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Vedanth Kunchala Data Integration Engineer

 Certified professional data engineer with overall IT experience more than 7 years in different domain
clients and technology spectrums.
 Experienced in working in highly scalable and large-scale applications building with different
technologies using Cloud, BigData, DevOps and Spring boot. Also, expert in working in different
working environments like Agile and Waterfall.
 Experience in working multi cloud, migration, and scalable application projects.

 Experience in working various hadoop distributions like Cloudera, Hortonworks and MapR.
 Expert in ingesting batch data for incremental loads from various RBMS tools using Apache Sqoop.
 Developed scalable applications for real-time ingestions into various databases using Apache Kafka.
 Developed Pig Latin scripts and MapReduce jobs for large data transformations and Loads.
 Experience in using optimized data formats like ORC, Parquet and Avro.
 Experience in building optimized ETL data pipelines using Apache Hive and Spark.
 Implemented various optimizing techniques in Hive scripts for data crunching and transformations.
 Experience in building ETL scripts in Impala for faster access for reporting layer.
 Built spark data pipelines with various optimization techniques using python and scala.
 Experience in loading transactional and delta loads into NoSQL databases like HBase.
 Developed various automation flows using Apache Oozie, Azkaban, and Airflow.
 Experience in working with NoSQL Databases like HBase, Cassandra and MongoDB.
 Experience in various integration tools like Talend, NiFi for ingesting batch and streaming data.

 Experience in working with various cloud distributions like AWS, Azure and GCP.
 Developed various ETL applications using Databricks Spark distributions and Notebooks.
 Implemented streaming applications to consume data from Event Hub and Pub/Sub.
 Developed various scalable bigdata applications in Azure HDInsight’s for ETL services .
 Developed scalable applications using AWS tools like Redshift, DynamoDB.
 Worked on building pipelines using snowflake for extensive data aggregations.
 Working knowledge on GCP tools like BigQuery, Pub/Sub, Cloud SQL, and Cloud functions.
 Experience in visualizing reporting data using tools like PowerBi, Google analytics.

 Experience in building continuous integration and deployments using Jenkins, Drone, Travis CI.
 Expert in building containerized apps using tools like Docker, Kubernetes and terraform.
 Developed reusable application libraries using docker containers .
 Experience in building metrics dashboards and alerts using Grafana and Kibana.
 Expert in java and scala built tools like Maven, Pom and SBT for application development.
 Experience in working with tools like GitHub, GitLab and SVN for code repository.
 Expert in writing various YAML scripts for automation purpose

Technical Skills:
 Big Data: Hadoop, Sqoop, Flume, Hive, Spark, Pig, Kafka, Talend, HBase, Impala
 ETL Tools: Informatica, Talend, Microsoft SSIS, Confidential DataStage

Artech Information Systems

 Database: Oracle, Mongo DB, SQL Server 2016, Teradata, Netezza, MS Access
 Reporting: Microsoft Power BI, Tableau, QlikView, SSRS, Business Objects(Crystal)
 Business Intelligence: MDM, Change Data Capture (CDC), Metadata, Data Cleansing, OLAP, OLTP,
SCD, SOA, REST, Web Services
 Tools: Ambari, SQL Developer, TOAD, Erwin, Visio, Tortoise SVN
 Operating Systems: Windows Server, UNIX (Red Hat, Linux, Solaris, AIX)
 Web Technologies: J2EE, JMS, Web Service
 Languages: UNIX shell scripting, SCALA, SQL, PL/SQL, T-SQL
 Scripting : HTML, JavaScript, CSS, XML, Shell Script, Perl, and Ajax
 Cloud: Azure , AWS, GCP
 Version control: Git, SVN, CVS, GitLab
 Tools: FileZilla, Putty, PL/SQL Developer, JUnit,
 IDE: Eclipse, Microsoft Visual Studio 2008,2012 , Flex Builder
Client: FedEx ServicesLocation Jan 2020 – Present
Memphis, TN
Sr.Data Engineer

 Developed code for importing and exporting data from RBMS into HDFS using Sqoop and vice versa.
 Implemented Partitions, Buckets based on State to further process using Bucket based Hive joins.
 Developed custom UDF’s in Java as and used whenever necessary to reduce code in Hive queries.
 Handled ETL Framework in Spark with python and scala for data transformations.
 Implemented various optimization techniques for Spark applications for improving performance.
 Involved in Spark streaming for real-time computations to process JSON files from Kafka.
 Developed API’s for quick real-time lookup on top of HBase tables for transactional data.
 Built optimized dynamic schema tables using AVRO and columnar tables using parquet.
 Built various oozie actions , workflows and coordinators for automation purpose.
 Developed various scripting functionality using shell , Bash and Python for various operations.
 Pushed application logs and data streams logs to Grafana server for monitoring and alerting purpose.
 Developed Jenkins and Drone pipelines for continuous integration and deployment purpose.
 Worked on building various pipelines and integration using NiFi for ingestion and exports.
 Built custom end points and libraries in NiFi for ingesting data from traditional legacy systems.
 Implemented integrations to various cloud environments like AWS, Azure and GCP for external vendor
integrations for files exchange systems.
 Implemented secure transfer routes for external clients using microservices to integrated external
storage locations like AWS S3 and Google Storage Buckets(GCS).
 Built SFTP integrations using various VMWare solutions for external vendors on boarding.
 Developed automated file transfer mechanism using python from MFT, SFTP to HDFS.

