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The Hollow Marvel

A D&D adventure for 5e by Daniel Steinmann

The Hollow Marvel is a dungeon adventure module for D&D 5e. It is designed as a 3-5 hour adventure for 4-6 Characters of levels
4-6. However, depending on the choices of the DM, group composition, APL, background stories and time to spare, it is possible to
adapt this dungeon for any other RP-System and for any setting. If you think that the encounters are too difficult or too easy, feel
free to change them. The ultimate goal of a dungeon-crawl is for you and your players to have fun. If you're having fun, you are doing
your job correctly as a DM. Everything in the dungeon module is up to interpretation, modification, and improvisation at your table.

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective
logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. This work contains material that is copyright
Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for
Dungeon Masters Guild. All other original material in this work is copyright 2019 by Introcaso LLC and published under the
Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

Whitley has a problem, though: GlidOS has gone rogue.
  The energy of the ship slightly diminished over time.
Long time ago, Stabelle Deqora, a female magician, artificer Furthermore, a group of gremlins escaped from one of
and engineer was obsessed with her work. In her studio, she Stabelle’s facilities where she built the airship. They damaged
worked for nobles, for governments, monarchs and the like some wires, which led to a malfunction in the security system.
and created party accessories that delighted people Now GlidOS tries to take control of the ship and tries figure
everywhere. During the great war she was approached by fans out how to solve this problem. She built a trap for Whitley and
who asked for commissions. She found out later that these gave him an electrical shock when he recharged in the crew
commissions were used to modify war machines. After that, quarters.
she swore to built harmless, steampunk creations only, with a When the PCs arrive, GlidOS changes her plans. GlidOS
mixture of arcane energy and steam. wants to trick the PCs to restore the power source and to get
In order to make sure that her work wouldn't be used for rid of Whitley. After that, she plans to get rid of the PCs as
weapons of death, she constructed another secret studio from well.
gleaming brass and bronze gears. In her facility, she swore   
she would finish an airship as her masterpiece during her
lifetime. Hunted by her need for cognition, and her passion, The whole airship is a puzzle and a dungeon in itself. There
she made out a challenge for all of her fans: To find, enter and are several objectives the PCs need to undertake in order to
use her airship. Although she was quite famous and known for make the airship their own:
her work, nobody believed she could pull it off. Many thought 1. Enter the ship with the help of the device found in one of
this airship was a myth and Stabelle may have lost her mind, Stabelle’s facilities during a previous adventure.
as genius and madness are often intertwined. 2. Find different keys to gain access to various rooms inside
But the airship exists. Her masterpiece of an airship moves the dungeon.
around through the air and protects her work, her plans and 3. Power the Condenser Orb on the bridge by repairing the
her inventions. If it fell into the wrong hands, it would mean damaged wires in the engine room or by taking another
trouble for the rest of the world. It is somewhere out there, fully powered Condenser Orb from the engine room to the
cloaked, floating through the air and waiting for courageous bridge.
adventurers to be found. 4. Find the operation manual in order to operate the ship
properly and in order to reset the security system.
 5. Find the key to access Stabelle’s vault.
The PCs may have gathered clues about Stabelle's studio 6. Survive the final boss encounter and escape with the ship
during a previous adventure and may have found a curious The flowchart on page 2 is supposed to help navigating the
device. This device decloaks the ship and summons a ladder adventure.
that is let down to the ground. Through this ladder, the ship
can be entered.  
   GlidOS is a terrible, lying, manipulative artificial being (think
of „HAL9000“ from "2001: A space Odyssey", „AUTO“ from
Stabelle Deqora was no fool: Even though she made sure the Wall-E or „GladOS“ from Portal). Make sure to roleplay
Hollow Marvel would only be discovered by fans of her art and GlidOS with a calm, neutral voice, perhaps slightly uneasy,
therefore could be assumed to be quite safe, she made clear although she might say evil things from time to time (Those
that the secrets inside could not be easily uncovered by who played Horizon: Zero Dawn and the DLC might have a
brigands or criminals - just in case. Therefore, the Hollow slight advantage here). Whitley has a robotical voice, mainly
Marvel has a steampunk equivalent of a security system intact neutral in nature, but has some peaks in his voice from time
and running, although not very stable. to time.
The name of the security system is GlidOS (or whatever
name the DM desires) and she can be really annoying.
Stabelle Deqora made use of the spell Message that can be
heard throughout the ship through little nodes, made of
speaking tubes and mechanical amplifiers that are located at
the ceiling of some of the rooms. She enchanted the devices
with the spell Scrying as well.
She also built an intelligent machine with a thorough
understanding of the security system and an understanding of
the ship: A steampunk-golem called Whitley. Whitley is
usually quite helpful and wants to take care of the ship and
repairs it when it becomes necessary.

