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4014 Austin Drive

St. Charles, Missouri 63304
636-928-3694 *
SENIOR INVESTMENT MANAGER with over 31 years experience much of that at senior v
ice president level and above. Concentrated in fixed income portfolio management
and client service. Regularly communicated investment strategies and results t
o sophisticated institutional clients and prospects at highest levels. Passiona
te student of U.S. economy, the markets and their relevance to the design of inv
estment strategies across entire range of asset classes. Used extensive knowled
ge of asset/liability based long-term portfolio management to help develop new p
Director, Client Service - FAF Advisors (2002-2008)
Worked with institutional investment clients to structure and maintain appropria
te strategies to meet long-term objectives. Communicated market conditions and r
esults to clients and worked to develop new business with prospects who had simi
lar objectives to existing relationships. Discussed new strategies where approp
riate. Continued the most important aspect of previous position which was to re
tain clients.
* Used reputation and experience to re-affirm strong market presence in St. Loui
* After relocation of regional trading desks, worked to reinforce credibility of
process in order to retain existing clients and to attract new ones.
* Always responded positively to change as a constant
Director of Fixed Income - FIRMCO (2000-2002)
Headed fixed income effort in St. Louis, Milwaukee, and Cincinnati. With a grou
p of 13 professionals, managed eight funds and a large number of separate accoun
ts for a diverse client base. Traveled frequently to Milwaukee and Cincinnati t
o direct those teams and to meet with clients. Met monthly with funds board and
was a regular participant in those discussions. Finally, served as a member of
the management committee, which led FIRMCO during this period.
* Continued the great performance of our then flagship product, Bond IMMDEX, thr
ough a tumultuous period by keeping bond investment process understandable and b
elievable. Resulted in sustained asset growth.
* Retained virtually all of the relationships in St. Louis and a large number of
those in the other markets by maintaining superior investment results while ove
rcoming the perception that our mandate toward clients had changed.
* Established a level of cohesion amongst a diverse group of individuals by gett
ing them involved in, signed onto, and rewarded by the same process that was win
ning over clients.
Senior Associate - Mercantile Bank/Mississippi Valley Advisors (1983-2000)
Joined firm as Asst. VP in the fixed income area doing research and developing a
portfolio process. Most of these 17 years were spent as taxable fixed income p
ortfolio manager/strategist specializing in the treasury and mortgage backed mar
kets and yield curve analysis. Took on increasing responsibility for client acc
* Helped to grow assets of the firm during a formative period by gaining recogni
tion of the success of the fixed income process.
* Spearheaded research on a practical method to do asset/liability management in
pension funds using bond investment vehicles. This led to even greater asset gr
owth as the marketplace started coming around to these concepts.
* By analyzing the explainable and understandable economic forces that drive the
bond market, an enhanced process was developed which responds to price movement
instead of predicting it.

* The success of these efforts eventually led to heading up a much larger group
after a series of mergers which began in 1999.


Joined the former St. Louis Union Trust Co. in research and investments after gr
aduating from business school and worked as an industry analyst in equities. La
ter moved to the fixed income area working with one of the pioneers in active bo
nd management, Bob Franklin. Franklin's tutelage led to an understanding of the
credit markets, the yield curve, and the value of long-term bonds.
* Spent considerable time researching budding areas such as portfolio immunizati
on. This early work was an important foundation for later successes.
* Learned much about corporate finance and other forces, which help determine co
mpany value.

MBA, Finance 1976
Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville, Illinois
BA, Modern Language 1972
University of Missouri-St. Louis


CFA Designation
Have passed Series 7 License exam

United States Army, 101st Airborne Division 1972 to 1974

CFA Society of St. Louis. Member of program committee, former board member
ACT II Community Theater. Volunteer treasurer and board member
Riverside Shakespeare Theatre Company. Board member

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