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Chapter 1: Know the Alphabet 4
Chapter 2: Naming Words 4
Chapter 3: Forms of Naming Words: Singular and Plural 4
Chapter 4: Using ‘A’ and ‘An’ 5
Chapter 5: Action Words and Helping Words 5
Chapter 6: Pronouns: Words that replace the Nouns 5
Chapter 7: More Pronouns: This, That, These, Those 5
Chapter 8: Describing Words 5
Chapter 9: Sentences 6
Chapter 10: Tenses 6
Chapter 11: Prepositions 7
Chapter 12: Conjunctions 7
Chapter 13: Adverbs 7
Chapter 1. The Alphabet, Letters and Words 8
Chapter 2. Nouns 8
Chapter 3. Nouns Numbers 9
Chapter 4. Nouns Gender 10
Chapter 5. Articles 10
Chapter 6: Verbs 10
Chapter 7: Helping Verbs 11
Chapter 8: Pronouns 11
Chapter 9: Adjectives 11
Chapter 10: Sentences 12
Chapter 11: Punctuations 12
Chapter 12: Tenses 12
Chapter 13: Prepositions 13
Chapter 14: Conjunctions 13
Chapter 15: Adverbs 13
Chapter 1: The Alphabet 13
Chapter 2: Sentences 13
Chapter 3: Nouns 14
Chapter 4: Nouns: Number 14
Chapter 5: Articles 14
Chapter 6: Verbs 15
Chapter 7: Pronouns 15
Chapter 8: Adjectives 15
Chapter 9: Punctuations 16
Chapter 10: Tenses 16
Chapter 11: Prepositions 16
Chapter 12: Conjunctions 17
Chapter 13: Adverbs 17
Chapter 14: Parts of Speech 17
Chapter 15: Writing Paragraphs and Letters 17
Chapter 16: Understanding Words 17
Chapter 1: The Alphabetical Order 18
Chapter 2: Nouns 18
Chapter 3: Nouns: Numbers 18
Chapter 4: Articles 18
Chapter 5: Verbs 19
Chapter 6: Pronouns 19
Chapter 7: Adjectives 19
Chapter 8: Sentences 19
Chapter 9: Punctuations 20
Chapter 10: Tenses 20
Chapter 11: Prepositions 20
Chapter 12: Conjunctions 20
Chapter 13: Adverbs 21
Chapter 14: Direct – Indirect Speech 21
Chapter 15: Letter Writing/Diary Writing 21
Chapter 16: Essay Writing 21
Chapter 1: Sentences 21
Chapter 2: Nouns 21
Chapter 3: Verbs 22
Chapter 4: Articles 22
Chapter 5: Pronouns 22
Chapter 6: Adjectives 22
Chapter 7: Adverbs 23
Chapter 8: Prepositions 23
Chapter 9: Con junctions 23
Chapter 10: Tenses 23
Chapter 11: Punctuations 23
Chapter 12: Direct and Indirect Speech 24
Chapter 13: Letter Writing 24
Chapter 14: Vocabulary 24
Adept English Grammar 1-5

Adept English Grammar

Chapter 1: Know the Alphabet
A. Capital and Small Letters

Capital letter Small letter Capital letter Small letter

a B
g h
I j
k L
M n
o p
Complete the table for the other alphabets.


C. 1. Anita;  2. Barun;  3. Disha;  4. Mitali;  5. Sohail;  6. Zen
D. Baby brother; grandfather; grandmother; father; mother; pet
E. 1. C;  2. V;  3. V;  4. C;  5. C;  6. V;  7. V.;  8. C.
F. Vowels:  e, o, i, a, and u
Consonants: Rest are all consonants. Write them in your exercise copy.
Project Work: Take the help of an elder at home or your teacher in school.
Choose an alphabet and create a craft work on it.
Chapter 2: Naming Words
A. 1. Fan;  2. Tree;  3. Car;  4. Girl;  5. Bird;  6. Clown; 7. Apple;  8. Rose.
B. Individual answer
C. 1. Baby;  2. Boat  3. Waiter;  4. Nurse;  5. Table;  6. Shop.
D. 1. baker;  2. milkman; doctor;  4. gardener;  5. carpenter.
E. 1. Chimpanzee;  2. Zebra;  3. Tiger; 
4. Crocodile;  5. Dolphin.  6. Elephant
F. 1. Parrot;  2. Fish;  3. Cow;  4. Dog;  5. Camel
G. Across: Lamp; Spoon; Book
Down: Jug; Fruits
H. Individual answer
I. 1. School;  2. Park;  3. Classroom;  4. Kitchen.
Project Work: Take the help of your teacher or an elder at home. Pick a few pictures from newspapers, maga-
zines, or books and paste them in the space give. Also write the naming words.

Chapter 3: Forms of Naming Words: Singular and Plural

The teacher will guide the class and tell them how to form a plural word from a singular word and vice versa.
A. Friends; Flowers; Pots; Sheets; Pens; Computers; Trees; Cars.
B. 1. toys, books;  2. girls;  3. vegetables;  4. Dogs;  5. milkmen, pots, heads.
C. 1. hands;  2. fingers, toes;  3. eyes;  4. legs;  5. ears.

Adept English Grammar 1-5

D. Across: cats, dolls

Down: trees, pencils
E. 1. Boy;  2. Nuns;  3. Cups;  4. Pens;  5. Flowers;  6. Ducks.
Project Work:  Individual answer
Chapter 4: Using ‘A’ and ‘An’
A. Individual answers.
B. Vowels: apple, inkpot, oyster; emu; umbrella
Consonants: peacock, tub, lady, bucket, pencil
C. 1. B;  2. P;  3. L;  4. S;  5. C;  6. W;  7. C;  8. S.
D. 1. a;  2. an;  3. a;  4. an, a, an;  5. an
E. 1. an;  2. an;  3. a;  4. an;  5. a;  6. a;  7. a;  8. a
F. 1. Wrong;  2. Wrong;  3. Right;  4. Right;  5. Wrong;  6. Right; 
7. Right;  8. Right
G. 1. A guava;  2. A painting;  3. A sheep;  4. An eagle;  5. An octopus;
6. A pancake;  7. An airplane;  8. An ant
Project Work: Draw ‘a peacock’ and ‘an elephant’ or any other object where we use ‘a’ or ‘an’ before their names
in the blank space provided.
Chapter 5:  Action Words and Helping Words
A. Play; write; shout; sleep; eat
B. Make,   take; throw,  bake; push,  cry; fly,  chew
C. 1. wipe;  2. eat;  3. help;  4. keep;  5. throw
D. 1. are;  2. are;  3. is;  4. is
E. 1. is;  2. are;  3. is;  4. are
F. 1. crying;  2. walking;  3. eating;  4. playing
G. 1. Mohit: I am playing. 2. Waheed; I am skipping. 3. Jaya: I am dancing.
4. Ronit: I am running.  5. Amanpreet: I am eating grapes.
Project Work: Take your teacher’s help in completing this project.
Chapter 6:  Pronouns: Words that replace the Nouns
A. Person: Nurse, teacher, clown
Animal: Lion, rat, mongoose, ant
Place: Delhi, school, mall, hospital
Thing: Lemon,
Read the word search grid and find out more.
B. 1. Come;  2. Eat;  3. Fast;  4. Shout;  5. Tall
C. 1 (c);  2 (d);  3 (a);  4 (e);  5 (b)
D. 1. She;  2. They;  3. It;  4. It;  5. She.
Project Work: Individual answers.
Chapter 7:  More Pronouns: This, That, These, Those
A. Draw pictures different from the ones given in the book.
B. 1 (c);  2 (d);  3 (e);  4 (a);  5 (b)
C. 1. These;  2. Those;  3. This;  4. That;  5. These
Project Work:  The teacher will help the class to complete this project.
Chapter 8:  Describing Words
Yellow dress; 2. Thin air-; 3. Small bird; 4. Strong man; 5. Thick fog; 6. Long hair;
7. short tree; 8. Hot coffee; 9. Cold cream; 10. Fast car; 11. Slow walk; 12. Clean shoes

Adept English Grammar 1-5

B. Adjectives Nouns Adjectives Nouns

Brown kite Tiny lady bird
Five pets Orange dress
Triangular cap Tall tree

C. 1. Blue;  2. Green;  3. Pink;  4. Red;  5. Yellow;  6. Blue; 

7. Yellow;  8. Orange
D. 1. Big;  2. Slow;  3. Black;  4. Hairy;  5. Yummy; 
6. Purple;  7. Funny;  8. Green
E. 1. Tall;  2. Long;  3. Shorty;  4. Small;  5. Big;  6. Tiny
F. Individual answers
G. 1 (b);  2 (d);  3 (e);  4 (f);  5 (a);  6 (c)
Project Work:  Take the help of the teacher or a friend in doing the project.

