Aderhold, Williams, Edyvean - 1996

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Bioresource Technology 58 (1996) 1--6

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D. A d e r h o l d , ~ C. J. Williams b* & R. G. J. E d y v e a n b
aUniversitiit Dortmund, Lehrstuhl Thermische Verfahrenstechnik, Dortmund, Germany
bChemical Engineering and Fuel Technology, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineerin~ The University of Sheffield,
Sheffield $1 3JD, UK

(Received 7 February 1996; revised version received 5 May 1996; accepted 16 May 1996)

Abstract cheaper production processes, which can lead to

The abilities of different species of seaweeds and their compromises in the release of pollutants.
derivatives to remove a range of heavy metals from Heavy metals, such as cadmium and mercury, may
solution under standard laboratory conditions were be regarded as highly toxic and are included in the
determined. The three species of brown seaweeds were so-called 'Red List' of priority pollutants published
Ecklonia maxima, Lessonia flavicans and Durvillea by the Department of the Environment in 1987 and
potatorurrt The two seaweed derivatives produced by also in List I of the EEC Dangerous Substances
commercial seaweed processing were aiginate fibres Directive (1976). Copper, nickel, lead, tin and
and dealginated seaweed waste. The abilities of these chromium are all listed in List II of this directive,
biomasses to sequester the heavy-metal ions copper, which contains pollutants of less toxicity. These met-
nicke~ lead, zinc and cadmium from solution under als create environmental pollution problems since,
constant agitation were compared. The effect of the although not necessarily toxic at low concentrations,
presence of more than one metal ion in solution was they accumulate in the food chain and once absor-
investigated in order to determine whether any com- bed into bodily tissues cannot be easily excreted.
petition effects might have affected metal-ion uptake. Many industries are responsible for the release of
The metal-removal capacity of these seaweeds and heavy metals into the environment through their
their derivatives is discussed in the light of the eco- wastewaters (Brauckmann, 1990). These include pig-
nomic and environmental aspects of using such a ment manufacturing, iron and steel production,
wastewater-treatment system on an industrial scale. mining and mineral processing, the non-ferrous
Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd. metal industry, battery manufacture, the printing
and photographic industries and metal-working and
Key words: Biosorption, heavy metals, seaweed, algi- finishing processes (electroplating). In addition, con-
nate, pollution control, waste biomasses. siderable quantities of heavy metals can be released
into the environment through routes other than in
INTRODUCTION aqueous form in wastewaters. For example, lead is
widely used in metallic form and copper is used in
In recent years widespread concern over the cumula- electrical equipment, water pipes, alloys, as chemical
tive toxicity and environmental impact of heavy catalysts and in anti-fouling paints on ship hulls.
metals has lead to extensive research into develop-
ing effective alternative technologies for the removal Wastewater-treatment options for heavy-metal
of these potentially damaging substances from efflu- removal
ents and industrial wastewaters. The main driving There are several different options currently avail-
force for this research is increasingly stringent able for the removal of heavy metals from industrial
environmental legislation and the powers of the wastewaters. The main methods are precipitation,
authoritative bodies established to enforce these ion-exchange and electrolytic methods.
regulations. Current EC directives have requested In precipitation processes a dissolved substance is
better processes for the removal of these pollutants forced to form a fine suspension of solid particles in
and encouraged the use of processes that have nega- order to effect a solid-liquid separation. It is
tive impact on the environment. At the same time, dependent upon the theoretical solubility of the
market pressures often force companies to utilise most soluble species formed and the separation of
the solids from the aqueous solution. Heavy metals
*Author to whom correspondenceshouldbe addressed. are usually precipitated as the hydroxide by the
2 D. Aderhold, C. J. Williams, R. G. J. Edyvean

