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Reading Passage 1

The Albatross
Albatrosses are the largest seabirds in existence, with wingspans which
A extend to over three metres in width. They represent a small subset of
the larger group known as tube-nosed petrels, which have strong, curved sharp
beaks which they use for catching fish and squid on the surface of the ocean.
While there is some debate about the exact taxonomy of the species, it is agreed
that there are somewhere between 21 and 24 species of albatrosses.
. B
~-······ Of these species, approximately haK breed in New Zealand and about 80
per cent breed or fish within New Zealand's territorial waters. Six species
breed only in New Zealand or 011 its offshore islands. One of only two mainland
nesting sites for these birds in the world, for the northern royal albatross, is on the
Otago Peninsula in the South Island of New Zealand; it is a popular tourist destination. Visitors can view the albatross colony from a
special building which has been established beside the nesting ground and, while the site is closed during breeding season, at other
times, it is often possible to see parents and their chicks living and feeding only metres away from human observers.

c Albatrosses spend most of their lives at sea, coming to land only to mate and raise their chicks. Male and female birds
cooperate in raising their offspring. At the Taiaroa nesting site in New Zealand, eggs are laid in October or November
each year. Incubation takes about 11 weeks, and during this time, both parents take turns to sit on the eggs for periods of up to
three weeks, while the other bird goes off to sea to eat. It takes the chicks up to five or six days to hatch from their tough shell.
Once they are hatched, the parents take turns in looking after them for about five or six weeks. After this time, they are left alone
except for regular feeding until they get their feathers and are ready to fly, at about eight months of age.
Once the young birds are ready to fly, they are off to sea. Albatrosses spend about 80 per cent of their lives at sea,
D soaring over the waves and feeding off surface fish and squid. Some albatrosses travel long distances over the pelagic,
or deep, ocean, while others find food closer to land over areas of continental sheij. They can fly at great speed, at bursts of up to
140km/hour, and they can cover huge distances in one day, even as much as 1,800km.

E The royal albatrosses at Taiaroa Head stay at sea for the first three years of their lives, after which they return to
the colony once a year for several years before finding a mate and beginning to breed at around the age of eight.
Albatrosses are faithful birds; they mate for life and raise one chick every two years on average. They are also long lived, and
birds have been recorded still laying eggs into their 50s and even 60s. However, their relatively low reproductive rate is one of the
factors which make them vulnerable to the threat of extinction.
There are also risks to albatross chicks on land. Natural predators such as seagulls can eat eggs and young birds, and
F in mainland areas, there are also threats from dogs, cats, and other land animals. On some offshore islands, sea lions
have been observed raiding nests for eggs. It is thought that this is a new behaviour.
The main threats to the adult albatross occur at sea, and most of these are man-made. Albatrosses like to travel close to
G fishing boats to eat the leftover scraps of fish that are dropped over the side of the boat. Sometimes, however, they also
eat the bait and accidentally ingest fish hooks, or get dragged along on fishing lines and drown. The number of albatrosses that any
one boat catches is small, but because there are so many fishing boats, this may have a long-term impact on population numbers. It is
estimated that at least 100,000 albatrosses die in this way each year. As for all seabird species, there are other threats, such as drift
nets, oil spills, and rubbish such as plastic in the ocean. While there are international agreements and fishing conventions to try and
protect seabirds, albatrosses are among the million or so seabirds that get caught in drift nets and die each year.
The albatross is a magnificent, beautiful, and awe-inspiring creature. We need to work together to protect this bird and
H others from threats posed by human activity.

40 - Lessons for IELTS - Reading

1. World Locations for Albatrosses
I. vii Paragraph A
11. Predators
lll. Eggs and Chicks 2. x Paragraph B

lV. M ajor Diseases 3. iii Paragraph C

v. Hazards for Mature Albatrosses
4. viii Paragraph D
Vl. Breeding Patterns
Vll. What Is an Albatross? 5. vi Paragraph E

viii. The Albatross in Flight 6. ii Paragraph F

lX. Why Albatrosses Matter
7. v Paragraph G
x. A Special Breeding Site
Xl. Conservation Plans 8. ix Paragraph H

Egg laid: 11 weeks' incubation:

Until 5-6 weeks old:
one every . . parents take turns, up to 3 ...
parents care for chicks
2_ years
9. _ _ weeks each turn; up to 5- 6 days
to _
10. _ hatch

Until 13. 8 years old: 4m Until 12. -3- - years old:

young birds stay at sea
Till 11 . 8 months:
return to colony, not yet breeding regular feeding only

From 8-60+ years:

mate for life, breed till old age Practice 1 - 41
14. What is the distance from one wing tip to the other of an albatross? over 3 metres
15. How many kinds of albatrosses are there said to be? 21 to 24
16. How many of these lay eggs and raise their young only in New Zealand? 6 species
17. \ Vhat can people see from the building at the Otago nesting site? Albatross colony
18. When is it not possible for people to observe the albatrosses? During breeding season

19. Y Oil spills can endanger albatrosses.

20. N Albatrosses do not have many chicks, so this puts the species at risk.
21. N Cats and dogs kill young albatross chicks on offshore islands.
22. N Adult albatrosses are more at risk on the land than at sea.
23. NG An albatross that swallows a hook is likely to die.
24. NG Albatrosses that get caught up in drift nets die from drowning.

