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L o n g - Ter m M e c h a n i c a l

Sarina Sahetya, MDa, Sarah Allgood, BSN, RNa, Peter C. Gay, MDb,*,
Noah Lechtzin, MD, MHSa

 Tracheostomy  Neuromuscular disease  Long-term acute care  Home care

 The population of patients using long-term noninvasive and invasive ventilation has been
growing over the last two decades, requiring better resources to support ventilation outside
of hospitals.
 Long-term ventilation is performed in a variety of settings including long-term acute care facilities,
skilled nursing facilities, and home. The latter provides better quality of life and greater satisfaction
at lower cost, but poses challenges that prevent some from using it.
 The equipment available for long-term ventilation has improved and is good but issues of reim-
bursement and availability of trained caregivers are ongoing problems.

For most patients, mechanical ventilation is Over the last two decades the prevalence of long-
a short-term therapy used to support gas term ventilation has risen dramatically. The often
exchange until an acute cause of respiratory cited ventilator weaning trials of the early and
failure resolves. As the management of critically mid-1990s consistently demonstrated that
ill patients has advanced, more patients are approximately 10% of patients in ICUs were not
surviving their acute illness but certain percent- able to be liberated from ventilators within
ages are left with continued ventilator 14 days.4 This inevitably leads to growing numbers
dependence. Although the group of patients of patients requiring prolonged ventilation. Never-
requiring prolonged mechanical ventilation theless, in the early 1990s there were few options
(PMV) is less than 10% of all patients requiring for ventilator-dependent individuals and some
mechanical ventilation, they consume up to would reside in acute care hospitals indefinitely.
40% of intensive care unit (ICU) patient days This was not an ideal situation for anyone involved.
and Medicare ranks them first in charges per Patients were forced to live away from family, in
patient.1,2 Moreover, the number of these settings that were not designed with creature
patients has increased substantially over the comforts in mind. Hospitals lost money as insurers
years with one review estimating a 190% in- began to cap reimbursement based on diagnosis-
crease in the incidence of tracheostomy for related groups. Despite these pressures, there are
PMV from 1993 to 2002.3 There are also children ample data demonstrating increases in the inci-
born with neurologic disorders and adults with dence of mechanical ventilation, PMV, and trache-
progressive disorders that require lifelong venti- ostomy in the United States. However, it is difficult
lator support. to accurately quantify the actual number of

Disclosures: Authors have nothing to disclose.

Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA; b Pulmonary and Critical Care, The Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street
Southwest, Rochester, MN 55905, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Clin Chest Med - (2016) -–-
0272-5231/16/Published by Elsevier Inc.
2 Sahetya et al

