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Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (1991) vol.

73, 13-20

Field surgery on a future conventional

battlefield: strategy and wound
Senior Lecturer in Surgery Senior Registrar in Surgery
G J Cooper BSc PhD
Senior Lecturer in Trauma Science
Royal Army Medical College, London
Joint Professor of Military Surgery
Royal College of Surgeons of England and Royal Army Medical College, London

Key words: Wound ballistics; War wounds; Field surgery; Triage; War wound management

Most papers appearing in the surgical literature dealing with campaigns were of short duration. The conditions of a
wound ballistics concern themselves with wound manage- future war may be assumed to be rather more testing
ment in the civilian setting. The pathophysiology of modern (13), with large numbers of wounded inundating medical
war wounds is contrasted with ballistic wounds commonly facilities. Insight may be gleaned from recent wars fought
encountered in peacetime, but it should be noted that even in by others (14-17).
peacetime the modern terrorist may have access to sophisti-
cated military weaponry, and that patients injured by them Recent contributors to the wound ballistic literature
may fail within the catchment area of any civilian hospital. include surgeons, intensive care physicians, biological
Management problems associated with both wound types are scientists and weapons technologists (18-26). This has
highlighted; areas of controversy are discussed. The ortho- resulted in controversy and disagreement; the areas
dox military surgical approach to ballistic wounds is include not only the biophysics of ballistic injury but also
expounded and defended. management methods (27-29). A recent editorial in
International Defence Review, entitled 'Bullet holes in
theories', commented: "When surgeons disagree on how
best to treat bullet wounds, we are all concerned" (30).
Conditions on any future conventional battlefield will
differ radically from those experienced during antiterror-
ist operations and recent short campaigns. A major war Battlefield life support and triage
in the future would result in the mobilisation of many
medical, surgical and nursing teams with no previous The first concern in caring for battle casualties is to save
experience of battlefield surgery. Teams drawn from the life and limb. This involves rapid access to casualties as
regular arm of the Defence Medical Services (DMS) may close as possible to the point of wounding, a primary
have had field experience gained during short campaigns; survey to identify life-threatening injuries and the imme-
most recently in Northern Ireland and the Falkland diate institution of life-support measures. These include
Islands (1-12). However, these were unique; in most securing and maintaining the airway, ensuring adequate
instances casualty flow rates were low, evacuation times ventilation and the control of haemorrhage. This is
were short, appropriate personnel were available and the battlefield life support, the philosophy and skills of
which are taught at British Army Trauma Life Support
Present appointment and correspondence to: Lt Col J M Ryan, (BATLS) Courses which are now mandatory for all
Joint Professor of Military Surgery, The Department of serving regular and reserve officers.
Military Surgery, Royal Army Medical College, London SWIP Evacuation of casualties is staged through five medical
4RJ lines or echelons and at each, casualties are sorted into
14 M Ryan et al.
Treves (51). Contemporary research and progress is
The priorities are currently defined in terms of the ability of covered extensively in the literature (18-29, 52-64).
casualties to tolerate delay before resuscitation and sur-
gery. They do not specify type or region of injury. The
wound types below are given as examples: Fragments and bullets
Priority groups for evacuation and surgery The pattern of wounding caused by missiles varies with
(for evacuation at 1 st and 2nd line; for surgery at 3rd and
4th line) the nature of a campaign. In most conventional wars,
P1 Resuscitation and urgent surgery fragment wounds outnumber bullet wounds. Under the
Unable to tolerate any delay special conditions of jungle warfare and urban terrorist
- complicated chest injuries operations the ratio reverses (Table I). On a future
- burns >15%
- internal haemorrhage conventional battlefield, it is likely that most wounds will
P2 Early surgery and possible resuscitation be caused by modern antipersonnel fragments and mili-
Can withstand moderate delay (<6 h) tary bullets; fragments will account for the majority
- visceral injuries (no P1 features) (24,26). However, terrorists may use devices that are as
- thoracic injury without asphyxia
- major fractures sophisticated as those in modern warfare.
- burn.c < 15% but involving Two antipersonnel fragment families exist; one old,
head/face/hands/genitalia the other modern. The older fragment family is the
P3 Delayed surgery product of detonation of artillery shells and large calibre
Delay unlikely to affect outcome
- spinal injuries mortar bombs. Natural fragmentation of the projectile
- minor injuries casing results in fragments varying in size from dust
- burns < 15% particles to metal pieces of weight >20 g (Fig. 2) (65).
- closed skeletal injury
Initial velocities may be very high (>1500 m/s) but,
because of irregular shape, velocities decline rapidly.
Figure 1. Military triage.
Many casualties close to these exploding devices will die
immediately from multiple high energy-transfer wounds;
priority groups for evacuation to the next medical line. others will die from traumatic amputations caused by
This is triage, derived from the old French verb, trier, dynamic blast overpressure (33). The majority of survi-
meaning to sift or sort. Its concept and application has vors will have multiple, relatively low energy-transfer
been widely reported (12,31). The three main casualty wounds caused by fragments of variable size with low
categories are indicated in Fig. 1. Ideally, casualties impact velocities.
designated PI should be stabilised and evacuated ahead of The modern fragment family arises from the incor-
other categories. Operational circumstances, availability poration into new munitions (modern hand-grenades,
of helicopters, distances and terrain will influence the small mortars and antipersonnel mines) of etched frag-
system. PI casualties arriving at the second line are mentation plates, notched fragmentation coils or metal
reassessed and restabilised before re-entering the evacua- spheres (Fig. 3). Detonation of these munitions produces
tion chain to reach a field hospital and ultimately a a large number of small, preformed fragments. Weapon
general hospital. designers have expended considerable effort to produce a
consistent fragment size that offers the optimum com-
promise between range, velocity, probability of hit, and
Pattern of wounding terminal effectiveness. Modern, preformed fragments
weigh 0.1-0.2 g, diameter 2-3 mm and have initial
Civilian surgeons in the United Kingdom have exper- velocities which may exceed 1500 m/s; the velocities
ience of individual shooting and bombing incidents (32- decline rapidly with range (Fig. 4).
34); none, however, have experience of a sustained high
flow of casualties with multiple wounds from modern
antipersonnel fragments and fully jacketed bullets from Table I. Distribution of wounding agents in casualties
military assault rifles and machine guns. Exacerbating for wars and campaigns this century
this relative inexperience will be limited resources and
poor working conditions. Bullets Fragments Others

