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SHORT DIALOGUES (Paper and Computer)



Negative expressions are very common in the short dialogues, and the most common kind
of correct response to a negative statement is a positive statement containing a word with
an opposite meaning.

Example from the Paper and Computer TOEFL® Tests

On the recording, you hear:
(man) How did they get to their grandmother's house in Maine in onlyfivehours'?
(woman) They didn 't drive slowly on the trip to Maine.
(narrator) What does the woman say about the trip'?
In your test book or on the computer screen, you read:
(A) They drove rather quickly.
(B) They couldn't have driven more slowly.
(C) They wanted to travel slowly to Maine.
(D) They didn't drive to Maine.

The correct answer is answer (A). If they didn't drive slowly to Maine, this means that they
drove rather quickly. Notice that the correct answer uses quickly, the opposite of slowly. The
answers that use slowly are not correct.
The following chart outlines the types of negative expressions that you should be care-
ful of:


Expression Example Correct Answer

Regular negative: not or n't Tom is not sad about the results. not sad = happy

Other negatives: nobody, none, Nobody arrived on time. nobody ...on time = late
nothing, never Sal never works hard. never works hard = lazy

Negative prefixes: un-, in-, dis- The patient was insane. insane = not sane = crazy

EXERCISE 7: In this exercise, underline the negative in the last line of each short dia-
logue. Then read the question and choose the best answer to that question. Remember
that the best answer is one that uses an opposite meaning.

1. (man) / can't seem to get the door (A) The key in the drawer is on the right.
unlocked. (B) The man should write the message on
(woman) That isn 't the right key for the the door.
door. (C) The man has the wrong key.
(narrator) What does the woman mean ? (D) The right key isn't in the drawer.

Q. (man) Were you pleased with last (A) The convention was disorganized.
week's convention ? (B) She didn't plan to attend the
(woman) Nothing went as planned. convention.
(narrator) What does the woman mean ? (C) She planned the convention last week.
(D) She wasn't pleased with the last week of
the convention.

(woman) Are you planning to go to college (A) He definitely wants to go to college.

next year? (B) He is certain about his plans.
(man) I'm really unsure about the idea. (C) He's hesitant about attending college.
(narrator) What does the man mean ? (D) His idea is to go to college.

TOEFL EXERCISE 7: In this exercise, listen carefully to each short dialogue a nd question
on t he rec ordi ng, a n d t h en choose the best answer to t he question. You should be particu-
larly careful of negative expressions.


1. (A She is very busy. 6. (A) The service satisfied her.

(B She has lots of free time. (B) The food was worse than the
(C It is not necessary to take out the service.
trash. (C) She thought the service was bad.
(D She will do it if she has time. (D) Neither the food nor the service
was satisfying.
2. (A The interview is very important.
(B He is worried about the interview. 7. (A) He told his kids to leave.
(C What he's wearing to the interview (B) He seriously wanted the woman to
is important. go.
(D He is not concerned about the (C) He was joking when he told the
interview. woman to leave.
(D) He left with the woman.
3. (A He has almost all the notes.
(B His attendance was perfect. 8. (A) The project will take all their effort.
(C He went to all the lectures but one. (B) They have no other work to do.
(D He missed more than one (C) It's impossible to finish.
psychology class. (D) They aren't even close to finishing
the project.
4. (A They passed the library at
6:00. 9. (A) She doesn't mind an hour more.
(B The library opens at 6:00 in the (B) She'd rather stay more than an
summer. hour.
(C The library closes at 6:00. (C) It's better to stay than go.
(D You can't check out more than six (D) She prefers to leave.
books in the summer.
10. (A) The service at the hotel wasn't too
(A) Water the plants once a day. good.
(B) Give the plants no more water. (B) This hotel gave excellent service.
(C) Water the plants often while the (C) The service at the hotel could have
man is gone. been improved.
(D) Give the plants a limited amount of (D) This hotel's service was the same as
water. the service at other hotels.
SHORT DIALOGUES (Paper and Computer)


It is possible for two negative ideas to ap pear in o n e sentence, a nd the result can be quite

Example from the Paper and Computer TOEFL® Tests

On the recording, you hear:
(man) / can't believe the news that I heard about the concert.
(woman) Well, it isn't impossible for the concert to take place.
(narrator) What does the woman say about the concert"?
In your test book or on the computer screen, you read:
(A) There's no possibility that the concert will take place.
(B) The concert will definitely not take place.
(C) The concert might take place.
(D) The concert can't take place.

The correct answer to this question is answer (C). If it isn't impossible for the concert to take
place, then it is possible, an d the mod al might indicates possibility.
T he following chart outlines the situations where do ub le negatives can occur:


Situation Example Meaning

negative word (e.g., not, no, He didn't like the unclean did not like unclean office
none) and a negative prefix office. = liked clean office
(e.g., in-, un-, dis-)

two negative verbs It isn't snowing, so they aren't implies that they would go
going to the mountains. if it were snowing

neither or not... either Sue didn't like the movie, and both did not like the movie
neither did Mark.

