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Name: Madubuko Munachimso Daniella

Subject: English


The news about Sir Lionel leaving his family

Hath becometh very public

And hath been published in the newspapers.

Squire Gordon and John Norton,

The lawyer, breaketh with the situation

Of mistress Rydal and they cometh

To an agreement yond't is all up to

Mistress Rydal to decideth. The mistress

Doest not accept the idea of divorcing

Yond mistress husband as the mistress believes

They wast did doth marry under the heavens.

The very same day, the news spreads

Across the whole household

And the county. Nay one can believeth yond

Sir Lionel couldst doth such

An act to his family. Mr. Norton

Receives a letter from Sir Lionel

Explaining how he wanteth his income

To beest did doth share between him and mistress rydal.

Sir Lionel wanteth to divide his income equally

Between him and his jointress. He requests

Yond the mistress doth taketh control of Dunwold

Until Gordon, their son, is of age

To taketh ov'r. Mistress Rydal sayeth the mistress

Wilt lief kicketh the bucket because

The teen in yond mistress heart

Is too much to bear. Squire Gordon

Sends for his jointress, Mrs. Gordon,

To holp talk to his daughter

As he believes yond since the mistress is a mistress,

The mistress can receiveth through to mistress rydal.

Seeing mistress rydal, Mrs. Gordon

Looks in horror as the mistress embraces Elinor.

Mrs. Gordon admonishes squire Rydal

For not sending for yond mistress earlier

For nay sir can deal with this kind of situation.

For a short time, the squire is delighted

Yond his remedy is working.

Mrs. Gordon shows love and affection

Towards mistress Rydal. As the travelling lamp sets,

Mistress Rydal sends for Mrs. Gordon.

The mistress calleth yond mistress mother

Which warms Mrs. Gordon’s heart.

As they hold each other’s hands,

Mistress Rydal’s wedding ring falls off

Yond mistress digit. The mistress admits yond

Yond mistress feather-catch but

A wink cubiculo hath broken,

But vows yond the mistress wilt liveth

And eke kicketh the bucket as sir Lionel’s jointress.

At the end of chapter 9, Bennet

Endues a letter from the earl of Lynn.

At first, mistress rydal disagrees, but agrees anon. 

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