addition of lime (calcium hydroxide) or potassium attachment of the sorbate to a biomass, thus exclud-
hydroxide or sodium hydroxide. These methods are ing metabolic or active-uptake processes (Volesky,
relatively inexpensive and are useful for removing 1990). Accordingly, there is no requirement to use
the bulk of the heavy-metal ions. However, they are or maintain living organisms for the process. This
not suitable where final clarification is required. factor allows the use of harsher reaction environ-
Ion exchange is a process in which ions are ments and negates the need for providing a nutrient
exchanged between a solution and an insoluble solid supply or preventing toxification of the biomass.
which is usually a resin. A multiplicity of ion- The process advantages of selecting non-viable
exchange resins are commercially available and biomasses have led to considerable research into the
some exhibit a high specificity for certain heavy met- use of these systems for the removal of heavy-metal
als. The resins can be loaded and regenerated ions (Avery & Tobin, 1992; Orhan & Buyukgungor,
several hundred times and produce final effluents of 1993). The fact that such a broad range of biomasses
very low heavy-metal concentration. However, a have been shown to exhibit some affinity for heavy
high capital expenditure is usually required in order metals indicates that the use of cheap (or even
to purchase and operate such a system. Electrolysis waste) biomasses could be a future BATNEEC tech-
allows the removal of the metal from solution in nology in pollution control.
solid metallic form for recycling or for sale. The
advantages of these systems is that no extra chemical
reagents are required and that no sludges are pro- METHODS
duced. However, on a more global scale,
considerable resources may be required and high The metal-ion uptake capacity of different species of
levels of pollutants are produced as a result of the seaweeds and seaweed derived materials was deter-
electricity required for the second process. The use mined under standard laboratory conditions. The
of electricity means that the economics of this three species of seaweed which were investigated
method depend very strongly on the energy price were Ecklonia maxima, Lessonia flavicans and Dur-
and the amount of electricity consumed per treated villea potatorum. These seaweeds were obtained in
volume of metal solution. dried, milled form. The seaweed-derived materials
Other methods, such as membrane processes, included dealginated seaweed, a waste product of
osmosis and reverse osmosis, dialysis or electrodial- the alginate-production industry, referred to from
ysis, are found only very occasionally and tend to be here on as dealginate. The dealginate was supplied
utilised in very specialised applications. Current courtesy of Pronova Biopolymers, Norway. The
membrane processes tend to be hindered by the second seaweed-derived material was commercially
problems of limited flow-rates, instability of the extruded alginate fibre, referred to from here on as
membranes in salt and acid conditions and fouling alginate.
by inorganic and organic species. The prohibitive The metal ions which were investigated included
cost of the process of evaporation limits its use to copper, nickel, zinc, lead and cadmium. Standard
applications where there is a high economic benefit solutions of each metal ion were prepared providing
from recovery of a product, such as in the recycling single metal ion solutions at concentrations of
of precious metals in the catalyst-producing indus- 10 mg/1. Preliminary experiments were carried out
tries. comparing the ability of the five different biomasses
to remove each of these five metal ions from single-
Adsorption techniques metal-ion solutions. Further experiments were
Adsorption processes are versatile in terms of appa- conducted using only copper, nickel and cadmium as
ratus and offer a relatively simple method for the the single-metal-ion solutions and triple replicates of
removal of components or impurities from liquid or each experiment were carried out in order to ascer-
gaseous media. The absorbent has to have the cap- tain the degree of variation in the experimental
ability to selectively condense or concentrate the procedure.
targeted adsorbate (molecules, atoms, ions or par- A standard methodology was adopted for all of
ticles) on its surface. Industrially important the experiments. Each experiment was conducted by
adsorbers include activated carbon, silica gel and the addition of 0.5 g of biomass to 50 ml of metal-
alumina, which all have a porous surface structure ion solution in an Erlenmeyer flask which was
and thus a high surface area. agitated at 100 rpm on a Gallenkamp orbital shaker
Biosorption is a specific example of adsorption for 24 h. All experiments were conducted at room
which has gained increasing attention over the last temperature, since previous research carded out by
few years. Biosorption is essentially the binding of the authors indicated that temperature fluctuations
chemical species to biopolymers and the existence of between 10 and 35°C did not affect biosorption. Fol-
this phenomenon has been reported for many dif- lowing the 24 h period of agitation the contents of
ferent plant- and animal-derived materials (Simmons the flask were separated by filtration using a What-
et al., 1995). The term 'biosorption' is now generally man No. 1 filter paper. The concentration of the
accepted as referring to passive or physico-chemical particular metal in the filtrate was determined by
Removal of heavy metals by seaweeds 3