World War I 39 61
Wounds of modern war World War II 10 85 5
Korea 7 92 1
Penetrating war wounds have been recognised as discrete Vietnam 52 44 4
pathological entities for centuries (35-40). Scientific Borneo 90 9 1
study of these wounds was begun by Kocher towards the Northern Ireland 55 22 20
end of the nineteenth century (41-42). Other valuable
Israel 1982 11.6 53 35.5*
Falkland Islands 31.8 55.8 12.4
contributions during this period were made by Otis
(43,44), Otis and Huntington (45), Hugier (46), Horsley *
Israeli figures are complicated by the inclusion of psychiatric casual-
(47), Longmore (48), Woodruff (49), Stevenson (50) and ties in the group designated 'other'
Field surgery on a future conventional battlefteld 15

Figure 4. Types of preformed fragments.

Regional injury
Experience from past wars demonstrates a striking pre-
ponderance of limb wounds in those surviving to reach
forward surgical facilities (Table II). This is at variance
with probability calculations based on the presented area
of body regions. The preponderance is explained in part
by the use of body armour and the high lethality of torso
hits. The proportions vary statistically with the nature of
fighting and terrain. Jungle warfare and urban terrorist
Figure 2. Natural fragments. conflict produce greater numbers of surviving chest and
abdominal casualties (Table II). This correlates with
close range or aimed rifle fire which characterises these
conflicts and generally reduces the incidence of limb
The aim is to incapacitate by inflicting multiple low injuries.
energy-transfer wounds to areas not protected by modem
helmets and body armour.
The majority of battlefield bullet wounds will be Controversies
caused by military bullets. These are fully jacketed to
prevent break-up; this is required by the Hague It is appropriate to summarise the present state of wound
Declaration of 1899. However, they may fragment at ballistics before discussing management. Although con-
close range or if they strike bone (21,22). The degree of troversy is widespread, this is not as critical as it might
biophysical injury will be related to available kinetic appear. The areas of controversy include:
energy, wound track length, angle of yaw at impact and i. The role of velocity.
along the wound track during penetration, tissue density ii. Temporary cavitation.
and propensity for deformation or fragmentation (26). iii. Kinetic energy formula.
iv. Energy transfer.

