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Name: Anannya Das

ID: 2103520701309
Course code: 1201
MA ELL Final Examination 2022 spring

Answer to the question number 1

In ‘Long walk to freedom’ Nelson Mandela writes about his life and his
experiences towards the freedom. One of the most struggling periods of his life
during prison time. During the 1950’s and 1960 he was targeted by police and
government because of his political life. After the banning of the African National
Congress in 1960, he went underground in 1961 and became the leader of (MK).
Later within a year he was sentenced to five years in prison. The prison was
extremely undignified and humiliating but it was worse when Mandela was
transferred to Robben Island. In July 1963, some evident was implanted against
Mandela and this evidence led to him being charged with sabotage.
Mandela was found guilty in a trial and decided not to appeal again. He received a
life sentence. He was imprisoned for 27 years in Robben Island.
He was confined to a small cell without a bed and forced to do hard labor in a
quarry. Mandela described how the black prisoners were forced to work most of
their day crushing stones. They were served less and worse food than other white
prisoners. They were forced to wear shorts when the other white prisoners have
choice. He was allowed to meet with a visitor for 30 minutes, could write or
receive letters just once in every six months. The letters were read and censored by
prison officers. With the help of other prisoners Mandela smuggled out statements
and letters to continuing anti-apartheid movement. In his imprisonment his words
and his pictures were banned in public.
In spite of the cruelty, he never stopped fighting for his rights as a human being
and in 1966, organized a hunger strike against prison cruelty. Mandela’s strong
personality forced the guards to participate in the strike. Initially, prison authorities
accepted their requests. In jail, Mandela was able to develop a group called the
ANC high Organ.
Mandela didn’t only fight for his rights but he always try to shine with his group
with his black community. His steps in Robben Island helps to improve the
situation in this prison.

Answer to the question number 2

Nelson Mandela was born at Mvezo, a village, and in a royal family as his father
was a village chief. His father had 4 wives and he is from the 3rd one. According to
African culture, they didn’t see much discrimination between relatives. As they
were all brothers and sisters there were not such words like half-brother or half-
sister like British people. From this type of ideology, Mandela shaped his character
in such that he never thought about only himself rather he only worked for his
people during his political journey. When he was charged for with sabotage, during
his defense he said, “During my life time I have dedicated myself to this struggle
of the African people............. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free
society in which all persons live together and harmony.” Equality among all human
beings is another concept Mandela focused on during his political journey.
Mandela learned from his childhood how the ruthless foreign people broke into
their land and destroyed their ancient peace and unity. Mandela always preferred
his clan's name Madiba as his personal name. This gesture shows how he
internalized his culture.

Answer to the question number 3

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman born in 1920 in a Bengali Muslim family and known as a
Sheikh family. He was quite mischievous but talented boy from his childhood. He
was interested in reading and social affairs as he said in his memoir that his father
used to keep many newspapers and he used to read those from an early age. He
was not politically active from the beginning but later after returning to his studies
his acquaintances and the political situation in the country attracted him towards
politics. His leadership and protesting nature were reflected from then. He also
cared for his people. When one of his friends named Malek was forcibly taken to a
Hindu Mahasabha and beaten he went to the sabha and protested. Even in front of
the policeman he stayed still. Some of his qualities like, stubbornness, protest
against the wrong, and leadership nature later made him the founding father of

4 no

The memoir was written during Mujib’s imprisonment from 1967 to 1969. He was
imprisoned because of the ‘agartala conspiracy case’ initiated by the Pakistani
He started his biography from his childhood events. How his life led to politics. He
had given the background of his family and it’s proved that his ancestors were not
originally from Tungipara and no one knows where they are from. Some of his
childhood events actually are the foundation of his political career. His background
is similar to others. He could be counted as an educated middle-class boy.

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