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School/Faculty : SMKN 4 Banjarmasin

Class : XII
Subject : English
Level of Students : Beginner ESL Students
Instructor : Muslifatur Rahman
Class Time : Saturday / 11.00 – 11.30 a.m.
Time : 20 minute
Meeting : 1st Meeting
A. Rationale : This lesson is designed for not more than 20 students, and using
the Communicative Approaches with Communicative Language
Teaching method, Eclectic Method, and Multiple Intelligence.
Some techniques like asking students to talk in pairs as well as to
discuss with their classmate will be used in the teaching and
learning process. They will also be engaged to comprehend a talk
about a movie and answer detail questions about it. Besides,
students will also show multiple intelligences ability by
answering some detail questions while listening to a talk, and
writing them down on the provided paper. By using the
approaches, methods, and techniques mentioned above, I expect
that the students will be able to demonstrate their speaking and
listening comprehension ability and improve their speaking and
listening performance.
B. Goal : 2nd Semester Students of English Department of IAIN Antasari
Banjarmasin will be able to Improve their speaking and listening
comprehension ability about a movie broadcasted by VOA
special English, and use the target language in their daily
C. Objectives : By the end of the lesson:
• 2nd Semester Students of English Department of IAIN Antasari
Banjarmasin will be able to describe an interesting movie they
have watched by having a 4 minutes conversation in pairs in
the classroom with at least 85% fluency and accuracy based on
the given rubric.
• 2nd Semester Students of English Department of IAIN Antasari
Banjarmasin will be able to comprehend a 5 minutes talk
about ‘the Hunger Game’ movie broadcasted by VOA special
English by answering 7 detail questions in the classroom with
90% accuracy.
D. Topic Material : Millions of Teens Show a Taste for 'The Hunger Games'
E. Approach and Method : Communicative Approach, CLT, Eclectic Method, and Multiple
F. Materials & equipment • A Laptop/Personal Computer
: • An LCD Projector
• An Audio System
• Whiteboard and board markers
• Copy of listening Materials and Questions
G. Procedures :

No Activity Explanation Time

1. Pre- - Opening the lesson 1.5 Minutes
activity The teacher will write the following activities on the
whiteboard before opening the lesson:
• Talking about movies;
• Listening for details and answering questions;
• Discussing the answers

T: Hi, Good afternoon students

Ss: Hi, Good afternoon, sir/mom
T: How are you this afternoon?
Good? Ss: Good/fine/very well (varies)
The teacher then introduces the material they will learn by
T: This afternoon, within 12 minutes, we will talk, and
discuss about movies or an interesting movie you have
watched, and then you’ll listen to a talk about a very
popular movie that has been showed in the cinema just
a couple months ago. (Students are listening)
The teacher continues: First, I will ask some questions:
T: Do you like watching movies?

T: Good…What kind of movies do you like to watch?

A: I like Drama and action (depend on the Student)
T: Very good, how about you, Liz?
L: I like horror movies (depend on the Student)
T: Excellent!, Thank you Liz.
(The teacher continues talking and starting
the activity)
2. While - Talking about Movies (Conversation in Fairs) 7 Minutes
Activity T: “Okay class, now, I want you to work in pairs and have a
conversation with your partner and talk about an
interesting movie you have just watched. Please, tell your
friend what was the movie title? When and where did you
watch it? Who are the actors or the actresses? What was
the movie about? And How do you like it and why?” Do
you understand?
Ss: “Yes, Sir/Mom” (expected answer)
T: “Very Good. I’ll give you a question paper as a guideline,
just in case you forget the question. For this activity I’ll
give you 3 minutes and after that I will stop you. Now,
let’s do it and choose your partner.” (Teacher gives the
students list of questions the students have to talk about.
Appendix 1)
T: “Come on, start the conversation!, and here is the list of
the questions.”
The students are talking and having a conversation with their
pairs, while the teacher goes around the class to see if there
are some students need help or perhaps have problems. The
teacher will explain or answer students questions, and check
whether his/her students doing well on the activity.
After 3 minutes the teacher stops the activity, and asks the
students if they like the activity or not. The teacher says:
T: Stop, enough…enough..! Very good! Well done! Give
applause for you all! Did you like the activity?“
Ss: “Yes, we liked it (some students)”; They give applause to
T: Did you answer all the questions?
Ss: Yes (some students), No, sir (some students)
T: It’s fine for you, next time you may talk about it again.
- Listening for details and answering questions.
appendix 2 and 3)
T: “Okay, now let’s continue to the next activity. I’ll play an
audio sound talking about “The Hunger Game” movie
which was broadcasted by VOA special English. Please,
listen carefully to the talk and while listening, you MUST
answer some detail questions related to the movie being told
by the speaker. And here is the question paper for you.”
The teacher then shares the question paper to the students.
But before doing the activity, the teacher asks student to
look at the questions and analyze each question.
T: “Now, please look at your question’s paper, and pay
close attention to each question. Make sure that you know
what is being asked on each question. If necessary you may
underline the keywords. Look, for example question no. 1,
“When was the book ‘The Hunger Games’ released?” This
question is asking about time or year. So you have to listen
carefully and pay attention to the time or the year.”
The teacher asks the students whether they understand or
T: “Do you understand? Any Questions?”

