Reflection 2

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Jasmin Norman

EDUC 410 – 900

Lesson Reflection

The original lesson that I submitted for the recorded lesson assignment was a literacy read

aloud lesson for my kindergarten class. The objective of the lesson was for the students to be able

to verbally say one sentence comparing two things. The students were engaged during the lesson,

but the procedure of the activity did not lead them to meeting the lessons’ objective. Immediately

after teaching the lesson, I realized that there could have been a few improvements. And after

receiving feedback from my mentor teacher and professor, it was clear that I needed make some

adjustments while developing my lessons moving forward.

My mentor teacher, professor, and I had all agreed that the lesson lacked an independent

practice that allowed the students to demonstrate that they were able to meet the objective.

Thankfully, my professor allowed me the opportunity to resubmit the recorded lesson assignment. I

used the feedback and experience from the read loud lesson to aid me as I developed the next

lesson. With support from my MT, SD, and professor, I decided to be observed teaching a writing

lesson. The objective of the writing lesson was for the students, with support, to be able to write 2

opinion sentences about the ocean. While working on the writing lesson plan, I continually

considered if I was creating instruction that would lead to the students to meeting the lessons’


The students have been learning about different habitats and were now focusing on the

ocean habitat. The school district’s curriculum required that the students learn how to write an

opinion piece. I incorporated the ocean theme with writing to guide me in meeting the curriculums’
goal. On the day prior to the observed lesson, the students wrote 2 opinion sentences about what

they like about the ocean. For the observed lesson, I begin by reviewing the previous lesson with

the students and discussed that they would now be writing 2 sentences about what they dislike

about the ocean. As a class we reviewed what an opinion is as well as the structure of a sentence. I

ask guiding questions as a whole group to ensure that students understand the expectations of the

writing activity. The students were instructed to use the think/ pair/ share method to answer the

question, “What do you dislike about the ocean?”. I called on a few students to share and I

recorded the responses on the board. The responses were used to help the students complete the

sentence, “I do not like the ____.” The students are asked to verbally say the sentence and fill in

the blank with their opinion before being released into their writing groups.

I observed and supported the students as they worked on writing their opinion pieces, and it

was evident that the students were able to meet the writing lessons’ objective. Majority of the

students were able to correctly write 2 opinion sentences about their dislikes surrounding the

ocean. I feel that this lesson shows that I have effectively utilized prior feedback and experiences to

demonstrate my growth in lesson planning. The student’s finished work provided proof that the

procedures in my lesson plan aided in the students meeting the lesson plan’s objective. I plan to

continue to reflect on my teaching and grow as an elementary educator.

Danielson’s Framework for Teaching

Domain 1: Planning and Preparation

The lesson was planned and prepared with my knowledge of the content area and the students

background knowledge. As I mentioned in the above reflection, the students have been learning

about the ocean and had previously written an opinion sentence on what they liked about the

ocean. Students were grouped based on their writing abilities and supported as needed. The lesson

plan has a clear and measurable objective, and the assessments can demonstrate the students have

met the objective. Students were able to write and fill in the blank of the sentence, “I do not like

the ____”, when asked “what are your dislikes about the ocean?” When I think back on the lesson

plan and the teaching of the lesson, I realized that I did not prepare to discuss the definition of

“dislike”, but during the lesson I asked the students if they knew the meaning and discussed it

briefly. Moving forward, I must consider all questions that could promote higher thinking for the


Domain 2: The Classroom Environment

The classroom is arranged so that all students can learn. The lesson starts off on the rug as a whole

group and then students are released into their writing groups where they are expected to write

their sentences independently. The students were respectful to each other as they shared their

responses on the rug. When I reflect on the classroom environment during the writing lesson, I

would adjust the writing group seating assignments. I grouped level 1 at the kidney shape table,

which is often used as a support table. But moving forward, I think it would be good idea to also

have level 2 grouped together as well. Level 2 writers require less support from the teacher, but I

think they could support each other more if they were seated together.

Domain 3: Instruction
During the writing lesson, the students were engaged and participated in discussions that involved

active learning. The lesson demonstrates several examples of this domain. The students are

grouped into 2 levels. Level 1 writers and level 2 writers. Level 1 writers were instructed to sit at

the kidney table where I can sit and provide them with more one on one support. Level 1 writers

also use a worksheet that has the sentence starter preprinted to aid them in completing their

sentences. The think/ pair/ share method was also utilized during this lesson. This method allowed

the students to think independently and build upon their oral communication skills. The method

also allows me to use questioning as a technique to gauge the students understanding of the lesson.

I used questioning to provide feedback to the students as they worked on their sentences. As I

walked around to support the students, I would ask questions such “Does your sentence have

everything that sentence needs? or what is the first letter of waves? Let’s sound it out.”. These

questions are used for observation notes and provides the students the chance to adjust their work.

As a reflection, I would have liked to provide more time for the few students who were unable to

complete their 2nd sentence. I made note of one student who was unable to complete writing his last

sentence, but he was able to verbalize the sentence to me. Moving forward, I will consider

allowing more time for independent work. I will also consider timing when creating the

assessments and rubrics for the lessons.

Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities

I maintained accurate records of the students completed work and monitored their progress as they

completed their sentences. The lesson plans are created weekly and submitted to my mentor

teacher on the Thursday prior to the week of the lessons. I used the feedback from my MT to

reflect and adjust my lessons as needed. I feel confident in my abilities to collaborate effectively
with my MT; however, I would like to improve in my communication with families. I have spoken

with some parents briefly during dismissal, but being that I am the student teacher, I believe most

parents still feel comfortable talking with my MT. I am sure that once I am teaching within my

own classroom, I will have more opportunities to communicate with families. My reflections on

my own teaching will allow me to continue to grow as an educator overall.

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