  The ship’s clock, a brass-and-copper object, hangs at the hull
of the bridge. The foredeck is a slightly raised deck with stairs
GlidOS tries to lure the PCs into a trap. Her story goes as that stands some 5 feet above the main deck. The railing
follows: She was ordered by her master Stabelle Deqora to contains several holes and magical cannons that are not
guard the airship until a worthy being enters it and takes it as functioning at the moment. The bridge stands several feet
their own (true). But GlidOS failed: Stabelle’s servant Whitley, above ground with a balcony surrounding it. It can be
a steampunk-golem, has gone rogue (lie) and tried to overtake accessed from the main deck through a ladder and a door at
the ship (lie). its back or via an elevator (which is not functioning or
He wants to see GlidOS gone and cut off her energy supply accessible right now.
(lie) with the help of some gremlins who damaged several Developments: The main deck is the entrance of the
wires (true). GlidOS managed to defend herself against dungeon. It is only accessible through a ladder that drops
Whitley (lie) and trapped him in the crew quarters (true). down when a device from Stabelle’s facility is pressed. The
She explains that, as Whitley has gone rogue (lie), he will be ship decloaks and a ladder is summoned to enter the main
ready to attack the intruders if they enter his space (not deck. When the PCs first arrive at the ship, GlidOS greets
necessarily), so they have to be careful and kill him as soon as them with a question what the security password is. The PCs
possible (lie). Because her energy runs low, she is not able to won't know the password, so GlidOS sees them as intruders.
tell the security system to leave the PCs alone (basically true, She unleashes 3 Tridones (MM, p.225) to see how strong the
although fishy). So she warns the PCs, they may have to face PCs are. When the PCs are victorious, she speaks to them
several attacks during their descent into the ship (true). She and tells them her story (see "Roleplaying GlidOS" and
apologizes for this (lie). "GlidOS's Story"). She apologizes for any inconvenience and
says she tries to help, but is barely able to.
  ’ 
  The door to the Captain’s quarters is locked and can be
The airship has all the features of a standard airship from accessed through the device from Stabelle’s facility, but
Ebberon. It is an elemental vessel that looks similar to an not by pressing the device, but by putting it into an indent. The
oceangoing ship, but is replete with control fins and rudders indent is placed where usually the keyhole would be.
rather than sails. The ship does not rely on wings for lift,
however. It is able to fly equally well on the sides or even There are two walls in this room that divide the Captain’s
upside down. The airship cannot actually land. The ring of the quarters even further. Both internal doors are unlocked. The
elemental prevents the bottom of the hull from getting closer
than 10 feet to the ground. It has to dock at a special dock at main room contains a bed, several chairs and a desk. The
one of Stabbele’s facilities. This gives the adventuring party Captain’s cabin is richly decorated, its walls covered with
another hook for further adventures, as they have to recharge intricate carvings. Two rich carpets flank the bed. The furniture
and refill the airship. has some ornaments on it. You can see a soft carpet lying on
the floor of the second room with a liquor bar. The third room
  has the appearance of an office. The desk here is unoccupied,
with several papers scattered on it.
The ship’s main deck runs between the foredeck (with pooping
possibilities) and the bridge. The main deck is surrounded by a
ring around the hull, suspended on four struts jutting outward. There is a money pouch laying on the desk containing 300 gp.
The airship can move in all three dimensions, with or without There are three marbles located here that are needed for the
the aid of the wind. puzzle in the main control room. Any PC reading the
documents on the desk will deduce that Stabellle had mixed
feelings about GlidOS and Whitley.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Stabelle writes that she hopes that GlidOS works as intended 
and that she an Whitley will work nicely together. The office
desk holds also the key to the bridge. This chamber is crammed with chests and neatly ordered
 weapon racks. There are several iron, copper and metal chests,
covered in a thin wood veneer.
The bridge is locked and can only be accessed with a key
found in the Captain’s quarters. On the outside, the bridge
can be reached from the main deck through climbing another The chests have superior locks and they contain materials,
ladder to a balcony that surrounds the bridge. As soon as the foods, and other things a ship might need.
PCs get access to the elevator, the bridge can also be reached
from the main deck throught the elevator.    
A large steering wheel dominates the room. You can see a This room contains several beds and footlockers. The cramped
Podium behind it that holds a sphere of obsidian color. A and chaotic kitchen holds several wooden worktables,
shallow spark lies within the center of the sphere giving away a cupboards, and stoves against the port wall, as well as virtually
subtle humming. The whole room is surrounded by a every cooking utensil needed, as well as other materials like
windshield, enabling the helmsman to get a 360° view. At the meat cleavers, knives and the like. The kitchen is a madness of
front of the room there is a control unit, consisting of levers, dust, materials and knives. Some cauldrons are lying around. A