Chapter 9:  Sentences

A. 1. Incorrect; 2. Correct; 3. Incorrect; 4. Correct; 5. Incorrect
B. 1. Sheena is playing in the park.
2. Brush your teeth twice a day.
3. Wash your hands before and after your meals.
4. Savita loves her family.
5. Praveen presents a gift to his friend.
6. Fruits are good for health.
C. Individual answers.
D. 1 (1);  2 (5);  3 (2);  4 (6);  5 (3);  6 (4)
E. 1 (b);  2 (c);  3 (a);  4 (d);  5 (d)
F. 1.  Pink is a lovely colour.
2. The tortoise defeated the rabbit in the race.
3.  Mother baked me a cake for birthday.
4. That is my new toy.
5. Do not go out without an umbrella.
G. Read the sentences carefully and put a full stop at the end of each.
H. Change the first letter into a capital letter and put a full stop at the end of each sentence.
Project Work: Follow the instructions and solve. If necessary take the help of an elder at home or your teacher.
Chapter 10:   Tenses
A. 1. wake;  2. brush;  3. bathe;  4. eat;  5. play;  6. Sleep
B. 1. Some people walk in the park.
2. A confectioner sells sweetmeat.
3. Two ducks swim in a pond.
4. I write my diary every day.
5. Her mother washes her clothes in the washing machine.
6. Father prepares breakfast in the kitchen.
C. 1 (f);  2 (g);  3 (c);  4 (a);  5 (b);  6 (e);  7 (h);  8 (d)
D. 1. He is singing a song.
2. Lalita is dancing beautifully.
3. Grandpa is reading newspaper.
4. Ritwik is swimming in the pool.
5. The fisherman is catching fish.
6. The lion is roaring in the jungle.
7. The birds are flying.

Adept English Grammar 1-5

8. The baby is crying.

E. Individual answers.
Project Work:  This project will be done in the class under the guidance of the teacher.
Chapter 11:  Prepositions
A. 1. on;  2. behind;  3. under;  4. between;  5. beside;  6. in
B. 1. January;  2. Thursday;  3. August;  4. Friday
C. 1. In;  2. On;  3. On;  4. Near;  5. Beside;  6. On;  7. Over;
8. Near;  9. Under;  10. Above
Chapter 12: Conjunctions
A. 1. Rajan’s mother gave him an apple and a banana.
2. Anju drinks milk and eats biscuits.
3. I am reading and my sister is painting.
4. Kumar felt sleepy and went to bed.
5. The curtains are old and dirty.
B. 1. Humans and animals live on the earth.
2. An ant is tiny but an elephant is big.
3. Summers are hot but winters are cold.
4. Mother baked a cake and made sweets too.
5. There is a plate and a glass.
6. I have a book and a pen.
7. A dog runs fast but a snail is slow.
8. Jennifer is going to school but her father is going to office.
9. Tarun picked up the pencil and began to write.
10. Sunaina went to the market and bought vegetables.
11. The driver got into the engine and the train bean to move.
12. I saw a cat and a rat.
13. Jack and Jill went up the hill.
14. Sunny plays cricket but Joseph plays hockey.
15. This bag is small but that is big.
16. The Pandavas won and the Kauravas lost.
17. David was kind but Goliath was cruel.
18. My father works fore the government but mother is a teacher.
19. Grandpa was a policeman but grandma was a homemaker.
20. This puppy is small and cute.
C. And; but; and; and; but; and; but; and; but; and
D. 1. I like Sandesh but Suresh likes samosas.
2. Karan is happy but Ravi is sad.
3. My father likes mangoes but I like pizzas.
4. I go to school in the morning but my sister goes in the afternoon.
5. I have to go to a party in the evening but mother is not coming.
E. 1 (c);  2 (e);  3 (i);  4 (j)  5 (b)  6 (h);  7 (d);  8 (a);  9 (f);  10 (g)
Chapter 13: Adverbs
A. Verbs Adverbs Verbs Adverbs
Walks slowly Listened kindly
Behaved nicely Opened sleepily
Listened carefully Looked greedily
Walks quickly Painting beautifully

Adept English Grammar 1-5

Writes neatly Lifted helpfully

Talks politely Clapped cheerfully
Looked hopefully Shining brightly
Reacted angrily

B. 1. Suddenly;  2. Loudly;  3. Sweetly;  4. Gracefully;  5. Bravely;

6. Lazily;   7. Silently;  8. Nearly;  9. Gently;  10. Rashly
C. 1. Differently;  2. Safely;  3. Neatly;  4. Beautifully;
5. Nicely;  6. Silently;
7. Happily;  8. Quickly;  9. Hungrily;  10. Soundly;  11. Slowly;
12. Shyly;  13. Carefully;  14. Properly;  15. Politely
NOTE:  Children will do the Revision work during the vacations.

Adept English Grammar

Chapter 1. The Alphabet, Letters and Words
C. 1. a, o, o 2. o, e, a, a 3. e, o, a, e 4. a, o, u
5. e, o; 6. u, i 7. o, e, a, e 8. e, e
D. prize, live, tree, grow, mat, dog, black, rat, hat, nap, feast, twist
E. heater; tail; delicacy; drawing; festival; jamboree; holiday; rowing;
picnic; greedy; keyboard; curtain
F. Individual answers.
G. Scissors; ant; net; tall; rose; ball; crow; play; boy; shop; read; nose
H. 1. Ice + cream = Ice cream 2. Sun + flower = Sunflower
3. Rain + fall = Rainfall 4. Pine + apple = pineapple
5. Pea + nuts = peanuts 6. Match + stick = Matchstick
I. 1. A D F L N 2. B E H P S 3. C J K M T
4. N O X V Z 5. A D M P R
J. This is to be done in class under the teacher’s guidance.
K. 1. Park 2. Picnic spot 3. School
4. Shopping centre 5. Village 6. Zoo
Project Work: Th is is a classroom activity to be done under the teacher’s guidance.

Chapter 2. Nouns
People Place Animal Things
milkman hospital giraffe doormat
teacher zoo hippopotamus cauliflower
engineer dolphin armchair
B. 1. Crocodile 2. Apple 3. Potter
4. Rabbit 5. Jackfruit 6. Doctor

Adept English Grammar 1-5

C. 1. Girl 2. Boy 3. City

4. Language 5. Country 6. River
D. 1. Mount Everest 2. National Museum, Kolkata
3.TehriDam,Uttarakhand,India 4.QutbMinar,QutbuddinAibak,Delhi
5. Ali Baba 6. Rupali Banerji
E. Across : Sinbad; Cinderella; Rapunzel
Down : Snowhite; Aladin, Goldilock
F. 1. Blue bird 2. Teacher 3. Doll
4. Doorbell 5. Candy 6. Policeman, robber
People Place Animal Things

painter garden lizard radio

scientist park hawk hammer

cook theatre sheep door

dancer sparrow bell

driver game

H. 1. Jackal 2. Panther 3. Reindeer

4. Camel 5. Alligator 6. Panda
I. Proper nouns: 1. Bhumika 2. August
5. Atul 6. Tommy
Common nouns: 3. Engineer 4. Homemaker
Proper noun Common noun Proper noun Common noun

Punjab National
Ali peon mall
Miss Paul woman Mr Sharma day

Hotel Satkar nurse April conductor

K. 1. Fleet of ships 2. Pride of lions 3. Bunch of bananas

4. Flight of birds 5. Litter of kittens
L. 1. Bunch 2. Group
3. Army 4. Herd
Project Work: Th
 is is a classroom activity to be done under the guidance of your teacher.

