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EXPERIMENT MOET TIME + veRrFICAITOW oF ones Law ORL CTT VEse > 70 daw ~ ye Asad ammeter and vollmeler properly: > 0 analyre date for verification 6f 04m low gad connect the erreutt proper ty" > 7% verif, ohms Laws APPARATUS REQUIRED + De voltage source (2 Let) fesil tur CL pee) + OC volsmeter (IPP + DC ammeter (LPO + Comectng wie JHEORY eetecor ing 10 04m 7 Saw we hen She Sempere fore aad other phytical Coadstionw are Constant Yor 0 fread metal conductor , Lhe corren? C2? through sors propor teaal to She potential LfF erence between (lr cadss Tf conent (I) Sony through the conte for ar Aerslane Ch) when poteabal of volt we anpred» Shean raathe mob collr, Tev wrth Woe anmeler if Ceanec tod cracult OTAGRAM vp fort 0S cons loans? aensdane — Lecovse — Current Bemus SONOS and volemesor re connec lod iy parete! Lecavse voltage *emons Cas load a paralle! cr owe OgseR VATION TABLE \ Tyodd [veme | ammeter | Cal ae sv) ertrtaa|eer | Carey lated as a sartclenle nang) HOO eae doa | TEOTAIE | A OMT | Remar ter hACA) |vOold) ROAD Gk) L4 i 7 | To | «| 2f0m9 | 99 LI i j+—j—+ + |__| | 00» + a) |” a 20 20 or ara 3 i i | | Aemain yo | 4 0 ° . Ui | ronrean arranged PROCEDURE > oft fersd the apporatur (were taken ancl th order ar Phowa ia chregsd hragrom* ~ Wllage war oped with the help of @ de source after mating all ohe nee dier OF po limeler Gad ammeter of lero > Conerperding curren? and voltage — acra~t Pesht Lone ce) should Ae measured accurotefe* ~ Repeat the ahwe slr Ap voyng weltare appre dt” Geary Ano cAculaTtiloNn vw n ve ff - — — =p ft So ! \ Lo | re 0 ae VI Graph fron ahove we found Aerit tene aad the calculated vane H Aone Resell AN CONCLUSION the above experimen? we acrolt conc lucle iy & vethly dence Ohm From the voliage propor doaal wp veri fred * the rest laace 70 curren? yopplied * Jaw yarkry ano paccarr LON . Ammeter and valimeter rhoold he connected tn Series aad paraliel Aesper Prely* © Connections SAW 4E he bight + Reading ge tee ee Needles of volimeter and shold Le feeed ae 26r0 py the Legining fF expert ment? preci tely amme lor EXPERIMENT NOE? Tres SERTEL CIRCUIT = AWAalysIS OBsEC TIVES: 9 7% comect circure — properly 2 Jo Acad measuring instrument — priperly* ~% cotcvlote dFferen? needed valves Greil poramet ert: > So anafyre Serves APPARIIVS REQUIRED * % OC voltage Source ¢ (see) 7 OC voltmeter » D6 Ammeler - Clair » Rest lor - Apr) ’ Connec bag wire O preceD THEORY when the Aerts list are coonected fo ent so Mal Shey form nfs one ath pov She flow of coment — then fhe aerie tors be waneled i rertes* Crd are yard ¢0 The Slow of Currend same + Consider ¢hree Ri, RI wth current Z PAD G + hed vr Gy he Av aad th rough each Aerts lor or aervtos serwes Re, A esit for Chr eugh each cach Absit lors #. the vo/lage acro// As Aes pectively Using oAmy law : a, (Rs ue TR Anne Vi: TAL vps TRI d T Qad vi Wivadtyg Treg: IR + Tv t IRI a] - Reqs Bt Rt Ry ~ v where Req the eguivalend resis leace which re equal do the som of Aesth taaes> In sever Comtyna toa we have © Some cumentd through al/ Aeritlors Jolgt oteabal ayfercrce = sun oF padi dual po + Indieideal 20 6 directly propor