct answer the Con formato: Fuente: Arial, 11 pto, Color de fuente:
Automático, Diseño: Claro
True or False
1.Thomas goes running every day near his house. T-F

2. 2. Thomas runs for a local team. T-F

3. Judy teaches her students to speak other languages. T - F

4. The Hodgsons have two children. T-F

5. Robbie can run 100m very quickly. T-F

6. He also goes flying in a hang-glider every Thursday. T-F

7. Janine is 19 and she is similar to her mother. T-F

8. Clara is only nine years old and she can bake cakes. T-F

c) Answer the questions.

1. How old is Thomas? a. 15 b. 52 c 36
2. Can he run for long distances? a. Yes, he can b. No, he can’t


Describe a place where to eat 80 - 100 words.

Total: 100

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