buttons and sliders of bronze and copper. It smells of copper huge array of spices mingle with barrels, with unknown interior.
and iron. The room gains access through two doors total, one Some cupboards are here as well.
of which you entered, the other entrance is a metallic double
sided door.
Developments: Whitley is inside this room. He stands
motionless turning his back to the PCs and blinks in a red
Developments: The obsidian orb in the middle is the light. GlidOS will warn the PCs of Whitley and his power. The
condenser orb, powering the ship. PCs who search the room armor plating on Whitley’s back has been removed. Anyone
can deduce several things. examining the back can make a DC 15 Intelligence
GlidOS tells the PCs to observe the orb and see that she (Investigation) check and will find a switch on success.
only has little power left. With some of her energy left, she will Pressing it causes Whitley to reboot. As soon as the PCs
grant them access to some parts of the control unit on the see this button, Whitley will attack them, assuming they work
bridge so that they can use the elevator (the double sided for GlidOS. Depending on group composition and APL,
door). The PCs can also see a map of the ship hanging on Whitley has the stats of a clay (MM, p.168), flesh (MM p.169),
the wall and can see how many rooms the dungeon contains. iron (MM, p.170) or stone golem (MM, p.170). The
They can also find two marbles needed for the puzzle in the appearance is comparable to an iron golem. During the fight,
main control room. How the control unit is going to be used he will say things like „HAVE TO PROTECT STABELLE’S
fully is unknown to the PCs for now. SHIP“, „MALFUNCTION IN THE SHIP“, „HAVE TO
REPAIR THE SHIP“. The key here is to talk to Whitley and to
  convince him that the PCs are friendly and mean him and the
ship no harm. Whitley will stop attacking them for a short
There is one central elevator to the whole complex, connecting amount of time and the PCs can try to reach the switch. After
the bridge with the other decks/rooms. Its interiors consist of that, Whitley will reboot. He can’t tell them much, only that he
metallic instruments and levers. Some of the levers need a
was wandering around the ship as usual and tried to repair
some wires down in the engine room, because they had been
special key to access the different decks. There is also a
damaged by gremlins. He wanted to recharge in the crew
numerical pad with several runes embossed upon them. quarters and then everything went black for him. Whitley will
give the PCs the key to the engine room. He is missing the
key/password to the main control room and to the vault,
Developments: The elevator has a special security barrier in however. He doesn’t remember where he put it. Upon
it. For now, the PCs can only reach the storing room and the examining Whitley's place to recharge, the PCs can see that
crew quarters with the kitchen. The vault, engine room and the area has been severely damaged.
main control room need a special key/password to be reached. The PCs get one marble for the puzzle in the main control
GlidOS doesn't know where the keys are. Truth is: Whitley has room from Whitley.
got the key to the engine room. Inside the engine room, some
of the documents give away the combination needed on the  
runic number pad to access the main control room. The vault
can only be accessed after the security system has been
rebooted through the main control room. Predominantly, this room is much louder and warmer than all
of the other rooms. Several servos, similar to the ones in the
main control room are scattering around. Large tables are
standing around, they are covered in schematics, gears and
other equipment.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Green is right of Violet
Several things that lie on the table catch your eye. One is a
Violet is below Black
staff, the other is a sphere resting in a podium, similar to the Red is left of Yellow and above White
one on the bridge. There are several large containers of Yellow is left of Orange and below Violet
obsidian color in the center of the room. White is below Green and above Yellow
Red Green Black
Developments: Upon observing the room thoroughly, the PCs
find the place where the gremlins damaged the wires. Several Violet White Blue
vents and cables are damaged and arcane sparks flash around ------ Yellow Orange
the area. 5 gremlins lurk in the shadows and attack the PCs
when they examine the wires and vents.
When the fight is over, GlidOS tells the PCs how to repair
the wires and/or how to recharge the Condenser orb. If the DM Note
PCs follow her explanations, she will thank them. After that, You can use another puzzle if you like. This is just a
she tells the PCs that she remembers where she put the proposition.
secret key to access the vault. This is a lie. She tries to get the
PCs to the main deck in order to finish them off in a combat
encounter (see page 5). When the PCs examine the room 
further, they find the rest of the marbles needed for the
puzzle in the main control room. In addition, they find several
documents and the operation manual. Inside, they can find There are dozens of crates stacked together in this large room.
the instructions needed to operate the control unit in the You can hear a loud humming and working sounds. Several
main control room. Finally, they find the combination for the servos, little four-legged clockwork lifters, move round the
runic number pad in the elevator to access the main control room and rummaging the crates and moving them from one
room. place to another.