foogl the jadrvidugl — 2ert Paaces* + fguiveleat resistance always more Phe Inder cual aeriy dances Cowwel TION = AZACKAIM ind? vide al aesenvatton TAGE ty volsage — en | Lory poly sg Voltage |Corculale |Z Lyrax vor fave curren? | gerort Kr aun Yo/al a or | Rema wa T (Ame? \ycvords | vilvort? | vorsoge vi-vr | rev ~| FIT = revitua| Uren al na wt G ov 7 10 1f0mA £ a 10 av. ale ie ; = —}— - food Ww pr ie on y | 20 Hon - Lid 10 20 ov PROCEDURES I + Ammeter , vallage foure lwo volimeter and I esit tr were arranged — OC dng %0 crcurt dia gram | + Lirsdly , -ve cuith wo Aerie dors fo end of ammeter Car connec ted pert esl connectek tn are te) + Juo velimedery were fd ei Su ally with Lwo aests tut oer Once eae ce Zo “deal . voltag & Source voltage source aad then connecled wth Joe end of ammeter aad ~ve ene of 274 Aegis tor et f ter the comple ton indivi deal volémedtert connector nndicoled 2eotay two were noted RELOLTS From the ower vation lable we ob tarned ad Ar vo//ag & resis bore Rh i civeui? the vole oF ae apport vype of v0olfage Con clus TOW ahs from 200 bag of vol{meler and omme fer voltage aad Curren? ove ohlomed ving ohms law: PRECAY TTONS AND SAFETY MEASURES? + Apporotes shold Le EEO h CLO + Rea cag shold te s knoh of voltage erode, Ot aas Ge aod Covce = tre predic ly taken* ard Cowend = fource rholh naked wtre* evecatment NOS a TTHE PARAWEL CrawIT ANDAISTS OOrECITVES + Je connect civcurd Gagan properly ing Prument— PYOPE I” measuring needed values porate! orcort + Je reack + calculate + Jo ona we 2e fara ncders* npeanatus REQUIRED + QC voltage source C1set/ © pC voltmeter C1 po? Amm eter € Ips? +O Rests bors CUPS? Connec bingy Wwiret THEGRY Lhea one end af each eriitor 1 coanectcd fo one commen pom? aad Orie ends 0G, ane ther Comme a The eesrl tort are sad to 46 connected 17 parallel connec htar The poten bal af ferent acre cach aenstor we fame Chee ae ete connected =? paratel cemting bons — wth current T,, %1 oad snowy es pee Chey acrott each aerit bor let V Ae he poten bal whith ws Common aco cach Aes bor * uring Oh Jew ve I Ts via Mow, a a bed t 7. 0) daa hy ee va v. aca i a r 13 fe yh he “eq a a a —_4— < ss v whch © ests bance tv ideal eguivalea? where Req of ueciprocol YF wm equal 10 dhe fom eset barred comeing ba across all A est C077 yf msde! convent Ta parole! Co Oe = fom Jotal —cunent wr faversely » Indtvidval cunend pestt Lire" propor Coral fo sandier deal . Lquiva lent caer tince than yeare wdit dual 20st dance + crncult = OLAGRAMN | | | LER VATION TABLE? Merely | Saurees nent aa WL ebad coven! | nag Gand | Corared| a Forer usr” | TCA? |p, Td a fi Corrent tev Remarks (ane) | Camps | TAT art | Lu [999-98 rm 7 7 to 9 779) (are a Lorena | 0e8 8 poeta : pov. |939°I0F | 459-9 mm _}- A. i GIFTS ™| Cog spp ma ae _ J | psu | etn FGI WF09* PIrd y ma eee 14G gr Hhmd) ores yov | Ima | 99999 | PIF-ST [is gy 99F | - we oa | ma OO YI ape PROCEDURE + Megatve oad of ammeter 1¢ connected with two aertt lors porate! which are Re aad A. Aerpec ely: + Jo resistors are connectad wrth two anmelers divi dually” Ghen the 1ve end of ammeter Grd -ee end of Zwo Aesisbors are cennected ta the Poect vo/fage fource* . softer — the comple