Reading Comprehension 1: Reading & Importance of Good Vocabulary For RC (Class Exercise)

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Reading Comprehension 1

Reading & Importance of Good Vocabulary for RC (Class Exercise)

Number of Questions : 35 CEX–6149/20

Directions for questions 1 to 35: Read the following of making incremental progress from the base year.
passages and answer the items that follow. Your The NITI Aayog Health Index is a composite based
answers to these items should be based on the on 23 indicators, covering such aspects as neonatal
passages only. and infant mortality rates, fertility rate, low birth
weight, immunisation coverage and progress in
Passage – 1 treating tuberculosis and HIV. States are also
The Health Index 2019 released by NITI Aayog makes assessed on improvements to administrative
the important point that some States and Union capability and public health infrastructure. For a
Territories are doing better on health and well-being leading State like Tamil Nadu, the order of merit in
even with a lower economic output, while others are the report should serve as a sobering reminder to
not improving upon high standards. Some are actually stop resting on its oars: it has slipped from third to
slipping in their performance. In the assessment ninth rank on parameters such as low birth weight,
during 2017-18, a few large States present a dismal functioning public health centres and community
picture, reflecting the low priority their governments health centre grading.
have accorded to health and human development
2. The passage seems to argue that
since the Aayog produced its first ranking for 2015- (a) The NITI Aayog Health index should
16. The disparities are stark. Populous and politically include more indicators than the ones
important Uttar Pradesh brings up the rear on the
already listed.
overall Health Index with a low score of 28.61, while (b) The NITI Aayog Health index should
the national leader, Kerala, has scored 74.01. undergo a thorough check because many
1. Which one of the following is the most logical states have faltered in their respective
and rational inference that can be made from scores.
the above passage? (c) The NITI Aayog Health index has the
(a) The NITI Aayog Health Index data cannot potential to transform India into one of the
be trusted completely. best countries in the international health
(b) The state governments of the large states sector.
in India accorded due importance to the (d) The Niti Aayog data should encourage
health index in their respective states. states to always maintain a high level of
(c) Economic output does not guarantee an competence in the health sector.
improved health index.
(d) The Central government should ensure Passage – 3
that small states improve their health
index figures. Leaders of the 10-member Association of South East
Asian Nations have resoundingly committed to
Passage – 2 conclude negotiations for the Regional
Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) free
Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra join Kerala as the trade agreement by the end of 2019. Some like the
other top performers, with the additional distinction Malaysian Prime Minister went a step further,

RC – 1 Page 1
suggesting that countries not ready to join the RCEP, 2. There is no dearth of funds for state
notably India but also Australia and New Zealand, governments with regard to the primary
could join at a later date, allowing a truncated 13- health care sector.
member RCEP to go ahead. Others insist that all 3. The Health Index reflects every form of
16 members must agree on the final RCEP disease prevalent in India.
document. It is clear that ASEAN, which first
promoted the RCEP idea in 2012, is putting pressure Which of the assumptions is/are valid?
on all stakeholders to complete the last-mile (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 3 only
negotiations. The ASEAN summit, which ended in (c) 2 only (d) 2 and 3 only
Bangkok on Sunday, agreed to send a three-member
delegation to New Delhi to take forward the talks. Passage – 5

3. The passage seems to imply that India has a trade deficit with as many as 11 of the
(a) The RCEP should be complete shortly. RCEP countries, and it is the only one among them
(b) The RCEP might fail because India hasn't that isn't negotiating a bilateral or multilateral free
yet joined the RCEP. trade agreement with China at present. As a result,
(c) The RCEP will be instrumental in making although negotiators have agreed to New Delhi's
India a superpower by 2020. demand for differential tariffs for its trade with China
(d) Malaysia intends to lead the RCEP vis-à-vis the others, India has also made tagging the
dialogue process. "Country of Origin" on all products a sticking point
in RCEP negotiations. Despite its misgivings,
Passage – 4 however, the government has reiterated that it is
committed to making RCEP work, and any attempt
The neglect of such a reliable primary care approach to cut India out of the agreement was "extremely
even after so many decades affects States such as premature". In the next few months, India will be
Bihar, where much work needs to be done to reduce expected to keep up intense negotiations, and most
infant and neonatal mortality and low birth weight, important, give a clear indication both internally and
and create specialist departments at district to the world that it is joining RCEP.
hospitals. Special attention is needed to shore up
standards of primary care in Odisha, Madhya 5. The passage seems to argue that
Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, Assam and (a) The Indian government is not too keen to
Jharkhand, which are at the bottom of the scale, as continue with continuing the RCEP
per the NITI Aayog assessment. The Health Index dialogue.
does not capture other related dimensions, such as (b) China does not want India to join RCEP.
non-communicable diseases, infectious diseases (c) India seems to be wary that China might
and mental health. It also does not get uniformly try to sabotage the RCEP negotiations.
reliable data, especially from the growing private (d) India is interested to join RCEP.
sector. What is clear is that State governments now
have greater resources at their command under the Passage – 6: Philosophy
new scheme of financial devolution, and, in partnership
with the Centre, they must use the funds to transform Meditation is the best-known method for directing
primary health care. our thoughts towards the essentials and training our
perception. Buddhist monks, for example, practice
4. On the basis of the above passage, the meditation in order to free the spirit of all earthly ties
following assumptions have been made: and to open up new pathways to knowledge.
1. The primary health care sector in Assam
is not up to the mark. The phenomenon of controlled attention is not only
used in Asian religions but also in Western

Page 2 RC – 1
psychology. Anyone wishing to train his or her While eating less salt would improve the health of
memory must begin by controlling perception. For the population across the board, researchers found
example, if you find that you keep forgetting people’s that the benefits would be greatest for African
names, this is probably because you are easily Americans and women. As a group, African
distracted and do not attach enough importance to Americans tend to have higher blood pressure than
names when you are introduced. the general population, and “many studies suggest
that they may be more sensitive to salt,” Bibbins-
Even your creativity is influenced by how intensely Domingo says.
you deal with the task at hand. If you need a new
idea urgently, for example, an original birthday gift The numbers certainly offer compelling incentives to
for a close friend - perhaps you should let yourself cut salt consumption, but that’s no easy task.
be inspired by the world around you. We often do You can put down the salt shaker and cut back on
not take the time to notice what is around us. obviously salty snacks, but there’s still so much
The flash of inspiration you need will come if you sodium packed into processed foods that trying to
allow your attention to float freely, touching on all extract it from your diet is a tricky business.
possibilities, even ones you have disregarded.
If you’re dining out, all bets are off. According to the
6. The first paragraph of the passage mainly British organization ‘Consensus Action on Salt in
focuses on Health’, a three-course meal in a restaurant can
(a) the importance of directing our thoughts. contain more than 15 g of salt, almost three times
(b) meditation of the Buddhist monks. the recommended daily amount.
(c) the importance of meditation.
(d) the practice of meditation to free the spirit Bibbins-Domingo says it’s especially tough for
of all earthly ties. families with limited income, who tend to rely more
on processed or packaged foods and canned fruits
7. Why do Buddhist monks practice meditation? and vegetables rather than fresh foods. Patients tell
(a) In order to free the spirit of all earthly ties. her they’ve cut salted nuts, potato chips and pretzels
(b) To open up new pathways to knowledge. from their diet and started eating more soup instead.
(c) Both (a) and (b) “You realize that they’re actually consuming more
(d) None of these salt in their attempt to make healthy choices,” she
Passage – 7: Biology
8. Why is salt crucial for health?
Some salt is crucial for good health, of course — to (a) It leads to hypertension.
regulate blood pressure and assist with muscle and (b) It regulates blood pressure.
nerve function — but too much (that is, at the levels (c) It increases the chances of stroke
we currently consume) can lead to hypertension, (d) It harms the nerve function.
heart disease and stroke. If Americans halved their
salt intake, as many as 150,000 premature deaths 9. According to the passage, how will a
could be prevented each year, according to the reduction in salt intake benefit humans?
American Medical Association. And new research (a) It will assist muscle function.
presented by Bibbins-Domingo at the AHA’s annual (b) It will help them become more active.
conference shows that even small reductions — as (c) It will prevent premature deaths.
little as 1 g of salt per day — could have dramatic (d) It builds the possibility of heart disease.
effects, saving 200,000 lives over the course of a
decade. 10. What does the word ‘compelling’ mean in the
context of the passage?
(a) influential (b) appealing
(c) forceful (d) attentive