long-term ventilator patients in the United States. the use of invasive ventilation in disease-specific
One way to gauge the increase in prolonged venti- states with the caveat that the decision to initiate
lation is to look at the use of tracheostomies. Tra- or continue mechanical ventilation must be based
cheostomy use for PMV rose from 8.3 per 100,000 on individual patient characteristics.13
population in 1993 to 24.2 per 100,000 in 2002.2 A
survey of long-term ventilation in Boston published Spinal Cord Injury
in 2010 found the prevalence of long-term me-
The need for mechanical support in individuals
chanical ventilation to be 7.4 per 100,000.5 If this
with spinal cord injury depends on the grade and
is extrapolated to the entire US population, there
level of injury. During the initial year of injury, how-
are approximately 10,966 people on long-term
ever, improvements in respiratory function may
invasive ventilation.6 Further extrapolation from
occur spontaneously with only 5% of patients
data on children in Pennsylvania yields an estimate
requiring ventilator support after the first year.14
of approximately 4802 children using invasive
Complete cervical cord lesions are associated
ventilation nationwide.6 This article characterizes
with the highest degree of respiratory dysfunction.
the features, outcomes, and logistics that must
One case series reported that 100% of patients
be taken into consideration while caring for the
with complete injuries at or above the C5 level
unique patient population requiring PMV.
required a definitive airway and tracheostomy,
although only 71% of patients required mechani-
VENTILATOR DEPENDENCY cal ventilation at time of discharge. In contrast,
15% of patients with complete injuries below C6
Rigorous assessment of these patients has
required mechanical ventilation at time of
been hindered by the lack of standard definitions
discharge, although 79% initially required me-
for what constitutes ventilator dependency.
chanical respiratory support and 50% received
Throughout the literature and even within govern-
tracheostomy. Patients with incomplete injuries
mental regulatory bodies, such as the Centers for
rarely required tracheostomy.15 Each patient
Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the defi-
must be evaluated individually for the need for
nition of PMV varies substantially from the number
long-term ventilation acutely and in follow-up to
of days on mechanical ventilation (ranging from 2
assess for the ability to support spontaneous
to 29 days), the need for mechanical ventilation af-
breathing in the first critical year.13 In retrospective
ter leaving the ICU, or simply the need for trache-
review, ventilator dependency was the strongest
ostomy with 96 or more hours of mechanical
negative predictor of survival during the first year
ventilation.7–11 The 1998 American College of
after hospital discharge,16 with respiratory
Chest Physicians Consensus Conference pro-
complications accounting for 31% of deaths.17
posed that ventilator-assisted individuals were
For patients who require assisted ventilation,
those with indications for mechanical ventilation
noninvasive approaches may be associated with
beyond the ICU including persistent symptomatic
fewer complications as long as mental status
respiratory insufficiency without failure to tolerate
and bulbar musculature function remain intact.
or improve with noninvasive ventilation, uncontrol-
Despite the risk of respiratory complications, qual-
lable airway secretions, impaired swallowing
ity of life and life satisfaction scores remain high in
leading to chronic aspiration and repeated
patients with tetraplegia and many of these pa-
pneumonias, or severely weakened or paralyzed
tients are able to be managed at home.18–20
respiratory muscles.12 To refine these arbitrary
guidelines, a 2005 consensus conference pro-
Chronic Respiratory Diseases
posed a standardized definition of PMV as the
need for greater than or equal to 21 consecutive Acute episodes of respiratory failure in patients
days of mechanical ventilation for 6 or with chronic lung disease, such as chronic
more hours per day.7 obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or intersti-
The declaration of chronic, or even lifelong, tial lung disease (ILD), account for a significant
ventilator dependency differs greatly depending number of ICU admissions every year. The need
on the cause of respiratory failure and the proba- for mechanical ventilation in these cases is
bility of ventilator liberation. For example, a dictated by the immediate clinical picture. Venti-
different threshold may be used to declare venti- lator liberation, however, is often complicated by
lator dependency in a patient recovering from pre-existing parenchymal disease, which is an in-
acute respiratory distress syndrome compared dependent predictor of failure to wean from the
with a patient with a high cervical spinal cord ventilator in the inpatient setting.21 It has been esti-
injury. The Canadian Thoracic Society published mated that COPD accounts for 25% of weaning
a series of disease-specific recommendations for failures leading to the need for PMV.11,22,23 Very
Long-Term Mechanical Ventilation 3