  

It should be mentioned that the main control room is only Developments: The lifter and the servos won’t react to the
accessible if the PCs got the combination for the runic party, as long as they rebooted the vault. With a thorough
number pad from the engine room. Although the DM is free to search of the vault, the PCs can retrieve the following treasure
let the PCs access this room right away, it was designed to be (DMs can adjust as needed): 300 cp, 3000 sp, 2900 gp, 80 pp,
part of the final combat encounter with GlidOS. 2 x Bloodstone (50 gp), Carnelian (50 gp), Chalcedony (50 gp),
3 x Jasper (50 gp), Moonstone (50 gp), 2 x Star rose quartz (50
gp), 2 x Zircon (50 gp).They can find the following magic
This spherical room is very dark. There are some light sources items:
coming from sources that look similar to the spark on the
bridge. A subtle humming is still hearable. The floors and Chapeau of magnetic inversion (wonderous item,
ceiling contain several copper and bronze pipes and wires.
Pyrotechnic weapon (uncommon)
Glass squares are mounted on the walls, filled with a light blue
Eye gear (uncommon)
liquid. It shows some images. It is very warm in this room and it Charged ring (rare)
smells strongly of rust, copper and the like. You can see a Tesla Rod (rare)
couple of controls under the screens, similar to the levers, Mechanical arachnid (rare)
buttons and wires on the bridge.
These items were made by /u/CrafticusPrime and are taken
from here Although Stabelle’s story is a pacifistic one, the DM
Developments: The large screens on the wall show whatever can choose to introduce additional weaponry, e. g. firearms. It
GlidOS sees. The PCs need the instruction manual from the would add another layer to Stabelle’s past. May be, she was
engine room to operate the control panel. However, Stabelle's not as pacifistic as everyone thought? May be she only wanted
descriptions are not easy to follow. If the PCs use the correct to produce toys and art, but couldn’t let go of her previous
pages for the main control room, they need to solve a puzzle work? May be she decided that she would hide weaponry
in order to reboot the security system. The puzzle is taken rather than destroy it? Alternatively, if steampunk is not your
from Nerzugal's DMs Toolkit 2 ("Colored Marbles Puzzle") thing, you can use the following magic items instead of the
and goes like this: ones described earlier:
On the control panel, there is a 3x3 grid. The security Adamantine Armor (plate) (uncommon, dmg p.150);
system resets, when marbles are placed in a particular order +1 Weapon (halberd) (uncommon, dmg p.213);
in the slots of the grid. The colors of the marbles are: Red, Ring of Swimming (uncommon, dmg p.193);
Blue, Yellow, Green, Orange, Violet, White and Black. The Bracers of Defense (rare, dmg p.156);
Instruction manual has got the following instructions: GlidOS Boots of Speed (rare, dmg p.155);
Security System Reboot parameters: +2 Rod of the Pact Keeper (rare, dmg p.197).
Orange is below Blue
Blue is right of White
Black is right of Green