Chapter 3. Nouns Numbers

A. 1. Tables 2. Pencils 3. Houses 4. Rivers 5. Parks
6. Games 7. Plants 8. Fruits 9. Walls. 10. Doors
B. 1. Marble 2. Banana 3. Arrow 4. Chair
5. Student 6. Window 7. Shirt 8. Leopard
C. 1. Colonies 2. Pigmies 3. Sixes 4. Boxes 5. Rooms
D. Jersey; knife; hobby; turf; leaf; wolf; nanny; butterfly

Adept English Grammar 1-5

E. 1. Pincers 2. Jeans 3. Binoculars 4. Goggles

5. Trousers 6. Tweezers
F. 1. ‘u’ 2. ‘c’ 3. ‘c’ 4. ‘c’ 5. ‘c’ 6. ‘u’
G. 1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (b)
Project Work: 
This project is a classroom activity. The teacher will guide
the class.

Chapter 4. Nouns Gender

A. 1. M 2. F 3. F 4. M 5. F
B. 2. Tigress, lioness 3. Grandfather 4. Peacock
5. Princes, giant 6. Actress
C. 1. Doctor (M) 2. Boy (M) 3. Girl (F)
4. Hostess (F) 5. Astronaut (M) 6. Waiter (M)
Feminine gender noun Masculine gender noun Common gender noun
mother son cousin

daughter father child

grandmother uncle grandchild

K. Project Work: This is also a classroom activity.

Chapter 5. Articles
A. 1. A girl 2. An elephant 3. An ostrich 4. A tree
5. An alligator 6. A truck 7. An ant 8. A giraffe
B. 1. Apple 2. Notebook 3. Art sheet
4. Eraser 5. Story book 6. Photograph
C. 1. An umbrella 2. An ink pot 3. An orange
4. A rabbit 5. A chair 6. A papaya
D. 1. The Sun gives us light. 2. Priya wants to be a pilot when she grows up.
3. He went to watch an English movie with his family.
4. Correct 5. The Earth is our home.
6. Correct 7. Pratul has a new pet pup.
8. Huma went to a birthday party. She had lots of fun at the party.
E. 1. Milk in the glass is very hot. 2. The stars twinkle at night.
3. She had an apple for breakfast. 4. The Qutb Minar is in Delhi.
5. Vipul wants a blue balloon
F. 1. An, a; 2. A, The 3. A, an. The
4. An. The 5. A. The 6. An, a
G. 1. A mat; A ball 2. An angel; An Ice cream
3. The Moon; The Himalayas
Project Work: This is also a class room activity.

Chapter 6: Verbs
A. Speak, swim, throw, breathe, drive, bathe, move, blow, listen, learn, sweep
B. 1. Talk 2. Read 3. Carry 4. Eat
5. Play 6. Jog 7. Laugh 8. Dance
C. 1. Barks 2. Shines 3. Read 4. Bakes 5. Draws

Adept English Grammar 1-5

D. 1. (d) 2. (f) 3. (a) 4. (e) 5. (b) 6. (c)

E. Birth, keeps, teaches, move, walk, play, play
F. Individual answers. The teacher will guide the class.
Project Work: This is a classroom activity.

Chapter 7: Helping Verbs

A. 1. Is 2. Am 3. Is 4. Is
5. Are 6. Are 7. Is
B. Am, is, am, is, is, are, is, are, is, is, are, is, is
C. 1. Was 2. Was 3. Were 4. Was 5. Were
D. 1. Was 2. Are 3. Was 4. Am 5. Is
E. 1. She is good at telling jokes. 2. The mason was building a house.
3. There is a well in the woods. 4. My aunt is a kind woman.
5. The children were jumping around in joy.
F. 1. Manjit and Vimal have orange caps. 2. He has two new pens.
3. The little birdies has learnt to fly.
4. The child has done well in her exam./The children have done well in their exam.
5. Deepa has many story books.
G. 1. Has 2. Has 3. Has 4. Have
5. Has 6. Have 7. Has 8. Have
H. 1. ‘is’ 2. ‘are’ 3. ‘was’ 4. ‘is’ 5. ‘have’ 6. ‘are’
Project Work: D  o it yourself. I f needed take the help of your teacher in school or an elder at home.

Chapter 8: Pronouns
A. 1. Shamita – twice 2. Roopasi Sinha – twice;
3. Manav – threice; 4. Sun – twice; 5. Bono – thrice
B. 1. They; 2. He; 3. She; 4. It
C. 1. They – in place of The children 2. She in place of Shaila
3. He in place of Ajay 4. She in place of Mother
5. We in place of Ratan and I
D. 1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (b)
E. 1. The 2. him 3. Me 4. It 5. Her
Project Work: This is a classroom activity.

Chapter 9: Adjectives
A. 1. Red 2. Blue 3. Sad 4. Nice 5. Big
6. Lofty 7. Healthy 8. Tiny 9. Thin
B. Happy; fine; beautiful; yellow; black; hot; straight; clean; dry
C. 1. Soft 2. Black 3. Big 4. Sweet 5. Seven
D. Adjectives: white; brown; tiny; small; sour, round; hot; five
Nouns: flower; paper; ladybird; bag; pickles; ball; water; fingers
E. 1. Colour 2. Number 3. Age 4. Shape
5. size 6. Taste 7. Touch 8. Feeling
F. Nouns: pigeon’ knife; door bell; uncle; grandpa, roses
Adjectives: soft; sharp; red; great; red
G. 1. Rich/poor 2. Short/long 3. Old/new 4. Thick/thin
5. Big/small 6. Wet/dry

Adept English Grammar 1-5

H. S. No Word Opposite
1. Hard soft
2. Noisy Quiet
3. Heavy Light
4. None Full
5. High Low

Chapter 10: Sentences

A. 1 and 4 are sentences. Rest are not.
B. 1. He is flying a kite. 2. The Sun rises in the east.
3. We are proud of our country. 4. We saw a red rose in the garden.
5. A tiger has stripes.
C. Individual answers.   D. Individual answers.   E. Individual answers.
F. 1. Q 2. S 3. Q 4. S 5. Q
6. sw 7. S 8. Q
G. 2 and 6 give commands.
Project Work: This is a classroom activity.
Note: For Classroom activities and Individual answers, the students must seek the guidance of their teachers.

Chapter 11: Punctuations

A. Read the sentences carefully. This shgows how a sentence can be framed rightly.
B. 1. A farmer is ploughing his field. 2. Three friends are waiting at the Bus stop.
C. Q. 1, 2 and 4 are correct. 3. The name of my school is The Union Academy.
5. We live in New Delhi.
D. 1. Rupa saw tiger, elephant, giraffe, monkeys and other animals at the zoo.
2. At the party, I had rice, meat, dal, mixed vegetables . sweets and ice cream.
3. My brother is good at Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Mechanical Drawing.
4. She scored high marks in History, Civics and Hindi.
5. Tarun has a bat, ball, gloves, pads and wickets.
E. 1. The President of India lives in the Rashtrapati Bhawan.
2. Shri Narendra Modi, a BJP leader , is the Prime Minister of India.
3. Do you know the name of the Speaker of the Lok Sabha?
4. Arun Jaitly, Sushma Swaraj, Smriti Irani and Babul Supriyo are central ministers.
5. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursdat, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the seven days of the week.
6. June comes after May, August comes after July and February follows January.
7. When will the next general elections be held?
8. Who is the chief Minister of West Bengal?
9. Ram, Lakshman, Bharat and Shatrughna were the sons of Dasharath.
10. The Ramayana and the Mahabharata are the two great epics of India.
Classroom Activity: The teacher will organise this in class.