few studies have reviewed the incidence of PMV in In an ALS cohort from Denmark over 15 years,
other forms of chronic lung diseases, such as ILD. approximately 42% of patients required only
Furthermore, it is unclear if the natural history of noninvasive ventilation, 17% received noninva-
respiratory failure in an ILD exacerbation second- sive support first then switched to invasive
ary to idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is the same ventilation, and 5% proceeded directly to trache-
as a patient with ILD from an antisynthetase syn- ostomy without attempting noninvasive ventila-
drome. Nevertheless, reports from weaning cen- tion.29 Tracheostomy and invasive ventilation
ters suggest that patients with any “previous lung can be initiated in patients with severe bulbar
disease” are significantly less likely to be weaned function who cannot tolerate noninvasive ventila-
from the ventilator (odds ratio, 0.08; 95% confi- tion or when noninvasive ventilation becomes
dence interval, 0.02–0.31).24 In the pediatric world, difficult because of disease progression.30 In a
long-term invasive mechanical ventilation is an proportion of patients, invasive ventilation is
effective treatment option for patients with chronic initiated in the setting of acute respiratory
respiratory insufficiency from pulmonary disease, deterioration rather than prophylactically as dis-
central hypoventilation, or thorax deformities.25 cussed previously. Following tracheostomy for
Unfortunately, similar evidence has not been acute respiratory failure, one study reported
demonstrated in adult patients with chronic dis- that 70% of patients with ALS were discharged
eases. To reduce utilization of health care re- completely ventilator dependent and 28%
sources, some experts have suggested the use partially ventilator dependent. Only one patient
of long-term noninvasive ventilation in patients was completely liberated from the ventilator.31
with chronic hypercapnia and frequent episodes Similar to previous studies, this case series
of respiratory failure requiring inpatient ventilatory found that quality of life and life satisfaction
support,26 although there is also no evidence to scores in patients receiving ventilator
support this practice. support could be sustained despite disease
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Neuromuscular Diseases
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progres-
sive neurodegenerative disorder that ultimately NMD refers to a heterogeneous population
results in death, typically as a result of respira- including those with muscular dystrophy (eg,
tory muscle involvement. In stark contrast to Duchenne or Becker), myotonic dystrophy, and
many other neuromuscular diseases (NMD), chest wall disorders. Home ventilation has been
there is a rapid progression to death with used for decades in Duchenne muscular dystro-
approximately 50% of patients dying within phy with significant improvements demonstrated
3 years of symptom onset.27 Acute respiratory in survival. Noninvasive ventilation should be initi-
failure in patients with ALS can result because ated once vital capacity drops to less than 40%
of diaphragm weakness, ineffective cough, and predicted because these patients are at significant
inability to handle oropharyngeal secretions. risk for nocturnal hypercapnia and clinical deterio-
Randomized controlled trials have demonstrated ration within 1 to 2 years without ventilatory sup-
improved survival and quality of life indices with port. Nocturnal noninvasive support should also
the use of noninvasive ventilation for this patient be offered in the presence of symptoms consistent
population.28 Based on this and other studies, with nocturnal hypoventilation, sleep-disordered
noninvasive ventilation is the preferred option breathing, nocturnal hypoxemia, or diurnal hyper-
for respiratory support even when ventilation is capnia even without symptoms.13 In patients
required 24 hours a day. Initiation of ventilation requiring daytime ventilation, mouthpiece ventila-
is based on parameters that predict nocturnal tion is an alternative to invasive tracheostomy.
hypoventilation or progression to death. Dreyer Invasive ventilation is typically established when
and colleagues29 proposed treatment with chronic respiratory failure cannot be managed
home mechanical ventilation for patients with a with noninvasive approaches or when insufficient
vital capacity less than 50%, morning PCO2 swallowing and secretion management warrant a
greater than 45 mm Hg, symptomatic sleep- tracheostomy. However, there are some who
disordered breathing, or nocturnal hypoxemia. argue that patients with muscular dystrophy
Sniff nasal pressure less than 40% or maximal may never require tracheostomy if managed
inspiratory pressure less than 40 cm H2O may correctly.21 In the NMD population, 1-year survival
be used rather than vital capacity in advanced after tracheostomy remains around 79%, although
stages of the disease to predict respiratory fail- 50% of patients require hospitalization in the
ure and/or death. first year.30,32
4 Sahetya et al

LOGISTICS OF MECHANICAL VENTILATION managing the patient’s medical problems.