RC – 1 Page 3
11. According to the passage, which group is gestures, which, at first sight, seem to be pointless
more sensitive to salt? but are highly relevant to the plot. The language used
(a) Africans is very simple. In this part of the story the main
(b) Black Americans characters are presented: “The American wife” and
(c) African Americans “the husband”. Each seems to be isolated from the
(d) Americans other. We see the different paradigms: she is looking
out of the window and he is reading all the time:
12. Which foods, according to the passage, have “The husband went on reading, lying propped up with
high sodium content? the two pillows at the foot of the bed.” “George was
(a) Processed foods on the bed reading.” “George was reading again.”
(b) Fresh vegetables “He was reading again.” It has been highlighted by
(c) Fruits those repetitions that George is reading. We see
(d) None of these the opposition in the things they are doing.
The American wife is looking out the window and
Passage – 8: Literature sees a cat in the rain, which she wants to protect
from the raindrops. When she goes out of the hotel
In “A Cat in the Rain,” Hemingway demonstrates his and wants to get the cat, she finds it is gone.
ability to portray real women with problems and to After returning to the hotel, she starts a conversation
respond to their unhappiness with real sympathy. “A with her husband, George, who keeps on reading.
Cat in the Rain” is, on the surface, a simple tale of He seems to be annoyed and not interested at all in
an American couple in Italy. what she is saying: “Oh, shut up and get something
to read, George said. He was reading again.”
However, the reader soon realizes that this
uncomplicated story illuminates much deeper The husband’s crass words in conjunction with his
meanings. This seemingly mundane plot becomes inattentive attitude, characterize him as a
symbolic and purposeful under the reader’s gaze. stereotypical male who sees little benefit in taking
With the introduction of a single paragraph, his wife seriously. He ignores her needs. The way
Hemingway sets out a long description of the the husband is and the way he is acting shows the
environment in good weather, which means spring marriage coming apart. The story reflects certain
or summer; then a description of the momentary strains in marriage, the most important of which is
situation in the rain. The photographic description of communication: “George was not listening. He was
the place is absorbing and, in it, the weather plays reading his book.” He is alienated while his marriage
an important role. Weather descriptions usually is disintegrating.
constitute a substantial part in Hemingway’s writing
and introduce the readers into the atmosphere of 13. Which of the following is correct?
the story. This description creates an atmosphere A. The story “A Cat in the Rain” is not as
that is sad, cold and unfriendly. To create this simple as it appears.
atmosphere, the author uses words such as “empty” B. The husband in “A Cat in the Rain” takes
or “the motorcars were gone”. Later on, we will see his wife seriously.
this as a kind of advanced mention to the state of
the couple’s relationship. Another symbolic hint in (a) Only A (b) Only B
this introduction is the “war monument”, which is (c) Both A and B (d) Neither A nor B
mentioned three times, probably, to tell us that a
conflict is to be expected. 14. Based on the passage, the American wife’s
and the husband’s attitudes would best be
In order to introduce the main characters and set up represented by which of the following actions?
the situation, Hemingway uses short sentences, (a) Her attempts at conversation and his
dialogues and descriptions of movements and resistance to them

Page 4 RC – 1
(b) Her boredom and his inattentiveness boldly. Lasting fulfillment lives out in the unknown.
(c) Her lack of wisdom and his impatience When I was a kid, my dad used to tell me: “Robin,
(d) None of these it’s risky out on the limb. But, son — that’s where
all the fruit is.” And to play out on the skinny branch,
15. Hemingway uses a regular reference to which you need to innovate. Daily, relentlessly.
of the following to heighten the symbolism in
his writings? Of course, the more you innovate, the more you will
(a) The war monument fail. Not every risk you take and not everything you
(b) The weather try will work out as planned. Failure is essential to
(c) George’s reading success. Failure has been so helpful to me. It’s taken
(d) The word “empty” me closer to my dreams, equipped me with more
knowledge and toughened me up so I’m prepared.
16. Which of the following is incorrect? Success and failure go hand in hand. They are
(a) The contrast of good weather and the business partners.
situation of rain has been presented to
create an atmosphere of sadness. One of pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline’s
(b) The war monument has been mentioned organising values is ‘disturb’. Makes me think of the
to symbolize the likelihood of conflict words of Motorola CEO Ed Zander: “At the heights
between the couple. of success, ‘break’ your business. Companies that
(c) A Cat in the Rain displays the don’t innovate don’t survive. The lesson is especially
sympathetic attitude of Hemingway important when things are going well. Though it’s
towards women facing troubles in counterintuitive, successful companies actually
domestic life. need to be more innovative than the competition. It’s
(d) Hemingway tries to show synchronization like kids playing ‘king of the hill’ — everyone aims
in the activities and thoughts of the wife for the kid at the top. Leaders that don’t innovate are
and her husband. displaced by those willing to take risks.”

Passage – 9: Business So go to work each day and refuse to do the same

thing you did yesterday. Shake things up. Confront
True innovators have a mantra: “The enemy of the your limitations. Refuse to be average. Commit to
best is the good.” They are constantly daring to make be breathtakingly great in all you do. And that’s
things better. What others call impossible they see what you’ll become.
as probable. They live out of their imaginations —
not their memories. They live to challenge the 17. Why does the author talk about kids play?
commonly accepted. They assume nothing. They A. To add value to his point that innovation is
see no limits. To them, everything’s possible. very important for being at the top.
B. To present an example that would
If you want to be a leader, I have a simple suggestion. contradict his ideas.
Just keep innovating. Innovate at work. Innovate at
home. Innovate in your relationships. Innovate in the (a) Only A (b) Only B
way you run your life. Innovate in terms of the way (c) Both A and B (d) Neither A nor B
you see the world. To become stagnant is to begin
to die. Growth, evolution and reinvention sustain life. 18. What is the tone of the author?
(a) optimistic and encouraging
There’s no safety in being the same person today (b) pessimistic and sanguine
that you were yesterday. That’s an illusion that ends (c) pragmatic and realistic
up breaking your heart when you reach the end of (d) authoritative and objective
your life and realize that you missed out on living it

RC – 1 Page 5
19. What does the author mean by the phrase work, however, it seems clear that he saw Cubism
break your business? as a ‘port of call’ on his artistic journey, rather than
(a) Destroy your business to test whether it as a destination.
can hold the worst.
(b) Stop your business to check whether it Unlike the Cubists, Mondrian still attempted to
can re-emerge on its own. reconcile his painting with his spiritual pursuits,
(c) Reengineer all departments of your and in 1913, he began to fuse his art and his
organization. theosophical studies into a theory that signalled
(d) Innovate and do business differently than his final break from representational painting.
you were doing earlier.
Mondrian published “De Nieuwe Beelding in de
20. Why does the author advise “refuse to do the schilderkunst” (“The New Plastic in Painting”) in
same thing you did yesterday”? twelve instalments during 1917 and 1918. This was
(a) Because refusing to do the same thing his first major attempt to express his artistic theory
that you did yesterday leads to creativity, in writing. Mondrian’s best and most often-quoted
which in turn leads to innovation. expression of this theory, however, comes from a
(b) Because refusing to do the same thing letter he wrote to H.P. Bremmer in 1914:
that you did yesterday leads you to
accept failure which in turn leads to “I construct lines and colour combinations on a flat
innovation. surface, in order to express general beauty with the
(c) Because refusing to do the same thing utmost awareness. Nature (or, that which I see)
that you did yesterday leads you to inspires me, puts me, as with any painter, in an
challenge your limitations, which in turn emotional state so that an urge comes about to make
leads to innovation. something, but I want to come as close as possible
(d) Because refusing to do the same thing to the truth and abstract everything from that, until I
that you did yesterday leads you to reach the foundation (still just an external foundation!)
commit to be breathtakingly great in all of things.
you do which in turn leads to innovation.
I believe it is possible that, through horizontal and
21. Which of the following is an appropriate title vertical lines constructed with awareness, but not
for the passage? with calculation, led by high intuition, and brought to
(a) Importance of creativity harmony and rhythm, these basic forms of beauty,
(b) What great leaders do supplemented if necessary by other direct lines or
(c) How successful leaders remain curves, can become a work of art, as strong as it is
successful true.”
(d) Importance of innovation in life and in
business When the war ended in 1919, Mondrian returned to
France. Immersed in the crucible of artistic
Passage – 10: Art innovation that was post-war Paris, he flourished in
an atmosphere of intellectual freedom that enabled
In 1911, Mondrian moved to Paris. While in Paris, him to embrace an art of pure abstraction for the
the influence of the Cubism style of Picasso and rest of his life. Mondrian began producing grid-based
Braque appeared almost immediately in Mondrian’s paintings in late 1919, and in 1920, the style for
work. Paintings such as The Sea (1912) and his which he came to be renowned began to appear.
various studies of trees from those years are In the early paintings of this style the lines
dominated by the geometric shapes and interlocking delineating the rectangular forms are relatively thin,
planes commonly found in Cubism. While Mondrian and they are gray, not black. The lines also tend to
was eager to absorb the Cubist influence into his fade as they approach the edge of the painting, rather