EXERCISE 8: In this exercise, u nderl i n e the two negatives in th e last line of each short
dialogue. T h e n read t he question a n d choose the best answer to that question. Re memb er
that two negatives can make the sentence positive.

1. (man) Paula, you worked so hard (A) She hopes everyone will be pleased.
setting up thefieldtrip. (B) She knows no one is happy with what
(woman) /hope no one's unhappy with she has done.
the arrangements. (C) She's arranged to take a trip because
(narrator) What does Paula mean ? she's unhappy.
(D) Everyone's happy with the condition of
the field.

(woman) How was your history exam \ (A) He studied a lot and passed.
(man) / didn't study enough, so I (B) He failed in spite of his effort.
didn 7 do well. (C) He got a good grade even though he
(narrator) What does the man mean ? didn't study.
(D) His grade was poor because of
inadequate preparation.

(man) Were your friends able to get (A) Although Mark couldn't get both
tickets for the concert? tickets, Paul did.
(woman) Mark couldn H get tickets for the (B) Both were unable to obtain tickets.
concert, and neither could Paul. (C) Neither Mark nor Paul wanted to go to
(narrator) What does the woman mean ? the concert.
(D) Mark tried to get tickets, but Paul didn't.

TOEFL EXERCISE 8: In this exercise, listen carefully to each short dialogue and question
on the recording, and then choose the best answer to the question. You should be particu-
larly careful of double negatives.


(A He'll definitely be elected. (A Steve wanted to finish his paper,

(B The election is now complete. and so did Paul.
(C She has high hopes for his chances. (B Both Steve's and Paul's papers were
(D It may happen. incomplete.
(C Steve and Paul were busy doing
(A; Both parts of his game were bad.
their term papers.
(B He served better than he volleyed.
(D When Steve wasn't able to finish his
(C Some parts of his game were better
paper, Paul couldn't help.
than others.
(D He played rather well. (A; It wasn't George's responsibility to
pay the bill.
(A It is a surprise that he was
(B Bill was irresponsible about paying
George's rent.
(B He was not ready, as usual.
(C George acted carelessly by not
(C He prepared a really big surprise.
taking care of the bill.
(D His strong preparation came as no
(D George took responsibility for the
unpaid bill.
(A She felt good enough to go out.
8. (A) It's fortunate that he was accepted.
(B She went out to get some medicine.
(B) It's good that he wasn't admitted.
(C She felt like dancing, so she went
(C) Fortunately, the university didn't
out with everyone.
admit him.
(D She stayed home because she was
(D) It's too bad he was rejected.
(A She has problems that others aren't
aware of.
(B Others aren't aware of her
(C She knows she's been a problem.
(D She doesn't have a care in the
SHORT DIALOGUES (Paper and Computer)

9. (A) The first essay was better than the 10. (A) Roger has been bothered.
second. (B) Roger wasn't the least bit
(B) The first and second drafts disturbed.
couldn't be better. (C) The problems have had little effect
(C) The second draft of the essay was on Roger.
much better than the first. (D) Roger hasn't been disturbed.
(D) Both versions were poorly written.


Certain expressions in English have "almost negative" meanings. These expressions are
common in the short dialogues.

Example from the Paper and Computer TOEFL® Tests

On the recording, you hear:
(woman) . Were you able to pay the electric bill?
(man) I had barely enough money.
(narrator) What does the man imply ?
In your test book or on the computer screen, you read:
(A) He had plenty of money for the bill.
(B) He did not have enough money for the bill.
(C) He paid the bill but has no money left.
(D) He was unable to pay the bill.

In the man' s statement, the word enough indicates that the re was enough, so h e paid the bill.
However, it was barely e no u g h , so he almost did n o t have e n o u gh a nd certainly has no money
left. The correct answer is therefore answer (C).
The following cha rt outlines c o m m o n "almost negative" expressions:


Meaning Expression Example

almost none hardly, barely, scarcely, only There is hardly any food in the refrigerator.

almost never rarely, seldom He rarely drives to work.

EXERCISE 9: In this exercise, un der li ne the "almost negative" expression in the last line
of each short dialogue. T h e n read the question an d choose the best answer. R e m em b er
that the best answer is o n e that m ea ns that it is true bu t it is almost not tr ue.

1. (man) / hear that Mona 's been offered (A) Mona hasn't worked hard.
the manager's job. (B) Mona's experience has been hard.
(woman) But she has hardly any work (C) Mona's job as manager is hard.
experience! (D) Mona hasn't worked for very long.
(narrator) What does the woman say about

(woman) How much time did Sam spend (A) Sam usually spends this much time on
on his paper for economics his schoolwork.
class ? (B) Sam has rarely worked so hard.
(man) Sam has seldom taken so much (C) Sam took too much time on this paper.
time on a research paper. (D) Sam should've worked harder on this
(narrator) What does the man mean ? paper.