Respiratory-specific considerations include being
The intricacies of delivering long-term ventilation able to oxygenate adequately on FiO2 of less than
differ somewhat depending on the patient popula- 0.4 to 0.5 with positive end-expiratory pressure
tion involved. For example, infants and children less than 10 cm H2O, having a stable tracheos-
with NMD comprise a sizable proportion of pa- tomy tube, and tolerating stable ventilator settings.
tients on home ventilation and have vastly different Secretions need to be manageable with coughing
needs than patients with advanced COPD who are or suctioning.6,12,33 The required overall stability of
unable to wean from ventilatory support following a patient varies based on where the patient is
acute exacerbation. Patients recovering from an initially being transferred. A hospital step-down
acute illness are likely to be considered for venti- unit or LTAC can actively manage many complex
lator weaning, whereas a patient with a progres- medical issues, whereas a patient being trans-
sive degenerative process may start off on ferred to a skilled nursing facility or home needs
nocturnal ventilation and gradually transition to to be stable.
24-hour ventilator support. Nevertheless, there
are many common issues to consider when mak- Sites of Service
ing the transition from ICU to other venues for
long-term ventilation, such as hospital step-down Options for long-term ventilation range from acute
units, long-term acute care facilities (LTACs), hospitals, LTACs, skilled nursing facilities, and
skilled nursing facilities, or home. home. There are advantages and disadvantages
to each of these sites and their use is determined
in part by geography, reimbursement issues, med-
Patient Considerations for Ventilation Outside
ical issues, and patient preferences (Table 1). In
the Intensive Care Unit
some regions, ventilator patients may stay in
When beginning the process of transitioning to ICUs or other parts of an acute hospital for months
ventilation beyond an ICU, the first hurdle that or longer because of lack of other available facil-
must be overcome is patient stability. The patient’s ities. However, most hospitals have moved to
nonpulmonary medical problems need to have avoid this because they often receive limited reim-
been stabilized. At a minimum this means that bursement after limits for diagnosis-related groups
intravenous medications and cardiac monitoring have been reached. Additionally, an ICU is not
are no longer necessary and a plan is in place for ideal for a long-term patient. They are not

Table 1
Prolonged mechanical ventilation settings for care

Setting Pros Cons

ICU Optimal medical and staffing resources to  High costs of care
respond to changes in respiratory status  Limited Medicare reimbursement
 Competing bed space with the acutely ill
 Limited psychosocial and family support
LTAC  Designed to support acute care patients  Increased patient/staff ratios may jeopar-
requiring specialized care and dize care compared with ICUs
rehabilitation services  Long-term goals of care are to wean off
 Lower costs compared with ICUs ventilators or to transition to home, not to
 Higher discharge reimbursements support lifetime PMV
compared with ICUs
Nursing  Alternative to at-home care when family  Varying accessibility of facilities
home support and/or resources are inadequate  Must be medically stable
 Can support those requiring lifetime PMV,  Lower discharge reimbursements compared
and those who may be weaned in time with LTAC facilities
Home  Increased quality of life through family  Must be medically stable
caregiving, psychosocial support, and  Requires a stable and safe home
increased patient autonomy environment
 Most cost-effective setting  Requires considerable family and profes-
 Reduced infection rates sional caregiver support
 Continued emergency response education
required for all caregivers
Long-Term Mechanical Ventilation 5