Chapter 12: Tenses

A. 1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (d)
B. 1. Brushes 2. Ploughs 3. Laughs 4. Runs 5. Crawls
6. Brings 7. Gives 8. Goes 9. Stands 10. Bakes
C. 1. Played 2. Looked 3. Wrote 4. Bought 5. Retired
6. Ploughed 7. Brought 8. Baked 9. Sat 10. Ran
D. Individual answers. The child will see the picture, understand and then answers.

Adept English Grammar 1-5

E. Each child will read the sentences carefully, understand and then answer.
F. 1. Is teaching 2. Is doing 3. Is watching’
4. Is repairing 5. Are making 6. Coming

Chapter 13: Prepositions

A. 1. Inside 2. On 3. Behind 4. In 5. Next to

Chapter 14: Conjunctions

A. 1. The stranger rang the bell but there was no answer.
2. The clown was funny but a good performer.
3. Father tasted the food and liked it. 4. We reached the station and the train left.
5. We went to the park and played. 6. Anshu dropped the plate and it broke.
7. Hema went to Malini’s house but she was not there.
8. We went to theatre and enjoyed the show.
9. Rajiov is tall but Raghav is taller.
10. Grandma tells fairy tales and sings also.
B. 1. Either you come with me or stay at home.
2. We can go for a walk or sit at home.
3. Do you enjoy movies in the hall or on the TV?
4. Would you like tea or coffee? 5. Do you need a pen or a pencil to write?
6. Delhi is either too hot or too cold. 7. Do you like Maths or English?
8. Do you like to go by bus or the metro?

Chapter 15: Adverbs

A. 1. Warmly 2. Beautifully 3. Loudly
4. Safely 5. Carefully
B. 1. Merrily 2. Angrily 3. Beautifully
4. Brightly 5. Rashly 6. Softly
NOTE: The children will attempt the Revision work during vacations.

Adept English Grammar

Chapter 1: The Alphabet
A. 1. d, e; 2. h, i; 3. s, t; 4. y, z; 5. g, h; 6. v, w; 7. j, k; 8. b, c; 9. o, p; 10. r, s
B. 1. G; 2. 14; 3. L; 4. F; 5. K ;6. 21; 7. G; 8. O; 9. Q; 10. a, e, i, o, u
C. Children will memorise the alphabets and answer this in class.
D. This is a classroom activity and the teacher will guide the class.
E. The teacher will ask the students to take a notebook and keep on noting names of different things that they see or
hear during thye day.
F. Individual answers.
Chapter 2: Sentences
A. 1. Assertive; 2. Assertive; 3. Interrogative; 4. Exclamatory; 5. Exclamatory; 6. Interrogative’ 7. Assertive; 8.
Assertive; 9. Assertive; 10. Interrogative; 11. Exclamatory; 12. Assertive
B. 1. A;  2. N;  3. A;  4. A;  5. A;  6. N;  7. N;  8. A;  9. A;  10. N
C. 1. Reading is a good habit.

Adept English Grammar 1-5

2. Fresh food is good for health.

4. Never eat stale food.
5. Buy fresh vegetable daily.
6. Do you love to play cricket?
7. Where do you live?
8. I am from Kolkata.
9. You are a student.
10. Have you seen the Victoria Memorial?
D. 1. Dr APJ Abdul was a great scientist.
2. The rainbow has seven colours.
3. Sania Mirza plays tennis.
4. Children love Tom and Jerry.
5. Miss Jolly sings well.
6. Aizawl is the capital of Mizoram.
7. Tendulkar is a great cricketer.
E. 1. Snbakes;  2. Mathematics;  3. Washington, DC;  4. Republic Day;
5. Dr APJ Abdul Kalam;  6. February;  7. Gulzarilal Nanda; 
8. Subhas Chandra Bose;  9. Rosogolla;   10. Shrimati Pratibha Patil
F. 1. has witnessed heavy rain this monsoon season; 2. is situated in Agra; 3. was a famous socialist leader; 4. holds
the record of being the longest serving chief minister in India; 5. before you enter; 6. when you leave; 7. was built
to honour the then king of England; 8. was killed on 31 October 1984 by her body guards; must follow traffic
rules; 10. in the sky cannot be counted
Chapter 3: Nouns
A. To be done in the class under the guidance of the teacher.
B. These are examples of proper nouns.
C. These are examples of common nouns.
D. Proper nouns: Moscow, Godavari, Rajan, Kolkata, Agra,
Common nouns: book, pencil, woman, reptile, snake, atlas, sofa, college, mother
E. Children to identify the persons/ objects with the teacher’s help
F. These are examples of collective nouns.
G. 1. army; 2. class; 3. team; 4. family; 5. crew; 6. swarm; 7. litter; 8. herd
H. Here is a list of genders for the class to learn.
I. 1. father; 2. queen; 3. prince; 4. heroine; 5. doctor; 6. friends; 7. teacher;
8. ladies; 9. nurse; 10. actress; 11. cupboard; 12. country; 13. neighbour;
14. book; 15. stars
J. This is a classroom activity.
K. This is again a classroom activity to be conducted by the teacher.
Chapter 4: Nouns: Number
A. Cars; women; feet; babies; flowers; switches
B. 1. P; 2. P; 3. S; 4. S; 5. S; 6. P; 7. P; 8. P; 9. S; 10. P; 11. S; 12. P
C. 1. Wall; 2. Fly; 3. Desk; 4. Grass; 5. Always plural; 6. Hive; 7. Monkey; 8. Utensil;
9. Mango; 10. Dress; 11. Bus; 12. Army
1. C; 2. C; 3. C; 4. U; 5. U; 6. C; 7. C; 8. U; 9. U; 10. U; 11. C; 12. C; 13. C; 14. C; 15. C; c; 17. C; 18. C; 19. C; 20. C
1. doctor; 2. nurse; 3. chemist; 4. architect; 5. Teacher; 6. driver; 7. plumber; 8. sweeper; 9. farmer; 10. mechanic
Postman; post office; teacher; school; mechanic; garage; doctor; hospital; farmer; field; artist; studio; actor; stage;
greengrocer; vegetable shop; banker; bank; pilot’ airport
Chapter 5: Articles
A. 1. a; 2. an; 3. a; 4. a; 5. An; 6. an
B. 1. an, The 2. An, the; 3. The; 4. a, The; 5. an; 6. an; 7. a; 8. The

