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CWTS 2 - Activity 01

Preparing the stem of Sweet Potato

1 Week ago before the Sweet Potato was planted.

2 Weeks ago before the Sweet Potato was planted.

(most of the planted stem are forming leaves)
3-4 Weeks ago before the Sweet Potato was planted.

5-6 Weeks ago before the Sweet Potato was planted.

1st Week 6th Week

1. What did you feel as you are doing the activity?

- I felt very responsible because I was in courage to at least make an effective and successful outcome.

2. What are some values earned in the practice of home gardening?

- The crucial values I earned are responsibility and goal because it is the thing that this task or scheme
aim for.

3. What are the benefits of a Home Garden specially in this time of pandemic?
- We know that planting/gardening is a habitual activity specially for s person who doesn’t regularly go
outside. It creates happiness to a person who loves doing it. During time of pandemic, it is also beneficial
because gardening becomes a hobby or amusement and it can also be a source of food depending on what
type of plant was planted.

4. How will you maintain sustainability in Home Gardening?

- Water and Sunlight are the most dominant need in terms of gardening or planting. It should be
always taken care of for it to process the plant itself to the most effective way.

5. Reflection.
- I have chosen to plant Sweet Potato because it is simply easy. In the span of 6 weeks, I did my best to
achieve the goal. I honestly sometimes forget to water them , that’s why some of the plants aren’t visually
grown as the other ones. Planting or Gardening won’t disappoint when looking for amusement. It just
needs a very strategical process for it to effectively grow.

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