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Ronald J.

P.O. Box 2468
Sierra Vista, AZ 85636
Cell: (520) 508-8222
To offer my skill, knowledge, expertise and thirty-plus years of experience as
a Principle or Senior All-Source Intelligence Research Specialist, Analyst and I
* Currently hold an active SECRET clearance
* Naval, Contractor, and Army Trained Instructor - Briefed, Trained and/or instr
ucted multi-service senior officers, officers and enlist personnel, civilian sci
entists, engineers, technicians, CEO's, CFO's and corporate managers in a wide v
ariety of foreign military and US systems, and intelligence operational and anal
ytical issues.
* Intelligence and Military Course Developer - Designed and built training cour
ses using Naval or Army guidelines detailing the operation, use, technical capab
ilities or intelligence analytical results and findings. US Army's Systems Appro
ach to Training (SAT)
* 21 Years as an Intelligence Research Specialist - Military Systems, All-Source
ar Imagery Experience using Light Tables, MATRIX and REMOTE VIEW. Familiarity w
* ONI Naval Intelligence Database (NID) producer and DIA MIDB/GEMINI and OOB pro
ducer for two categories
* Subject Matter Expect (SME) for Several Countries
* NSA Information Operations Technology Center (IOTC)
* USSTRATCOM J2231 Section Chief, Strategic C3, a Joint Command
* Use of Intelligence Information Systems for Research, Analysis and Report Diss
Office 1997 / 2003 (Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Access) applications. Familiar
ity and experience with I2 Analyst Notebook, Google Earth, ESRI GIS ArcMap, Opti
cal Character Readers (OCR), Inxight ThingFinder identifies and extracts more th
an 35 key entities, such as people, dates, places, companies or other things.
* Project and Program Manager and COTR Navy Foreign Materiel Program (NFMP)
* Supervisor, NFMP Electronics Exploitation Laboratory (EEL)
* Continuing Education at University of Maryland
* Cochise College, Sierra Vista, AZ, 2009, AAS Military Intelligence Operations,
Phi Theta Kappa, GPA 4.0, Summa Cum Laude
* Prince George's Community College, Largo, Maryland, 1991, AA Business Manageme
nt, GPA 3.45
* Numerous Government and Military Trade Schools to include Naval and Army Instr
uctor Training and Course Developer, Basic Intelligence Analysis, Submarine Sona
r Subjective Analysis (ACINT), Supervisory classes, Electronic Mathematics and T
heory, Electronic Equipment Maintenance and Repair.
2008 to Present Retired
2007 to 2008 General Dynamics Corporation IT Services: Employed as an Instructo
r/Developer at the Army's Fort Huachuca, Arizona, teaching Electronic Warfare Co
mmunications Theory, Antenna and Radar Theory, Radio Wave Propagation Theory, El
ectronic Warfare Concepts, and Cellular Phones to joint service and civilian per
sonnel for the utilization of CREW systems to defeat Improvised Explosive Device
s (IEDs). Mr. Ullom also serves as the team leader for the Module 1 theory clas
ses. He conducts field training exercises to detect, identify and report IEDs a
nd conducts IED electronic warfare jamming training demonstrations using WARLOCK
CREW systems.
2005 to 2007 Retired
2004 to 2005 System Planning Corporation (SPC), Principle Analyst: Short Period
position assisting as Program Manager on a Defense Advanced Research Program Ag
ency (DARPA) Electronic Warfare (EW) project known as WOLFPACK: http://www.darp
2003 to 2004 Retired
1970 to 2003 OFFICE OF NAVAL INTELLIGENCE (ONI), Intelligence Research Specialis
t: serving as an all-source Intelligence Analyst military systems expert, Mr. Ul
lom identified gaps, specified requirements, collected, collated, interpreted, a
nalyzed, and integrated information derived from multiple sources to assess its
significance relative to developments in assigned areas and produced new or revi
sed intelligence reports. This position required continual critical and analytic
al thinking skills in a multi-tasked environment. Having taught military and civ
ilian students for over seven years, preparing reports and briefing high level g
overnment officials, military officers and enlisted personnel, scientists, engin
eers and contractor personnel, he possess effective oral and written communicati
ons of either an intelligence, technical or operational nature. Helped exploit t
he North Korean SANGO submarine that ran aground in 1996. He planned, implemente
d, and maintained data bases required to process all-source intelligence materia
l and produce technical or operational intelligence reports for assigned areas o
f responsibility (AOR). Mr. Ullom utilized EO/IR and Radar imagery using light t
ables, MATRIX and REMOTE VIEW and operated those systems. He has familiarity wi
th multi- and hyperspectral (MSI/HSI) and advanced geospatial (AGI) imagery sour
ces and has used associated products to prepare briefings and reports. He is als
o familiar with MASINT and the associated sources for measurement and signature
intelligence. He was a Naval Intelligence Database (NID) producer and a MIDB/GEM
INI Installation and Facilities and OOB producer for specific categories. Mr. Ul
lom was recognized as an expert in technical and country areas of responsibility
. He produced briefings, reports, studies, estimates, assessments and evaluation
s relative to the technical or operational capabilities of foreign naval systems
ashore and afloat. He worked for NFMP, Raytheon and served in the US Navy Subma
rine Force. He taught training courses, and operated, tested and maintained elec
tronic systems, wrote proposals, and supervised personnel.