Page 6 RC – 1
than stopping abruptly. The forms themselves, smaller (d) Cubists did not make their painting and
and more numerous than in later paintings, are filled spiritualism compatible while Mondrian
with primary colours, black, or gray, and nearly all of tried to reconcile art with his spiritual
them are coloured; only a few are left white. interests.
During late 1920 and 1921, Mondrian’s paintings 25. Which of the following statements can be
arrive at what is their definitive and mature form to inferred from the passage?
casual observers. Thick black lines now separate (a) Mondrian believed in drawing lines in a
the forms, which are larger and fewer in number, and calculated manner to create a beautiful
more of them are left white than was previously the painting.
case. Although the refinements became more (b) Mondrian’s thoughts and style of painting
subtle, Mondrian’s work continued to evolve during reflect the depth of his thoughts and
his years in Paris. As Mondrian’s work evolved further personality.
he began to use fewer and fewer coloured forms, (c) Mondrian was never convinced about the
favouring white instead. Cubist’s style.
22. According to the author, what was the main (d) The war ended in 1920.
feature of Mondrian as a mature artist? 26. Which of the following is correct?
(a) Grid based paintings (a) Mondrian exhibited originality in terms of
(b) Continued use of thick black lines style of painting.
(c) Predominance of white forms (b) Mondrian was only a painter.
(d) Larger black lines (c) Mondrian was born in Paris.
(d) None of these
23. The author says Mondrian “saw Cubism as a
‘port of call’ on his artistic journey, rather than Passage – 11: Science
as a destination.” From this statement we
can assume that Modern physics began with a sweeping
(a) Cubism and its influence was a useful but unification: in 1687 Isaac Newton showed that the
transitory phase in Mondrian’s artistic existing jumble of disparate theories describing
career. everything from planetary motion to tides to
(b) Cubism greatly influenced Mondrian but pendulums were all aspects of a universal law of
he could never reach his destination in gravitation. Unification has played a central role in
perfecting the art form. physics ever since. In the middle of the 19th century
(c) Cubism was the means and the end of James Clerk Maxwell found that electricity and
Mondrian’s artistic endeavours. magnetism were two facets of electromagnetism.
(d) Mondrian could become a great artist One hundred years later electromagnetism was
because of the influence of Cubism which unified with the weak nuclear force governing
acted like a port of call. radioactivity, in what physicists call the electroweak
24. According to the author, the difference
between Cubism and Mondrian’s art is that This quest for unification is driven by practical,
(a) Cubism was representational while philosophical and aesthetic considerations.
Mondrian’s art was not. When successful, merging theories clarify our
(b) Cubism could not reconcile its art with understanding of the universe and lead us to discover
representational art while Mondrian could things we might otherwise never have suspected.
make a complete break. Much of the activity in experimental particle physics
(c) Mondrian could break from today, at accelerators such as the Large Hadron
representational painting while Cubism Collider at CERN near Geneva, involves a search for
could not make a complete break. novel phenomena predicted by the unified

RC – 1 Page 7
electroweak theory. In addition to predicting new (b) Unification has played a central role in
physical effects, a unified theory provides a more physics since 1687.
aesthetically satisfying picture of how our universe (c) The unified electroweak theory predicted
operates. Many physicists share an intuition that, about a new phenomena in experimental
at the deepest level, all physical phenomena match particle physics.
the patterns of some beautiful mathematical (d) None of these
31. Which of the following is correct?
27. Which of the following statements is not true (a) Newton has not made any contribution
according to the passage? towards the idea of unification.
(a) Electricity, magnetism and the nuclear (b) Many physicists are intuitive.
force governing radioactivity are (c) All physical phenomena match the pattern
interlinked. of some beautiful mathematical structure.
(b) All disparate theories are aspects of a (d) The quest for unification is driven by
universal law of gravitation. practical, philosophical and aesthetic
(c) Many physicists believe that all physical considerations.
phenomena are related to mathematics.
(d) The birth of modern physics can be traced
Passage – 12: Philosophy
back to 1687.

28. Why does the author believe that “Unification At the very beginning, the founders and fathers of
has played a central role in physics ever the nation were under the delusion that it was
since”? possible to unite in one land two antagonistic
(a) Because unification helped James Clerk principles, liberty and slavery. The founders believed
Maxwell to find that electricity and that every man must give an account of himself to
magnetism were two facets of God, and because his responsibility was so great,
electromagnetism. they felt that he must be absolutely free. Since no
(b) Because the quest for unification is driven king, no priest, and no master could give an account
by practical, philosophical and aesthetic for him, he must be self-governing in politics,
considerations. self-controlling in industry, and free to go immediately
(c) Because unification brings all laws under into the presence of God with his penitence and
one roof and gives a meaning to them. his prayer. The fathers sought religious and political
(d) None of these freedom, not money or lands. But the new temple of
liberty was to be for the white race alone, and these
29. What are the benefits of successfully unified builders of the new commonwealth never thought of
theories? the black man, save as a servant in the house.
(a) Help in search of novel phenomena. For more than two centuries, therefore, the wheat
(b) Merging of theories improves our and the tares grew together in the soil. When the
understanding and opens gates to new tares began to choke out the wheat, the uprooting
discoveries. of the foul growth became inevitable. Perhaps the
(c) All physical phenomena appear to be Civil War was a necessity, for this reason, the disease
interlinked by some universal force. of slavery had struck in upon the vitals of the nation
(d) Solves the existing jumble of disparate and the only cure was the surgeon’s knife. Therefore
theories. God raised up soldiers, and anointed them as
surgeons, with “the ointment of war, black and
30. Which of the following is incorrect?
(a) Clark Maxwell found that electricity and
magnetism were two facets of

Page 8 RC – 1
32. Which of the following is a possible criticism 34. Which of the following is correct about the
that the author may have towards the opinion of the author towards civil war?
‘founders of the nation’? (a) He supports the cause of the civil war and
(a) The idea of freedom that the ‘founders’ feels that it was needed to resolve the
had was associated only with the white problem.
man. (b) He is against wars in general but favors
(b) ‘Founders’ treated blacks as a lowly this war.
servant in the household. (c) He feels that wars are bad and should be
(c) ‘Founders’ did not conceive the idea of avoided.
civil war until it was too late. (d) He feels that wars are always necessary
(d) They discarded the necessity of any form to fight for a good cause.
of governance and advocated ‘The Free
Man’. 35. What can be inferred about the symbolic
meaning of the words “the ointment of war,
33. Why has the author mentioned ‘the wheat black and sulphrous”?
and the tares grow together in the soil’? (a) The author is trying to talk about
(a) To present an analogy to the situation of gunpowder and other such substances
white race living on the ideas of liberty that are used in wars.
and the black race living in slavery in the (b) The author is trying to show his knowledge
same nation. about the various chemicals.
(b) To provide an example of the paradox (c) The author is reflecting upon the pain and
presented in the passage. darkness that a war begets.
(c) To present his idea of lack of experience (d) The author is from a medical background
in agriculture exhibited by the white race. and is giving an analogy from it.
(d) None of the above

Reading & Importance of Good Vocabulary for RC (Home Exercise)

Directions for questions 1 to 27: Read the following immediate environs (and with the aid, too, of
passages and answer the items that follow. educational resources made available through the
Your answers to these items should be based on media and nowadays the internet), within a few years
the passages only. they can read, write, calculate, and act (at least
often) in culturally-appropriate ways. Some learn
Passage – 1 these skills with more facility than others, and so
education also serves as a social-sorting mechanism
All human societies, past and present, have had a
and undoubtedly has enormous impact on the
vested interest in education; and some wits have
economic fate of the individual. Put more abstractly,
claimed that teaching (at its best an educational
at its best education equips individuals with the skills
activity) is the second oldest profession. While not
and substantive knowledge that allows them to
all societies channel sufficient resources into support
define and to pursue their own goals, and also allows
for educational activities and institutions, all at the
them to participate in the life of their community as
very least acknowledge their centrality—and for good
full-fledged, autonomous citizens.
reasons. For one thing, it is obvious that children
are born illiterate and innumerate, and ignorant of 1. According to the passage, which of the
the norms and cultural achievements of the following are advantages of education?
community or society into which they have been 1. Vocational skills are imparted so that
thrust; but with the help of professional teachers and children can emerge as responsible
the dedicated amateurs in their families and citizens.