i. The role of velocity

Fackler, in numerous papers (27-29), criticises sur-
geons and intensive care physicians for failing to under-
stand the role of missile velocity in wounding. He is
alarmed by the proposal by some that 'high-velocity
missile' wounds always require extensive excision of
tissues from and around the permanent wound track (66-
68). This is a seriously flawed view and is rightly
challenged. The corollary that low-velocity missiles are
trivial and require little treatment is proposed by others
and is probably more dangerous (66,69,70). It is more
appropriate to consider any missile, whether of high or
low velocity, capable of causing severe injury, given
certain circumstances. Most researchers in this field now
Figure 3. Types of preformed fragments. prefer to use the terms 'high and low energy-transfer
16 J M Ryan et al.
Table II. Distribution of injuries in casualties at surgery (%)
Headlneck Chest Abdomen Limbs Others
World War I 17 4 2 70 7
World War II 4 8 4 75 9
Korea 17 7 7 67 2
Vietnam 14 7 5 54 20
Borneo 12 12 20 56
Northern Ireland 20 15 15 50
Israel 1975 13 5 7 40 35*
Israel 1982 14 4 5 41 36*
Falkland Islands 14 7 12 67 1
* Israeli figures are complicated by the inclusion of psychiatric casualties in the group

designated 'other'

