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Chapter 4 starts off from where Lady Rydal receives the letter sent by Sir Lionel. Lady Rydal is still. She is even
more motionless than a lifeless statue. She tries to wrap her head around the fact that her husband has left her and
the children they have together. She doesn’t believe that her loving husband could possibly leave her forever. As she
hears the laughter of her children, it hurts her heart badly. How will their children grow up without the love of a
father? She picks up the letter and reads again; now she believes he has truly left her and their love story behind.

Lady Rydal wonders who the so called Vivian, countess of Lynn is from as she has never heard of her before. She
feels bad and hurt that all the time she was waiting for him without sleeping or eating, he was with another woman.
Everyone in the household notices Lady Rydal’s change in her mannerism as they can’t recognize her anymore.
Lady Rydal sends for her father to be brought to the castle.

Angus Gordon enters the story as Lady Rydal’s father. He has been married twice; his first, who was Lady Rydal’s
mother, passed away when Elinor was born. He is now married to his present wife, Annie Langton, who doesn’t get
too along with Lady Rydal. She is nice in her own way and loving in her own was but also has a noticeable temper.
Lady Rydal remembers all the events that happened on her wedding day and how he always treated her. She is still
in shock that he left her.

The news of the betrayal starts becoming public, and Mr Norton, the lawyer who came with Lady Rydal’s father,
advises her to get a divorce from her husband. She doesn’t agree because it is not acceptable by the heavens. Lady
Rydal asks Mr Norton about Vivian, who explains that Vivian, is the beauty in which men craved. This makes Lady
Rydal so sad that she faints. Lady Rydal’s father, not knowing how to comfort her, curses Sir Lionel and nothing
good will come to men who do such deeds and go free.

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