Assessment 1

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Name: Sarita Khatri

Student Id: 53485

Assessment 1

Written Question

1 A) Outline the four critical steps undertaken during the process of

conducting research.

The four critical steps undertaken during the process of conducting research are:

 Formulation of well-structured proposal by identifying the problems

 Analysis of collected information or to be collected information
 Discussion on collected information
 Drawing conclusion

1 B) List at least FIVE (5) different sources available for collecting

information in the workplace.

The five different sources available for collecting information in the workplace are:

 Monthly reports
 Customer and employees records and information
 Database
 Questionnaire
 Emails and faxes/ observation

1 C) List at least FOUR (4) organizational systems and/or practices that can
be used to secure and store information.
The four organizational system that can be used to secure and store information

i. Transaction processing system

ii. Customer relationship management systems
iii. Business intelligence systems
iv. Knowledge management systems

2) Provide descriptions for the following research and data analysis


Analysis: It is a detail study of a certain subject matter to identify the relevant

problem or an issues.

Census: A census is the procedure of systematically calculating, acquiring and

recording information about the members of a given population.

Codes of Practice: It is a written guideline for professionals to be compliance with

an ethical standards.

Data: Data are the facts, information, and statics collected for analysis.

Data processing: It is a process of converting raw data into a meaningful


Data Synthesis: Synthesis is a process of bringing together data from a set of
included studies with the aim of drawing conclusions about a body of evidence.

Estimate: An approximate calculation of a value, number, quantity for the proper

analysis of a specific data.

Feedback: Information provided in response to the output for the further

improvement is feedback.
Focus Group: A focus group is a group interview involving a small number of
demographically similar people or participants who have other common

Generalizability: Generalizability is the extent to which the findings of a study

can be applicable to other settings.

Geographic market: Market that have a national or a border boundaries is known

as geographic market.

Homonyms: The word having same spelling, pronunciation but a different

meaning and origin is Homonyms.

Key-word: Topic that defines the content is key word.

Legislation: Legislation is the process or product of enrolling, enacting, or

promulgating law by a legislature, parliament, or analogous governing body.

Market Research: Process of determining an issues by collecting an information

about a target market, and customers is Market Research.

Mean: Average value of a given distribution or sample is mean.

Median: The median is the value separating the higher half from the lower half of
a data sample, a population, or a probability distribution.

Mode: The value that appears most frequently in a distribution or sample is mode.

On-line research methods: Method of collecting information from a target market

by using internet.

Primary Research: The process of conducting research by using a primary source

of data rather than secondary source of data to analyze the problem and issues is
primary research.
Qualitative research: Market research method in which information and data are
collected on the basis of interview, people behavior, culture, experience is known
as qualitative research.

Qualitative research: Quantitative research is a research strategy that focuses on

quantifying the collection and analysis of data.

Research Brief: It is a short non-technical summary of a research paper which is

used by decision makers.

Reliability: Reliability is the consistency in the measurement of a generalization.

Sampling: sampling is the selection of a subset of individuals from within a

statistical population to estimate characteristics of the whole population.

Secondary Research: The process of conducting research by using existing data is

secondary research.

Transferability: Transferability refers to the degree to which the results of

qualitative research can be generalized or transferred to other contexts or settings. 

Validation: Conformation if something is true or correct.

3) Outline the key areas that need to be considered when developing a

document storage and retrieval system, particularly around security.

 Establishing the long records that need to be kept before the transfer takes
 Ensuring that transferred records come with the necessary metadata or
information and that the transfer is properly documented.
 Making sure you know what records you have and where they are in case
you need them again.
 Adequate internal controls must be implemented for all records
center/archives operations.
 When you destroy or transfer records, make sure that you have
documentation with details of the records, what you have done to them and
on what authority.

Q.NO 4

A. Explain what data analysis is?

Data Analysis is the process of collecting, summarizing, analyzing and
interpreting data for decision making. In simpler workds, data analysis is the
process of extracting useful information from the data that can be beneficial for
a business organization for making decision based on fact and not simple
B. Outline at least THREE (3) different types of data and/or analysis
techniques and how these are utilised.
The three different types of data analysis techniques are as follows:
 Descriptive Analysis: It aims to answer the question of what happened.
It is the process of manipulating and interpreting raw data from various
sources to turn it into valuable insights.
 Exploratory Analysis: Its basic aim is to explore like its name suggests.
It helps to find connection between data and variable to generate
hypothesis and solution for specific problems.
 Predictive Analysis: It helps to look into the future by uncovering
future trends, potential problems etc. It aims to answer the question of
what will happen.


