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1. Explain how tone, structure and style of your communication may impact on others. In your

 define tone, style and structure as they relate to communication.

 explain how the tone, style and structure impacts others.

 use an example to illustrate your answer.


 Your tone of voice focuses on how you speak and the ensuing impression words make on
everyone around you. Style is the habitual mode of interaction of an individual, variously
typified (usually in the context of communication skills training and often in relation to
personality types). For example: aggressive, passive-aggressive, passive, or assertive. The
structure of the communication dictates the methods by which ideas flow among people.

 The tone of a voice can affects how the other perceives the speaker intentions. These
perceptions, in turn, can influence the listener attitude toward the speaker. For example: It
can be joyful, serious, humorous, sad, threatening, formal, informal, pessimistic, and

 Communication affects teamwork in positive and negative ways. For example: the more
collaboration your projects require the more assertive and intentional your
communication should be. Every member of the team needs to take the initiative to
communicate. When a team is not actively communicating, their work is at stake.

 How you structure your communication has a huge influence on its effectiveness. Highly
effective communication is structured to "tell them what you are going to tell them, tell
them, tell them what you told them". The key to effective communication is its structure.
If you can grab the attention of your audience early and stimulate their thinking, they will
follow your argument to your conclusion.

2. Explain why it is important to maintain confidentiality of information at work, including at

least three examples of information that must be kept confidential.

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In the wrong hands, confidential information can be misused to commit illegal activity (e.g.,
fraud or discrimination), which can in turn result in costly lawsuits for the employer. Many
states have laws protecting the confidentiality of certain information in the workplace. The
disclosure of sensitive employee and management information can lead to a loss of
employee trust, confidence and loyalty. This will almost always result in a loss of
productivity. Example of information that must be kept confidential are: employee
information, company’s financial statements, customer/client’s information.

3. Discuss three ways by which a business can ensure that confidentiality is maintained at


 Create a response plan & employee exit procedure. Devise a response or contingency
plan in the event confidential information becomes revealed. Plan for specific situations,
such as published trade secrets or an employee divulging information to competitors.

 Social media policy. The social web can have harmful effects on a company’s reputation
and confidentiality. Establish a social media policy as part of your company’s efforts to
preserve reputation and confidentiality. Clearly indicate the ethical guidelines for social
media usage.

 Physically secure devices and paper documents. Controlling access to data includes
controlling access of all kinds, both digital and physical. Protect devices and paper
documents from misuse or theft by storing them in locked areas. Never leave devices or
sensitive documents unattended in public locations.

4. Explain the key principles of negotiation that should be used in the workplace to ensure that
agreements are reached.


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 The principle of authority. Research shows that people typically follow the lead of
those they perceive as credible and knowledgeable experts. This makes sense,
especially since legitimate authorities have attained their positions by virtue of
greater knowledge, skill, or expertise in their field.

 The principle of liking. People are more easily influenced by those they like. When
negotiating, take the time necessary to locate genuine shared interests and points of
agreement before delving into your idea, proposal or recommendation.

 The principle of social proof. People often rely heavily on others for cues on how to
think, feel and act. Hence, the “proof” of what is correct isn’t grounded in facts and
statistics, but in the social environment.

5. Explain the mediation process and at least three key principles that should be taken into
account when mediating at work.


Mediation is a private process where a neutral third person called a mediator helps the
parties discuss and try to resolve the dispute. The parties have the opportunity to describe the
issues, discuss their interests, understandings, and feelings; provide each other with
information and explore ideas for the resolution of the dispute. The key principles of
mediation process are:

 Voluntary; All of the party involve have to want to mediate, and anyone can stop the
mediation process at any time.

 Impartial; The mediator does not take sides, and is always there for both of you.
Mediators don’t give advice, although they do give information about legal
principles and guidance explaining what things you should be thinking about.

 Confidential; The information clients share with the mediator is kept confidential,
with some very limited exceptions (similar to the exceptions that apply to lawyers,
therapists and counsellors).

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6. Discuss three effective conflict resolution techniques.


 Do not postpone conflict resolution; Address the conflict immediately. Otherwise, the
situation could escalate and could affect employee performance. Just make sure not to
address the situation too quickly or without careful consideration.

 Promote teamwork; Encouragement and motivation are powerful. Remind your staff of
successful projects that required teamwork to complete. This is one of the most effective
conflict resolution techniques and will really make the employees think about the
importance of working in a team.

 Compromising/reconciling; Sometimes for certain conflicts, there will be a need for the
involved parties to think of a middle path wherein both parties decide to give up
something and identify a resolution. This kind of solution will be temporary for that
moment and are not long-lasting solution.

7. Discuss key steps to be followed to identify and resolve workplace problems.


 Define the problem. Analyse the situation carefully to learn more about the problem.
Identify each problem and determine the cause. Try to anticipate the behaviour and
response of people affected by the problem. Then, based upon your preliminary
observation, take the following steps to pinpoint the problem more accurately: Separate
facts from opinions. Determine the process where the problem exists. Analyse company
policies and procedures. Discuss with team members involved in order to gather more

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 Identify alternative solutions. Brainstorm all possible ways to solve the existing problem.
Invite suggestions from everyone affected by the problem and consult those who may
have more experience with the type of challenge you’re experiencing.

