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Quiz 1 – medical

Which of the following assessment data support to the nurse the client's diagnosis of
gastric ulcer?
1 point

Presence of blood in the client's stool for the past month

Reports of a burning sensation moving like a wave
Complaints of epigastric pain 30 to 60 minutes after ingesting food
Sharp pain in the upper abdomen after eating a heavy meal

Clear selection

The nurse is caring for a client diagnosed with rule-out peptic ulcer disease. Which
test confirms this diagnosis?
1 point

Magnetic resonance imaging

Occult blood test
Gastric acid stimulation

Clear selection

Which specific data should the nurse obtain from the client who is suspected of having
peptic ulcer disease?
1 point

History of side effects experienced from all medications

Use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
Any known allergies to drugs and environmental factors
Medical histories of at least three (3) generations

Clear selection

The nurse is caring for a client diagnosed with hemorrhaging duodenal ulcer. Which
collaborative interventions should the nurse implement? Select all that apply.
1 point

Perform a complete pain assessment

Assess the client's vital signs frequently
Administer a PPI intravenously
Obtain permission and administer blood products
Monitor the intake of a soft, bland diet
The nurse has administered an antibiotic, a proton pump inhibitor, and Pepto-Bismol
for peptic ulcer disease secondary to H. pylori. Which data would indicate to the nurse
that the medications are effective?
1 point

A decrease in alcohol intake.

Maintaining a bland diet.
A return to previous activities.
A decrease in gastric distress.

Clear selection

Caffeinated beverages and smoking are risk factors to assess for in the development
of what condition?
1 point

Duodenal ulcers
Peptic ulcers
Helicobacter pylori
Esophageal reflux

Clear selection

Helicobacter pylori can live in the stomach's acidic conditions because it secretes
___________ which neutralizes the acid.
1 point

carbon dioxide

Clear selection

Which statement is INCORRECT about Histamine-receptor blockers?

1 point

"H2 blockers block histamine which causes the chief cells to decrease the secretion of
hydrochloric acid."
"Ranitidine and Famotidine are two types of histamine-receptor blocker medications."
"Antacids and H2 blockers should not be given together."
All the statements are CORRECT

Clear selection

Select all the medications a physician may order to treat a H. Pylori infection that is
causing a peptic ulcer?
1 point

Proton-Pump Inhibitors
H2 Blockers
Bismuth Subsalicylates

A patient with a peptic ulcer is suddenly vomiting dark coffee ground emesis. On
assessment of the abdomen you find bloating and an epigastric mass in the abdomen.
Which complication may this patient be experiencing?
1 point

Obstruction of pylorus
Upper gastrointestinal bleeding

Clear selection

To determine the severity of the symptoms for a patient with benign prostatic
hyperplasia (BPH), the nurse will ask the patient about:
1 point

the presence of blood in the urine.

any erectile dysfunction (ED).
occurrence of a weak urinary stream.
lower back and hip pain.

Clear selection

A patient scheduled for a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) for BPH tells
the nurse that he has delayed having surgery because he is afraid it will affect his
sexual function. When responding to his concern, the nurse explains that:
1 point

with this type of surgery, erectile problems are rare, but retrograde ejaculation may occur.
information about penile implants used for ED is available if he is interested.
there are many methods of sexual expression that can be alternatives to sexual intercourse.
sterility will not be a problem after surgery because sperm production will not be affected

Clear selection

A 41-year-old man asks the nurse what he can do to decrease the risk of BPH. The
nurse explains that:
1 point

riding a bicycle raises prostate specific antigen levels and may increase BPH risk.
prevention is not possible because prostatic enlargement occurs with normal aging.
decreasing butter and margarine and increasing fruits in the diet may help.
taking a daily vitamin E supplement has reduced prostate size in some men.

Clear selection

A patient undergoing a TURP returns from surgery with a three-way urinary catheter
with continuous bladder irrigation in place. The nurse observes that the urine output
has decreased and the urine is clear red with multiple clots. The patient is complaining
of painful bladder spasms. The most appropriate action by the nurse is to:
1 point

administer the ordered IV morphine sulfate, 4 mg.

increase the flow rate of the continuous bladder irrigation.
give the ordered the belladonna and opium suppository.
manually instill 50 ml of saline and try to remove the clots.

