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MBA -18A


Because of fierce competition and rising consumer demands, quality has

become a critical factor in market survival, profitability, and the overall
economic development of the country, particularly in specific areas of activity
and types of businesses. Modern business strategy is based on the intention of
product and service quality control. Today, quality is not manufactured, but
rather used as a management tool. Total Quality Management (TQM) is a
system that ensures a certain level of quality. As a result, quality is the result of
a defined TQM system for specific activities, for the company, and for specific
tasks and activities within the company. Like that Total Quality Management is
one of the practices performed in hospitality sector. One of the hospitality
sectors taken here is hotels of Vagamon. A brief idea is been given about the
types of services provided by these hotels.

5 Budget Hotels in Vagamon

1. Wind Chimes by Astral Inn

The Key parameters mentioned in customer reviews for Wind Chimes are:
 Good Stay
 Beautiful Location
 Good Food
 Friendly Staff
 Secure place
2. Winter Vale Green Stay
The Key parameters mentioned in customer reviews are:
 Complimentary Breakfast
 Neat room
 Nice View
 Good Resort
 Nice location

3. Le Collins Resort
The key parameters mentioned in customer reviews are:
 Deluxe with free breakfast
 Superior Room
 Clean and Spacious Room
 First Aid Services
 Good Ambience

4. Holiday Vagamon
The key parameters mentioned in the customer reviews are:
 Beautiful pool
 Tasty Food
 Beautiful location
 Neat Resort
 Helpful Staff
5. Chillax Vagamon
The key parameters mentioned in the customer reviews are:
 Convenient Location
 Good Food
 Sanitized Rooms
 Friendly Staffs
 Good Interior

2. The Key Parameters that are mentioned by the customers in connection

with the features of TQM are:

All these parameters are taken on behalf of their positive reviews. Each hotel
has been provided with some common positive reviews. Such reviews are
cooperation of employees which comes under the parameter customer focused,
friendly staffs which comes under involved employees, provision of good
quality service that comes under a common parameter continuous improvement,
and helpful staffs that comes under a parameter effective communication.

1. Customer focused: Quality begins and ends with customer. As

mentioned in all above hotels they are truly customer focused as customer
have mentioned about the cooperation of the staffs as the key parameters.
All the above hotels are been mentioned with the same customer reviews
in which lot more importance is given for the cooperation of the
employees there. As per which it satisfies the first feature of TQM.
2. Involved Employees: As another important base for maintaining a
quality is the presence of involved employees. All above mentioned
reviews state that they have been met with good staffs, friendly staffs and
all their immediate requirement was fulfilled by these employees. To
maintain a quality service the employees must be involved to meet the
customer requirement. Which says that the above given hotels satisfies
the second feature of TQM.

3. Continuous Improvement: Continuous improvement is how an

organisation is becoming better by improving upon their work of
improving processes that create goods and services. The above reviews
shows that they are continually working upon their processes that’s why
they are able to provide customers with good quality service by which the
customers are well satisfied.

4. Effective Communications: Communication is another basis for

improving quality. Because due to the continuous improvement they were
able to provide their customers with cooperative environment.

What is Juran Trilogy?

Dr. Joseph M. Juran presented the Juran Trilogy, also known as the Quality
Trilogy, in 1986 as a way to manage for quality. The traditional approach to
quality at the time was based on quality control, but today, the Trilogy has
become the foundation for most best practises in quality management around
the world.

Juan Trilogy is a method of managing a quality improvement cycle aimed at

lowering the cost of low-quality products/services by incorporating quality into
the entire process. Juran lays out a process that will allow you to focus on
quality management and best practises in order to produce the best results for
your customers.

The primary focus is quality; when developing or manufacturing products or

services, it is critical to ensure that they are fit for the purpose for which they
were designed. Everything Juran did revolved around three main processes.

 Quality planning
 Quality Control
 Quality improvement

1. Quality planning: As observed in above given reviews it can be seen

that customers are well satisfied with their services. As per the Juran
trilogy this quality improvement process is revolved around these three
main processes. One such process is Quality planning. They have met
their customer demands which shows that they had a proper planning to
conduct these services. A proper Quality planning ensures that the
customers are well satisfied with the given key parameter. The key
parameters such as food, stay , location ,convenience etc. If all these
parameters are fulfilled then it can be said that the quality planning was
well established and met the standards. Afterall all parameters mentioned
here is a part of positive review given by them.

2. Quality control: Quality control is that adherence to a standard set of

quality criteria. Any company or industry just after planning ensures that
the required set of quality criteria is met or not. Whether the hotel was
able to achieve the quality criteria or not. Whether there is any gap
between set standard and derived result. So as per the above customer
review it can be seen that the customers were well satisfied with their
services such as good food and accommodation, clean and neat rooms
etc. Hence it can be said that the hotel was able to meet the set standard
with that of derived results.

3. Quality Improvements: Quality improvement is the phase of Juran

trilogy where a particular service may come to know that actually where
that service is lacking. The lacking area may need to be improved. In that
case Quality improvement plays an important role. In this above given
reviews the customers are well satisfied so does not need to have any
improvement. But in case if the customer faces any service quality issues
then an immediate improvement would be needed so that this would be
not continued in the near future.

It can be seen that all positive customer reviews are been connected with the
key parameters as well as with the quality aspects of Juran’s trilogy. Each
parameters give a brief idea of how the services can be linked with trilogy and
what all changes can be bought if any changes needed. In above given case the
reviews are all met with key parameters as well as linked to the quality aspects
of Juran’s triology.

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