The teacher will write some important vocabularies on the

List of vocabulary:
- release - volunteer
- appeared on - nominated
- sold out - incredible
T: “Okay, these are some vocabularies which you may hear in
the talk. Do you have question about those words?”
Ss: “No, sir/mom!” (if there is a question or more,
the teacher has to explain it)
T: “Excellent!”. Now, let’s start. Are you
ready?” Ss: “Yes, we are ready.”
T: “Wonderful!” Please listen carefully since I will play the
audio only once.”
The teacher then plays the audio sound by clicking the link of
the VOA special English on his/her laptop, or provided PC.
The students listen to the conversation carefully, and while
listening, they answer the questions.
After playing the Audio sound, and the students have
answered the questions, the teacher says:
T: “How was it? Did you answer all the questions?”
Ss: “Yes, sir/mom! (some students); No, sir/mom (some
students). Class perhaps a little bit noisy.
T: “It’s okay, now with your partner, compare and discuss
your answers”.
The students then compare and discuss their answers with
their partner, while at the same time the teacher shares the
transcript of the talk they have just listened. The teacher
T: Here is the transcript of the talk you have just listened.
You may check and recheck your answer by reading this
transcript later. Okay?”
Ss: “Okay, sir/mom”.
3. Post - Concluding and closing the lesson 1.5 Minutes
Activity The teacher is ready to close the lesson due to the time and
asks students whether they have question or not.
T: Ok, students, we are run out of time now. Do you have
any question?
Ss: (silent), no, sir/mom
T: “No questions? Great, I’ll see you next week then, and
Don’t forget to study hard and keep practice. Bye…
Ss: See you sir/mom…Bye!

H. Backup Plan : - In case of power outage or the computer does not work or the
audio file is broken, the teacher should be ready to read the
transcript of the talk for the students once or twice.
I. Evaluation : 1. Cognitive aspect; pop quizzes;
2. Affective aspect; evaluated while the process of teaching
and learning;
3. Psychomotor aspect; evaluated while the process of
teaching and learning,
4. Assignment type; individual and group.
Banjarmasin, March 2019

Rusnadi Ali Kasan

22 March 2012 | MP3 at

Millions of Teens Show a Taste for

'The Hunger Games'*
Jennifer Lawrence
as Katniss
Everdeen in "The
Hunger Games"

JUNE SIMMS: Welcome to AMERICAN MOSAIC in VOA Special English.

I’m June Simms. On the program today, we hear about a new album from jazz
musician Esperanza Spalding …
We also talk to a relationship expert…
But first, a report about a new movie that millions of book fans are hungry
for. (MUSIC)
“The Hunger Games”
JUNE SIMMS: The book “The Hunger Games” became an international best seller following
its release in two thousand eight. It was the first in a three-book series.
“The Hunger Games” appeared on the New York Times’ Best Sellers list for almost two years.
Currently, there are more than twenty-three million copies in print in the United States alone.
Now the book has made into a movie, which opens on Friday. Faith Lapidus has more.
FAITH LAPIDUS: More than fifteen million tickets to “The Hunger Games” were sold
before the film even opened. And the ticket sales website, Fandango, says “The Hunger
Games” has become its top selling movie opener of all-time. It says that, by the middle of the
week, more than two thousand show times were sold out.
Jennifer Lawrence at the world premiere in Los Angeles