Adept English Grammar 1-5

C. A bus; A man; An owl; A flower; A giraffe; An apple; A mango; An aeroplane

D. 1. The; 2. A; 3. An; 4. A; 5. A; 6. An; 7. The; 8. The; 9. The; 10. The; 11. A; 12. A; 13. An; 14. an; 15. The; 16; the;
17. A; 18. A; 19. The; 20. The
E. A, the, a, a, The, the, the, The, the, a. the, The, the, The, the, The, the, the, the; The, the, the
F. Individual activity. Take the help od an elder at home, if needed.
Chapter 6: Verbs
A. 1. typing; 2. fishing; 3. baking; 4. running; 5. working
B. 1. quarrel; 2. play; 3. runs; 4. sleep; 5. eat
C. 1. sailing; 2. drink; 3. reads; 4. Close; 5. runs
D. Here is a list of how to use verbs like is, are, and am.
E. 1. am; 2. is; 3. are; 4. is; 5. are; 6. is; 7. are; 8. is; 9. is; 10. am
F. 1. is; 2. Are; 3. am; 4. are; 5. are; 6. is; 7. are; 8. is; 9. am; 10. is
G. Children to be encouraged to make sentences using the clues in the table.
H. 1. I’m; 2. He’s; 3. She’s; we’re; 5 isn’t; 6. I’m; 7. They’re; 8. You’re; 9. She’s; 10. isn’t
I. 1. had; 2. has; 3. have; 4. has; 5. have; 6. have; 7. was; 8. have; 9. has; 10. has; 11. have;
12. have; 13. have; 14. have; 15. has
J. She had fever; He has jaundice; I had an apple for breakfast; She had a lovely voice; We have come to meet
grandpa; Ekta has long hair.
K. 1. was; 2. was; 3. were; 4. was; 5. was; 6. was, were; 7. were; 8. was
L. 1. Were; 2. was; 3. were; 4. was; 5. were;
6. Was; 7. was; 8. were; 9. were; 10. were
M. This is a classroom activity to practice the senetence making process.
Chapter 7: Pronouns
A. 2. She; 4. They; 6. She; 8. He; 10. She; 12. They; 14. They; 16. He; 18. He; 20. She
B. 1. me; 2. she; 3. their; 4. our; 5. its; 6. they; 7. they; 8. it; 9. she; 10. my, I
C. 1. She, herself; 2. We, ourselves; 3. I, myself; 4. They, themselves; 5. You, yourself; 6. My, himself; 7. you,
yourselves; 8. dog, itself; 9. they, themselves; 10. I, myself
D. 1. ourselves;  2. herself;  3. themselves;  4. yourself;  5. myself;  6. himself; 7.  itself;  8. himself;  9.
themselves;  10. themselves
E. This is a classroom activity under the guidance of the teacher.
Chapter 8: Adjectives
A. 1. A big elephant;  2 an old man;  3. An elegnt car;  4. A red flower;  5. The beautiful metro;  6. A lovely park;  7.
An elderly couple;  8. three chik\ldren
B. 1. 20; twentieth (c);  2. 6; sixth (e);  3. 9: ninth (f);  4. 17; seventeenth (g);  5. 34: thirty fourth (h);  6. 10; tenth
(a);  7. 21: twenty first (d);  8. 33: thirty third (b)
C. 1. big, narrow;  2. tall, short;  3. active, lazy;  4. neat, clean;  5. straight;
6. fast;  7. warm;  8. long, heavy;  9. sharp; red
D. This is classroom activity under the guidance of the teacher.
E. This list of degrees of comparison will help the children improve their knowledge.
F. 1. Narrowest; 2. widest; 3. hardest; 4. tallest; 5. longer; 6. tastier; 7. shortest; 8. simplest; 9. funnier; 10. fastest
G. This list will tell the students more about the degrees of comparison.
H. 1. more intelligent; 2. most exciting; 3. more handsome; 4. most dishonest; 5. more effective; 6. most
different; 7. most effective; 8. more enjoyable; 9. more dependable; 10. most beautiful
I. Positive Comparative Superlative
More excellent Most excellent
Short Shortest
Large Larger

Adept English Grammar 1-5

I. Positive Comparative Superlative

High Highest
Louder Loudest
Beautiful Most beautiful
Better Best
The students will complete the table following the style shown here.
J. This is a classroom activity to be conducted by the teacher.
Chapter 9: Punctuations
A. 1. I love my parents very much.
2. Can you tell me where shall I find my books?
3. What a lovely sight!
4. I gave the beggar some, rice, dal, vegetables and some oil.
5. Wow! What a finish.
6. I love to play indoor games.
7. My father is a doctor.
8. My mother is a teacher.
9. Are you coming to our house?
10. Yes, I am coming.
B. 1. What’s your name”
2. That’s Binu’s house.
3. That’s the way to go.
4. Don’t go to the roof.
5. Where’s your school?
6. How’s your mother today?
7. Aren’t you coming to the school?
C. 1. Visiting the zoo on a winter holiday is fun.
2. I went to the market to buy pencils, books, erasers and computer stationery.
3. Where are you going?
4. Please don’t get late for the show.
5. Hard work, sincerity and commitment is always rewarded.
6. Did you take bath in winters?
7. Oh! I did not notice you in the dark.
8. You shouldn’t have shouted at him.
9. Can any one count the stars?
10. The Sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
Chapter 10: Tenses
A.  1. cooks; 2. plays; 3. live; 4. works; 5. knows; 6. go; 7. land; 8. knits; 9. runs; 10. swims
B. Individual answers
C. This is for the children to read and learn about formation of simple past tense from the simple present tense.
D. This is a classroom activity to be conducted by the teacher.
E.  1. playing; 2. flying; 3. teaching; 4. training; 5. eating; 6. knitting; 7. cleaning; 8. coming; 9. driving; 10. shivering
Chapter 11: Prepositions
A. 1. under; 2. between; 3. besude; 4. in front of; 5. for; 6. over; 7. against; 8. behind;
9. on; 10. in
B. 1. on; 2. beside; 3. against; 4. between; 5. near
C. 1. At (d); 2. along (a); 3. into (e); 4 off (b); 5 to (g); 6 in (c); 7 throughout (f)
D. 1 in; 2. on; 3. to; 4. at; 5. at; 6. off; 7. through; 8. during; 9. throughout; 10. into
E. This is a classroom activity under the guidance of the teacher.

Adept English Grammar 1-5

Chapter 12: Conjunctions

A. Read the conversation carefully and try to understand what is meant by conjunctions.
B. Read the questions carefully and loudly. The conjunctions have been marked in bold to help understand them
C. 1. Rimpa bought a chocolate and ate it.
2. Rathin is a good student and always stands first.
3. I have an elder brother and a younger sister.
4. Rajan bought a pen and a note book.
5. The tiger and the lion are wild animals.
D. 1. We reached the station but the train came an hour later.
2. My father likes coffee but mother likes tea.
3. I have a pencil but don’t have a sharpener.
4. The boy was hungry but did not eat anything.
5. I had fever but went to school.
E. 1. Get up or you will miss the bus.
2. Do you want tea or coffee?
3. Should we go out for lunch or dinner?
4. Do your homework or you will be punished!
5. Always travel with ticket or you will be punished.
F. 1. and; 2. but; 3. and; 4. but; 5. or; 6. or; 7. or; 8. and; 9. but; 10. but
G. 1. so; 2. so; 3. because; 4. because; 5. because; 6. so; 7. because; 8. so; 9. so; 10. because
H. 1. Though the lawyer won the case, he was not happy.
2. Though the patient was critical, he refused to take medicines.
3. Though it was raining, still I went to the station to receive him.
4. Though Anjana loves music, she could enjoy the programme.
5. Though the king won the battle, he could not win the war.
I. This is a classroom activity in the presence of the teacher.
Chapter 13: Adverbs
A. 1. everywhere; 2. station; 3. old house; 4. the earth; 5. the sky; 6. arrived; 7. station;
8. any moment; 9. away; 10. any more
B. 1. Time; 2. now; 3. yesterday; 4. today; 5. tomorrow; 6. erly; 7. today; 8. two years;
9. two months; 10. last month
C. 1. gladly; 2. hard; 3. brilliantly; clearly; 5. fast; 6. smartly; 7. beautifully; 8. brightly;
9. well; 10. neatly
D. Students to read these box matters carefully to know more about different types of adverbs.
E. 1. Swiftly; 2. rudely; 3. boldly; 4. brightly; 5. carefully; 6. gracefully; 7. noisily; 8. smoothly; 9. occasionally; 10.
F. 1. loudly;  2. suddenly;  3. carelessly;  4. noisily;  5. carefully;
6. fast;  7. well;  8. brightly;  9. briskly;  10. early
G. This activity will be conducted by the teacher in the class.
Chapter 14: Parts of Speech
The teacher will explain to the class in greater detail about Parts of Speech.
Chapter 15: Writing Paragraphs and Letters
The teacher will tell the class more about paragraph writing and the different types of letters that is in use the world.
Chapter 16: Understanding Words
A. 1. Hare; 2 hair; 3 fined; 4 find; 5 knew; 6 new; 7 meet; 8 meat; 9 waist; 10 waste; 11 some; 12 sum; 13 ears; 14 year;
15 week; 16 weak; 17 hour; 18 our; 19 hole; 20 whole
B. 1. W; 2. W; 3. R; 4. R; 5. W; 6. R; 7. R; 8. W; 9. W; 10. R
Revision work will be done during vacation time.