 Evaluate solutions. Once you have a list of alternatives, it is time to evaluate them. Assess
the positive and negative consequences of each alternative defined in the previous step.

 Select a solution. After the evaluation process is over, select a solution most likely to
solve the problem. It is important to consider the implementation part while choosing a

8. Outline three effective communication techniques for de-escalation of a difficult situation.


 Speak respectfully; Be wary of corporate-speak that is condescending or dismissive.

Choose your words carefully and calmly. Offer a response that builds up rather than tears

 Acknowledge and accept their emotions/feelings; Acknowledge and accept the other
person's feelings without passing judgement on them. It is usually okay to ask them how
they feel and then to acknowledge it.

 Use nonthreatening nonverbals; The more a person is in distress, the less they hear your
words—and the more they react to your nonverbal communication. Be mindful of your
gestures, facial expressions, movements, and tone of voice.

9. Outline effective strategies for cross-cultural communication.


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 Practice active listening; Active listening is a very effective strategy for improving cross
cultural communication. Restate or summarise what the other person has said, to ensure
that you have understood them correctly, and ask frequent questions.

 Take turns to talk; Make the conversation flow more freely by taking it in turns to speak.
Make a point and then listen to the other person respond.

 Avoid closed questions; Don’t phrase a question that needs a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer. In
many cultures it is difficult or embarrassing to answer in the negative, so you will always
get a ‘yes’ even if the real answer is ‘no’.

 Be careful with humour; Many cultures take business very seriously and believe in
behaving professionally and following protocol at all times. Consequently, they don’t
appreciate the use of humour and jokes in a business context.

10. Outline at least five important considerations in ensuring that a meeting is structured.


 Selecting participant; The decision about who is to attend depends on what you want to
accomplish in the meeting. This may seem too obvious to state, but it's surprising how
many meetings occur without the right people there.

 Developing agendas; Develop the agenda together with key participants in the meeting.
Think of what overall outcome you want from the meeting and what activities need to
occur to reach that outcome.

 Established ground rules; It pays to have a few basic ground rules that can be used for
most of your meetings. These ground rules cultivate the basic ingredients needed for a
successful meeting.

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 Time management; One of the most difficult facilitation tasks is time management -- time
seems to run out before tasks are completed. Therefore, the biggest challenge is keeping
momentum to keep the process moving.

 Closing meeting; Always end meetings on time and attempt to end on a positive note. At
the end of a meeting, review actions and assignments, and set the time for the next
meeting and ask each person if they can make it or not.

11. Explain at least five considerations to ensure that a meeting is inclusive.


 Only invite those who absolutely need to be there - but make sure it's a diverse list. You
can start to build better meeting hygiene within your organization by carefully screening
who you're inviting to each meeting.

 Provide an agenda in advance. The most effective meetings bring a group of informed
and prepared people into one room to discuss and make a decision. Providing an agenda
in advance also offers everyone the chance to decide whether or not they really need to

 Don't allow people to speak over each other. Controlling the flow of discussion in a
meeting is imperative to using time productively and letting everybody have their
individual space for conversation.

 Give people time to gather their thoughts. Give them some time to process, write down a
few notes, and share their ideas with the group. Everyone gets a chance to share their
thoughts and recommendations.

 Be consistent. Getting your team into a routine where they are attending meetings at
specific times during the week can be comforting to those working remotely. The

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meetings themselves are more productive because each team member can prepare
accordingly and won't be taken by surprise.

12. Explain how organisational policies and procedures address:

 presenting and negotiating

 leading and participating in meetings

 making presentations

 confidentiality of information


 Set of rules or guidelines for your organization and employees to follow when
presenting or negotiating. An effective policy should outline what employees must do or
not do, directions, limits, principles, and guidance for negotiating.

 Policy and procedures for meetings are a very important part of the formal meeting
process because they set out what can and cannot be decided in meetings, as well as
ensuring that certain conventions are adhered to at that meeting.

 Each employee works according to the same guidelines. Resulting in a consistent

corporate design. You'll save time and improve the quality of your presentations.
Include grammar and web standards, copy patterns, voice and tone guidelines, content
types with examples, a word list (and a blacklist), and brand basics.

 A good information security policy should also lay out the ethical and legal
responsibilities of the company and its employees when it comes to safeguarding
confidential data. Organizations develop and implement an information security policy
to impose a uniform set of rules for handling and protecting essential data.

13. Select an industry and provide examples of media and government organisations, events and
communication channels relevant to an organisation in the chosen industry. Use the table to
complete your answer:


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Food Industry

Industry Transport
Media and Media organisation: Bon Appétit - Condé Nast
government Government organisation: Food Standards Australia New
organisations (at least Zealand (FSANZ)
Events (at least two): Huon Valley Mid-Winter Festival.

Canberra District Wines Fireside Festival

Communication A magazine is a periodical publication which is printed in

channels (at least gloss-coated and matte paper. Magazines are generally
two): published on a regular schedule and contain a variety of

YouTube is a video sharing service where users can watch,

like, share, comment and upload their own videos. The video
service can be accessed on PCs, laptops, tablets and via mobile

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