(woman) Does Steve usually park his car (A) He parks his car there once in a while.
there? (B) He's parked his car there a lot.
(man) Only once has he parked his car (C) He only leaves his car there for short
in that lot. periods of time.
(narrator) What does the man mean? (D) He left his car there on just one

TOEFL EXERCISE 9: In this exercise, listen carefully to each short dialogue a n d question
on t he r ecordi ng, a n d t he n choose t he best answer to t he question. You should be particu-
larly careful of "almost negative" expressions.

o (A)

There's little rain in July. 5. (A Betty often takes vacations in

(B) In July it never rains. winter.
(C) It rains hard in July. (B Betty prefers to take vacations in
(D) When it rains in July, it rains hard. winter.
(C Occasionally Betty works one week
(A) The university accepted three
during vacation.
(D A winter vacation is unusual for
(B) None of the students is going to the
(C) John was not accepted. 6. (A He rarely spends time on his
(D) Two were not admitted. courses.
(B He's an excellent student.
(A) Although he did pass, Mark's exam
(C He never studies.
grade wasn't too good.
(D His books are always open.
(B) Mark failed his history exam.
(C) The highest grade on the history 7. (A He finished the exam in plenty of
exam went to Mark. time.
(D) Professor Franks didn't pass Mark (B He was scared he wouldn't finish.
on the history exam. (C He used every possible minute to
(A) He often has long waits in Dr.
(D He was unable to complete the
Roberts's office.
(B) He must wait patiently for Robert.
(C) Dr. Roberts is generally punctual. 8. (A This was a very long staff meeting.
(D) He doesn't mind waiting for Dr. (B This was the only staff meeting in a
Roberts. long time.
(C The meeting lasted only until one
(D The one staff meeting should've
lasted longer.
SHORT DIALOGUES (Paper and Computer) 51

(A) Meat tastes delicious to him when 10. (A) He broke his arm trying to move it.
it's cooked rare. (B) He only hurt the broken arm.
(B) He isn't sure if the meal is (C) He only tries to move the broken
delicious. arm.
(C) This meat is the best he's tasted in (D) There's no pain if he rests quietly.
a long time.
(D) He'd like to eat some meat from
this delicatessen.


Negatives can be used with comparatives in the short dialogues of th e TOEFL test. A sen-
tence with a negative a n d a comparative has a superlative, or very strong, meaning .

Example from the Paper and Computer TOEFL® Tests

On the recording, you hear:

(woman) What do you think of the new student in math class ?
(man) No one is more intelligent than she is.
(narrator) What does the man say about the new student?

In your test book or on the computer screen, you read:

(A) She is not very smart.
(B) He is smarter than she is.
(C) Other students are smarter than she is.
(D) She is the smartest student in the class.

The man responds to the woman's question with the negative No an d the comparative more
intelligent, and this combination has a superlative meaning, the smartest. T h e best answer is
therefore answer (D).
The following cha rt outlines comparisons that you should be careful of when they are
used with negatives:


Comparative Example Meaning

more No one is more beautiful than she is. She is the most beautiful.

-er He couldn't be happ/er. He is extremely happy.


EXERCISE 10: In this exercise, u nde rl i ne t he negative an d th e comparative in t he second

line of each short dialogue. T h e n read the question a nd choose th e best answer to that
question. R e m e m b er that t he best answer is o ne that expresses a superlative, or very
strong, idea.

(woman) Have you gotten over your cold (A) He's feeling terrific.
yet? (B) He felt a lot worse today.
(man) / couldn 't be feeling any better (C) He's not feeling too well today.
today. (D) He's a bit better today.
(narrator) What does the man mean ?

(woman) What did you think of Mike (A) Mike was extremely friendly when he
when you first met him ? met him.
(man) He couldn 7 have been more (B) Mike could have met him sooner.
unfriendly. (C) Mike didn't seem to like him at all.
(narrator) What does the man mean ? (D) When he met Mike, he didn't have a

3. (man) Did you see Theresa's grade on (A) Theresa could've gotten a higher grade.
the math exam ? It was (B) Anyone could get a good grade.
unbelievable! (C) Theresa got the highest grade.
(woman) No one else could have done (D) A high grade is impossible for anyone.
(narrator) What does the woman mean 1

TOEFL EXERCISE 10: In this exercise, listen carefully to each short dialogue a nd ques-
tion o n the recording, a n d t hen choose the best answer to the question. You should be par-
ticularly careful of comparatives with negatives.