tioa oF Tit conaect*oa fuse pene ee adce Ar shows eh comen? — Chrouph 2wo ners bors kh, and ki Aespecheoly: AEsulTy From the olvervahon dalle we obtained the value of Corrente r,t through ers tor 7 ant A espe fively ot deffercat srepply of voltage obtaned — ares iv vse SV Ta tora, I, 2 0:Ud ii? vee tov Th O49 1, = 099A a) ves MY Ty 2 FWA Tr = OF49A ond 4 0n- CONCLUSIONS the Acathing of valimeter — ond amme lor, aad curren? are gbsained urng oft food ol the vate yy 200t From voltage aw» Fiaally we tory corrent® PRECAUTIONS = NO SAEETS pt gastun es + Apparatus should Le conaeclod propery © Connection shod he light” L Readng shold he — clone precrvely* EXPERT (AEN NOY ANALYSIS OF mr7lét OQSECTI VES "0 more and Connect? measuring diff event Ones * Jo read calculale analyte * Jo * Jo al nepArates REQUIRED yource 6 voltage vole meders "AC ac oa Resis bor + Ganectag arre ammeters (le? Ch pn THEORY Re acsittor circure we of and h circuit one induc For andl fe ee crot 2 In We is crowe thts have, applied a ve Va ae whee We * Magram ins tromen? ia duc tor composed SERTES CTR CTT proper by prope ly neguired parometert circus de Wed? Card erreur? composed fire? vests tor an elec die or cler eat wae yf and Pa it Lhe vim ples? byae serves analy wt, vol fa pe iv ree 7h afl ia duc toa ce ws the re’) HWW LO TLS I +f va OG Al sores crv cwe 7a va : 22 (rte xy +6 impecleace vince VU seads current Ly J0° anh va in phase wtth T, the phase dagram cas Le shown Aelows from the phase hia gram tones Ve s 4: Pafl va a a o: tan [ agi} CIRCUIT _gIAGRan vac Conaee Hon hagram oe 26 vories etree} OBSERVATION IADLE bw] Supply |oeure | vortage | ; ventage eorrea? |qcrort eaiege a) ea a vs (vost) | I Camp? | a ae | | 1 ") 30 [7-H Tyo 67 28-035 | | oma i on : co | post ye diet pen0? 6 ap | | TT 50 [peor | elt py rar off | | PROCEDURE + the vldmeler ammeter , inductor cere placed ia the aceguired place ay per Coane fron dvagram* + fe ctrevit war cornected — proper ty" + Jo vost me ler Va and Vr were cormecteel across Aes b aace and indu chlor in porattes ed af ammeter to She te enk of and 1v€ Cup and -ve end of ammeter vol Aape foure wih fue end Yf Aesitstor* | omar te! J | + After cnnet toa , Aerpective appar ous gave deflector 97 the app lca tran of bf ferer a fon ac vo/sfage yourte* voltage hE fo we hoe from the observation falte the vallage wor obtained — ot Lhee afferent supe ly Ff calcula tod voltage vource For as ent lso we cal cu/ated lolal wtlage ard power factor from the ba hie Con clu STON atverved thal the otal Fiaally (wor app rome ely egal © calculated voltage es the fo tal va/fage opphed 17 ctrl ee PRECAUTION - Growié should 4e coanecledk proper b> . ac Sour e shold Le haakted property: Tries Qwalysts OF THE RC SERIES cracorr OW ECIT VE - Jo make anc caaaecl gta gram properly ‘So acad measoriyp hedrurentl properly + Jo analyze RO verer circore Abeh RATUS REQUIRED + AC voligge source Sea yee ee Ac ammeter ¢ Ipc? 1p? ipo «Resistor © . Capacitor © : Ganecting wire C sset) THEORY The circuit th whith capociber and ert for are comecled i server called aC veres — circurt In AC circotl, fhe wllage across Cara ctor ‘ay Ay go with nespoce do corvend