A. List the four main sources of marketing data.

The four main sources of marketing data are as follows:
 Current Customers
 Business Magazines
 Internet
 Surveys
B. List at least four (4) of the main sources of non-electronic information.
Any four of the main sources of non-electonic information are as follows:
 Books
 Leaflet
 Library Catalogue
 Consultants in the Department


A. Explain how each of the following types of legislation can affect research
activities and workplace information.
I. Anti-Discrimination: Anti discrimination legislation promotes equality so
that people are free from discrimination in certain area. If there is
discrimination then it can affect prople mentally as well so that when
conducting a research information gathered can be biased and irrelavant. So
anti discrimination positively affects reseach activities.
II. Equal Opportunity Act 2010: This legislation protects prople from
discrimination on the basis of their individual attributes in certain area of
public life and supports the victim of discrimination. When there is no
dicrimination there is no chance of biasness while conducting research
actvities or while gathering the information so, this legislation has a
positive impact on research activities as there is no chance of breach as
offencive action is taken against the offencer.
III. Privacy Act 1988: Privacy act 1988 was introduced to promote and protect
the privacy of individual and data cannot be collected without consent as
well as sometimes cannot be disclosed which affect the smooth functioning
of research activities.
IV. Workplace Health and Safety Act 2011 and Occupational Health and
Safety Act 2004: The WHS Act 2011 is an act to protect the health, safety
and welfare of all worker and others in relation to workplace and work
activities. This act is a revised version of Ocuupational health and Safety
Act 2004. Such legislation has a positive influence on research activities
and workplace information as when there is a healthy environment than
data collection can be very much easier, reliable, free from biasness and
B. Explain how both ethical principles and codes of practice can affect
research activities and workplace information.
I. Ethical principles: There are numerous ethical principle that should be
considered while gathering workplace information and conducting
research activities. Ethical principles guides the researcher to conduct
research lawfully without any fabrication or misconduct. If ethical
principles needed are not followed than there is high change of not
approving the research conducted.Therefore, ethical principles can affect
research activities and workplace information as research should be
conducted on the basis of ethical principles to be valid and reliable.
II. Codes of Practice: Code of practice is a written guideline for
professionals to be compliance with an ethical standards. It lays out rules
for behaviour for conducting research. It helps clarify mission, vission
and solves confusion but it is important for every researcher to comply
with code of practice. Without the code of practice followed the gather
information becomes invalid and unreliable.
C. Explain how legal and ethical issues may need to be considered when
information is transferred within an organisation.
There are many legal and ethical issues that needs to be considered when
information is tranferred within an organization. To consider the given fact for
data sharing the first process would be to address the issues that Aries or May
arised while sharing the information. Then, a solution should be proposed to
solve the problem, to avoid breach and also it is very important to maintain data
confidentiality. For this the organization should comply with Data protection
Act. The others factors that needs to be taken account is obtaining informed
consent for data sharing and preservation, not collecting personal data etc.

QNO.7 List at least FOUR (4) typical sources of both online and print
information that an Educational institution may use.

The sources of online information that educational institution may use are:

 Blogs
 Web pages
 Journals
 Wikipedia
The sources of print information that educational institution may use are:

 Newspaper
 Magazines
 Books
 Government reports

Q.NO.8 Outline at least FOUR (4) methods that can be used to presented
research data.

The methods that can be used to present data are:

1. Textual method: Under this method, the collected information and data are
presented by using texts and graphs.
2. Tabular method: Tables are used to present data in this method. It is more
relevant than textual method, and the information an be easily obtained if
required for future purposes.
3. Charts and Diagrams: Pie-charts, Bar Graphs, Line graphs, histograms etc
are used to present the obtained data and the viewers can easily interpret
what the collected information suggests. It needs a literate individual to
prepare it.
4. Measures of Dispersion: This involves the spreading of obtained data. This
includes ranger, inter quartile range, standard deviation to study the
collected data.

Q.NO.9 For each of the following research methods, outline their application
and provide an example of where the particular method might be used.
Focus Group: Focus Group is a group of people generally 5-8 who are assembled
together to discuss on about a specific topic, generate new ideas or solve a problem
and guide towards a future course of action.

It is applied in the New Product Development Process where consumer reaction on

the released prototype of product is analysed to make it better. For e.g. Focus
Group of pre-secondary school teachers to make analyse the changes students go
through and help them, Apple company focus group of sales department about
ways to increase the sales of newly developed iphone.

Observation: Observation is the process of acquiring the information about a

subject at first hand.

It is applied in psychology, to understand how the subject would react in a

particular towards various information, to study behavior, is used in survey while
collecting data, preparing and studying questionnaires.

Interview: Generally, an Interview is a structured conversation between two

parties, where one asks questions and the other party is expected to answer it in the
best possible ways they can. The two parties are interviewer, who asks questions
and interviewee who is responsible to answer the question.

The application of Interview is, to select the best person for any ask, to ask survey
questions, hiring staffs etc, to obtain data from subjects as well.

Online Search: Online search refers to the use of internet to get the required
information. Online Search might be applied to compare the collected data with the
wide source of data and information available in the web and derive the results in
short period of time and hence saves time of data collector as well as data analysts
can refer to the past information available from web.
Non Electronic materials: Non electronic materials refer to the materials like
books, journals, articles, daily newspapers that are full of information. These are
used in order to take reference while preparing any kinds of reports from the
collected data. Non-electronic materials can be cited and used in our works as well.

Literature Review: Literature review means the study and summary of the topic
that is related with our research works. It is the survey of scholarly articles,
journals and provides us insights on the topic we are dealing with. It is used while
preparing the research proposals, research reports, while using someone elses
information in our works. It is applied/used to identify a broader research topic,
provides in-depth understanding of our own research topics etc.



 5rdm_manchester2015_legalethical.pdf


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