Environment: Apache Hadoop 2.0, Cloudera, HDFS, MapReduce, Hive, Impala, HBase, Sqoop, Kafka, Spark,
Linux, MySQL, NiFi, Oozie, SFTP

Client: USAA, Plano, TX Oct 2018 - Dec 2019

Sr.Data Engineer


Artech Information Systems

 Developed Hive ETL Logic for data cleansing and transformation of data coming through RBMS.
 Implemented complex data types in hive also used multiple data formats like ORC, Parquet.
 Worked in different parts of data lake implementations and maintenance for ETL processing.
 Developed Spark Streaming application using Scala and python for processing data from Kafka.
 Implemented various optimization techniques in spark streaming with python applications.
 Imported batch data using Sqoop to load data from MySQL to HDFS on regular intervals.
 Extracted data from various APIs, data cleansing and processing by using Java and Scala.
 Converted Hive queries into Spark SQL that integrate Spark environment for optimized runs.
 Developed a migration data pipelines from HDFS on prem cluster to Azure HD Insights.
 Developed Complex queries and ETL process in Jupyter notebooks using data bricks spark.
 Developed different modules in microservices to collect stats of application for visualization.
 Worked on docker and Kubernetes for deploying application and make it containerize.
 Implemented NiFi pipelines to export data from HDFS to cloud locations like AWS and Azure .
 Ingested data from Azure Event Hub for Realtime data ingestion into various applications.
 Experience designing solutions in Azure tools like Azure Data Factory, Azure Data Lake, Azure SQL &
Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Azure Functions.
 Implemented DataLake migration from on prem clusters to Azure for highly scalable solutions.
 Worked on implementing various airflow automations for building integrations between clusters.

Environment: Hive, Sqoop, Linux, Cloudera CDH 5, Scala, Kafka, HBase, Avro, Spark, Zookeeper and
MySQL, Azure , Databricks, Scala, Python, airflow .

Client: Discover, Chicago, IL Jan 2016 - Sep

Sr.Data Engineer

 Worked on building and developing ETL pipelines using Spark-based applications.
 Worked in migration of RDMS data into Data Lake applications.
 Build optimized hive and spark jobs for data cleansing and transformations.
 Developed spark scala applications in an optimized way to complete in time.
 Worked on various optimizations techniques in Hive for data transformations and loading.
 Expert in working with dynamic data schema evolutions like Avro formats.
 Built API on top of HBase data to expose for external teams for quick lookups.
 Experience in building impala script for quick retrieval of data to expose through tableau.
 Experience in developing various oozie actions for automation purpose.
 Developed a monitoring platform for our jobs in Kibana and Grafana.
 Developed real-time log aggregations on Kibana for analyzing data.
 Worked in developed Ni-Fi pipelines for extracting data from external sources.
 Developed Jenkins pipelines for data pipeline deployments.
 Worked on building different modules in spring boot scalable applications.
 Developed Docker container for automating run time environments for various applications.
 Expert in building ingestion pipelines for reading real time data from Kafka.
 Worked in Poc for setup Talend environments and custom libraries for different pipelines.
 Developed various python and shell scripting for various operations.
 Worked in Agile environment with various teams and projects in fast phase environments.

Artech Information Systems

Environment: Hadoop, Sqoop, Pig, HBase, Hive, Flume, Java 6, Eclipse, Apache Tomcat 7.0, Oracle, Java,
J2ee, Talend, NiFi, Scala, Python .

Client: Jarus Technologies Pvt Ltd June 2012 - July

Hyderabad, TG
Software Engineer


 Developed MapReduce jobs in java for data cleaning and preprocessing.

 Worked on Hadoop cluster & different big data analytic tools including Pig, HBase and Sqoop.
 Responsible for building scalable distributed data solutions using big data tools.
 Implemented nine nodes CDH3 Hadoop cluster on Red hat LINUX and worked on automations.
 Created Hive and HBase tables to store variable data formats of data coming from different portfolios.
 Load and transform large sets of structured and unstructured data using Hive and Pig.
 Automated various hadoop jobs using oozie and crontab for daily run’s.
 Setup QA environment and updating configurations for implementing scripts with Pig and Sqoop.
 Developed various java applications for migrating data from NFS mount to HDFS locations.
 Developed SSIS automations for automating various SQL operations on SQL server.
 Worked as L3 support engineer for various large-scale applications.
 Worked in setting up automated test setups for various data applications.
 Worked on Teradata and oracle data models developments and designs.
 Worked in waterfall model for application design, developments, and deployments.

Environment: Hadoop, Sqoop, Pig, HBase, Hive, Flume, Java 6, Eclipse, Apache Tomcat 7.0, Oracle, Java,
 Masters at Eastern Illinois University 2015
 Bachelor of Technology at JNTUH 2012

Artech Information Systems

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