Adept English Grammar 1-5

Adept English Grammar

Chapter 1: The Alphabetical Order
A. This shows the alphabets in detail and in proper order, one after the other. This order makes reading the English
language easy and comfortable.
B. Here are examples of the alphabetical order given in an easy to understand manner.
C. 1. Aditi; Anjali; Anil; Arun; Ashok
D. 2. Aizawl; Chandigarh; Chennai; Kolkata; Patna
E. 3. Banana; Chikoo; Grapes; Mango; Orange
F. 4. Deer; Rat; Snail; Tiger; zebra
G. 5. Almirah; Bench; Chair; Duster; Table
Chapter 2: Nouns
A. This is a classroom activity. Students will do this in the class under the guidance of the teacher.
B. Masculine gender: son, boy, peahen. Gander, brother, husband, father, nephew, horse, dog, sir, gentleman, uncle,
Mr, king
 Feminine gender: daughter, girl, hen, goose, sister, wife, mother, niece, mare, bitch, madam, lady, aunt, Mrs,
C. Here is a list of concrete and abstract for the children to memorise.
D. 2 table;  3 soldiers;  4 sea;  5 cake;  6 calendar;  7 beach;  8 rain;  9 Zebra;  10 cloud
E. 2. Beauty;  3 policy;  4 hardness;  5 kindness;  6 cruelty;  7 intelligence; 8 naughty; 9 poverty; 10 diseases
F. Fill in the columns as directed. Take the help of your teacher, if needed.
G. 1. Strength;  2 love;  3 bravery;  4 relaxing;  5 prayers;  6 illness;  7 hungry;  8 peace;  9 glee; 10. honesty
H. 1 break in ((h);  2 make up (d);  3 outfit (f);  4 passerby (by);  5 rainfall (c);  6 show time (g); 7 standout (i);  8
turnaround (e);  9 uproot (b);  10 walk over (j)
Chapter 3: Nouns: Numbers
A. This shows examples of singular and plural nouns.
B. 1. S;  2. P;  3. S;  4. P;  5. S;  6. P;  7. S;  8. P;  9. S;  10. P;  11. S;  12. P;  13. S;  14. P;
15. S;  16. P;  17. S;  18. P;  19. S;  20. P
C. Here are the rules for changing a singular noun to a plural noun.
D. 1. S;  2. P.  3. S.  4. P;  5 s;  6. S;  7. S;  8p;  9. S;  10. P;  11. P.  12. S;  13. P;  14. S;  15. P; 16. S;  17. P;  18. S;  19.
P;  20. S
E. 1. Stories;  2 books;  3 dozen;  4 loaf;  5 school;  6 wolves;  7 churches;  8 flowers; 9 gardens; 10. palaces;  11.
Boats;  12. Money;  13. Sides;  14. Feet;  15. Teeth; 16. Sheep;  17. Heroes; 18. Books;  19. Videos;  20 lights
F. Fill in the respective boxes with countable and uncountable nouns. Take the help of an elder at home the teacher
in school.
G. 1. money; 2. parties; 3. fun; 4. apple, doctor; 5. information; 6. languages; 7. sleeved; 8. fruits; 9. vegetables;  10.
teeth;  11. advise;  12. hair;  13. milk;  14. plants;  15. chocolate, ice cream
H. 1. luggage;  2. rest;  3. turns;  4. advise;  5. tears;  6. hands;  7. spectacles;  8. homework; 9. Hope; 10. candy;  11.
much  12. copies;  13. plants;  14. vegetables;  15. fruit
I. This is a classroom activity under the guidance of the teacher.
Chapter 4:  Articles
A. 1. A;  2. An;  3. A;  4. A;  5. An;  6. An.  7. An.  8. A;  9. An;  10. A;  11. A;  12. An; 13. An;  14. A; 15. A;  16.
A;  17. A;  18. An;  19. A;  20. An
B. 1 a;  2 an, a;  3 an a;  4 an;  5 a;  6 a;  7 a;  8 a;  9 a;  10. An, a
C. This is a list of common nouns where no article is needed.
D. 1 a, a;  3. The;  3 an;  4.a, the;  5. A, an;  6. The, a;  7 a, the;  8. The, the;  9. a;  10. a;  11. The, the; 12. The, a;  13.
the,  14. the, the,  15. a;  16. The;  17. The, the, the;  18. the;  19 a;  20 the
E. 1 the modern Olympics; 2 health; 3 the students, in school uniform; 4 the honesty; 5 living; 6 the principal; 7

Adept English Grammar 1-5

wood; 8 the only; 9 the Nobel, literature; 10. The city, the city
F. 1. The, the, the;  2 the, the, the,  3 the;  4.the, the;  5 an;  6 the;  7. An, a;  8. A, the;  9. A, a;  10 a
Chapter 5:  Verbs
A. These are the basic rules of subject-verb agreement.
B. 1 seem;  2 wants;  3 is;  4 were;  5 appears;  6 have;  7 are;  8 fits;  9. Is;  10 has
C. Please reads these examples carefully. It will help in understanding the use of verbs transitive and intransitive.
D. 1. I;  2. T;  3. I;  4. T;  5. T;  6. I;  8. I;  9. T;  10. I
E. 1. T;  2. I;  3. I;  4. I;  5. I;  6. T;  7. I;  8. I;  9. I;  10. I;  11. T;  12. I;  13. I;  14. I;  15. T
F. This is a classroom activity.
G. 1 have;  2 is;  3 are;  4 is;  5 a;  6 have;  7 is;  8 have;  9 were;  10 have
Chapter 6: Pronouns
A. 2. It;  3. he;  4. her;  5. him;  6. He;  7. She;  8. She;  9. Her;  10. them
B. 1. me (first); 2. I (first); 3. Amit (third); 4. he (third); 5. One (third); 6. head (third); 8. prime minister
(third);  9. British (third);  10. he (third)
C. 1. you, it, me; 2. I, them;  3. these, me;  4. I, to;  5. I, these;  6. they, them;  7. us, it;  8. I, them; 9. I, them; 10. I, her
D. 1 yourself; 2 myself; 3 himself; 4 herself; 5 itself; 6 ourselves; 7 yourself; 8 yourself; 9 yourselves; 10
E. This list of different pronouns is for the students to learn and memorise.
F. 1 his;  2 your;  3 her;  4 its;  5 yours;  6 theirs;  7 ours;  8 your;  9 mine;   10 you
G. 1 your; 2 their; 3 his; 4 My; 5 yours; 6 his; 7 mine; 8 our; 9 it; 10 your
H. 1. My, your;  2 their, ours;  3 your, mine;  4 Our,theirs;  5 your;  6 my;  7. Our, theirs; yours; 9. Their, ours;  10.
My, hers
Chapter 7:  Adjectives
A. 1 beautiful;  2 fresh;  3 old;  4 little, speeding;  5. How many;  6 colourful;  7 short;  8 quiet;  9 spare; 10 fast,
dusty;  11 made up;  12 holy;  13 clean;  14 faithful;  15 dull, cloudy;  16 sharp;  17 older; 18 old historical;  19
founded; 20 laid
B. 1.  Unpopular;  2. Reliable;  3 lazy;  4. Busy; 5. Coward; 6. Polite;  7. Dull;  8. Sportsperson; 9. Unfriendly;  10.
Brave;  11. Musician;  12 honest;  13. Happy;  14. Bumpy;  15. Rainbow
C. 1. Star;  2 sky;  3 shirt;  4 house;  5 animal;  6 dog;  7 design;  8 girl;  9 road;  10 boy;  11 man; 12 snake;  13
fox;  14 day;  15 night
D. 1 faster;  2 easy;  3 easier;  4 easiest;  5 hardest;  6 longer;  7 stronger; richest;  9 oldest;  10 narrower
E. 1 more beautiful;  2 worst;  3 best;  4 most intelligent;  5 inner;  6 farther
F. 1 more talkative; 2 sharper; 3 friendly; 4 older; 5 colder; 6 fastest; 7 hottest; 8 more hardworking
G. 1 fourth (ordinal; 2 five hundred (cardinal); 3 first (ordinal); 4 last (cardinal); 5 one hundred (cardinal); 6
second (ordinal)
H. Fills in the respective columns. This is a classroom activity.
Chapter 8:  Sentences
A. 2. Negative; 3. Declarative; 4. Declarative;
5. Exclamatory; 6 imperative; 7. Interrogative;
8. Imperative; 9. Imperative; 10. Interrogative;
11. Imperative; 12.interrogative; 13. imperative;
14. Declarative; 15. Negative; 16. Declarative;
17. Negative; 18. Interrogative; 19. Imperative;
20. Negative
B. 1. We live on the Earth.
2. The Sun give us heat and light.
3. The Earth rotates on its axis.
4. I have been living in Delhi since 1948.
5. The first Republic Day parade was held on 26 January 1950.
6. Vijay Chowk was earlier called the Great Place.