RC – 1 Page 9
2. Skills like reading and writing are imparted For instance, a study says that Mumbai’s Nhava
to children. Sheva International Container Terminal (NSICT) has
3. It acts as a social-sorting mechanism seen “excessive and unlawful gains” at the expense
that distinguishes the better learners from of port users, who paid 80 per cent more than what
the slower ones. was due.
4. It defines goals for individuals and
presents them the techniques with which “The 30-year concession period awarded to NSICT
they can achieve these. Ltd for a port terminal at JNPT (Jawaharlal Nehru
Port Trust) has affected the public exchequer and
Select the correct answer using the codes user interest in several ways. The role played by
given below: TAMP (Tariff Authority for Major Ports), the
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 independent regulator responsible for fixing tariff, led
(c) 3 and 4 (d) 1 and 4 to NSICT extracting inadmissible returns of Rs 524
crore during 2002-05 which translated into returns of
2. According to the passage, how does over 100 per cent on its equity as against the
education impact the economic fate of the permissible 20 per cent,” the study said.
(a) By imparting skills and knowledge that While a port may sound distant, the Delhi-Noida toll
the individual uses to follow her goals. bridge, which has seen traffic grow manifold since
(b) By imparting the specific skills and it was opened nearly a decade ago, would look more
knowledge that each individual needs to familiar. Another story details how the concessionaire
follow her goals. got a deal where it was assured 20 per cent return
(c) By imparting skills and knowledge that and any shortfall resulted in increased project cost.
the individual should use to follow her So, the initial cost of the DND Flyway, as it is more
goals. popularly known, has doubled to Rs 953 crore and
(d) By imparting skills and knowledge that since the amount has to be recovered - with returns
allows the individual to be a responsible - the operator now gets to run the facility for 70 years,
citizen. instead of the original 30-year period.

3. With reference to the passage, it can be 4. According to the passage, which of the
inferred that education plays the important following are criticisms linked with
role of: public-private partnership (PPP)?
(a) filling the gap between knowledge and 1. Overcharging from users of the facility
application. developed under PPP.
(b) filling the gap between understanding and 2. Burden on the public exchequer.
application. 3. Insider trading practices specifically with
(c) filling the gap between ignorance and reference to return on equity.
intellect. 4. Superfluous government bailout schemes.
(d) filling the gap between unawareness and
knowledge. Which of the statements given above are
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2 and 3
Passage – 2
(c) 3 and 4 (d) 1 and 2
Critics, including several in the government, would
be more than eager to tell you that infrastructure 5. Which of the following best summarizes the
development through the public-private partnership author’s views on the Delhi-Noida toll bridge?
(PPP) route has come at a huge cost. (a) Assuring a high rate of return to the private
partner in a PPP can turn out to be a
burden on the exchequer.

Page 10 RC – 1
(b) Assuring a rate of return to the private 2. Shifting the focus of punishment to
partner in a PPP makes any shortfall due community service.
to increased project cost a burden on the 3. Incorporating legal aid services as an
users who have to pay higher toll rates. essential provision of the legal system.
(c) Assuring a high rate of return to the private 4. Introducing a higher budget for the criminal
partner in a PPP is detrimental to justice system.
infrastructure development.
(d) Assuring a rate of return to the private Select the correct answer using the codes
partner leads to increased project cost given below:
and is a reason why public-private (a) 1 only (b) 3 only
partnerships do not work in India. (c) 1 and 3 (d) 2 and 4
Passage – 3 7. From the information given in the passage, it
Experts also say it is essential for the criminal can be inferred that:
justice system to be slotted as planned expenditure (a) the criminal justice system is not part of
in budget provisions, to get its due. Raghavan the planned expenditure in budget
suggests a boost for legal aid services by investment provisions.
of more funds as an incentive for lawyers to take up (b) the criminal justice system falls under
these cases. “The government could also provide budget provisions but not under the
innovative alternatives such as incorporating legal section of planned expenditure.
aid service as part of legal internship programmes (c) the criminal justice system does not fall
or make a certain stipulated number of legal aid under budget provisions at all.
cases compulsory for practising lawyers.” Introducing (d) the criminal justice system has suffered
alternatives in punishment systems, which could due to a lack of funding in all areas.
involve shifting the focus solely from fine and
punishments to community service, or payment of 8. What does the author imply by the term
compensation, could also provide some respite. “judicial pendency”?
(a) The tendency of the judiciary to send all
Judicial pendency in turn creates new problems, like offenders to prison instead of looking for
overcrowding of prisons. The number of undertrials alternative measures.
in prisons across the country substantially (b) The need for a rehabilitation process for
outnumbers convicts. Raghavan attributes this to the young offenders instead of a prison based
poor implementation of the Probation of Offenders system of justice.
Act, which provides for a supervised, community- (c) The time taken to decide the outcome of
based rehabilitation process for young offenders and a specific case.
those convicted for less serious offences, instead of (d) The lack of decision-making abilities in
sending all categories of offenders to prison (as the judiciary due to which a large number
punishment). On its part, the ministry has introduced of cases are pending.
a slew of measures since 2000. It has approved ‘in
principle’, a National Mission for Justice Delivery and 9. With reference to the passage, consider the
Legal Reforms to target arrears in the system and following statements:
initiated an e-courts project for computerization of 1. The ministry has introduced measures
subordinate courts as well as improvement of higher and has plans to expedite the proceedings
court services. of the justice system.
6. Which of the following provisions is/are 2. The ministry plans to improve the services
suggested as incentives for lawyers? of the higher court and introduce more
1. Making necessary a fixed number of convenience in the subordinate courts.
cases for practicing lawyers.

RC – 1 Page 11
Select the correct answer using the codes advantage, (b) long term technology and productivity
given below: enhancement, (c) intra-industry trade, and (d) FDI
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only and portfolio capital inflow.
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 and 2
10. What is the main thought of the author in the
Passage – 4 first paragraph?
(a) The need for countries and enterprises to
In forming expectations about the future, it is
find new markets.
important to keep in view the interplay of the two
(b) Expectations about the future of the global
main determinants of international economic
market place.
relations – market forces and economic policy. Global
(c) Markets are being integrated on a global
market forces are pushing in the direction of closer
integration. Among the key drivers of this process is
(d) The interplay of two main determinants –
the need for countries and enterprises to find new
market forces and economic policy – of
markets for their exports, the efficiency seeking
international economic relations.
restructuring of global operations being undertaken
by multinational enterprises, and the eagerness of 11. With reference to the passage, consider the
global finance capital to enter ‘emerging markets’. following statements:
Under these influences, trade-GDP ratios are rising 1. Economic policy is more important than
in many countries, including India. the market forces as it is only through
In the Asian region, market conditions have been this that market forces can operate.
disrupted by the recent financial crisis. 2. Economic policy is vital as it helps create
The post-crisis recovery patterns in the economies the structure around which market forces
of the region need to be analyzed in order to gauge can operate.
their impact on future market trends that would Select the correct answer using the codes
impact India’s economic links with this region. given below:
Though market processes have become more (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
important during the 1990s, the role of economic (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 and 2
policy remains crucial, because it sets the
parameters within which market forces may operate. 12. With reference to the passage, which of these
We must therefore evaluate the type of international affect the nature of economic linkages in the
integration strategy that India is pursuing. Similarly, Asian region?
we need to evaluate the international economic 1. Evaluation of the type of international
strategies of East Asian countries. The closeness integration strategy used by a country.
of fit between these strategies would determine the 2. A modification of the integration strategy
trade complementarity between India and East Asia. of a country.
Should our integration strategy change, this would 3. The fit between the international economic
have significant implications for the nature of strategies of the trading countries.
economic linkages.
Select the correct answer using the codes
The fact that there are very different ways in which given below:
newly liberalizing economies can choose to integrate (a) 1 and 3 (b) 1 and 2
with international markets is often not adequately (c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 2 and 3
recognized. We shall distinguish between three
generic types of integration strategies or ‘modes of 13. From the last paragraph of the passage,
globalization’. Each of these modes of globalization it can be inferred that
differs from the other in the relative emphasis it (a) Modes of globalization are distinguished
accords to the following dimensions of international on the basis of the stimulus to static
linkage: (a) the stimulus to static comparative comparative advantage.