ICP-AES (Induction Coupled Plasma-Atomic
Emission Spectrophotometry).
In order to ascertain whether there was any com-
petition between the different metal ions for uptake

by a particular biomass, multiple-metal-ion solutions "-" 0.6
were prepared. The concentration of each metal ion
in the solution remained at 10 mg/l, so that where
two metals were present the total metal concentra-
tion was 20 mg/1 and similarly where three metals 0.2
were present the total metal concentration was
30 mg/l. Copper, nickel and cadmium were used as o.o
the metal ions. These experiments were conducted Nickel Copper Zinc Lead Cadmium
according to the standard methodology described Fig. 1. The biosorption of heavy-metal ions by E. maxima
earlier, except that multiple-metal-ion solutions were (black), L. flavicans (grey) and D. potatorum (white) from
used instead of single-metal-ion solutions. The abil- initial solution concentrations of 10 mg/1. A residual con-
ities of the biomasses to adsorb one metal were centration of lead ions of 4.78 mg/l by L. flavicans is not
compared with the adsorption of the same metal shown on this figure.
where one or two other metals were present in the
same solution. The concentrations of each metal ion the greatest operational problems throughout the
in the solutions collected after filtration were deter- course of these experiments in that they both
mined by ICP-AES. released large quantities of alginates upon wetting.
Further investigation of the capacity of alginate Alginate is produced from algin, a high molecular
fibre and dealginate for the same three metals weight polymer composed of D-mannuronic acid and
(nickel, copper and cadmium) was carried out using L-guluronic acid, when the protons of the carboxylic
a semi-continuous batch adsorber system. The groups are replaced by metal ions (Cottrell &
standard methodology described earlier was utilised Kovacs, 1980). Both D. potatorum and L. flavicans
except that again the mixed-metal solution contain- contain a high proportion of alginates which are
ing nickel, copper and cadmium each at 10 mg/l released upon contact with water and this caused
concentration was used instead of a single-metal-ion considerable problems at both the filtration and
solution. After the 24 h adsorption period with analysis stages of this experimental procedure.
agitation on the orbital shaker, the solution and the Accordingly, Ecklonia maxima, which was found to
metal-loaded biomass were passed through a What- release less alginates during experimentation and
man No. 1 filter paper. The filtrate was collected exhibit relatively high metal-ion-removal ability, was
and the concentrations of nickel, copper and cad- selected for further use.
mium were determined separately by ICP-AES. Figure 2 compares the metal-removal capacity of
The biomass was returned to the Erlenmeyer E. maxima with dealginated seaweed and alginate
flask and a fresh 50 ml aliquot of the mixed metal fibre. The alginate produced lower residual concen-
solution, containing 10 mg/l of each of nickel, copper trations of ions in all cases except that of zinc. These
and cadmium was added to the flask. The standard alginate fibres had been extruded in the presence of
methodology was repeated at this stage so that the zinc during their manufacture and, accordingly,
flask containing the biomass and the mixed metal leached small concentrations of zinc into solution.
solution was agitated at room temperature for 24 h. Consequently, it was not possible to measure the
This process was referred to as the adsorption cycle final zinc concentration for this biomass accurately
and in total 11 successive adsorption cycles were and so this value has been omitted. Ecklonia maxima
carried out using the same sample of biomass.


