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The Romans
On December 25, they celebrated the feast of “Natalis Solis
Invicti” or “Birth of the Undefeated Sun”, associated with the
birth of Apollo (god of the sun, music, poetry, beauty, medicine
and archery). December 25 was considered the day of the winter
solstice, and what the Romans called “mist”. Another Roman
festival called “Saturnalia”, in honor of “Saturn”, lasted about
seven days and included the winter solstice. For this celebration
the Romans postponed all business and wars, there was an
exchange of gifts, and temporarily freed their slaves. What it
comes down to is that such traditions resemble current
Christmas traditions and were used to establish a link between
the two holidays.

The Germans and Scandinavians

They celebrated on December 26 the birth of Frey, Norse god of
the rising sun, rain and fertility. In these festivals they adorned
an evergreen tree, which represented the Yggdrasil or tree of the
Universe, a custom that became the Christmas tree when
Christianity arrived in northern Europe.

The Aztecs
Celebrated during the winter, the advent of Huitzilopochtli, god
of the sun and war, in the month Panquetzaliztli, which would
roughly correspond to the period from December 7 to 26 of our
calendar. Taking advantage of the coincidence of dates, the first
evangelizers, the Augustinian religious, promoted the celebration
of Christmas and thus the pre-Hispanic god disappeared and they
maintained the celebration, giving it Christian characteristics.

The Incas

They celebrated the rebirth of Inti or the Sun god, the festival
was called Cápac Raymi or Festival of the powerful sun that by its
extension also covered and gave its name to the month, and
therefore this was the first month of the Inca calendar. This
festival was the counterpart of the Inti Raymi in June, since
December 23 is the southern summer solstice and the Inti Raymi
happens in the southern winter solstice. At the southern summer
solstice the Sun reaches its greatest power (it is old) and dies, but
is reborn to reach maturity in June, then declines until
December, and thus the Sun's life cycle would be completed.
This festival had an initiation ceremony into adult life of the
young men of the empire; this initiation was known as

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