Bereket Demeke's Essays (PDF), ALA.

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Sitotawu R,Liqa. ♥️♥♥

️ ️♥️

(2A) Describe the leader and speak briefly why you admire them.

Although I have many leaders whom I admire for their different characteristics, values and traits
towards being Transformational Leader and bringing Organizational Solutions to recurring problems, the
most outstanding Leader I am feeling so honoured to describe here is Dr. Kelemu Desta.

Dr. Kelemu Desta was born in( say something briefly on his life story like where and when he was
born and attended his education, Beri). Immense support from one of British Universities ( if you know
the name, state here) augmented with his sincere determination paved the journey to his dream. Being
raised in poor family and small city didn't stop him from achieving his dream of becoming a Physician.

Currently he is a Plastic and General surgeon. He first started his job (--------) specialized at ( field and

Working assiduously and interacting amiably with the entire society, he garnered a reputation. And
built many health-care institutions in many parts of our society, Wolaita, to solve predominantly
apparent health problems in the areas.

His always love of every person and reverent treatment of patients , which are obviously values of
every physician, foment my inside to question myself just "What will my professional attributes be like
in future when I start my career?" and feel to be a responsible person like him.
The most important thing of any Leader is that when he can create other leader of his trait. Candidly
stating, Dr. Kelemu Desta is engaging, charismatic and versatile who evidently evinces Real
Transformational Leadership Qualities to me and to anyone who sees him closely. And has always been
real model to many physicians and engineers who studied under his foot and support.



(2B) In what way(s) are they changing the world? What specific evidence have you seen on their impact?

# Dr. Kelemu is always thinking of new and easy steps to improve people's life in Wolaitta. Being a great
person, he is determined and full with positive energy to bring out bright future for Wolaitta as well as
Ethiopia. Dr.Kelemu opened Feya hospital in Shashemene, Selihon Clinic in Wolaita Sodo and many
others in rural areas. Currently , he is constructing hospitals in Wolaita Sodo city and some rural areas
to address the Wolaitta people's health issues. He opened medical college in Wolaita Sodo to help
youngsters pursue Medical careers. Aside from that, he opened Advanced Drivers Training school to
minimize car accident in Wolaita Sodo.
The fact that he is honest and humble man makes his employees and students respect hime and follow
his advice. Dr. Kelemu sets a good example for people to do good things by doing charity works such as
donating to the poor and helping people with medical bills who have financial problems.

He has influenced millions to follow their dreams how much impossible it may seem. He taught Hard
Work, Dedication and Determination from his life. Many brainy and talented students from across
Wolaita who were severely battered by the sweltering whip of poverty were supported and made
continue their education. Now-a-day, many are Doctors, some are Engineers and the other are in
different fields like teachers. As my perspective , this is what everyone has to follow in general and
what I dream to be like and be someone who brings solutions to its society's and the entire universe's
unsolved problems particularly.


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