Figure 1 compares the metal uptake capacity of .o
three different species of seaweed. Generally, all 0,6
three species of seaweed were found to sequester
metal ions from solution, providing residual concen-
trations below 1 mg/t and as low as 0,022 mg/1 in the
case of cadmium. However, Lessonia flavicans was
found to be particularly poor at removing lead ions,
as is evident from the high residual concentration of
0.0 : ,q : m
Nickel Copper Zinc Lead Cadmium
4.78 mg/1. Durvillea potatorum provided the lowest
Fig. 2. The biosorption of heavy-metal ions by E. max/ma
residual metal concentrations in the majority of (black), dealginate (grey) and alginate (white) from initial
cases. Durvillea potatorum and L. flavicans exhibited solution concentrations of 10 mg/l.
4 D. Aderhold, C J. Williams, R. G. J. Edyvean

100 ..r- ~ --


-~ 40 2O

~ ~ p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z .z..z.
z. -
Metals present in solution (10 mg/l caeh metal)
E. Maxima De.~Iginatc Alghmt~
Fig. 4. The uptake by E. maxima of copper (black), cad-
Fig. 3. Comparison of the percentage uptake of copper mium (grey) and nickel (white) from single- and
(black), nickel (grey) and cadmium (white) by different multi-metal-ion solutions.
biomasses from initial solution concentrations of 10 mg/1.

initial solution. These findings illustrate that the

produced slightly lower residual ion concentrations sequestering ability of these three biomasses for a
than the dealginate, except for copper. Apart from particular metal ion was not affected by the
the relatively poor removal of nickel by dealginate, presence of additional metal ions. Comparison of
all of the biomasses were found to reduce all of the these findings with those portrayed in Fig. 3 clearly
five metal ions to residual levels as low as, or lower demonstrates that similar residual levels were found
than 0.5 mg/l. This equates to a metal-uptake capa- where only one metal was present in solution. The
city of 95 %. uptake of copper by E. maxima may have been
Figure 3 compares the uptake abilities of three slightly enhanced by the presence of nickel and also
seaweed materials for copper, nickel and cadmium.
Both the dealginate and the alginate removed in 100

excess of 90% of metal ions in the case of all three

--, 8O
metals. All three biomasses exhibited a consistent
trend in terms of metal-ion uptake in that cadmium
was the most effectively sequestered, followed by
copper and lastly nickel. These findings are consist- ..~ 40 I
ent with those of Wilson (1993), who reported a
similar relationship when using linseed straw, a s0
waste product of the linseed-oil industry, and E. i

maxima as biosorbents. None of the problems of

release of alginates as previously mentioned were
experienced when dealginate and alginate fibre were
used as experimental biomasses. Metals present in solution (10 mg/l each metal)
Alginate exhibited the best metal-sequestering Fig. 5. The uptake by dealginate of copper (black), cad-
ability, followed by dealginate, with greater than mium (grey) and nickel (white) from single- and
93% uptake at equilibrium, providing a residual con- multi-metal-ion solutions.
centration below 0.7 mg/l in solution. There was very
little variation within the replicates of these experi-
ments, indicating a consistent metal-removal
capacity for both alginate and dealginate. However, ,_, 80
in the case of E. maxima a much larger standard
deviation was observed. This may be attributed to I ,

the seaweed being in the form of dried, milled par-

ticles, which, although graded prior to .~- 4o
experimentation for a consistent size fraction, may
be derived from any part of the original plant. 20
Accordingly, since different regions of the whole
seaweed are known to exhibit varying biosorbent
abilities (Wilson, 1993), any one batch prepared for
experimental purposes may contain more or less
particles capable of greater metal-ion uptake. Metals present in solution (10 mg/l each metal)
Figures 4-6 compare the metal-ion removal abil- Fig. 6. The uptake by alginate of copper (black), cadmium
ities of E. maxima, dealginate and alginate when (grey) and nickel (white) from single- and multi-metal-ion
there was more than one metal ion present in the solutions.
Removal of heavy metals by seaweeds 5