Page 12 RC – 1
(b) Modes of globalization are distinguished (b) The choice of awarding the death penalty
on the basis of the manner of integration mainly rests on the judge’s discretion.
that each has with the international (c) The death penalty and life imprisonment
markets. are both judgments that depend on the
(c) Modes of globalization are distinguished personal beliefs of the judge.
on the basis of the various elements of (d) Since the death penalty is not the highest
international linkage. prescribed punishment it depends on the
(d) Modes of globalization are distinguished judge’s discretion to be awarded.
from each other based on the relative
emphasis they each place on the 15. With reference to the passage, which of these
elements of international linkage. has not been mentioned as a basis on which
the judge chooses to award the death
Passage – 5
1. His objective evaluation of the evidence.
2. His approval of the evidence that has been
The death penalty alone is not the highest prescribed
punishment for any crime in India. A judge always
3. What he considers important or assigns
has a choice between awarding either the ‘death
worth to.
sentence’ or ‘life imprisonment’. Once a person is
4. His contentment with the arguments put
found guilty, the decision about whether to send him
forth by the prosecution.
to the gallows or keep him behind bars for the rest of
his life is taken by the judge. He bases his decision Select the correct answer using the codes
on his appreciation of evidence, his personal value given below:
scale and his subjective satisfaction of the (a) 1 and 2 (b) 1, 3 and 4
prosecution theory. It does not hinge only on the (c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) 1 and 3
sweet will of the judge, but it is almost so.
16. With reference to the passage, it can be
What ‘special circumstances’ warrant death for the inferred that
convict, and how a particular case is concluded as (a) the lack of clear guidelines is not only
a ‘rarest of rare’ case to justify capital punishment, with reference to the award of capital
are fluid and often arbitrary. As repeatedly held by punishment but also linked with its
legendary jurists Justice V R Krishna Iyer and aftermath.
Justice P N Bhagwati, there is neither legislative (b) the lack of clear guidelines in the award
policy nor legal principle or judicial precedents that of capital punishment ensures that the
guide a judicial officer when awarding either life or negative effects of the judgment carry on
death. The absence of any clear-cut legal even after it is implemented.
proposition ensures that the process does not end (c) the clear pronouncement of the ‘special
with the judgment alone. circumstances’ behind the award of
capital punishment are necessary to
The question of ‘inordinate delay’ as a valid reason evaluate its effectiveness.
to convert a death sentence into one of imprisonment (d) judicial officers need guidance from fellow
for life is answered by different judges, benches and jurists who have past experience in
political and social sections differently. awarding either life sentences or death
14. What does the author imply in the last
sentence of the first paragraph? 17. With reference to the passage, consider the
(a) The death penalty itself is awarded to following statements:
those who are perpetrators of crimes that 1. The argument of unnecessary delay can
are judged the rarest of the rare. be used in some cases to change a death
sentence into one of life imprisonment.

RC – 1 Page 13
2. The argument of unnecessary delay is builders to house the growing community of
used in all cases where the death migrants, the over-crowded chawl became the icon
sentence has been converted to one of of the working-class dwelling.
life imprisonment.
18. What does the author imply when he uses
Select the correct answer using the codes the words “old buildings and neighbourhoods
given below: are replaced with small pieces of Singapore”?
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (a) Old buildings and neighbourhoods are
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 and 2 likened to the old architecture in
Passage – 6 (b) Old buildings and neighbourhoods are
renovated using architectural styles from
An unrestrained urbanization is transmuting our Singapore.
cities. Horizons are punctuated with scaffoldings (c) Old buildings and neighbourhoods are
and a new grammar of glass and steel is taking substituted with analogous architectural
shape, as old buildings and neighborhoods are styles.
replaced with small pieces of Singapore. Enclaves (d) Old buildings and neighbourhoods now
of unique architectural styles are slowly being have new architectural styles inspired by
gentrified and brought into a homogenous the neo-architecture of Singapore.
mainstream. Transformations that are happening are
pushing out the traditional inhabitants and new 19. With reference to the passage, which of the
people are moving in who do not have the same following is not mentioned as an element of
social patterns. the new architectural style gaining ground in
Though India has a variety of architectural idioms 1. Inhabitants with a dissimilar sense of
and techniques, cookie-cutter replications are gaining community.
popularity. “Traditional architecture came around with 2. Erosion of the traditional architectural
strong response to social, cultural and climatic elements.
consideration, “ says Dilawari. “This is what is being 3. The builder’s importance has replaced the
eroded very fast. The interaction of designers with need for designers.
users is being replaced by the builder and quality of 4. The quality of the building/neighborhood
space is being replaced with arithmetic of space. “ is not given importance.

With the removal of architecture from its context, Select the correct answer using the codes
there is a slow extinction of features such as open given below:
spaces, balconies, high ceilings, pedestrian-friendly (a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3
thoroughfares, exposed brickwork and (c) 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 4
indigenous material such as kota stone. This is
largely because the means of production have 20. With reference to the passage, it can be
become so highly standardised - the capacity of inferred that architecture:
human beings to create meaningful cultural objects (a) can be used to create a cultural impact.
that impact people is being lost. (b) is at the centre of a cultural debate.
(c) has core elements like open spaces,
The chawls of Mumbai offer a window into the unique balconies and high ceilings.
culture, society and history of an island metropolis (d) is a creative field that is open to
in the midst of moulding itself in the image of a ‘world interpretation.
class city’. In the late 19th century, the textile
industry prompted a vast influx of immigrants from
the hinterland. Constructed by mill owners and private

Page 14 RC – 1
21. With reference to the passage, consider the years of NATO, they should no longer take Uncle
following statements: Sam’s protection for granted.
1. The chawls continue to serve a valuable
purpose in the cramped housing The trans-Atlantic gap in military spending really took
circumstances of Mumbai. off after 9/11. In the years that followed, the George
2. The chawls of Mumbai are symbolic of W Bush administration poured money into the
the city’s distinct societal structure and military, increasing the defense budget by about 8
way of life. per cent every year. No European country matched
that rate of spending. Mired in the worst debt crisis
Select the correct answer using the codes in recent history, Europeans are unlikely to launch a
given below: major military spending spree now.
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 and 2 22. With reference to the first paragraph, it can
be inferred that the main thought of the author
Passage – 7 is that:
(a) the French military is overstretched
From the stern-faced Foreign Legionnaires to the because of its involvement in a number of
gleaming sabres of the cavalry guards and the Mirage international missions.
fighters roaring overhead, the French military put on (b) the main role of the French military is to
an impressive display as they marched down the maintain peace in conflict situations that
Champs-Elysee this July 14. Behind the annual exist in its former colonies.
Bastille Day pomp however, France is at full stretch (c) the French military might is impressive
keeping over 12, 000 troops deployed on an array of as was displayed during Bastille Day.
international missions from wars in Libya and (d) the French military have an array of skills
Afghanistan to keeping peace in former African that are used to maintain peace in conflict
colonies like Chad and Ivory Coast. areas.

France is not alone. Britain, along with France, is 23. It can be inferred that the main thought of the
the major military power in the European Union but author in the passage is that:
last year announced it was scrapping HMS Ark Royal 1. across Europe, defense budgets are
- flagship of the Royal Navy, axing fighter jets and shrinking as governments wrestle with
spy planes and slashing the strength of the armed budget deficits and public debt.
forces by 17, 000. Of NATO’s 26 European members, 2. the defense budgets of other European
only France, Britain, Greece and Albania meet the countries need to be increased to match
alliance’s target of spending at least 2 per cent of those of France, Britain, Greece and
GDP on defense. In comparison the United States Albania.
dedicates 5. 4 per cent of its budget to the military.
During the Cold War, the United States accounted Select the correct answer using the codes
for half of NATO’s defense expenditure, now it pays given below:
75 per cent. (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 and 2
US politicians have long scolded Europeans for
freeloading under the US military umbrella, but 24. With reference to the passage, which of the
outgoing defense secretary Robert Gates went a step following have been stated as a reason (s) for
further last month in a farewell speech to allies in the US’s increased military strength as
Brussels. He told allies they risked “collective military compared to its European neighbors?
irrelevance” unless they boosted military capabilities, 1. The increased military spending by the
then issued a stark warning that after more than 60 US post 9/11.