T Pe else acres ACLS CGACE aitt Le on phare with T° da this civcor?e le hove. Applied voltage, Un yi ve [ Ve'4ve nr w—]} va c v ys (OPE t whee vest fe Capacitive eee Taye a Aeac bance ato: v . z 77 LaF we im pe dence where ince Ve lage ty F0° Gad ve phase atth 1 the phase hagran can Me shown in figre Pharr hagram from phase? om Joao + Hh, Bot ter re a afr a, (pi = vrcore Active fAwer Reactve power Cp) vising dpe arent — power ee cra cuir OInGRAM Oo gyam ogse AVATION TARLE Sump! ore ey valle ee, eee, Bou | Fam [vere ooo ve ea ierm ie ener |Z, = : Jo pp ittan) 146 foweve ese _| | Flere WAL 7 z EO YG BOI] 29-9 —_ —_— 0-03 60 M6 IE —;—— | o ost 7 GQ |rnt 55-31? | pp 55 | || Jo ricam (Ores | 5 | 0018 came ma 5 | “we I IP IF | OLY "| _ PROCEDURE » fhe voltmeter , ammeter, Acvislor and copacieor shold te placed — as yhown figure «the wiring rhovld ie done properly 1 eetfter checking alt the coanection , voltage rye from ete voltage Source wos prea ard taking afferent Acading according 70 afferent soppy afer taking Acaolag the man soply war sur tehed off and der Connected — all the conae cttan~ AELOLT Hence the acsltart voltage ye aC yories were Found for the luff erent suprde of voltage CONC USTON hur from ahove that. there was go phase erportmend we Ca conc lute 7 fereace Letueen ve ancl I: EXPERIMENT NOE DHDVILTS mies a paeaiet cre cwuir Ons ECTIVE ve caw and conned crouse Logan properly Jo Aeat area lung Source properly: co cal cvlate affront acgurred porortlers + Jo analyre AL parallel circuit: APPARATUS REQUIRED . re vorage §— four® Cue AC vere meder Cap ac ammeter C ape! pene tar (0S + Induct ps Ceanec dng wire THEGRY | Tn at pararted circurd, resis tor aod inducdor | are connected wy poratiel with cach other andl tht com hi notion purpled “yo ve/4age yources TRE oud ut vo//age oy we circut tyot? sace the aerisler and 17 ductor ave connected i” porated pel vol/ag® wy egal te oot pot vol/a ge bel the cunent JOOS ee esis or aad doclor ae gippenne + THe poroiel pi circuib nok ved a filver oy ~=— voit ager Aecvse the crrewe the ov pol voltose w egal % ippud voltages pt Fr? poll curnent Slowey from vollage sour ces® Te contd oh aetittor broach — Tr cunend i doctor gs angle beswvecr Ia ad Ny Jo total current Ts Tate Te let 2: dolas sm dare of etre E fz Resid baace é th ductaace vis Inductee reactance Jane they ove i parallel , lelal inpe dare wy given Ay ee teh z atx 72 Rx Arh cracuiT OITAGRAM Te vs 65 Fg chow! dagron of paral circuit — dé ogran 1 og se nua TT ON TAGE sorly | Jolol cuneat | Correat — MN | ade | coment [/mouth Eire | Ghent Bi || te came? | Ta a Pirere: | ae ! fo ro et osm | pear or er Lf go | gear a pew | . ger or | 2-67 5 | 7% yl | ot vey | yn om al - | a | | | paoceaort win devues shold Le connected ase” | ee civcul chagram © Resist, and in ductor rhold Le connected os per cha gran © Curren throwgh ductor — and Aerts tors sho old Ae noted Properly” RELULT ANT cowcl UST ON The cafevlated — valee of Aes lor ard inductor em otservanen fotle + She power factor of the enrcuie a . De parallel connector Of yerrtarce and inductor there was prose cdffereac® of IO” .

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