designed to allow for patient autonomy and have and accurate numbers are difficult to obtain, but
limited capacity to allow family members to spend as a reference figure, there are approximately 50
time with patients and participate in their care. nursing homes in New York state that take venti-
Long-term ventilator patients in ICUs tend to lator patients.34 Ventilator patients transferred
have higher cost of care and lower satisfaction from hospitals to nursing homes are more similar
compared with other sites of care.6 to home ventilator patients than LTAC patients.
LTACs are another option that came to promi- Their medical problems need to be stable and
nence during the 1990s. These can be free stand- they need to have adequate oxygenation on 40%
ing hospitals or may be housed within another to 50% oxygen and positive end-expiratory pres-
hospital. LTACs are able to provide care to pa- sure less than or equal to 10 cm H2O. Many nursing
tients with multiple acute medical issues and homes are capable of weaning patients and often
have lengths of stay exceeding 25 days, although have populations that transition to home, some
they may have the ability to house long-term venti- on ventilation, and some having been liberated. In
lator patients for prolonged stays. Traditionally, 2007, the reimbursement rate per discharge was
Medicare reimbursement for LTACs per discharge approximately $20,000 less than for LTACs.34 Fac-
is higher than for other acute facilities. Therefore, tors that delay or prevent patients from transition-
LTACs became particularly common in areas of ing home on mechanical ventilation include lack
the country with large Medicare populations.34 Ad- of suitable housing, social issues related to the pa-
vocates for LTACs argue that specialized rehabili- tient’s family, delays in equipment funding, and
tation provided in LTACs and better continuity of inadequate home nursing care.38
care may allow for better outcomes compared Home ventilation is the ideal location for long-
with ICUs, whereas others fear that fewer physi- term ventilation. It is more cost effective than other
cians and nurses per patient at LTACs may jeopar- venues for ventilation. In 1992, home ventilation
dize care. Thus far, studies suggest that outcomes was estimated to cost one-third as much per day
are comparable between LTACs and ICUs and compared with a hospital setting.39 Living at home
costs may be lower in LTACs.35,36 The population provides many of the psychosocial benefits missing
of long-term ventilation patients at LTACs is from hospitals, LTACs, or nursing homes. Patients
consistent with patients discharged from acute have autonomy and are surrounded by loved
care ICUs who are unable to be weaned, that is, ones. Home ventilation leads to better quality of
there is a high proportion of advanced COPD life and fewer infections compared with other sites
and patients recovering from acute lung injury/ of care.40 For long-term ventilator patients, home
acute respiratory distress syndrome. The goal of ventilation should be the goal. However, many fam-
LTACs in general is to continue weaning from me- ilies do not have adequate resources to allow for it.
chanical ventilation and transition patients to
home or care elsewhere. Cohort studies from
Equipment for Long-Term Ventilation
LTACs suggest that more than half of their patients
can be successfully weaned from ventilation.37 Long-term ventilation in the home is often
Freestanding nursing rehabilitation facilities are described as the most complex medical interven-
another option for the care of long-term ventilator tion that is done outside the hospital and an exten-
patients. The number of these facilities that take sive amount of equipment and personnel is
ventilator patients varies throughout the country needed for it to be successful (Table 2).41

Table 2
Equipment for home ventilation

Mobility and Other Accessories Ventilator-Related Equipment Tracheostomy-Related Supplies

Wheelchair Primary ventilator Inner cannulae
Lift Backup ventilator Replacement tracheostomy tubes
Commode chair Manual resuscitation bag Suction machine
Shower chair Replacement circuits Suction catheters
Adaptive van Heated humidifier Saline bullets
Hospital bed Heat/moisture exchanger Syringes
Communication devices Tube feed pump Rubber gloves
Pulse oximeter Oxygen concentrator/tanks Tracheostomy dressings
Hydrogen peroxide Generator
Mechanical inexsufflator
6 Sahetya et al

Nonrespiratory equipment includes a wheelchair; volume-targeted ventilator via a cuffed endotra-