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
   Obscure Sight
The fight against GlidOS is going to be the final encounter or GlidOS darkens the whole area, making it obscured until the
the final room of the whole dungeon. As such, it should be top of the next round. All PCs without darkvision are
climactic and at the same time engaging for all players. There considered blinded.
are two variants presented here to run this fight. Both Snaring
approaches work, it does not matter for the encounter which GlidOS orders several wires to appear that ensnare creatures.
variant the DM chooses. It is completely dependent on group PCs have to make a DC 13 DEX save to avoid the wires. Once
composition, player immersion, tactical thinking skills of the trapped, a PC can use their action to make another STR
players, etc. (Athletics) or DEX (Acrobatics) of DC 13 to break free.
       Heal Dampening
When the PCs are finished with their tasks in the engine GlidOS sends off a shockwave that prevents healing, stops a
room, GlidOS thanks them and asks them to go to the main target, or targets from healing for the round.
deck and to get the key to the vault from her as a reward. As
soon as the PCs do this, GlidOS attacks the PCs on the main Spell Dampening
deck. This variant will be more epic as the PCs are fighting an GlidOS sends off a flash of light that dampens spell effects.
arcane/steampunk AI in the air with the imminent danger of Spells act as if targets have advantage on saves, or resistance
falling off the main deck. However, the PCs might not get the to the damage type.
idea that they have to enter the main control room or they may
be hesitant to split the party.  
       The PCs may have different approaches for this fight. Some
 may just want to attack the drones, some may take a look
If the PCs got suspicious of GlidOS during the dungeon crawl around to look for weaknesses in GlidOS's defenses. But the
(which they should!), it is very well possible that the PCs want only possibility to defeat GlidOS is by solving the marble
to go straight to the main control room and try to make use of puzzle in the main control room while simultaneously
the instruction manual. If they do so, the fight takes place engaging the security defenses. The DM should give subtle
there. This is not as epic as variant 1, but can be very clues that the fight against GlidOS will get them nowhere and
challenging: Some of the PCs will straight out fight the might very well lead to their death. Sooner or later, they
drones, others may defend the PCs who solve the riddle and should look for workarounds and different tactics. If using
some should try to reboot GlidOS through solving the riddle. Variant 1 of the fight (see above), the DM should be lenient:
The DM can still decide to run Variant 1 and have GlidOS Whatever the PCs have in mind to get to the main control
manipulate the elevator to open its doors on the main deck. room despite GlidOS taking control of the ship should work
for them.
Obviously, GlidOS cannot participate in a fight herself. So she DM Note
mainly uses servos, drones and lair actions to defend herself The main purpose of the final encounter is to
against the PCs. Don't forget to use taunts! The fight takes encourage tactical thinking and to keep the PCs
place in 3 waves: engaged. The GlidOS encounter was designed to
have all the PCs involved and work as a team. At the
  end, they should feel that they have earned the
3 Servos and 3 Tridrones (MM, p.224) attack the players Hollow Marvel. If the DM has the impression that
the PCs slice through the waves too quickly, they
  can add more waves with different combinations of
3 Duodrones and 3 Tridrones (MM, p.225) attack the players drones. You can even use an hourglass to give the
encounter more time pressure and narrative drive.
 
2 Quadrones (MM, p.226) and 2 Pentadrones (MM, p.226)
attack the players. 
  If the PCs manage to reboot GlidOS, she turns normal again.
GlidOS can use 2 lair actions per round. One on initiative The fight ends and the Hollow Marvel now belongs to the
count 18, the other on initiative count 10 (She can’t use the PCs. They can access the vault, grab the treasure that is
same lair actions two times in a row). Her lair actions are as hidden inside and now have got a flying stronghold to call
follows: their own. They even have a robot butler (Whitley).
Poison Gas
GlidOS runs gas through several vents through the ground.
Every PC has to make a DC 12 CON Saving throw or suffers
2D4 damage and becomes poisoned.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
   
Tiny construct, unaligned
Small beast, unaligned Armor Class 11
Hit Points 10 (3D4+3)
Speed 20ft.
Armor Class 11
Hit Points 27 (5D8 +5)
4 (-3) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 3 (-4) 10 (+0) 7 (-2)
Damage Immunities poison
12 (+1) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 3 (-4) 13 (+1) 6 (-2) Condition Immunities charmed, poisoned
Senses passive perception 10
Senses darkvision 60ft., passive perception 11 Languages --
Languages -- Challenge 0 (10 Xp)
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +0 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 slashing damage.
one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) slashing damage.
Siphon. The gremlin drains aether from an arcane-
powered device it can see within 5 feet of it. If the
object isn’t being worn or carried, the touch
automatically drains aether. If the object is being
worn or carried by a creature, the creature must
succeed on a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw to keep
it out of the gremlin’s reach. If the arcane-powered
device grants any bonus (to attack rolls, damage
rolls, Armor Class, and so on), that bonus is reduced
by 1. If the device has charges, it loses 1 charge.
Otherwise, it stops functioning for 1 round. Left
unhindered, a gremlin can completely destroy an
arcane-powered device.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
The Hollow
This dungeon crawl adventure draws inspiration
from "The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword",
"2001: A Space Odyssey", "WALL-E", "Portal 1
and 2", "Final Fantasy" series, "Horizon: Zero
Dawn" and others.

A dungeon adventure for 4-6 characters of levels 4-6 by

Daniel Steinmann.
For use with the fith edition of Dungeons &
Dragons, Player's Handbook, Monster Manual and
Dungeon Master's Guide.


This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

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