Adept English Grammar 1-5

7. Queensway has been renamed as Janpath.

8. Kasturba Gandhi Marg was previously known as Curzon Road.
9. Rajpath is the new name of the Kingsway.
10. I was born in Assam but brought up in Delhi.
C. Individual answers.
D. This is a classroom activity under the guidance of the teacher.
E. Individual answers.
F. Here is a list of words with ‘Wh’ words. Read them carefully.
G. Here are more questions but not with ‘Wh’ words.
Chapter 9:  Punctuations
A. Read the passage carefully. Now punctuate them. Take the help of an elder at home or your teacher in class.
B. 2. Rimpa’s dream; 3. Shanker’s house; 4. Pramit’s bicyle; 5. One month’s holiday; 6. Raima’s bag’ 7 the principal’s
room;  8 teams’ final match;  9. Mr singh’s idea;  10 beginner’s book. (Rewrite thw sentences now)
C. This is a classroom activity.
Chapter 10:  Tenses
A. 1 will be visiting;  2 are walking;  3 will be conducting;  4 is playing;  5 is going;  6 sand;  7 will begin; 8 returned;  9
eating;  10 sets
B. This table will give you an idea of how the present participle form of verb is put into use.
C. This is a classroom activity. Take the help of your teacher whenever you need it.
D. This chart shows you how to convert the tenses.
E. This is a classroom activity.
F. This is a classroom activity.
G. Take the help of an elder at home and do it.
H. Fill in the table with the help of your teacher.
Chapter 11:  Prepositions
A. 1 on;  2 behind;  3 under;  4 beside;  5 on;  6 inside;  7 in front of;  8 over
B. 1 in front of;  2 on;  3 beside;  4 against;  5 on;  6 on
C. 1 at;  2 on;  3 at, in;  4 under;  5 in;  6 in;  7 near;  8 to, in;  9 in;  10 between
D. 1 in;  2 in;  3 at;  4 on;  5 in;  6 on; 7 at;  8 on
E. 1 between;  2 during;  3 within;  4 from, till;  5 from, till;  6 under;  7 up;  8 near;  9 through;  10 vy
F. 1 into;  2 in;  3 on; at, in;  5 in
Chapter 12:  Conjunctions
A. 1 and;  2 but;  3 or;  4 and;  5 but
B. 1. When;  2 while;  3 after;  4 before;  5 after;  6 though;  7. Although;  8 even though
C. 1. Since;  2 as;  3 because;  4 for
D. 1. Amitabh is polite and honest.
2. She wanted to buy a clip but did not have money.
3. He is rich but a miser.
4. The bus stopped and the passengers got off.
5. I wanted to have an ice cream though I had a sore throat.
6. Are you Ramesh or Suresh?
7. The man sat at the table and wrote a letter.
8. Though it was a serious accident, the child was not hurt.
9. Mr Sharma had a heart attacked but survived.
10. It is a costly house but I can afford it.
E. 1 so; 2 Since; 3 or; 4 and; 5. While; 6. When; 7 before; 8 after; 9 as; 10. Though; 11 but; 12 and;
13 if; 14 until; 15 as
F. This is a classroom activity where the whole class participates. Enjoy.

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Chapter 13: Adverbs

A. 1 lazily/where;  2 yesterday/when;  3 unanimously/when;  4 happily/where;  5 today/when
B. Read and memorise the list of commonly used adverbs in our daily life.
C. 1 gracefully; 2 angrily; 3 softly; 4 quickly; 5 loudly; 6 rudely; 7 strictly;  8 honestly;  9 carefully; 10 sweetly
D. 1. Fast; 2 always; 3 carefully; 4 respectfully; 5 politely; 6 simply; 7 honestly; 8 smartly; 9 quietly; 10 smartly
E. 1 neatly;  2 suddenly;  3 slowly;  4 briskly;  5 happily;  6 politely;  7 rudely;  8 hurriedly;  9 backwards; 10 noisily
Chapter 14:  Direct – Indirect Speech
A. Students to attempt these questions themselves under the guidance of an alder at home.
B. This is a classroom activity.
C. These questions should be attempted by a pair of students in the class.
Chapter 15:  Letter Writing/Diary Writing
The teacher will explain to the students the merits and demerits of this chapter and tell them how to write letters and
maintain a diary.
Chapter 16:  Essay Writing
The teacher will explain to the students how an essay is written and how writing an essay helps in improving the
writing habits of a student and improves his/her grasp over the English language.

Adept English Grammar

Chapter 1: Sentences
A. Interrogative;  2. Declarative;  3. Exclamatory;  4. Interrogative; 5. Negative; 6. Interrogative; 7. Imperative;  8.
Declarative;  9. Declarative;  10. Imperative
B. This is a classroom activity under the guidance of the teacher.
C. Subject Predicate
1. My mother helped me choose the birthday gift.
2. Pretty flowers in the garden are swaying.
3. Anil easily won the inter school science talent competition.
4. Taxmen collect taxes from all citizens.
5. Sportspersons need to practice regularly to keep fit.
6. My brother was delighted to see his new bicycle which papa brought today.
7. The cafe at the corner of our house is very popular.
8. The president took the salute at the Republic Day parade.
9. An uninvited guest is not welcome.
10. A spicy burger with tomato sauce tastes good.
D. Students, please attempt to answer these yourselves with the help of your teacher in school or an elder at home.
E. F and G are all classroom activities.
Chapter 2: Nouns
A. This is s classroom activity.
B. 1. astronomer;  2. fishmonger;  3. teacher;  4. plumber;  5. baker; 6. barber;
7. confectioner; 8. teller; 9. fisherman; 10. tailor; 11. florist; 12. pilot; 13. journalist; 14. draper; 15.
optician;  16. physiotherapist; 17. actor;  18. novelist;  19. chauffer;  20. greengrocer
C. 2. homoeopath;  3. librarian;  4. dancer;  5. comedian;  6. dentist; 
7. sitarist;
8. cricketer; 9. teacher;  10. pianist;  11. students;  12. singer;  13. pervussionist;  14. commentator;  15. golfer;  16.
chemist;  17. editor;  18. architect;  19. printer;  20. publisher
D. 1. postcards, stamps; 2. buildings, restaurants; 3. saucers, cups; 4. slides, swings; 5. magazines, books;  6. clowns,

