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To estimalt lte amount inurganic
hohop aseeot in le whole g_la iven >olutio

when phgsphoUs beated wi auid
omdybidadz phephomoluybdi aid ó_kmed 1há aud
hreated uitk ANSA Cone Amimo- 4 sulphoynic aid)
gies a Hue csuay 1 u read Caluámahically ak bHonnt

gtock Btandard 4kuion phesphom
T is 1.1Smg petasium Achydrugen
Oniko phophalr weighed acurealey and hrawieTed.
nv cml Atandand graN and madiups
mx Uhingduubla dishlled water The soc
Comraib 2omg Iy- phosphus

Concantaation - 8o phg>phonus|me

hoking gtandard Sdlotion phoophonus

ExacRH om
ExacRy Atoce standard Soluhon
Pipalldout inlo a LUDm tandad kia and
made upo l mas uing dauble_diti led uwater.

LCncantsation y phoephus Im
Conten Irn Mocuing 4tandand 1sdufun
Test taube PLnsS, 9
lorting tardand Soluipn r)
Lo 5P.o 2.5
Conwnrrchiun prophon 2 1620

OnLncun oluion (m0)

Diehied vmto rod) .o 7.s70 5 6 6 0 o 7.S 1

Aid moi hdar Coluhontuf
ANSA Kukun Cank) O.m

Mixed weland allowed b Stard

Ophial dersity o.0
O.oD O-oy 0.0g D12 o.16D.20 oybo4 0.0
rccos Wsed At b7om m
ii Actd molybdalr_dutioni
1&5m ammeniym molibclals
in 25bml g LON H250y and lue
muixtwr e is made up SUDmusing double.
distillod aten
OSgm ANGA 0 wCiGhed_xactiy and
diksolved in 148 15 Sdium mela ulpnat 6
SmSm 2oy gndkum udphude is added a d
wamQA and it Cs_Cooled_ aLnd gtore_in _3uon

05m Lml, 1SmR ime, RSme wonLing.
Standard pipellsd_nat inln a Sexes elaan
and Xabelkd a Si, S2SaSu 2Ss Tepedkvely
kest tubee and
The Comtents kalt tot labes are made upla 8sm
wing double diLiled watea Talce o elean test tube
and alelled itas slane L and add Sml
dihiled water add 4m _auid molibdals oagent
all the tettlbe CLndnenfolleuwed by oSm g ANSA.
Nake up k veD unltnown Solution Lodm? uking
dotble Åictilled wate PipellTd aut o . 5 , v . s l
Am, m lk olahion in ur best _bube and
Rahelled a T Dlz Da repechively Then mae up lz
NRume au Sm uing dsilled&
h o e kzube>
watar add Inf aidmoi bdalt g kolowec b
5m sANe£A a l t e s t test tuubes. The Cetents
l tke test lubes ae mixcd wel. and allo wec
tto tand fo tommutes, Mea»ue ua ODcut byorn

The amount 5 phosphomw areeot in
ohola 0Y U Given dution .HAN.

O.Sm suntneun lonLains hvd As phesphosus

me ( untown Con Vin
ms uncoown Conain %xs

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fenR unLnoun Conran: 4

Som C unlnown Cont n : Gxs

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