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Issue No. 1 | December 12th, 2021

The mission of Beauty Health & Wellness Warriors is to inspire

Radiance of Spirit, Mind & body within our communities.

Featured Fitness Warrior

Physical Fitness is one of my

greatest priorities
Physical fitness is one of my greatest priorities. I like
how my body feels and looks when I am in good
physical shape. I know that I can continue to
achieve these great results when I stick to my
workout regimen. I make it a point to reserve
some time each day to exercise. My body
responds well when I give it what it needs. On
days when I need to wake up extra early, I fit a
workout into the earlier part of the day. That
allows me to relax at the end of a long day. My
mind is sharper when I allow myself to
participate in fitness activities. I work more
efficiently when I exercise. Plus, I am more
pleasant and accommodating when I make time
in the day to stay in shape. When I commit to
physical fitness, I know I am contributing to my
health. I appreciate the benefits that exercise
offers to my overall well-being and am dedicated
to maintaining that state. I recognize that my
body needs to be in good shape for me to
perform at my best, whether as a leader at my
workplace or at home in my personal life.
Working out keeps me fit and active so I remain
effective. Today, I remind myself of how much
more successful I am when I keep my body in
shape. I am a happier person when exercise is a
regular part of my daily routine.

Self-Reflection Questions:
1. Do I alternate my workouts to prevent boredom?

2. Do I stress the importance of exercise to my

growing kids?

Lyndon 'Life' Peters
3. How do I know when my body is in need of some
physical renewal?


Smiling Enhances Communication

Smiling enhances our communication. A smile says a
thousand words. We receive a better reception from
others when we first greet them with a smile.
Admittedly, some conversations are difficult. It is
challenging to reprimand people, especially when they
are doing their best. But when it is my responsibility to
correct someone, I start the discussion with a smile.
When I release that beam, it signals that my
expressions are coming from a sincere place. Breaking
down that barrier allows communication to be more
effective. My interactions with strangers on the street
also begin with a smile and a warm greeting. There are
times when people need that smile. I take the time to
let them know that someone cares about them. When
I am called to do presentations, the crowd can be
intimidating. I remind myself to smile as I deliver my
initial greeting. A smile helps me to remain calm,
especially when I see others smiling back at me. It also
helps others to know that I am approachable and easy
to talk to. My question and answer sessions are
successful because I start with that openness. Today, I
acknowledge the remarkable benefit that comes from
having a pleasant demeanor. My ongoing
commitment is to smile with each person I encounter.
Taking that route to kinship helps to make the world a
better place.

Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How do I respond when my smile is met with anger or

2. Which situations make it more difficult for a mere

smile to break the barrier?

3. What other strategies can I use to let others feel

comfortable enough to talk to me?

I am calm and collected. I look on the bright side. I view
challenges as opportunities to learn and grow. I focus on
solutions. I notice the pleasant things that happen each
day and cultivate a sense of gratitude. I slow down. I take
refreshing breaks while I am working. I tackle one task at
a time. I make deliberate choices rather than rushing
around. I shorten my to-do list. I establish priorities that
align with my values. I manage my time and set realistic
expectations for myself. I get plenty of rest. Adequate sleep
makes me more resilient. I go to bed early and wake up
feeling alert and eager to start my day. I work out.
Physical activity strengthens my body and mind. A trip to
the gym or a game of tennis lifts my spirits and soothes
my senses. I reach out for support. I talk about my
feelings and experiences with family and friends. I
consider counseling if I need additional resources. I help
others. Sharing my blessings builds my confidence and
brightens my perspective. I feel more connected. My
troubles seem less overwhelming. I find comfort in my
faith. I cherish myself and others. I recognize my power
and purpose. I remember that hardships are temporary.
The world seems like a friendlier place when I take care of
my spiritual wellbeing. Today, I cope with daily pressures
constructively. I manage stress by making positive
changes in my attitude and environment.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How has the pandemic affected my stress levels?

2. How can I help my children to deal with stress?

3. What is one new relaxation technique I want to try?


Meditate While Cleaning

Some people love to clean while others fail to see the
attraction. No matter how you may feel about dusting
and vacuuming, a meditative approach can make tidying
up more fun and satisfying. Use these techniques to help
you create a calm atmosphere conducive to cleaning
quickly and effectively. A Sample Meditation on House
Cleaning Identify your motivation. Clarify your intentions.
You can think about the tasks ahead as creating a more
attractive and healthier environment for you and your
family. Reflect on the good memories you've experienced
in your home so you'll want to take care of it. Take full
breaths. Maintaining good posture and breathing deeply
from your abdomen will increase your energy level. You'll
be able to focus your mind and move more smoothly.
Coordinate your mantra and movements. Chanting
mantras or any phrases that are meaningful to you is an
effective form of meditation. Much like dancing,
coordinate your body, speech and mind so you'll feel in
the zone. Imagine clearing away obstacles. Picture
yourself scrubbing away any obstacles that slow you
down. Visualize positive outcomes. Anticipate how much
better your kitchen is going to look when you're done
mopping. Give yourself a pat on the back for making your
living space more inviting. Dedicate your efforts. Doing
things to benefit others can make any chore meaningful.
Think how good the bed sheets will smell when you take
them off the clothesline. Time yourself. Both housework
and meditation are less overwhelming if you break them
down into manageable intervals. If you're tired and Take your work outdoors. When the weather is nice, any job becomes
juggling a lot of responsibilities, take just 10 or 15 more agreeable when you take it outdoors into the fresh air. Give your
minutes at a time to spruce up. window blinds a bath in a washtub in the back yard. Polish your silver
out on your balcony. Appeal to your senses. Even if it's pouring rain,
Cleaning Techniques That Create a Calm Atmosphere you can have a good time by listening to your favorite music. Use a
Stay on top of things. Housekeeping is more enjoyable when you diffuser or scented candle to surround yourself with invigorating
prevent messes from accumulating in the first place. A room that fragrances like peppermint or lemon. Add some laughs. Housework
needs a few finishing touches will feel more tranquil than one and meditation can be fun. Lighten your mood by using 2 a cheerful
that's strewn with dirty laundry. Be prepared. Stay on track by beach pail instead of a plain old bucket. Pick up some cheap t-shirts
having all your supplies on hand. Fill a portable caddy with with funny slogans that will help you feel comfortable and relaxed.
cleaning solutions and microfiber dust cloths. Use the right
House cleaning will become more pleasant and gratifying when you
equipment for the job. People who like cleaning have usually
approach it with a calm mind. These meditation practices can refresh
discovered tips that streamline difficult jobs. Use dishwashing
your spirits and your home.
powder on tough grease stains and a toothbrush for getting into
tight corners. Select eco-friendly products. While you're being
good to yourself, think about the environment too. Avoid toxic
chemicals and disposable plastic bottles. You can even save
money by substituting gentler cleansers like vinegar instead of
commercial glass cleaning solutions.

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