lift; commode chair; shower chair; transportation, cheal tube or tracheostomy tube. It is beyond the
such as adaptive van; hospital bed; gastrostomy scope of this article to provide detailed reviews
supplies; feeding pump; and patient communi- of specific ventilators, but there are many ventila-
cation tools. Tracheostomy supplies include tors available that are lightweight, quiet, and can
replacement tubes, inner cannulae, tracheostomy provide safe ventilator support in all commonly
dressings, hydrogen peroxide, syringes for cuff used modes. Patients may notice differences be-
deflation/inflation, and gloves.12 Ventilator- tween ventilators and may prefer one to another.42
related equipment could include a portable suc- It is the authors’ experience that the choice of
tion machine, tubing, and catheters. Many patients ventilator is frequently determined by the durable
require supplemental oxygen and therefore need medical equipment provider, because they often
both stationary and portable oxygen. Patients have contracts with certain manufacturers. How-
often need a stationary oxygen concentrator and ever, if a clinician or patient has a strong reason
oxygen tanks. Humidification is necessary and in for selecting a particular device, this may be
general a heated humidifier is preferable to a achievable with persistent communication to the
heat-humidity exchanger, although the latter is durable medical equipment provider and
useful for mobility and is adequate as the only hu- adequate letters of medical necessity. There are
midifier in some patients.13 little data to indicate that any particular mode of
There are many different ventilators well suited ventilation is superior to others for long-term
for home use. Ventilators used outside of the home ventilation. A variety of modes, including
hospital need to be smaller and lighter than tradi- noninvasive ventilation, has been compared and
tional ICU ventilators. In the past, the available set- has been shown to be successful for maintaining
tings on home ventilators were quite limited but improvements in PCO2.43 A consensus statement
now most ventilators offer a variety of volume- from 1998, although outdated, made reasonable
targeted and pressure-targeted modes. Many of recommendations to use standard tidal volumes
today’s home ventilators can be set up with either or pressures adequate to achieve those tidal vol-
a dual-limb circuit, with separate inspiratory and umes and advocated for using the assist-control
expiratory limbs, or with a single limb for inhalation (either volume- or pressure-targeted) mode. The
and exhalation. The former closed system allows backup rate should be set low enough for trig-
for tighter monitoring of ventilator parameters gering in patients with an ability to trigger and
and higher levels of ventilator support. Single- with an intact respiratory drive, but should be set
limbed, open systems, require less tubing; may high enough to maintain CO2 levels for those pa-
be easier to set up; and are better suited to dealing tients that cannot trigger the ventilator.12 It was
with intentional leaks, such as from cuffless tra- suggested that synchronized intermittent manda-
cheostomy tubes. Older home ventilators were tory ventilation should be avoided,44 because
generally limited to basic volume-targeted ventila- opening the demand valve on portable ventilators
tion and had limited options for mobility. Newer may increase the work of breathing. It is unclear if
home ventilators have internal batteries that allow this is still a concern on newer devices.
up to 9 hours of battery life and can also be con-
nected to external lithium ion batteries. The CMS
Monitoring Long-Term Ventilator Patients
and insurers have divided devices into ventilators
and respiratory assist devices (RAD). CMS con- The possibility of ventilator failure, other equip-
siders devices with separate exhalation valves ment malfunctions, and maintaining the cleanli-
capable of volume-targeted modes as ventilators, ness of ventilator tubing are common device
and bilevel positive pressure devices used for challenges experienced in the home care setting.
noninvasive ventilation as RADs.6 This distinction It has been estimated that a ventilator failure oc-
has been used for years to determine Medicare curs for every 1.25 years of continuous use.6 Re-
coverage decisions. Ventilators have been billed ports of home mechanical ventilator failure
as an ongoing monthly rental, whereas RADs indicate that defective equipment, mechanical fail-
were covered for a 13-month rent-to-own ure, and equipment improperly used by caregivers
schedule. At the time of this writing, CMS is in are the most commonly reported device problems
the process of changing the Healthcare Common in the home.45 Patients who cannot maintain spon-
Procedure Coding System for ventilators and the taneous ventilation for 4 or more hours and those
distinctions between ventilators and RADs have who live in an area where a replacement ventilator
become blurred because there are devices cannot be provided within 2 hours should be fur-
available now that can be used noninvasively as nished with a back-up ventilator in case of device
a bilevel positive pressure device or as a failure.33 Access to back-up ventilators is not
Long-Term Mechanical Ventilation 7