1999 to 2003 ONI, ONI-242 C4ISR Department, Intelligence Research Specialist: se
rving as an all-source Intelligence Research Specialist conducting analysis on f
oreign naval strategic and tactical C3 infrastructure, facilities, systems, and
technology throughout the electromagnetic spectrum to determine capabilities, li
mitations and vulnerabilities. Mr. Ullom worked in the NSA IOTC during this per
iod and worked with DIA, CIA, NAIC, NGIC, CSG and NIWA to prepare and present sc
ientific and technical briefings, reports, recommendations, and populate various
analytical databases. He used IMINT, HUMINT, SIGINT, COMINT, OSINT, and TECHINT
to prepare new or revise existing intelligence reports. Mr. Ullom was an ONI NI
D and a DIA MIDB/GEMINI Installation and Facilities producer for a specific cate
gory in support of Commander in Chief (CINC), United States Strategic Command (U
SSTRATCOM) SIOP. He conducted engineering analysis on foreign antenna systems t
o determine their technical characteristics.
1997 to 1999 USSTRATCOM, J2231 Section Chief, Strategic Command, Control and Com
munications, Intelligence Research Specialist: serving as an all-source Intellig
ence Research Specialist supervising and conducting analysis on foreign strategi
c command, control and communications in support of the CINC, USSTRATCOM. This w
as an ICAP two-year rotational assignment. Mr. Ullom received Air Force Supervis
ory Training and supervised twelve Air Force personnel; he provided guidance, ap
proved daily briefings, and prepared briefings, reports and studies to help the
war fighter prepare the battle space as appropriate. Production in the section i
mproved by more than 35 percent and all areas of foreign strategic C3 were cover
ed. He participated in intra/inter-agency National Intelligence Estimate (NIE)
1990 to 1996 ONI-242 C4ISR DEPARTMENT, Intelligence Research Specialist: serving
as an all-source Intelligence Research Specialist conducting analysis of foreig
n naval strategic and tactical command, control and communications. Mr. Ullom de
veloped new collection requirements and revised existing requirements to meet ou
r needs in support of analytical efforts. He produced multiple strategic and tac
tical C3 studies and reports that describe the communications organizational inf
rastructure, facilities, and systems for foreign countries. Mr. Ullom was chair
person for the WSSIC Sub-HF communications panel and participated on several oth
er WSSIC panels. Mr. Ullom was a MIDB producer for a specific category, identify
ing mobile vehicles maintaining OOB records. He organized and presented the firs
t ONI Annual Space Systems Conference designed to present information and techno
logical advancements in foreign space systems.
1987 to 1990 ONI, NAVY FOREIGN MATERIEL PROGRAM (NFMP), Project Manager: served
as project manager and an Intelligence Research Specialist for a number of forei
gn materiel projects involving actual work and testing of acoustic, communicatio
ns, radars, and weapons systems acquired via various methods. Mr. Ullom worked i
n conjunction with foreign countries, US navy laboratory and contractor personne
l including scientists, engineers, and technicians to characterize and describe
the capabilities, limitations and vulnerabilities of the materiel. This position
involved solicitation or requirements, and obtaining, reviewing, selecting prop
osals measuring them against intra- and inter-agency requirements, and justifyin
g the expenditure of funds to conduct an exploitation based on the requirements
submitted and the continued monitoring of those funds and status of the project.
