Physical Education Lesson Plan: - Please Delete Red Descriptions

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Name: Carter Self

PHYSICAL EDUCATION LESSON PLAN - Please delete red descriptions

Date of Lesson: 03/01/2022 Class Time: 10:55-11:40AM

School Name and Grade: King Springs Elementary 2nd Grade Technology Use: None by Students

Length of Lesson: 45 minutes Number of Students: 24 Students

Equipment/Supplies: 20 basketballs. Description of Facility: King Springs Elementary Gymnasium

Should only need 1 per group.
Have extras just incase you need to split a group based off behavior or skill

Central Focus: Cardiovascular fitness and endurance Teaching Style: Direct/Command style

Cognitive Objective (s): Instructional Strategies: Frequent stops and checks for understanding.
1.Students will be able to recall the cues for a successful bounce pass during the
closure Curriculum Approach: Sport education
2.Students will be able to recall the cues for a successful chest pass during the

Psychomotor Objective (s): Prior Academic Knowledge & Skill:

1.Students will be able to perform a successful chest pass 4/5 times PE1.1. k. Dribbles continuously in personal space using the dominant hand.
2.Students will be able to perform a successful bounce pass 4/5 times.

Affective Objective (s): : Safety Considerations: (Physical & Emotional) : there is a possibility that a
1. Students will be able to interact positively with others by using positive student may get struck with a ball by accident. Direct them to always keep their
language towards one another 100 percent of the time. eyes up and have their head a on a swivel so they can be aware of their
surroundings. Also, make sure everyone has plenty of space move.

National Standards Addressed: GPS Assessed:
Standard 2: The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, PE.2.1. h. Catches an object at a medium level with the hands (not trapping
principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance. against the body).
PE2.4. d. Interacts positively with others during partner and small group
Standard 4: The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and activities.
social behavior that respects self and others.

Lesson Plan Details: Write a detailed outline of your class session including your instructional strategies, learning tasks, key questions, key transitions, student
supports, assessment strategies, and conclusion. Your outline should be detailed enough that another teacher could understand them enough to use them.
Include what you will do as a teacher and what your students will be doing during each lesson phase. Note: the statements and scaffolding questions in red below
are meant to guide your thinking and planning. You do not need to answer them explicitly or address each one in your plant. Delete them before typing your
lesson outline.

INTRODUCTION TIME Objectives Assessment

(Instant/Motivational Activity; Warm-Up & Review; Set Induction)
Introductory (Warm-Up) Activity: 3-5 minutes
Students will walk, run, or jog around the perimeter of the gymnasium. As both classes enter start play one
song. After everyone is warmed up, have them start galloping, then transition into a skip. Once the song is over,
have them walk and catch their breath

Set Induction: Good morning, everyone! Today we are going to keep working on our Superstar Basketball skills!
Today we are going to work and improve on our passing. Passing the ball might be one of the easiest skills to
learn, but it is one of the most important skills to learn in order to work together as a team.

LESSON BODY TIME Objectives Assessment

(Specific and detailed plan to facilitate student learning and skill development)
Informing Task: Students should already be in their squad lines. Since there are 6 squads there will be six 3-5 minutes C1,P2 Passing
groups. If there is a very small group or an uneven number of students per group, rearrange them so that they Checklist
are relatively even. Next, have you and a student demonstrate a successful bounce pass. Students in each group
will perform a bounce pass to everyone in their group. Students should be in a circle and will perform a bounce
pass around to everyone in their group. As everyone gets the hang of it, have them increase the pace of passing.

Cues: Step towards the target, push the ball down towards the target, release
Cues for catching: Eyes on the ball, use 2 hands, cushion the pass
Extending Task: Now have each group spread out, and have them perform a bounce pass with increase distance 2-3minutes C1,P2

among each other.

Cues: Step towards the target, push the ball down towards the target, release
Cues for catching: Eyes on the ball, use 2 hands, cushion the pass

Extending task: Keep students in their same groups. This time have the students return to their original 2-3 minutes C2,P1 Passing
positions. Now, each student in every group will perform a successful chest pass to everyone in their groups. checklist
Before they begin, have a student help demonstrate with you on how to perform a successful chest pass.

Cues: Ball by chest, eye on the target, step towards the target, extend the arms, release
Cues for catching: Eyes on the ball, use 2 hands, cushion the pass

Extending Task: This will be the same task as above, but have every group spread out so they can perform a 2-3 minutes C2,P1 Passing
chest pass to everyone in their group with increased distance checklist

Cues: Ball by chest, eye on the target, step towards the target, extend the arms, release
Cues for catching: Eyes on the ball, use 2 hands, cushion the pass

Extending task: Keep all the groups at their current distance. This time they will perform an overhead pass with 2-3 minutes Passing
the basketball to each person in their groups.

Cues: Ball above head, eyes on the target, step towards target, release
Cues for catching: Eyes on the ball, use 2 hands, cushion the pass

Extending Task/Monkey in the middle: Have students stay in their same groups. Two students will be passing 2-3 minutes C1, P2 ,A1
the ball to each other. There will be one person in the middle trying to play defense and obtaining the checklist
basketball. If the person in the middle gets the ball, then the person who passed the ball last will become the
new person in the middle.
This round everyone will have to perform a bounce pass

If the person in the middle cannot obtain in the ball in 10 passes, then the round is over, and they will rotate.

Cues: Step towards the target, push the ball down towards the target, release
Cues for catching: Eyes on the ball, use 2 hands, cushion the pass

2-3 minutes C2,P1,A1 Passing

Extending task: This will be the same task as above. This round everyone will perform a chest pass around the checklist
person in the middle

Cues: Ball by chest, eye on the target, step towards the target, extend the arms, release
Cues for catching: Eyes on the ball, use 2 hands, cushion the pass

Extending task: This will be the same task as above. This time students will perform an overhead pass. A1 Passing
Cues: Ball above head, eyes on the target, step towards target, release
Cues for catching: Eyes on the ball, use 2 hands, cushion the pass

TIME Objectives Assessment

(Wrap Up, Review, Transition)
Ticket out the
Everyone Stop Freeze have a seat. If you have a basketball, walk it up to me. Everyone else, head back to your 5 minutes
roll call spots. When I call your squad line, come grab a ticket out the door, and a writing utensil and complete
your paper. Raise your hand when you are finished. Once I collect your paper, you may quietly walk and lineup.

(explain how you will informally or formally assess each objective)

Informal: passing checklist used by instructor

Formal: Ticket out the door at end of class

Differentiation Based on Student Characteristics

(Specific and detailed plan to modify lesson to meet learning needs of all students)

English Language Learners: Provide a task card with directions in their native language. Have them partnered up with someone who my be able to communicate
with this students or who is willing to partner up with this student.

Students below Grade Level: Have them grouped up with students who are able to assist a lower level student. Have the lower level students grouped up
working on passing and catching passes from a shorter distance. Have them find a spot on the wall where they can practice passing the ball to themselves
before they can advance to passing someone else.

Students above Grade Level: Have them pair up with a student who is at a lower level and aid in their learning. Have these students increase the amount of
passes in a row one must achieve, as well as the distance. Have them come up with a passing routine.

Student Exceptionalities
(Specific and detailed plan to modify lesson to meet learning needs of all students)

Physical Conditions: Make sure all groups have plenty of space. Set boundaries if you need to.

Behavioral Conditions: once groups are divided, split children up based on behavior if need be.

Resources: If ideas in this lesson were based on work from others, acknowledge your sources here


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