RC – 1 Page 15
2. The lack of financial strength in European 25. What does the author imply by "no honest
economies. word"?
3. The US’s consistent focus on collective (a) Doctors and health care providers are often
military relevance. dishonest.
4. The increased share of the US in NATO’s (b) India's health sector is in need of a
defense expenditure during the Cold War. regulatory authority.
(c) Patients are not provided complete
Select the correct answer using the codes information of recommended treatment.
given below: (d) The harassment of patients that the health
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 sector is responsible for.
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 3 and 4
26. With reference to the passage, it can be
Passage – 8 inferred that
(a) The patients' charter of rights including
Thousands of patients in India face the same ethical standards will be strengthened.
harassment everyday. With no upper limit to medical (b) The patients' charter of rights including
costs and no honest word on what procedures a ethical standards was not already in
patient actually needs and what is being existence.
recommended purely for financial gain, India's health (c) The patients' charter of rights will monitor
sector, specially privately run hospitals, are coming and enforce essential healthcare
under serious scrutiny. regulations.
(d) The patients' charter of rights will need to
This has now made the Planning Commission's all- be monitored in order to enforce essential
powerful high-level expert group on health suggest healthcare regulations.
putting in place a patients' charter of rights including
ethical standards. According to the panel, India 27. With reference to the passage, which of the
immediately needs a new National Health Regulatory following have been mentioned as the
and Development Authority (NHRDA) that will monitor responsibilities of the NHRDA?
and enforce essential healthcare regulations to 1. Providing the option of uncomplicated
control entry, quality, quantity and price. financial backing to health care providers.
2. Supervising and implementing contracts.
The recommendation is to set up the NHRDA which 3. Ensuring that the health sector sticks to
will be statutorily empowered to regulate and monitor/ the set code of behavior.
audit both the public and the private sectors and 4. Supporting State Health Regulatory and
ensure enforcement and redressal. Development Authorities with
corresponding powers.
This regulatory and development body will be
responsible for overseeing and enforcing contracts Select the correct answer using the codes
for public and private providers, accreditation of all given below:
health providers, preparing and enforcing standards (a) 1, 3 and 4 (b) 2 and 3
for facilities, staff, scope, access, quality and (c) 2 and 4 (d) 1 and 4
rationality of services and costs of care with clear
norms for payment. The NHRDA will also ensure
adherence to standard protocols for treatment with
involvement of professional organisations, establish
a system of regular audit of prescriptions and
inpatient records and death audits.

Page 16 RC – 1
Reading Comprehension – 1 CEX–6149/20
Answers and Explanations
Class Exercise

1 c 2 d 3 a 4 a 5 d 6 c 7 c 8 b 9 c 10 c
11 c 12 a 13 a 14 a 15 b 16 d 17 a 18 a 19 d 20 c
21 d 22 c 23 a 24 d 25 b 26 a 27 b 28 c 29 b 30 d
31 d 32 a 33 a 34 a 35 a

Home Exercise
1 b 2 a 3 d 4 d 5 a 6 a 7 b 8 c 9 c 10 c
11 b 12 d 13 d 14 b 15 c 16 a 17 a 18 c 19 c 20 a
21 b 22 a 23 c 24 b 25 c 26 b 27 b

Class Exercise 8. b The first line of the passage states regulation of blood
pressure as one of the advantages of salt intake.
1. c The author states this in the very first sentence. The
9. c The last line of the first paragraph states that if salt
other options cannot be inferred from the passage.
intake was halved as many as 150,000 premature
2. d Refer to the last sentence of the passage where the deaths could be prevented.
author mentions the instance of Tamil Nadu.
10. c The word ‘compelling’ means ‘forceful’ or ‘convincing’.
3. a Refer to the second last sentence of the passage for
the answer. The other options are out of scope and 11. c At the end of the second paragraph it is mentioned
cannot be inferred from the passage. that on the basis of research, Bibbins-Domingo states
that African Americans are more sensitive to salt.
4. a Refer to the second and last sentences of the passage
for the answer. Sentence 3 is incorrect in the light of 12. a The third paragraph states that processed foods are
the passage. packed with sodium.

5. d Refer to the last sentence of the passage for the 13. a Statement A can be inferred from the lines “In “A cat in
answer. Option (c) is unfounded. the rain”…under the reader’s gaze.” Statement B
contradicts the facts presented in the passage. Thus,
6. c The passage begins with the subject of ‘meditation’ only statement A is correct.
and then moves onto the example of ‘Buddhist monks’.
So, options (a) and (b) refer to only one aspect of the 14. a Option (a) can be inferred from the penultimate
passage- ‘directing our thoughts’ and ‘meditation of paragraph. The third paragraph highlights the two
Buddhist monks’. Option (d) refers to ‘the message of characters – the husband and the wife. “We see the
meditation’ which is also incorrect because the different paradigms: she is looking out of the window
paragraph does not preach the idea of meditation. and he is reading all the time” highlights that the two
Option (c) mentions the ‘importance of meditation’ which main characters are in opposition to what they are
is the appropriate choice because the paragraph gives doing. Option (b) is incorrect as her boredom is not
specific example of ‘Buddhist monks’ in order to implicit in the passage. Option (c) is incorrect as the
highlight the significance of meditation. wife’s lack of wisdom cannot be inferred.

7. c The answer is clearly given in the second line. So, 15. b The second paragraph starts to discuss Hemingway’s
option (c) is the appropriate choice because it contains use of symbolism. The author brings out the references
both the reasons. ‘[in order to free the spirit of all that the author makes. Option (b) is the best answer
earthly ties and to open up new pathways to as the paragraph itself states that “Weather
knowledge]’ descriptions usually constitute a substantial part in

RC – 1 Page 1
Hemingway’s writing and introduce the readers into 25. b Option (b) can be inferred from the lines in the letter he
the atmosphere of the story”. This sets a base on wrote to H.P. Bremmer. Influence of spiritualism is
which the plot unfolds. Options (c) and (a) can be reflected both in terms of his ideologies as well as his
seen as regular references in A Cat in the Rain but not art and his words are able to express the depth of his
in all writings of Hemingway. personality. He is not interested in just creating a work
of art but also looks for seeking, expressing and
16. d Option (d) is incorrect. Hemingway has given various experiencing the truth (as he perceives it).
examples to show the conflict between the couple.
The repeated reference to the husband’s reading and 26. a Option (a) is correct. Despite the initial influence of
the wife looking out of the window at the cat in the Cubism on his art, Mondrian had his own unique style
rain highlight the opposition in the things the husband as he reconciled his paintings with his spiritual pursuits.
and wife are doing. He was known for his grid based paintings. Option (b)
is incorrect because Mondrian published “De Nieuwe
17. a The author presents the example of kids playing ‘king Bleeding in de schilderkunst” in twelve installments
of the hill’ to underpin his point that innovation is required and expressed his artistic theory in writing. Data is
for being at the top. Statement B contradicts the inadequate to comment on option (c).
purpose of the reference to kids play. Thus, only
statement A is correct. 27. b Refer to the lines, “...electricity and magnetism were
two facets of electromagnetism....electromagnetism
18. a The author’s optimism and positive spirit is reflected was unified with the weak nuclear force...” Thus,
throughout the passage. option (a) is true according to the passage. Options
(c) and (d) find reference in the last sentence and the
19. d Refer to the fifth paragraph, “companies that don’t first sentence of the passage respectively. Thus,
innovate don’t survive. This makes option (d) correct. option (b) is the answer as it is not the author’s point
Options (a) and (b) are neither mentioned nor implied of view presented in the passage but that of Newton.
in the passage. Option (c) can be eliminated as the
passage doesn’t indicate anything about reengineering 28. c Options (a) and (b) are examples mentioned to support
of departments of any organization. the statement and not the reason for the author’s belief
on the role of unification. Option (c) is correct as it
20. c Refer to the last paragraph, “...refuse to do the same rightly indicates the impact of unification after 1687.
thing you did yesterday. Shake things up. Confront
your limitations. Refuse to be average.” Thus, option 29. b Option (b) is the correct answer. It can be derived
(c) is correct. Option (a) can be ruled out as ‘creativity’ from the lines “When successful, merging theories
is not mentioned directly by the author. Option (b) is clarify our understanding of the universe and lead us
incorrect as “to accept failure” is not his advice here. to discover things we might otherwise never have
Option (d) is also incorrect as refusal to do what you suspected. Option (a) has been mentioned in the
did yesterday doesn’t directly lead you to commit to be passage as a specific example of benefit of the unified
breathtakingly great. electroweak theory. Thus, option (a) may not be true
with all unified theories. So, option (a) is incorrect.
21. d The passage is about innovation and its role in Option (c) is beyond the scope of the passage. Refer
successful life and business. Option (d) is, therefore, to the lines “Modern physics began…were all aspects
correct. The underlying theme is innovation. Thus, of a universal law of gravitation.” Thus, option (d) is a
option (a) is incorrect. Options (b) and (c) are also half baked idea and cannot be inferred from the
incorrect as the main focus of the passage is not on passage.
great leaders or how they remain successful, though
that finds mention in the passage. 30. d Option (a) can be inferred from the lines “In the middle
of the 19 th century…facets of electromagnetism.
22. c Refer to the last paragraph, “Mondrian’s work Option (b) has been explicitly mentioned in the first
continued to evolve during his years in Paris. As paragraph. Option (c) can be inferred from the lines
Mondrian’s work evolved further, he began to use “Much of the activity in experimental particle
fewer and fewer coloured forms, favouring white physics…unified electroweak theory.” So, all the three
instead.” Thus, option (c) is correct. options are correct and can be inferred from the
23. a A port of call is an intermediate, temporary stop for a
31. d Option (d) can be inferred from the first line of the
ship in its sailing itinerary. For Mondrian, cubism was
second paragraph. The lines “Modern physics began
just an intermediate point before his final aim or objective
with…physics ever since” clearly state the contribution
in his journey as an artist.
of Sir Isaac Newton towards the idea of unification.
24. d Refer to the first paragraph “—Unlike the Cubists, So, option (a) is incorrect. Many physicists share an
Mondrian still attempted to reconcile his painting with intuition about something does not mean that they are
his spiritual pursuits.” intuitive about other things. So, they cannot be called
intuitive. Option (c) has been mentioned only in context

