The Complete Hebrew Vowel List

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Hebrew for Christians

The Complete Hebrew Vowel List

Mark Name Sound Hebrew Trans. Class Type

a' Qamets “a” as in aqua #meq' a / ah Long

a; Patach “a” as in aqua xt;P; a Short

a] Chateph Patach “a” as in aqua xt;P; @jex' a Reduced

ha' Qamets Hey “a” as in aqua ahe #meq' ah Long

ae Tsere “e” as in they yrEce e / ei Long

a, Segol “e” as in they lAgs, e Short

a/ Chateph Segol “e” as in they lAgs, @jex' e Reduced E-Type

yae Tsere Yod “ei” as in eight dAy yrEce ei / ey Long

ya, Segol Yod “ey” as in obey dAy lAgs, ey Long

ai Chireq
“i” as in
qr<yxi i / ee Short
yai Chireq Yod
“i” as in
dAy qr<yxi i / ee Long

ao Cholem “o” as in yellow ~l,Ax o / oh Long

a\ Chateph Qamets “o” as in yellow #meq' @jex' o / oh Reduced

a' Qamets
“o” as in yellow @Wjx' #meq' o / oh Short

Aa Cholem Vav “o” as in yellow ww" ~l,Ax o / oh Long

au Qibbuts “u” as in blue #WBqi u / oo Short

Wa Shureq “u” as in blue qr<Wv u / oo Long

a. Sheva’
Vocal: short “e”
Silent: no sound
aw"v. e

Combined Sounds

ya; ya' yIa; yAa yWa wya'

’ai ’ai ’aiy ’oy ’ooy ’av
(long) (long) (long) (long) (long) (long)

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