always provided by insurance agencies,6 so care- breathe on their own.51 Complications from uncuf-
ful planning of emergency procedures, use of fed tubes include bleeding, tracheitis, recurrent
alarms to alert caregivers of an emergent event, pneumonia, tracheal-esophageal fistula develop-
and access to 24-hour technology support for ment, and lung entrapment (eg, atelectasis or
trouble shooting is highly recommended.33,46 collapse with prolonged ventilatory support).13,30
Monitoring of home ventilation patients is most Cuffed tubes are appropriate in those who are a
frequently limited to pulse oximetry because high risk for aspiration, but limit speech and can
end-tidal CO2 monitoring is rarely used.47 Ventila- lead to tracheal necrosis from overinflated cuffs.
tors should be equipped with a patient disconnect It is recommended that cuff pressure not exceed
(low pressure) alarm and a high-pressure alarm. 25 cm H2O to prevent tissue damage.52 Once
Patients generally need to have at least two family lost, regaining speech ability is a difficult process
members that can be available around the clock to and patients may need support in accepting that
provide care.38 Additionally, most home ventilated their voice quality may be permanently changed.53
patients have nursing assistance, although the The availability of electronic devices with audio
hours of supported nursing care varies greatly software, computers, and alarms helps patients
depending on the patient’s age, complexity, and feel less isolated and allows for communication
insurance coverage. Family members are often ex- of needs to caregivers if uncuffed tubes are not
pected to do complicated care including suction- an option.
ing and tracheostomy tube changes.47 Studies of Respiratory events, although common and ex-
home nurses involved in care of ventilator patients pected,54 can typically be managed by nursing
have found that they do not always receive staff or trained caregivers through minimally inva-
adequate training for emergency situations48 and sive suctioning, coughing to clear secretions if pa-
often are in a challenging situation as a guest in tient is able, inner cannula replacement, and use of
the patient’s home.41 A possible solution to this mechanical insufflation-exsufflation to mimic a
paucity of skilled nurses is to further explore the cough response.13 A study by Reiter and col-
use of telemedicine in monitoring home ventilation leagues55 concluded a significant number of emer-
patients. A study by Vitacca and colleagues49 gency respiratory events are often handled at
monitored 13 patients on invasive home mechan- home without the need for acute medical interven-
ical ventilation through modem transmission of ox- tions. A replacement tracheostomy tube of the
ygen saturation along with scheduled and as appropriate size and one size smaller should be
needed telephone calls. Approximately 86% of available at all times33 in case of accidental decan-
the identified problems were able to be managed nulation, along with other emergency equipment
by home nursing, and the remote nurses were as outlined by the AARC (American Association
able to identify problems that required hospitaliza- of Respiratory Care) 2007 practice guidelines.
tion. This use of centralized monitoring with mobi- Moreover, caregivers should be trained to respond
lization of nurses as needed could help maximize to airway-related emergencies. A survey of home
the availability of resources. ventilated children in Italy reported that 39% of
family caregivers have successfully replaced tra-
cheostomy tubes.47 The newly ventilated patient
Airway Management
requires special consideration because they may
The sterile procedures for tracheostomy care often have an increased risk of a respiratory event within
performed in acute care settings are not required the first few months of starting ventilation.54 Stei-
in the home setting, although caregivers should glitz and colleagues reported that 50% of 17 newly
be trained on appropriate aseptic techniques to ventilated patients experienced a respiratory event
minimize unnecessary pathogen exposure.13,46 requiring the use of a manual resuscitation bag or
Tracheostomy sites pose a particular challenge a tracheostomy tube replacement within 2 months
to the success of invasive home mechanical venti- of being placed on mechanical ventilation.
lation. A study by Edwards and colleagues50 pre- Ongoing education and training of lay caregivers
sented mortality data of children receiving and nursing staff regarding response to respiratory
invasive home ventilation and found that 8.5% emergencies is highly recommended.13,33,48
died as a result of bleeding complications from Ventilator-associated infections are a common
their tracheostomy sites, 8.5% died as a result of problem in long-term ventilation patients and
airway obstructions, and 2% died as a result of home ventilator patients often do not adhere to
other tracheostomy accidents.6,50 Uncuffed tra- cleaning protocols as well as recommended. A
cheostomy tubes are the preferred method of study in Belgium found that 69% of home vent cir-
airway maintenance for those who retain a cough cuits were visually dirty, and this was more common
and gag reflex, are able to swallow, and can in invasive ventilation than noninvasive. Patients
8 Sahetya et al