Reading Passage 2

Dangers of Asbestos

Asbestos Have you heard of

asbestos? For many
thousands of yea rs , it was
of cancer, was only established
in the 1970s, as improvements
in medical technology enabled
considered one of the world 's medical researchers to establish
most valuable resources. Being that tiny inhaled asbestos fibres
exceptionally strong, durable, are the cause of several diseases.
and versatile, it was used in By this time, millions of people all
countless products, both for over the world had been exposed
building and for personal use to thousands of asbestos products
such as clothing. The fact that it and processes involving asbestos.
is a deadly carcinogen, or cause

42 - Lessons for IELTS - Reading

homes and commercial buildings. Asbestos only becomes
It was also used in the motor a health risk when it
industry for brakes and clutches, is disturbed, causing the fibres
and in other industries such as to become airborne. In general,
shipbuilding and construction asbestos does not rot or splinter
of railway carriages. Thus , if it is left intact; if the presence
workers who were employed in of asbestos is known, covering
those industries almost certainly it up may be the best solution.
suffered exposure to asbestos, as If this is not acceptable , there
did those who made the various are specialists who can remove
products containing asbestos, and dispose of it safely. These
such as pipes and roofing tiles. days, there are government
However, asbestos is no longer regulations covering the
used in these industries. Anyone conditions and procedures of such
currently involved in demolition work. Employers are required
or maintenance work for older to limit employee exposure
buildings, ships, cars , and to asbestos, conduct regular
railway rolling stock should take exposure monitoring and provide
precautions, as they may be at protective clothing such as
Asbestos is a product
risk of contamination by old coveralls, coverings for head and
that occurs naturally, in
asbestos, which is considered an feet, gloves, face shields, vented
several forms, in many countries
'occupational hazard' . goggles , and other appropriate
of the world. The most common
equipment. Decontamination
are chrysotile (white), amosite
There are three main facilities and enforcement of
(brown), and crocidolite (blue),
diseases caused by the proper hygiene practices are also
with the blue asbestos being the
inhalation of asbestos fibres. One required.
most dangerous. Asbestos fibres
are so tiny that they are not visible of these, asbestosis, is not a cancer
to the naked eye. In addition, they - it causes a build-up of scar tissue Therefore , if your house
are very light and can, therefore, in the lungs, reducing the ability was built prior to the
remain in the air for a long time to breathe. Another illness is mid-1970s and you are keen to
once released. Because they are mesothelioma, which is a cancer do your own home renovation,
fibrous , they can continue to of the outside tissue of the lungs. it is vital for the health of your
break up into smaller and smaller Finally, there is lung cancer; the family that you get expert advice,
particles which are easily inhaled, chances of developing this are as asbestos is not always easily
after which they accumulate in much higher for smokers who identifiable. It is likely to have
the respiratory and digestive work with asbestos. Most people been used in roof and floor tiles,
systems, as well as getting into currently suffering from asbestos bath panels, gutters and drainage
the bloodstream and spreading poisoning were affected at a time pipes, shed roofs and fuse boxes;
throughout the body. when the dangers were still not it may also have been used to lag
widely known. The time from pipes and provide insulation to
exposure to diagnosis of asbestos- storage heaters. It can be damaged
Asbestos fibres are
related diseases can be from 15 by any kind of disturbance -
extremely strong
to 35 years for mesothelioma rubbing, hitting, or handling it or
which, combined with their heat-
and lung cancer, or even 25 to even by subjecting it to a strong
resistant qualities , make the
40 years for asbestosis. For those level of air flow or vibration. It
product very useful as insulation
who fear they have recently is certainly not worth saving a bit
in the construction industry. Until
handled asbestos, exposure to the of money by not having an expert
the danger was recognised in the
tiny fibres cannot yet be detected inspection, only to expose yourself
1970s, it was used for pipes and
by medical x-rays or symptoms or your family to the misery of
roofing materials such as ceiling
such as headaches, fever, or aching asbestos poisoning and a slow
tiles, as cladding to wrap boilers,
muscles. The only option is to live lingering illness.
and as a fire retardant in both
with uncertainty. Practice 1 - 43
1. H ome renovations
25. vi Paragraph A
11. The future of asbestos
Ill. Benefits of and problems with asbestos use 26. ix Paragraph B

IV. Types of asbestos poisoning 27. iii Paragraph C

v. Removal of asbestos
28. iv Paragraph D
Vl. T he history of asbestos use
vu. Diagnosis of asbestos diseases for the family doctor 29. v Paragraph E
viii. Life histories of victims of asbestos poisoning 30. i Paragraph F
IX. Description of asbestos
x. Asbestos risk for children

31 . D It takes at least fifteen years for evidence of asbestos exposure to emerge.

32. B Asbestos fibres cannot be seen without some form of magnification.
33. E If asbestos is not interfered with, it is not a danger to health.
34. F It is not easy for a non-expert to identify asbestos.
35. C These days, people whose work requires exposure to older buildings or products
containing asbestos are at risk of asbestos poisoning.
36. A Asbestos was thought to be a very useful substance for a very long time.
3 7. C Asbestos was used in buildings to prevent fires spreading.

38. Asbestos was widely used for many years because it was very strong, durable and versatile
39. Asbestos fibres get into people's lungs because they are so tiny
40. Asbestos was used in the car industry for brakes and clutches
4 1. There is no early diagnosis for people who think they have been exposed to asbestos; they have to live with uncertainty
conditions and procedures
42. There are strict rules for the of asbestos removal and disposal.
43. If your house was built before , it may be dangerous for you to do repairs.
the mid-1970s

44 - Lessons for IELTS - Reading

,'----_ UNIT

Asbestos Poisoning
.. Type asbestosis mesothelioma
46. _::=l I lu_ng cance~
nota44. cancer
__ a cancer

I alikelihood
cancer ,
causes a 45. _build-up
_ affects the 47. outside
_::=l of developing
of scar tissue in the tissue of the lungs this is increased for
lungs 49. smokers
--- - - ------ ------j

Time lag from ex-

posure to evidence 25-40 years 48. 15-35
_==1years I
15-35 years

of disease Practice · - 45

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