Worksheet 3-Member of Church

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1. Relate and reflect you're being initiated to the church.

Being accepted to the Church is a life changing moment for me because I am given an opportunity to
have a deeper connection to God. Being a believer, follower and servant of Christ I will devote my life to
Him and having Christ and the Church wil further enhance my faith and knowledge to see the truth and
spread His words to my fellowmen. I can know better of myself as I accept the Church and God to my life
and help unite other people who lost their way back to God.

2. How did you become a member of it?

I become a member of the Church through the Holy Spirit that dwells within myself with the help of
other people in my life such as my family and friends that taught me on knowing God. The death of
Christ as sacrifice to save mankind, we are already a member of the body of Christ because we are
united to Him. Being a member is committing oneself to God and to the Church with a specific divinely
purpose of receiving instructions from God's words and proclaiming the gospel to those who are lost.

3. How will you help in the spreading of the Church?

I will help in the spreading of the Church through using my knowledge and faith to spread God's words
and wisdom. I will use myself as a model and instrument to help others who lost their path so that they
will know God and the truth and become a member of the Church by helping others build their faith and
further strengthen it. Because the Church will not be complete if their are only few members, it must
include all of us because God loves us and we are united in Him through loving and serving Him.


In the Bible terms, the church is made up of every person who has a personal relationship with Christ.
How will you develop you relationship with Christ the head of the Church?

I will develop my spiritual relationship with Christ, the head of the Church through devoting my life to
Him. As a student and follower of Christ, I always pray and communicate to God in order to have a
deeper connection with Him. Going to church is what I do and praising Him as well as spreading His
words to my fellow youth. Putting God first in all things that I do whether I succeed or not, atleast I'm
grateful to have Him and lastly, doing things appropriate to God's commandments to have a strong bond
with Him.

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