Mr. Ullom wrote or edited numerous Foreign Materiel Exploitation Reports often
incorporating multiple sources of intelligence information. He was selected as
the ONI representative to the Joint Captured Materiel Exploitation Center (JCMEC
), a mobile unit capable of operations in a battlefield environment. He worked
with SEM, EDX, gas chromatographs, and X-Ray equipment to determine the various
materials utilized in the materiel. He used and operated numerous electronic ins
truments to test and evaluate the performance of various acquired electronic mat
eriels. He was the Project CHUCKWAGON coordinator and the Technical Coordinator
for the Naval Reserve Task Group 0166, Reserve Intelligence Support Project.
as the EEL laboratory supervisor initially rebuilding the capabilities of the la
b by hiring new personnel and acquiring electronic test equipment suitable for u
se in the exploitation testing and evaluation of foreign materiel. Mr. Ullom exp
loited numerous foreign acoustic, communication, radar, sensor, and weapon syste
ms. He made significant technical findings on foreign acoustic systems that resu
lted in several promotions and awards due to its potential impact on US Naval fo
rces. He trained himself using the US Army, Correspondence Course Introduction t
o Technical Intelligence. He was trained on the AQA-4/7 P-3 Aircraft Sonar Suite
s and familiar with the AN/SSQ-36, AN/SSQ-41B, AN/SSQ-53A/53B, AN/SSQ-57A, AN/SS
Q-62A/62B and AN/SSQ-77A sonobuoys. In 1982, he served with ONI's Pacific Forwa
rd Area Support Team (PACFAST) in Hawaii, conducting acoustic analysis.
1979 to 1982 RAYTHEON SERVICE COMPANY, Maintenance Engineer: Mr. Ullom taught an
d helped develop the AN/BQR-T4 Submarine Sonar Trainer, Trident Magnetic Silenci
ng Facility Equipment, Non-Trident Magnetic Silencing Facility Equipment, DM-40A
Slant Range Radar, IMLAC-6200 Computer, and SEL-32/55 mainframe computer. He wr
ote proposals and developed, implemented, and instructed training programs under
government contract for military acoustic, magnetic degaussing, flux gate and c
esium vapor magnetometers and fire control electronic systems. He took courses i
n Fortran 77 and economics at the University of Rhode Island.
1978 to 1979 SPECTRAL DYNAMICS, SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA INC., Electronics Bench Techn
ician: Repair, testing, calibration and environmental testing of new and used AN
/BQR-20 and 22 Spectral Analyzer assemblies and subassemblies used by the US Nav
y (A full-time job concurrent with active duty).
1970 to 1979 US NAVY, Submarine Sonar Technician, STS-1 (E-6): He served for nin
e years conducting sensitive Acoustic Intelligence (ACINT) Analysis. He operated
, maintained and repaired numerous primary and auxiliary sonar systems, and rece
ived ACINT training, graduating 1st in both classes. He was also trained in ele
ctronics mathematics and theory, and electronic systems maintenance training for
the AN/BQH-1 and AN/BQA-8 sensors, the AN/BQQ-3, IEC, EPC, AN/BQR-10, ASDPU, AN
/BQR-20, 22 and 23 spectrum analyzers, the RYCOM, DUUG-1, and AN/WLR-9 intercept
receivers, and DIFAR systems, and the AN/BQR-2 & AN/BQS-4B, AN/BQR-7, AN/BQS-11
/13, AN/BQS-14, and AN/BQQ-5 sonar suites. He also operated or was trained on t
he AN/BQH-5 V1, Honeywell 9600 I and WB, Pertex 1" Digital, RACAL ", AN/UNQ-7E a
nd PACE Tape Recorders. He was awarded the privilege of serving as a Sonar Supe
rvisor as a 3rd Class Petty Officer on the USS Simon Bolivar SSBN-641, which was
a position often reserved for more senior personnel. He also served on board th
e USS George Washington SSBN-598 and on the USS Batfish SSN-681as a sonar superv
isor. Mr. Ullom was a Navy Trainer FLEASWTRACEN Classroom Instructor and course
developer for electronic sonar systems and their operation using using tradition
al instructor guides and materials and the UNIVAC Mainframe ASW Training Compute

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