Page 2 RC – 1
of the intuition of the physicists and has not been citizen cannot be directly and causally linked with
mentioned as a fact. Thus, option (c) is incorrect. economic fate.
32. a The author’s criticism of the ‘Founders of the nation’ 3. d From the fourth line of the passage, it is clearly stated
was that their vision did not include ‘The black man’. that children are born ignorant. The passage also states
that education helps impart knowledge to children and
33. a Analogy is the process of comparing one thing with
helps them become individuals who can define and
another thing that has similar features in order to explain
pursue their own goals. It can thus be implied that
it. Option (a) presents the reason for the mention of
education fills in the gap between ignorance
the analogy most effectively. The idea of wheat and
(unawareness) and knowledge. Option (d) is the
tare is not an example but an analogy. Moreover, no answer. Option (c ) can be ruled out because intellect
paradox is presented in the passage. So, option (b) is (intelligence or mental power) is not indicated in the
incorrect. Option (c) is irrelevant. passage. Lack of information or knowledge is. Option
(b) can be ruled out because lack of application is not
34. a Refer to the lines “Perhaps the Civil War…black and a concern in the passage. Option (a) is incorrect
sulphurous”. Thus, option (a) is correct. Option (b) is because the passage does not state whether
beyond the scope of the passage. Option (c) is against education fills the gap between knowledge and its
the spirit of the passage. Option (d) is too generic in application.
nature and the data in the passage is insufficient to
comment on it. 4. d Refer to the second paragraph that states that NSICT
saw ““excessive and unlawful gains” at the expense
35. a Option (a) which talks about gunpowder and chemicals of port users, who paid 80 per cent more than what
used in wars most logically fits in the context of the was due”. This is a case of overcharging the user.
words “the ointment of war, black and sulphurous”. Statement 1 is correct. Statement 2 can be concluded
from the last two paragraphs. Statement 3 is incorrect
as there is no reference to insider trading practices
Home Exercise though there is a mention on higher returns for NSICT
than that permitted on equity. Statement 4 can also be
1. b The last few lines of the passage discuss the ruled out because there are no government bailout
advantages of education. Option (a) can be ruled out schemes in discussion in the passage. With reference
because there is no mention of vocational skills – there to specific operators, it is mentioned that there is a
are indications in the paragraph that education helps protection policy that the government provides in case
individuals become independent but this is not linked the operator is unable to recover the initial project cost
with vocational skills. Option (b) is mentioned in the and returns. However, there is no indication on it being
ninth line of the first paragraph. Option (c) is implied in unnecessary and statement 4 cannot be inferred.
the 10th line of the paragraph. Option (d) is incorrect Option (d) is the answer.
as the last sentence of the passage mentions that
education allows individuals to define their own goals. 5. a The author is concerned about the fact that assuring
It is incorrect to assume that education defines goals a high rate of return to the private partner can
for individuals. sometimes lead to unnecessary financial burden on
the exchequer. The emphasis in the passage is on
2. a Refer to the last sentence of the passage - “Put more “inadmissible returns”—that infrastructure
abstractly, at its best education equips individuals with development often comes at a huge cost to the
the skills and substantive knowledge that allows them exchequer.
to define and to pursue their own goals, and also
allows them to participate in the life of their community 6. a The first paragraph leads to the answer of this
as full-fledged, autonomous citizens.” This sentence question. Option (a) is correct as it is mentioned in the
implies that education imparts skills and knowledge fifth line of this paragraph. Option (b) is incorrect as it
that the individual goes on to use to follow her goals. is part of introducing alternatives in punishment and
Option (a) is the answer. Option (b) can be ruled out not part of incentives for lawyers. Option (c) is
because there is no indication that education imparts incorrect because as an incentive for lawyers, the
the specific skills that each individual needs. One can author mentions incorporating legal aid services as
infer from the penultimate sentence of the passage part of legal internship programmes and not as
that skills are imparted to individuals and each one mentioned in the option. Option (d) is incorrect because
learns these skills with a different pace and ability. the author mentions the need to include the criminal
Option (c) can also be ruled out because it implies that justice system as a planned expenditure in the budget
the individuals have an obligation to use the skills provisions. Option (a) is the answer.
imparted to follow their goals – the passage only
indicates that the individual uses the skills imparted 7. b The first line of the passage states that the criminal
according to her discretion and not out of obligation. justice system needs to be slotted as a planned
Option (d) is incorrect because being a responsible expenditure under budget provisions – this indicates

RC – 1 Page 3
that currently it is not under this slot. The next few parameters within which market forces operate.
lines mention “investment of more funds” and “provision Statement 2 is correct. However, statement 1 cannot
of innovative alternatives” by the government. This be inferred because the paragraph never implies that
indicates that the government does include the criminal economic policy is more important than market forces
justice system in its expenditure. Option (b) is the (in fact the opposite is implied). Also there is no
answer. Option (a) is only a direct restatement of the implication that it is only through economic policy that
first line and does not include any inferential market forces can operate – the paragraph instead
understanding in it. Option (c) is also incorrect given states that economic policy provides the structure
the information in the passage. Option (d) is also around which market forces can operate.
incorrect. While legal aid services have been
specifically mentioned in the context of investment of 12. d Refer to the last line of the second paragraph of the
more funds, it cannot be inferred that the criminal justice passage. It states that if the integration strategy
system lacks funding in all areas. changes, this would have an impact on the nature of
economic linkage. Statement 2 is correct. Statement 1
8. c Refer to the first few lines of the second paragraph is incorrect because an evaluation of an integration
where the author refers to the problem created as a strategy would not affect economic linkages – the
result of judicial pendency – overcrowding of prisons. second line of this paragraph also helps cement this
He elaborates this further in the next line when he understanding. It is not an evaluation per se but the
says that the number of undertrials in prisons future market trends themselves that could impact
substantially outnumber the convicts. Option (c) can economic linkages. Similarly, the third last line of the
be immediately inferred as hinted by the fact that there second paragraph indicates that the closeness of fit
are more undertrials in prisons than convicted of the international economic strategies of East Asian
prisoners. Option (a) can be ruled out as this does not countries determines the trade complementarity –
explain judicial pendency itself but is an indication of indicating the nature of economic linkages. Statement
the poor implementation of the Probation of Offenders 3 is also correct. Option (d) is the answer.
Act. Also, on the basis of the passage, it cannot be
inferred that the judiciary is in the habit of sending 13. d The last paragraph states the basis on which modes
offenders to prison. Option (b) is an argument put of globalization can be distinguished from each other
forth by the author to tackle judicial pendency but it – on the basis of the relative emphasis it accords to
does not explain the term itself. Option (d) is judgmental the dimensions of international linkage. Option (d) is
of the judiciary itself and can be ruled out as it is a line the answer. Option (c) can be ruled out because the
of argument not taken up by the author. distinction is based on the emphasis placed on the
elements of international linkage and not the elements
9. c The improvements that the ministry has started to make themselves. Option (b) is not a logical answer as
and plans to make are stated in the last sentence of modes of globalization and integration strategies are
the passage. Statement (1) can be inferred as there is used synonymously in the paragraph. Option (a) is
mention of targeting arrears in the system and incorrect as static comparative advantage is an
introduction of e-courts – both these indicate expediting element of international linkage and not the main
(speeding up) the justice system. Statement (2) can distinguishing factor.
also be inferred because it is clearly mentioned that
there will be improvement in the higher court services 14. b Option (a) can be ruled out because the first line of the
as well as computerization of subordinate courts passage states that the death penalty alone is not the
(indicating greater convenience in functioning). Option highest punishment for any crime in India. Option (b) is
(c ) is the answer. the answer. The first paragraph states that it is the
judge who takes the decision of awarding the death
10. c The author starts by mentioning that there is an interplay penalty but he bases it on a number of things. The last
of two main determinants of economic relations – line of the paragraph also states that the award of the
market forces and economic policy. However, the rest death penalty does not depend solely on the will of the
of the paragraph goes on to discuss global market judge but mostly on it. Option (c) is incorrect because
forces and the key drivers that are moving these market personal values or beliefs are only one criterion that
forces closer to each other. Option (c) can thus be the judge uses to award the death penalty – refer to
inferred. Option (d) can be ruled out as it also includes the penultimate sentence. Option (d) is incorrect
economic policy. Option (a) is incorrect as it a key because it cannot be inferred from the information in
driver for the man point that is discussed. Option (b) the passage.
can be ruled out because it is too general – restructuring
in the global market place cannot be equated to 15. c Refer to the penultimate sentence of the first paragraph
“restructuring of global operations being undertaken – it is mentioned that the judge bases his decision on
by multinational enterprises”. his appreciation of evidence, his personal value scale
and his subjective satisfaction of the prosecution theory.
11. b Refer to the second paragraph. It clearly states that Statement 1 is incorrect as the sentence implies that the
economic policy is crucial because it sets the judge takes a decision and bases it on certain