wounding' since these more accurately describe missile iv. Energy deposit and wounding power
and tissue interaction (20,24-26). Ballistic scientists, mainly in Sweden, use the amount of
energy deposit as a measure of tissue damage (19). Many
ii. Temporary cavitation of their experiments are carried out using standardised
metal spheres which do not fragment and, of course, do
The significance of this phenomenon is widely misunder- not change their presented area as they progress through
stood. Some regard it as a tissue stretch, rarely of a uniform tissue simulant such as gelatin. In contrast,
importance (27,28,71). Others grant it the capacity to biological tissue varies in response to similar energy
destroy tissue (66-68). It is a space created transiently by deposits. A moderate energy deposit may disrupt liver in
the mass movement of tissue, produced by the rapid a subject, an equal deposit in muscle in the same subject
transfer of energy to tissue and takes place in all tissues may produce little injury. Missile deformation or frag-
but to a variable degree. It is not unique to high-velocity mentation during energy transfer will significantly
or high energy-transfer injury (27,63) and is not an 'all or increase tissue injury due to laceration by multiple sharp
none' phenomenon. The size of a cavity along a wound fragments; additionally, temporary cavities will be larger
track can be correlated to the degree of energy transfer; due to increased rates of energy transfer. The role of
the capacity of a cavity to produce injury is an extremely missile break-up has been extensively researched by
contentious issue. It occurs only slightly in lung because Fackler and his colleagues in San Francisco (21).
of low density in contrast to liver, spleen or brain which
are very susceptible and disrupt readily. The effect on
muscle is contentious; an increasingly accepted view Contamination
holds that cavitation in muscle, particularly in the
absence of missile or bone fragmentation, may result in All war wounds are contaminated from the outset by soil,
modest physical injury. However, its contribution to the clothing and skin. Ambroise Pare's 'Case reports and
pathogenesis of war wound infection by disseminating autopsy records' provides an early description; "I will be
foreign body contaminants is widely overlooked. content with the example of a soldier from whose thigh I
remember having removed a ball. It was wrapped in the
iii. The kinetic energy formula taffeta of his breeches. . . . " (72). This method of
contamination is due to direct transfer by a missile and is
A serious misconception concerns the 'kinetic energy a particularly important feature of fragment injury.
formula' (KE = -MV2) which some regard as the formula Fragments have been shown experimentally to cut cloth-
for energy transfer and, therefore, wounding power. ing and skin efficiently; these contaminants are then
This formula, expounded for military surgeons by transported into wounds (64). Raising the fragment
Callender and French in the 1930s, indicates the energy velocity alters the nature of clothing contamination; at
available to a missile and not necessarily what is imparted high velocity cloth is finely shredded and dispersed
to tissue (52). For example, if a missile perforates a target widely due to the formation of a temporary cavity. Thus,
and emerges with significant residual velocity, it will extensive foreign body contamination of uninjured areas
retain much of its available energy. The amount of some distance from the permanent wound track may
energy imparted to a target is related to missile mass, result (64). Where missile perforation occurs, a resulting
velocity, tendency to deform or fragment, behaviour low pressure, temporary cavity may withdraw contami-
(angle of yaw) in flight and at impact, and tissue features nants from the exit side; this is the principal source of
along the wound track. contamination by high-velocity military rifle bullets.
Field surgery on a future conventional battlefield 17
Current management strategy for battlefield Use of antibiotics
wounds Military battlefield policy specifies antibiotics for all
Misinterpretation of terms used in the United Kingdom wounds. The protocols were formulated at a time when
wound ballistics literature has led to misunderstanding in the magnitude of delay before treatment was perceived to
comparing wound management techniques. Authors in be 6 h or less for most casualties. The specified anti-
Sweden and North America use the term 'debridement' biotics are designed to defeat the bacteria encountered in
for the entire surgical procedure used in war wound war wounds in the pre-antibiotic era. Current research is
treatment (20,25,73,74). Debridement, as understood in examining the resident skin flora of the modern British
the United Kingdom and France, is merely the first stage soldier under prolonged field conditions; Fleming and
in the war wound operation and involves, as the term Wright have proved that this flora largely determines the
implies, the unbridling of the wound in preparation for nature of subsequent wound infection.
formal wound excision. Desault, working at l'Hotel-Dieu A future war will impose delays beyond 6 h for the
during the French Revolution, defined debridement as majority of lightly injured (P1 and P2) casualties.
laying open a wound and removing foreign material but Research is examining the ability of various antibiotic
not excision of dead tissue (75). Desault appears to have regimens to delay the onset of invasive wound infection
taught the technique to Napoleon's surgeon, Baron in infected military wound models (64). Pertinent ques-
Larrey. Moffat (76) and Fackler (75) have correctly tions include whether it may be beneficial to issue
defined the term in the contemporary literature. antibiotics to individuals for 'buddy/buddy' use imme-
United Kingdom protocols for battlefield wound man- diately after wounding-the cost and logistic impli-
agement have been jointly influenced by ballistic research cations may be offset by a reduction in the incidence of
findings and previous battlefield experience. Existing wound infection.
protocols are far-reaching and include guidelines for
resuscitation (intravenous fluids, analgesics and anti- The extent of wound excision
biotics) and early wound management in the field.
Considered by some to be rigid, conservative and didac- A concern, increasingly expressed, is that inexperienced
tic, they nevertheless represent the best compromise surgeons, relying on the ballistics literature for guidance,
between what is available in peacetime and what will, are misled and embark on an over-radical wound excision
realistically, be suitable for use in the field during full- when treating gunshot wounds (27,28,71). Fackler has
scale war. They are regularly updated. Specific surgical termed this 'a treatment worse than the malady'. Also of
techniques are also reviewed as new weapons are ana- concern are papers proposing the reverse; reliance on
lysed and their wounding profiles elaborated. The under- new broad-spectrum antibiotics and minimal surgical
lying principles, however, are clearly stated (77). intervention for uncomplicated gunshot wounds to limbs
Adherence to these principles is being increasingly called (70). These views need to be examined in the context of
into question, particularly by surgeons who have the battlefield.
managed civilian gunshot wounds by less radical means In ballistic wounds where bone and neurovascular