(A She's not very happy. J5. (A) The patient absolutely didn't need
(B She didn't do very well on the the surgery.
exam. (B) The necessity for the surgery was
(C She could be somewhat happier. unquestionable.
(D She's delighted with the results. (C) The surgeon felt that the operation
was necessary.
(A; Paula is always lazy.
(D) It was essential that the surgery be
(B Paula didn't work very hard this
performed immediately.
(C Paula made a strong effort. 6. (A) They were not very lucky.
(D Paula could have worked harder. (B) No one was hurt.
(C) The accident was unfortunate.
(A The prices were great!
(D) She wanted to have better luck.
(B The prices were too high.
(C She didn't buy much because of 7. (A) Nothing was very difficult.
the prices. (B) The exam wasn't at all easy.
(D The prices could have been lower. (C) The exam couldn't have been
(A; She is not very smart.
(D) The exam had nothing difficult
(B She always tells him everything.
on it.
(C He doesn't know her very well.
(D She's extremely intelligent.
SHORT DIALOGUES (Paper and Computer)

8. (A) She wants that job very much. 10. (A) This math project was extremely
(B) No one is going to get the job. complex.
(C) Everybody else wants that job as (B) This math project was less
much as she does. complicated than the last.
(D) She is not sure about taking the (C) They seldom complete their math
job. projects.
(D) Complicated math projects are
9. (A) She was second in the race.
often assigned.
(B) She was almost the slowest person
in the race.
(C) She won the race.
(D) She was not faster than anyone

TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 7-10): In this exercise, listen carefully to each short dialogue
and question o n t he recording, a n d t h e n choose th e best answer to th e question.


(A) She can try a little harder. 5. (A She handed the paper in on time.
(B) There is a lot more that she can do. (B She was able to complete the paper,
(C) She's doing the best that she can. but she didn't turn it in.
(D) It is impossible for her to do (C The paper was a complete mess, so
anything. she didn't turn it in.
(D The paper was unfinished.
(A) She's always been late for the bus.
(B) The bus has always been late. 6. (A Neither Tim nor Sylvia is taking
(C) The bus only left on time once. care of Art.
(D) Only on this trip has the bus been (B Sylvia likes modern art even less
on time. than Tim does.
(C Sylvia doesn't care for anything
(A) There wasn't enough soup to go
Tim does.
(D Sylvia and Tim agree in their
(B) We had so much soup that we
opinion of modern art.
couldn't finish it.
(C) Everyone got one serving of soup, 7. (A; They always work hard in the
but there wasn't enough for afternoon.
seconds. (B They don't do much after lunch.
(D) Everyone around the table had a (C After noon they never work.
lot of soup. (D It's never hard for them to work in
the afternoon.
(A) She does want to see the movie.
(B) It's extremely important to her to 8. (A; It's hard for him to work when it
go- gets warm.
(C) She doesn't want to go there (B Whenever it gets warm, he turns on
anymore. the air-conditioner.
(D) She really couldn't move there. (C The air-conditioner only works
when it isn't needed.
(D He likes to use the air-conditioner
when it is warm.

(A) He did really poorly. 10. (A) With so many members present,
(B) He's felt worse before. the committee couldn't reach a
(C) The results co\ild not have been decision.
better. (B) The committee should've waited
(D) He's not too unhappy with the until more members were present.
results. (C) The issue shouldn't have been
decided by all the committed
(D) The issue wasn't decided because
so many members were absent.

TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-10): In this exercise, listen carefully to each short
dialogue a nd question on the recording, an d th en choose the best answer to the question.


7. (A
(A In a doctor's office The waitress was sitting in the back
(B At a bar of the restaurant.
(C In a travel agency (B They were waiting for a seat in the
(D In a business office restaurant.
(C The customers had a table in the
(A She bought some sheets.
She got a new piece of clothing. back.
(D The waitress sat down behind the
(C She couldn't find anything because
she's too short. table.
(D She was sure to greet her boss. 8. (A It's hard for the market to sell its
(A; The hotel was all right, except for
(B All of the fresh fruit at the market
the poor view.
is hard.
(B The view from the hotel room was
(C She hardly ever goes to the market
to buy fresh fruit.
(C She would have preferred a better
(D There was a scarcity of fresh fruit at
the market.
(D Only a few hotels would have been
better. (A The man should never be late for
(A Take a nap
(B The man can always return to
(B Try the rest of the work
(C See a doctor
(C The man should never go back to
(D Have a bite to eat
(A She's an exacting person. (D If the man's late to school, he
(B She can't be expected to give you should go through the back
four of them. door.
(C She generally forgives others.
10. (A) She can't bear to try.
(D She isn't exact about what she gives
(B) She is a daring person.
to others.
(C) She doesn't want the man even to
(A She's unable to take her vacation try.
this year. (D) She is challenging the man to make
(B Her vacation next week has been the effort.
(C She'll go on vacation next week.
(D She'll return from vacation in a

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