where both cadmium and nickel were present in t h e

il Y
initial solution. However, this effect may be attri- 7
buted to the overall degree of variation in the
metal-ion uptake by E. max/ma, as indicated by the
standard deviations portrayed in Fig. 4. In the case
of dealginate and alginate, as shown in Figs 5 and 6,
respectively, very little variation was observed
between the triple replicate tests.
The low concentration levels selected for these
experiments (10 mg/l), which would utilise only a
small portion of the biosorbents' overall metal-
uptake capacity, may explain the absence of any I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
obvious competition effects. These findings are in Number of adsorption cycles
agreement with Wilson (1993), who found no com- Fig. 7. The selective adsorption of copper (s), cadmium
petition between the biosorption of mercury and (A) and nickel (o) by dealginate over 11 successive
cadmium from 100 mg/1 solutions. It is also possible adsorption cycles.
that these biosorbents have high affinities for nickel,
copper and cadmium. Consequently, at such low mium, respectively, which were found when alginate
concentrations any selective metal-ion removal was subjected to the 11 cycles of adsorption.
would not be apparent. It should be considered that
These findings indicate that the degree of metallic
this may not be the case for other metal ions.
bonding is greatest for copper, followed by cadmium
These findings suggest that these biosorbents may
and then nickel for both dealginate and alginate.
show potential in applications which require the
This suggests that each biomass selectively adsorbs
simultaneous removal of more than one metallic
specific metal ions when other ions are present and
species. This would be particularly valuable in waste-
in the case of both dealginate and a!ginate, copper
water-treatment operations, since the majority of ions are selected over cadmium ions, which are
industrially discharged effluents contain a variety of selected in preference to nickel ions. This effect only
metallic and other species which must be removed became apparent once the overall concentration of
prior to release into the environment. In contrast,
metal ions on the biomass reached an appropriate
where a particularly selective removal of one heavy
level. In the case of both biosorbents, less nickel
metal is required, these findings disqualify these bio- than copper or cadmium was removed from the
sorbents from such applications. solution right from the start of the experiment. The
The low selectivity of these biosorbents is not
nickel concentration in the metal solution from both
altogether surprising since a characteristic of most biomasses continued to rise throughout the course
biosorbents is, unlike ion-exchange resins, the
of the 11 adsorption cycles. The findings portrayed
number and diversity of functional sites available for
in Figs 7 and 8 also indicate that throughout the
metal-ion binding. These sites can include carboxyl,
course of the 11 adsorption cycles the nickel concen-
imidazole, sulphhdryl, amino, phosphate, sulphate, tration did not exceed 10mg/1, which was the
thioether, phenol, carbonyl, amide and hydroxyl
concentration of nickel added at each adsorption
moieties (Eccles, 1995).
stage. Consequently, this suggests that both biomas-
The apparent low selectivity of both dealginate ses continued to adsorb nickel ions throughout the
and alginate for heavy-metal ions was further course of the experiment, although not to the same
investigated in a semi-continuous batch adsorption
experiment. These findings are shown in Figs 7 and
8 for dealginate and alginate, respectively. It is
evident that even after 11 cycles of semi-continuous 7
adsorption, by the same sample of biomass, that g 6
saturation of either the dealginate or the alginate
biomass has not occurred. However, both biosor-
bents do exhibit the same preference for metal-ion 4
uptake, in that in both cases copper ions were con-
sistently removed to levels as low as 0.2 mg/1, even
after 11 cycles of adsorption. The residual concen- 2
trations of cadmium and nickel were observed to
increase gradually throughout the course of the
0- - '_ _" - ~ - - -

experiments. After the eleventh cycle of adsorption, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

residual levels in excess of 7 mg/1 of nickel and Nttmbe~ of adsorption cycles
3.4 mg/1 of cadmium were found in the case of deal- Fig. 8. The selective adsorption of copper (m), cadmium
ginate. This can be compared with the residual (-) and nickel (o) by alginate over 11 successive adsorp-
concentrations of 3.5 and 0.8 mg/1 of nickel and cad- tion cycles.
6 D. Aderhold, C. J. Williams, R. G. J. Edyvean