with tracheostomy were also more likely to have Lastly, nonmaleficence is of importance to the
colonization of tubing with potentially pathogenic ventilator patient and also their caregivers
organisms.56 The 2007 AARC guidelines for home because studies have shown a great deal of stress
ventilation recommends that ventilator circuits and depression in caregivers of ventilator pa-
should be changed at a minimum of once per tients.61 It is important for clinicians to be aware
week, although other published guidelines recom- that terminal withdrawal of ventilator support can
mend changing only when tubing is visibly be done outside of the ICU, even in the home.62
soiled.57,58 Dishwashing is effective at cleaning One series of patients with ALS in the Netherlands
and disinfecting ventilator circuits.56 describes 12 patients who after a median time on
invasive ventilation of 22 months, chose to discon-
Secretion Clearance tinue ventilation. This decision was based on a
general “loss of meaning in life.” The patients
Although ensuring adequate ventilation is generally
were given deep sedation before discontinuing
the essential component of mechanical ventilation,
mechanical ventilation and all cases were believed
many of these patients have inadequate ability to
to be medically, legally, and ethically justified.63
cough and clear secretions on their own. Appro-
priate ventilation is only achieved if the airways are
kept free of mucus plugs.13 Suctioning is performed SUMMARY
routinely for most patients on long-term invasive
ventilation but is less effective compared with me- The use of PMV has increased over the years
chanical insufflation-exsufflation. A mechanical because of improved outcomes in critically ill and
insufflator-exsufflator (MI-E) is a device that applies chronically progressive conditions. Noninvasive
positive pressure (often 30–40 cm H2O) to the ventilation is the preferred approach for many
airway and then rapidly cycles to a negative pres- causes of respiratory failure, but many patients
sure ( 30 to 40 cm H2O), thereby simulating the are supported for years through invasive ventila-
action of a cough and generating high expiratory tion. The transition from an ICU to other settings
pressures. Sancho and colleagues59 assessed oxy- for PMV is complicated and requires a large
gen saturation, peak inspiratory pressure, and work amount of medical equipment and orchestration
of breathing before and after suctioning and after among physicians, nurses, discharge planners,
MI-E. MI-E resulted in improvements in oxygen home care agencies, insurers, case managers,
saturation and decreased peak pressures that and family members. When it can be arranged,
were not seen with suctioning. The Canadian home is the preferred setting for PMV because of
Thoracic Society recommends that MI-E be consid- reduced costs to the health care system, better
ered in addition to or as a replacement to deep health outcomes, and increased quality of life.
suctioning.13 Resource limitations including unstable living con-
ditions and family dynamics, and limited access to
Ethical Issues and Terminal Care skilled caregivers are recognized as significant
challenges to home mechanical ventilation. Care-
There are many ethical challenges that can arise
givers, including family members and nursing staff,
when pursuing long-term ventilation. These are
must be trained in tracheostomy care, airway
considered within the common ethical principles
clearance, and responses to emergency situa-
of autonomy, beneficence, justice, and nonmalefi-
tions, such as device failure, but studies show
cence.60 Ideally, discussions about a patient’s
that most patient needs are safely and success-
wishes regarding long-term ventilation are held in
fully addressed in the home setting. Disease pro-
advance when patients can voice their desires.
gression and quality of life should be carefully
Unfortunately, this is often not possible and clini-
considered throughout PMV use, and advanced
cians need to be aware of particularly influential
directives for care should be obtained to help
family members who may override a patient’s
guide decision making in regards to terminal
wishes. Health care providers are often at odds
on questions of beneficence in patients with end-
stage disease and whether long-term ventilation
is in their best interest. Issues of justice are com- REFERENCES
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