Adept English Grammar 1-5

acrobats;  7. tigers, elephants;  8. whales, ships;  9. porters, trains; 10. lawyers, judges
E. This is a classroom activity.
F. 1. ships; 2. pearls; 3. figure; 4. stairs; 5. flowers; 6. cotton; 7. rooms; 8.
board; 9. devotees; 10. stars; 11. group; 12. crowd; 13. herd; 14. tuft;
15. chest
G. 2. the girls; doll;  3. the lion’s teeth;  4. the boy’s leg;  5. the cricketer’s bat;  6. the nation’s flag;  7. the baby’s
rattle;  8. the bandmaster’s stick;  9. the teacher’s duster;  10. the elephant’s trunk
H. This is a classroom activity.
I. 1. patriotism; 2. Honesty; 3. beauty; 4. wisdom; 5. intelligence; 7. oratory; 7. price; 8. advise; 9.
Knowledge;  10. Sincerity
J. 2. Discovery; 3. invention; 4. Destruction; 5. Choice; 6. construction; 7. arrival; 8. Prevention; 9.
Invasion;  10. Interference
K. 1. independence; 2. excitement; 3. popularity; 4. permission; 5. strength; 6. height; 7. arrival; 8. depth, width;  9.
marriage;  10. Knowledge
L. 1. (g),  2. (d);  3. (i);  4. b (b);  5. (f);  6. (a);  7. (c);  8. (h);  9. (j);  10. (e)
M. 1. Queen;  2. Witch;  3. Poet;  4. Heroine;  5. Emperor; 6. Milkwoman;
7. Geese; 8. Man;  9. Grandmother;  10. Mother;  11. Landlord;
13. Husband;  13. Mare;  14. Tigress;  15. Son;  16. Sir; 17. Salesgirl;
18. Stewardess;  19. Bitch;  20. ox
N. 1. leaves; 2. tiger; 3. lessons; 4. trees; 5. days; 6. clock; 7. hand; 8. book; 9. rupee; 10. watch; 11. doves; 12. leaf; 13.
plates; 14. bus; 14. girls; 16. shoe; 17. houses; 18. potato; 19. bottles; 20. week
O. 1. children;  2. policemen; 3. wolves; 4. churches; 5. sky;  6. market;
7. laces;  8. house;  9. Wives;  10. knives
Chapter 3:  Verbs
A. 1. appears;  2. is;  3. seem;  4. was;  5. were;  6. has;  7. are;  8. have;  9. is;  10. did
B. Please do it in the class
C. This is a classroom activity.
Chapter 4:  Articles
A. 1. The, a;  2. an, a;  3. The, a;  4. a;  5. an, the;  6. a;  7. An, a, a;  8. The;  9. a, the;  10. the
B. This is a classroom activity.
C. 1. the;  2. a, the;  3. The, the, a;  4. the, the;  5. an;  6. a;  7. a, the;  8. an;
9. the;  10. The;  11. the, the;  12. the, the;  13. An, a, the;  14. a, the;
15. An, the
D. A, a, the. A, the, the, the, a, a, the, The, The, the, a the
Chapter 5:  Pronouns
A. 1. for; 2. I, a; 3. her; 4. We, them; 5. mine; 6. yours; 7. your; 8. its;
9. my;  10. We, our, ourselves
B. 1. myself;  2. himself;  3. yourself;  4. herself;  5. itself;  6. themselves;
7. ourselves; 8. themselves;  9. yourself;  10. yourself
C. 1. This;  2. Those;  3. That;  4. This;  5. Those
D. 1. which;  2who;  3. whom;  4. that;  5. Which
E. 1. who;  2. whom;  3. What;  4. when;  5. what;  6. which;  7. where;
8. Which;  9. What;  10. who
F. 1. His, mine;  2. our, your;  3. your, theirs;  4. our, hers;  5. I, your
Chapter 6:  Adjectives
A. This is a classroom activity.
B. This is a classroom activity.

Adept English Grammar 1-5

C. 1. funnier; 2. tallest; 3. bigger; 4. costlier; 5. coldest; 6. mightier; 7. slowest; 8. most beautiful; 9. great;  10.
D. This is a classroom activity.
E. 1. funnier; 2. fastest; 3. tallest; 4. more beautiful; 5. sweeter
F. Do it yourselves either with the help of an elder at home or your teacher in class.
Chapter 7:  Adverbs
A. 1. Nervously;  2. heavily;  3. loudly;  4. softly;  5. rashly
B. This is a classroom activity.
C. 1. annually;  2. rarely;  3. always;  4. always;  5. never
D. 1. everywhere;  2. far;  3. nearby
E. 1. extremely;  2. hardly; 3. enough; 4. almost; 5. too
F. 1. slowly; 2. fast; 3. briskly; 4. Immediately; 5. eagerly; 6. always; 7. fast; 8. politely; 9. carefully; 10. always (Also
individual answers)
G. This is a classroom activity.
H. 1. politely; 2. noisily; 3. happily; 4. cheerfully; 5. quickly
I. 1. swiftly; 2. rudely; 3. boldly; 4. brightly; 5. carefully; 6. gracefully;
7. noisily; 8. smoothly; 9. occasionally; 10. regularly
Chapter 8:  Prepositions
A. 1. against; 2. into; 3. on; 4. near; 5. to; 6. under; 7. in front of; 8. among;
9. by, for; 10. to, with; 11. before;  12. near;  13. after;  14. on;  15. at
B. 1. in;  2. from;  3. at;  4. on;  5. at;  6. in;  7. at;  8. on;  9. by;  10. on
C. This is a classroom activity.
D. This is to be done in class.
Chapter 9:  Con junctions
A. Read this carefully to know more about conjunctions that we use in our daily life.
B. This is a classroom activity.
C. 1. so that;  2. though;  3. When;  4. until;  5. or;  6. so that;  7. but;
8. although;  9. because;  10. until
Chapter 10:  Tenses
A. 1. does; 2. dances; 3. takes; 4. washes; 5. excited
B. 1. playing;  2. putting;  3. helping;  4. watching;  5. waiting;  6. dripping;  7. getting;  8. digging;  9. working;  10.
C. 1. lost;  2. wrote;  3. walked;  4. met;  5. slept;  6. playing;  7. reading, rang;  8. wearing;  9. coming; 10. trying
D. 1. will stay;  2. will come;  3. is helping;  4. will fall;  5. will design;  6. will fill up;  7. will be scary; 8. will
complete;  9. will call;  10. will plan
Chapter 11:  Punctuations
A. 1. Who is at the door?
2. I am going to Shimla with Arun, Sahilm Seema and Rohit.
3. This year my birthday again falls on Monday.
4. When is your birthday?
5. My uncle, aunt and Urvashi, their daughter eill be coming next month.
6. We have been invited to Tanya’s birthday tomorrow.
7. Preeti, Shiv and Arti are coming to our house on Sunday.
8. What does your fatherdo?
9. My father is a lecturer in English.
10. Prabhu’s mother is a homemaker.
B. 1. The book’s;  2. Childrens’ films;  3. You can take Pappu’s bike;  4. As we arrived, the station’s; 5. The river’s
C. This is a classroom activity.

Adept English Grammar 1-5

D. 2. You’ll;  3. We haven’t;  4. that’s;  5. He isn’t’  6. She can’t;  7. they hv;

8. You’re;  9. You won’t; 10. They can’t
E. 1. Geetanjali was written by Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore.
2. You should keep yourself clean and healthy, said Dr Sharma.
3. What is in a name?
4. Three important dates for the Indians are 26 January 1950, 15 August 1947 and 2 October 1869.
5. Paul came to India to see the Taj Mahal in Agra, the Victoria Memorial in Kolkata, the Qutb Minar in Delhi
and the Gateway of India in Mumbai.
On the basis of the above, you can attempt the rest of the questions.
F. 2. the earth’s gravity;  3. the door’s handle; 4. your car’s horn; 5. my friend’s birthday;  6. the river’s water;  7.
Mussoorie’s snowfall;  8. Rajasthan’s heat;  9. Siberia’s cold;  10. my father’s pen
Chapter 12:  Direct and Indirect Speech
A. This is a classroom activity.
B. 1. Mother said, “I am very busy.”
2. The students said, “We shall lodge a complaint with the principal.”
3. The shopkeeper said, “Rice will be available tomorrow.”
4. Sonu said, “I shall not disturb the neighbours again.”
Now attempt the rest of the questions with the help of your teacher.
C. 1. Arun tod that his parents were coming back from ht UK the next day.
2. Madhumita said, :India has lost the match again.”
3. The teacher announced’ “There will be vacations next week.”
Now attempt the other questions based on the above solutions.
D. Solve these yourselves with thw help of an elder at home or your teacher in class.
Chapter 13:  Letter Writing
The teacher will tell the students about letter writing and its usefulness and need in society in general and mankind in
Chapter 14:  Vocabulary
A. 1. unanswered; 2. unhealthy; 3. uncertain; 4. disregard; 5. disagree; 6. discomfort; 7. unsafe;  8. mistrust;  9.
disarray;  10. unlike
B. 1. kindness;  2. harmless;  3. colourful;  4. thoughtful;  5. joyful;
6. seamless;  7. ruthless;  8. happiness;  9. careful;  10. speechless;
11. thankful;  12. softly;  13. roughly;  14. waterless
C. Do it in class with the help of your teacher.
D. 1. (b);  2. (c);  3. (e);  4. (a);  5. (d)
E. Individual answers.
F. Individual answers.
G. Individual answers.


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