Clear selection

The wife of a patient who has undergone a TURP and has continuous bladder
irrigation asks the nurse about the purpose of the continuous bladder irrigation. Which
response by the nurse is appropriate?
1 point

"The bladder irrigation is needed to stop the postoperative bleeding in the bladder."
"The irrigation is needed to keep the catheter from being occluded by blood clots."
"Normal production of urine is maintained with the irrigations until healing occurs."
"Antibiotics are being administered into the bladder with the irrigation solution."
Quiz 2 – medical
Your recent admission has acute cholecystitis. The patient is awaiting a
cholecystostomy. What signs and symptoms are associated with this condition? Select
all that apply:
1 point

Right lower quadrant pain with rebound tenderness

Negative Murphy’s Sign
Epigastric pain that radiates to the right scapula
Pain and fullness that increases after a greasy or spicy meal

The nurse has been teaching a patient with diabetes mellitus how to perform self-
monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG). During evaluation of the patient's technique, the
nurse identifies a need for additional teaching when the patient does what?
1 point

Chooses a puncture site in the center of the finger pad.

Washes hands with soap and water to cleanse the site to be used.
Warms the finger before puncturing the finger to obtain a drop of blood.
Tells the nurse that the result of 110 mg/dL indicates good control of diabetes.

Clear selection

The laboratory data reveal a calcium phosphate renal stone for a client diagnosed with
renal calculi. Which discharge teaching intervention should the nurse implement?
1 point

Encourage the client to eat a low-purine diet and limit foods such as organ meats.
Explain the importance of not drinking water two (2) hours before bedtime.
Discuss the importance of limiting vitamin D-enriched foods.
Prepare the client for extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL).

Clear selection

The nurse caring for a patient hospitalized with diabetes mellitus would look for which
laboratory test result to obtain information on the patient's past glucose control?
1 point

Prealbumin level
Urine ketone level
Fasting glucose level
Glycosylated hemoglobin level
Clear selection

During a diabetes screening program, a patient tells the nurse, "My mother died of
complications of type 2 diabetes. Can I inherit diabetes?" The nurse explains that:
1 point

as long as the patient maintains normal weight and exercises, type 2 diabetes can be prevented.
the patient is at a higher than normal risk for type 2 diabetes and should have periodic blood
glucose level testing.
there is a greater risk for children developing type 2 diabetes when the father has type 2
although there is a tendency for children of people with type 2 diabetes to develop diabetes, the
risk is higher for those with type 1 diabetes.

Clear selection

The nurse is teaching a 60-year-old woman with type 2 diabetes mellitus how to
prevent diabetic nephropathy. Which statement made by the patient indicates that
teaching has been successful?
1 point

"Smokeless tobacco products decrease the risk of kidney damage."

"I can help control my blood pressure by avoiding foods high in salt."
"I should have yearly dilated eye examinations by an ophthalmologist."
"I will avoid hypoglycemia by keeping my blood sugar above 180 mg/dL."

Clear selection

A patient with a kidney stone explains that the pain he is experiencing is intense,
sharp, and wavelike that radiates to the scrotum. In addition, he explains it feels like
he has to void but a small amount of urine is passed. Based on the patient's signs and
symptoms, where may the kidney stone be located?
1 point

Renal Calyx
Renal Papilla

Clear selection

A client has renal colic due to renal lithiasis. What is the nurse's first priority in
managing care for this client?
1 point

Do not allow the client to ingest fluids.

Encourage the client to drink at least 500 mL of water each hour.
Request the central supply department to send supplies for straining urine.
Administer an opioid analgesic as prescribed.

Clear selection

A patient is being transferred to your unit with acute cholecystitis. In report the
transferring nurse tells you that the patient has a positive Murphy’s Sign. You know
that this means:
1 point

The patient stops breathing in when the examiner palpates under the ribs on the right upper side
of the abdomen at the midclavicular line.
The patient stops breathing out when the examiner palpates under the ribs on the right upper
side of the abdomen at the midclavicular line.
The patient verbalizes pain when the lower right quadrant is palpated.
The patient reports pain when pressure is applied to the right lower quadrant but then reports an
increase in pain intensity when the pressure is released.

Clear selection

You’re providing a health teaching about gastrointestinal disorders. During your

teaching about cholecystitis, you discuss how cholelithiasis can lead to this condition.
What are the risk factors for cholelithiasis that you will include in your teaching to the
patient? Select all that apply:
1 point

Being male
Being female
Older age
Family History

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