Page 4 RC – 1
parameters – there is an element of personal evaluation 19. c The first two paragraphs of the passage include the
and analysis that is involved. The rest of the passage elements of the new architectural style that is gaining
also takes a look at the lack of guidelines and legislative popularity in India. Option (a) is an element that is
principles in awarding the death sentence. Statement 2 inferred from the first paragraph - refer to the last line
is correct, as there is indication of the judge’s approval that states “new people are moving in who do not
of the evidence submitted. Statement 3 is correct have the same social patterns.” Option (b) is inferred
because the judges personal value scale has been from both the first and second paragraphs – refer to
mentioned indicating things he considers important or the lines “Enclaves of unique architectural styles are
assigns a worth to. Statement 4 is also inferred from slowly being gentrified and brought into a homogenous
the judge’s subjective satisfaction of the prosecution mainstream” and “cookie-cutter replications are gaining
theory. Option (c) is the answer.
popularity”. Both indicate a shift from the traditional to
a style that is popular and homogenous. Option (c) is
16. a Refer to the last line of the second paragraph. It clearly
an incorrect inference as the last sentence of the
implies that the lack of guidance does not only apply to
second paragraph indicates that the interaction of
the judgment but is also applied to the process that
designers and users is being replaced by the
takes place after the award of the judgment. Option
interaction of builders with users. There is no indication
(a) is the answer. Option (b) is incorrect because
that there is no need for designers. Option (d) can be
there is no reference to the negative effects of the
inferred from the last sentence of the second
judgment – only to the aftermath of the judgment. Option
(c) is incorrect because it cannot be inferred from
information in the passage – there is also no discussion
20. a The entire passage makes a reference to the cultural
on the effectiveness of the judgment. Option (d) also
impact of architecture – refer to the last line of the
cannot be inferred from the information in the passage.
third paragraph. Also the reference to the chawls as
There is only a reference to the opinion of legendary
a window into the unique culture of an island metropolis
makes option (a) the best answer. Option (b) is
incorrect because there is no cultural debate
17. a Consider the last paragraph – it implies that there are
mentioned in the passage and hence one can’t infer
some judges who take inordinate or unnecessary delay
that architecture is at the centre of this debate. Option
as a valid reason to convert a death sentence to life
(c) is incorrect because it cannot be inferred that the
imprisonment. Statement 1 is correct. However, there
core elements of architecture are open spaces,
is also an indication in the paragraph that there are
balconies etc. These may be core elements of Indian
other judges who do not accept inordinate delay as a
architecture but they cannot be projected as the core
valid reason to convert the death sentence into life
elements of architecture itself. Option (d) is incorrect
imprisonment. Besides this, there is not enough
because the author has interpreted the changing
information in the passage to infer that all cases where
architecture in a specific manner – it is clear from the
the death sentence has been converted to life
author’s tone (which is opinionated) that he does not
imprisonment have been based on the reason of
think that architecture is open to interpretation.
inordinate delay. Statement 2 is incorrect. The answer
is option (a).
21. b Option (a) cannot be inferred because there is no
information in the passage on the current housing
18. c The highlighted words can be better understood from
circumstances in Mumbai. Option (b) is correct as the
the last four lines of the paragraph. The author
first line of the last paragraph states that chawls help
discusses that old buildings and neighbourhoods are
one to see the unique culture of Mumbai. The last few
being replaced with small pieces of Singapore. The
lines also state that the chawls were built for the vast
author goes on to elaborate on this in the next line
influx of immigrants and are the icon of the working-
when he indicates that there is a movement away
class dwelling. Option (b) is the answer.
from unique architectural styles and towards a
homogenous (analogous) mainstream style. Option (c)
22. a The first paragraph mentions that the French military
is the answer. Option (a) is incorrect as there is no
put on an impressive display on Bastille Day. However,
mention of the old architecture in Singapore. Option
it cannot be inferred that their might itself is impressive
(b) is incorrect as there is no indication that old
as there is no given benchmark on which to compare
buildings are renovated. Instead it is clearly indicated
this. Option (c) can be ruled out. The paragraph does
that old buildings are replaced with architectural styles
also go on to mention that despite the impressive
that are homogenous. Option (d) is also incorrect
display, the French military is over worked (at full
because it cannot be inferred that the there is a neo-
stretch) with over 12,000 troops deployed on different
architectural style that exists in Singapore.

RC – 1 Page 5
international missions. This is the point that the author 25. c The third line of the first paragraph reveals the
was leading to/the conclusion of the first paragraph. implication behind the phrase "no honest word". The
Option (a) is the answer. Option (b) can be ruled out author says that there is no honesty behind why
because it cannot be inferred on the basis of the treatment is recommended to a patient - which
passage – the main role of the French military is not procedures are actually needed to treat the patient
and which ones are superfluous and money making
discussed. Option (d) can be ruled out as it is too
tactics. Option (c) presents the implication behind the
general and again cannot be inferred on the basis of
use of "no honest word". Option (a) can be ruled out
the passage – there is no indication that the French because it judges the doctors and health care providers
military have an array of skills. as people, not professionals - whereas the main tone
of the passage is the dishonesty in the health sector.
23. c The author starts the passage by establishing the fact Option (b) can be ruled out because this is dealt with
that the French military is overstretched. In the next in the second paragraph. The first paragraph in which
paragraph he states that even the British are slashing this phrase appears is concerned with establishing
their military strength. The next two paragraphs the dishonesty in the health sector. Option (d) is
establish the fact that European countries are not incorrect because it is generic and does not help
spending a much as they should on their military, provide the specific implication behind the highlighted
whereas, in recent years, the US has strengthened phrase.
its military might. The main reason given for the pull
back in defense expenditure is the debt crisis in Europe.
26. b Refer to the second paragraph. It is stated that the
Option (c) is the answer. Option (a) is too specific as
patients' charter of rights including ethical standards
there is no specification on the exact nature of the
will be put into place. This implies that such a charter
debt crisis that is being faced in Europe. Option (b) is
did not previously exist. Option (b) is the answer.
incorrect as the author mainly makes a comparison on
Option (a) is incorrect because this incorrectly
defense expenditure between Europe and the US.
assumes that the charter already exists. Option (c) is
Option (d) is incorrect as it is only a specific detail
given in the passage but not the main point of the incorrect because the paragraph mentions that the
passage. NHRDA will monitor and enforce essential healthcare
regulations. Option (d) is also incorrect because the
24. b The last paragraph of the passage moves on to author has not mentioned the need to monitor the
establish specific reasons as to why the US has charter but instead the need to monitor the health care
surged ahead in its military might as opposed to the sector.
countries in the European Union. Option (a) has been
mentioned in the first three lines of the last paragraph. 27. b Refer to the last paragraph of the passage where the
Option (b) can be inferred from the fourth line of the author lists down the responsibilities of the NHRDA.
last paragraph. Option (c) is incorrect as there is no Statement 1 can be immediately ruled out because
indication that the US has focused on collective military there is no mention of the NHRDA providing any
relevance. Instead the US has warned European allies financial backing to health care providers. Statement 2
that if they do not boost their military capabilities, they is correct as the author mentions "overseeing and
will lose their collective military relevance. Option (d) enforcing contracts" as a responsibility. Statement 3
can be ruled out because there is no information that is also correct as the author states that "the NHRDA
links the US’ share of NATO’s defense expenditure in will also ensure adherence to standard protocols".
the Cold War with its increased military strength now. Statement 4 can be ruled out because there is no
indication in the passage that the NHRDA will also help
regulatory authorities in the state. The answer is option

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