The film stars the Oscar nominated actor Jennifer

Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen. She lives in a dark
future world where some children are forced to kill or
be killed in a competition called The Hunger Games.
Katniss volunteers to take the place of her younger
sister who had been chosen for the deadly event.
“I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute.”
GAMES ANNOUNCER: “What did you say to
your sister when you volunteered at the reaping?”
KATNISS EVERDEEN: “I told her I would try to win
for her.”
GAMES ANNOUNCER: “And try you will.”
Jennifer Lawrence admits she had some concerns about playing Katniss -- a part she
knew would change her life.
JENNIFER LAWRENCE: “She is this incredible character in this incredible story for our
generation. Personally, I was nervous because I knew everything would change. I didn’t
know what would change and if I would like it or dislike it. But, I knew it would never go
back to normal.”
The actor thinks she will play Katniss in the two other movies planned for “The
Hunger Games” series.
Liam Hemsworth plays Gale Hawthorne

Suzanne Collins wrote all three books and the

movie version of “The Hunger Games.” She recently
wrote a letter to readers that appeared on the
website of publisher Scholastic. She noted that she is
pleased with how the film came out. “I feel like the
book and the film are individual yet complementary
pieces,” she said.
Suzanne Collins also said that movie director Gary
Ross was true to the book version. But she said he
was also able to provide a rich and powerful new
look into the future she created.

* Adapted from

143884846/611603.html, retrieved on October 1st, 2012.
List of Conversation Questions:

➢ What was the title of the movie?

➢ When and where did you watch it?
➢ Who is the actor or the actress in the movie?
➢ What was the movie about?
➢How do you like the movie? Why?

List of Vocabularies:

• release: to make (something) available to the • volunteer: to offer to do something without

public being forced to or without getting paid to do it
• appeared on : to be published or made • nominated: to choose (someone or
available to the public something) as a candidate for receiving an
• sold out: having all the tickets sold honor or award.
• incredible: extremely good.
Listening for Detail Information!

Please listen to the talk about 'The Hunger Games' movie broadcasted by VOA
special English. While you are listening, please answer the following questions!

1. When was the book ‘The Hunger Games’ released? _____________

2. How many years did the book appear on the New York Times’ best seller list?


3. How many copies of the book were printed in the US? _______________________

4. How many tickets were sold before the film opened? ______________________

5. Who is the film star of ‘The Hunger Games’ who got the Oscar nomination?


6. What is the name of the competition in the movie where the players are force to kill or to

be killed? _______________________

7. Who is the writer of ‘The Hunger Game’ books? _______________________

8. Who is the movie director of ‘The Hunger Game’ movie? ____________________

The key Answer of the Listening for Detail Information!

Please listen to the talk about 'The Hunger Games' movie broadcasted by VOA
special English. While you are listening, please answer the following questions!

1. When was the book ‘The Hunger Games’ released? __in 2008__

2. How many years did the book appear on the New York Times’ best seller list?

___2 years______

3. How many copies of the book were printed in the US? _____23 million ______

4. How many tickets were sold before the film opened? ____15 million_______

5. Who is the film star of ‘The Hunger Games’ who got the Oscar nomination?

___Jennifer Lawrence_______

6. What is the name of the competition in the movie where the players are force to kill or

to be killed? ___The Hunger Games__________

7. Who is the writer of ‘The Hunger Game’ books? ___Suzanne Collins______

8. Who is the movie director of ‘The Hunger Game’ movie? ___Gary Ross_____
List of Conversation Questions:

➢ What was the title of the movie?

➢ When and where did you watch it?

➢ Who is the actor or the actress in the movie?

➢ What was the movie about?

➢ How do you like the movie? Why?

List of Conversation Questions:

➢ What was the title of the movie?

➢ When and where did you watch it?

➢ Who is the actor or the actress in the movie?

➢ What was the movie about?

➢ How do you like the movie? Why?

List of Conversation Questions:

➢ What was the title of the movie?

➢ When and where did you watch it?

➢ Who is the actor or the actress in the movie?

➢ What was the movie about?

➢ How do you like the movie? Why?

List of Conversation Questions:

➢ What was the title of the movie?

➢ When and where did you watch it?

➢ Who is the actor or the actress in the movie?

➢ What was the movie about?

➢ How do you like the movie? Why?

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