extent as cadmium or, particularly, copper ions were £200 and £300 per tonne. Obviously, should a
adsorbed. marketable use be found for this waste product,
The findings displayed in Figs 7 and 8 also sug- market pressures would force the purchase cost of
gest that alginate fibre has a higher capacity for the material to rise, probably in excess of the cost of
metal ions than the dealginate. While neither bio- the original seaweed.
mass displayed any saturation in the adsorption of The findings of this study suggest that dealgina-
copper, the alginate continued to adsorb the major- ted-seaweed waste has much potential as a
ity of the cadmium ions and released less nickel than biosorbent for the removal of heavy-metal ions.
was found in the case of dealginate at the corre- Effective industrial scale-up of a system such as this
sponding point at the end of the eleventh adsorption would be utilising an existing waste product and pro-
cycle. viding a wastewater treatment system which might
All of the seaweeds and derived materials prove versatile for a wide range of heavy metals.
exhibited a relatively good ability to remove the
heavy-metal ions that were investigated from solu- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
tion. However, the seaweed-derived materials
showed better overall performance when compared The authors would like to thank Pronova Biopoly-
with the seaweeds themselves. In addition, opera- mers for the provision of biomasses and the British
tional problems associated with the use of seaweeds Textiles Technology Group for carrying out the
would make them an unlikely choice for industrial ICP-AES analysis. The research was made possible
scale-up. The copious quantities of released algi- by funding from the EPSRC and also the co-opera-
nates would cause considerable swelling of the tion of the Universit/it Dortmund. The authors
seaweed particles, resulting in increases in pressure would also like to thank the Department of Chemi-
differentials within a flowing system and a potential cal Engineering at the University of Leeds where
for pipework or even valve blockages. In addition, this work was carried out.
the gelatinous nature of alginates would impair any
filtration operations and would be likely to detri-
mentally affect any sensitive equipment downstream.
Both the dealginated seaweed and the alginate fibres Avery, S. V. & Tobin, J. M. (1992). Mechanisms of Sr
were not subject to these problems. uptake by laboratory and brewing strains of Saccharo-
The broad range and apparent high capacity of myces cerevisiae. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 58,
these seaweed-derived materials for heavy-metal 3883-3889.
Brauckmann, B. M. (1990). Industrial solution amenable
removal applications and the absence of any obvious to biosorption. In Biosorption, ed. B. Volesky. CRC
operational problems suggests that these materials Press, Boca Raton, FL.
will lend themselves well to water treatments on a Cottrell, I. W. & Kovacs, P. (1980). Alginates. In Hand-
larger scale. The alginate exhibited the best overall book of Water-soluble Gums and Resins, ed. R. L.
ability to remove heavy metals. However, the pro- Davidson. McGraw-Hill, New York.
Eccles, H. (1995). Removal of heavy metals from effluent
hibitive cost of this material would probably ensure streams--why select a biological process? Int. Biodeter-
that such an end use was never realised on an indus- ioration Biodegradation, 35(1-2), 5-17.
trial scale. Orhan, Y. & Buyukgungor, H. (1993). The removal of
The dealginate exhibited a relatively high ability heavy metals by using agricultural wastes. Water Sci.
Technol., 2g(2), 247-255.
to sequester heavy-metal ions. This material is cur- Simmons, P., Tobin, J. M. & Singleton, I. (1995). Con-
rently a waste product from the alginate production siderations on the use of commercially available yeast
industries, for which end-use applications are being biomass for the treatment of metal-containing effluents.
sought. There is no existing market value for this J. Ind. Microbiol., 14, 240-246.
material which currently provides a disposal problem Volesky, B. (1990). Biosorption and biosorbents. In Bio-
sorption, ed. B. Volesky. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
throughout the alginate production industry. The Wilson, M. W. (1993). Biosorption for the removal of
market price for the dried unmilled seaweed from heavy metals from industrial wastewaters. IChemE
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