(69,70,73). Broome and his colleagues in Swindon have structures are spared, minimal surgical management has
recently described management of 14 gunshot wounds been shown to be safe; contamination is typically mini-
where primary wound closure over large drains was mal and treatment is promptly delivered in well-
achieved (34). They clearly accept that this approach is equipped hospitals where wounds may be carefully
only valid where casualties can remain under static and observed (34). This is at variance with battlefield con-
permanent review by the operating surgeon, who should ditions; wounds are typically heavily contaminated,
be prepared to perform further surgery if complications caused by multiple fragments, delays are inevitable and
arise. This was necessary in two of the 14 Swindon cases. treatment is delivered under poor conditions by tired,
The staged approach proposed in military protocols overworked and inexperienced teams. Under these con-
would prevent these complications and is probably indi- ditions, inadequate or minimal surgery, based on ill-
cated even in an ideal civilian peacetime setting. Its value conceived concepts would result in large numbers of
in war is now beyond doubt and remains the approach in infected wounds with all their attending sequelae.
civilian hospitals in Northern Ireland. It worked well Continuing difficulty remains in distinguishing non-
in the Falkland Islands where morbidity and infection viable from traumatised tissue. Historically, surgeons
rates were significantly low and return to duty rate was have depended on clinical judgement gained from wide
high (78). experience (79). The classical criteria of colour, consist-
ency, contractility and capillary bleeding, although long
relied upon, are guidelines at best. Much research effort
Special aspects of management is being expended aimed at accurate determination of the
The delivery of optimal care where surgical facilities will extent of soft tissue death after ballistic injury and
be stretched to the ultimate is a difficult goal. Specific comparing these findings with clinical assessments; an
areas of management, which are relatively free of con- accurate method has yet to be developed (80-84).
troversy in peacetime, require reassessment in the light Fackler has shown experimentally that transitory con-
of battlefield conditions and include the following. striction of the microvascular circulation occurs around
18 J M Ryan et al.
temporary cavities; this is followed by hyperaemia after vascular repairs and ease of access for wound inspection
some hours (29). He believes that the tissues surrounding and dressing.
a missile wound are in a state of constant change; The longer term benefits are reduction in amputation
blanching of tissues should therefore not be used as a rates, infection rates and improved long-term prognosis
guide for wound excision. These observations are for vascular reconstruction (88). The system was used
important but, probably, are of little relevance to the widely by British military surgical teams operating in
surgeon operating on war wounds under field conditions. Nepal after an earthquake. Reports from these teams
have led to experiments resulting in improved pin
design, greater versatility of application and improved
Blood and fluids for resuscitation frame rigidity.
Blood is not normally available forward of 3rd line
hospitals; at forward echelons, volume replacement is
with electrolyte or colloid solutions. The current trend is Discussion
towards new colloid solutions; smaller volumes are
required, later cross-match is not impaired and adverse We have outlined the different patterns of ballistic
reactions are minimal (polygeline solutions were used in wounding that may be seen in both peace and war and
large quantities during the Falklands war without ill indicated how these differences affect management.
effect). Civilian and military medical agencies have different
Blood transfusion and infusion of intravenous blood needs and these should be recognised and understood.
substitutes have been shown to be life-saving since World Many may be moved by the persuasive arguments of
War I. There is, therefore, a requirement in war to some surgeons and ballistics research workers to abandon
provide large quantities of blood at field and general the well-proven methods of debridement, formal wound
hospitals. There is a logistic need to provide quantities of excision and delayed primary closure for contaminated
donated blood far in excess of those normally required in war wounds. The use of high-dose, broad-spectrum
peacetime. The collection, preparation and distribution antibiotics, administered early and coupled to minimal
of blood will present colossal logistic problems on a surgery is conceptually appealing and has been shown to
future battlefield. These problems will be exacerbated by be effective for selected wounds in a civilian setting.
recent constraints placed upon human blood transfusion Military needs are different, and should be towards a
due to the ubiquitous human immuno virus. Current clearer understanding of future battlefield conditions and
research is centred upon the provision either of blood how this may affect patterns of wounding and manage-
substitutes, such as non-biological oxygen-carrying solu- ment. Military surgeons should not be unduly influenced
tions like fluorocarbons or free haemoglobin solutions, or by what may be achieved with carefully controlled
long-term storage of human blood. At present, stock- experimental wounds using animal models. These are
piling of deep frozen red cells in a plasma substitute such important experiments and broaden our knowledge of
as hydroxyethyl starch, which can act as a cryo- ballistic science but their value for the military surgeon is
protective, appears to be the most promising option. The limited unless they address the issues of infection and
use of autologous blood, collected pre- or peroperatively, management.
with recycling through scavengers is not yet appropriate Serious and complex clinical problems that would face
for field use; encouraging developments in the United surgeons on a modern conventional battlefield have not
States, however, may result in effective recycling of been addressed. Burn injury is a major example; such
heavily contaminated blood on a future battlefield. injury could be widespread and would characterise
engagements involving armoured vehicles. Shaffir et al.
have left excellent records of the Israeli experience (89).
Postoperative wound care Our colleagues in the Army burns unit will outline the
problems in a future paper. Recent wars have highlighted
The achievement of limb stability and length following a previously unrecognised high incidence of penetrating
missile fracture poses unique problems on battlefields. ocular trauma caused by modern, small, preformed
The morbidity and mortality associated with compound fragments (90,91). The use of nuclear or chemical
femoral shaft fractures during nineteenth-century wars weapons would have a profound effect on organisation,
was very high. The introduction of the Thomas traction strategy and management. These problems are the sub-
splint to the British Army in the summer of 1916 reduced ject of current military surgical research projects and will
the mortality after this type of injury from 85% to 16% be reported in the future.
overnight (85). Current trends are towards external
fixation systems; internal fixation is, of course, contra-
indicated on account of wound contamination. The use References
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