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International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Research Volume 1, 2014 www.seipub.


A Compare Study on Advanced Education

between China and Malaysia
Lai Yifei; Li Keyang

Economics and Management School, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China


Received 4 April 2014; Accepted 16 April 2014; Published 21 May 2014

© 2014 Science and Engineering Publishing Company

Abstract problems of our higher education reform, in order to

From the viewpoint of comparative education, there are provide our higher education development with some
obvious differences in the course of facing to the kind of inspirations and references.
internationalization, pluralism and popularity development
in the higher education between China and Malaysia. The Com pa rison in I nt e rna t iona liza t ion of H ighe r
text compare and analyze the differences in the system, scale, Educ a t ion be t w e e n China a nd M a la ysia
structure and function between the two countries’ higher
education-as well as the problem emerge from the Since the foundation of China, the internationalizing
development reform course. It could offer inspire and process of our higher education has experienced all
reference for the reformation and development of Chinese kinds of situations. In early days after liberation,
higher education. education was situated in unidirectional imitation and
Keywords former USSR state. On the guideline ideology, it
emphasized on the political and economic function of
China; Malaysia; Higher Education; Compare Study
higher education, but neglected higher school's
particularity, its development rules, as well as its
I nt roduc t ion
universal principle. During the 10 years of the Culture
The Chinese government attaches high importance and Revolution, our higher education suffered extreme
pays much attention to the reform and development of destruction. Owning to self-closure and deviation from
higher education. With the relying on science and world trends, the gap with other countries had
education to rejuvenate the nation as the first and broadened.
foremost task recently, it has formed into strategic
After the year of 1978, our higher education entered a
guidance and policies. While education has become
new historical era. Since then it has walked up into a
significant forces to propel economic development and
healthy road of resuming, developing and reforming.
social advancement, higher school become valuable
properties and resources, and the relying on science With China's economy joining with that of the world
and education to rejuvenate the nation stratagem goes and its entering into WTO, the internationalizing
increasingly into everyone's heart. process of higher education stepped on the pace. From
the start of reforming and opening to now, 700,000
At the same time, reform of Malaysia's higher
people went abroad for academic activities,
education strides forward continuously as well. Since
distributing in 108 countries and areas and reading for
the independence of 1957, Malaysia's higher education
almost all the existing subjects. Presently, our
has carried everything before it. From 1990s, Malaysia
universities develop comprehensive
education policy has focused on developing higher
intercommunication and cooperation, such as
education struggling, and made heavy investment into
exchanging students, exchanging visits and
cooperating academic researches with other countries.
Through drawing comparisons in several aspects However, with our notions being far from changing
between two countries during the development of over and our understanding about or our attentions
higher education, this article probes into some paid to educational internationalization being not

1 International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Research Volume 1, 2014

nearly enough, we do not quite comprehend the the degrees .In recent years ,although private schools
“game rules” of international educational cooperation gained some visible progress ,they failed at present to
and competition, which is against trends of the times. play an important role of advancing the popularity of
It is extremely incommensurate with China as a great high education because of their weak groundwork ,late
educational country that recently our higher efforts & non –appropriate of the government .
educational internationalization is low and our efforts
Plural Ways of Originating Schools
are far from enough.
There were not only General University but Advanced
Comparing with that of our country, Malaysia's
Professional Colleges in Malaysia .By the means of
educational development course is much smoother. As
Integrating General education with professional
a capitalist country, they have always been
education; Malaysia established an innovative
persevering in their particular road to higher
education system to serve the economy effectively.
educational internationalization, taking western
What’ more, Malaysia actively set up a series of
developed countries’ pattern as blueprint. Considering
educational modes such as tele-education and online
the situations of their own country, Malaysia makes
education breaking the traditional simplex face-to-face
great efforts to strengthen internationalizing
mode in the classroom .As a result ,more and more
cooperation with foreign universities and higher youths could receive high education in Malaysia .
educational institutes and upgrade their own
educational level, with the hope to build Malaysia into China still existed, and a fair, equal & open system of
regional educational centre of Asia, and take up a high education development did not take shape .There
position in the international educational market. In was still a gap between China and other countries in
recent years, Malaysia is not only taking an active role spite of some present achievements on online
into international cooperation by way of setting up education & lifelong education in China.
flexible forms such as: running schools together with
Plural Educational Objects
universities abroad, admitting credits with each other,
allowing foreign universities to set up their branch The Chinese high education aimed at producing those
institutes and etc., but also trying to promote its higher graduates with the intermediate or advanced
educational system amalgamating with that of foreign comprehensive abilities such as firm foundation, broad
countries through setting up new academic course horizons, great competence and good quality.
models as "2+1"or "3+1",and therefore build up a Nevertheless, Malaysia draw lesson of financial crisis
favorable image of Malaysia education opening policy and set on training those academic applicable and
in Asia. killed talents in order to meet different demands of all
trades and professions, optimize the structure of
Com pa rison in Plura lism of H ighe r Educ a t ion workforce resource of Malaysia & promote the
be t w e e n China a nd M a la ysia recovery development of Malaysian economy.
Plural Founders of Schools Plural Teaching Strategies
Malaysia saw a great development on education with The education of Malaysia maintains that such many
one public school at the very beginning of her kinds of teaching methods as the didactics, seminar
independence expanded to nine and a few private and case analysis .Both the leading role of teachers and
schools exploded to more than 500.It was the the principal role of students were brought into full
development of both public & private schools that play .It put emphasis on educating must meet the
escalated rapidly the position of Malaysian High economic innovation, encouraging students to raise
Education in Asia. question or put forward different views on the same
Under the passive impact of Russian High Education question, and training students’ innovative
system China had abolished private schools and consciousness and creativity.
colleges for a long period of time .The private schools At present, Chinese University still lacks plural
and colleges suffered from a kind of obvious characteristic and vigor in personnel training .Though
discrimination .They , “the non–national citizens” our country pursues quality–oriented education at
couldn’t obtain the same status & reputation of the present, universities of the professorship are generally
public schools to enjoy the absolute right of awarding unable to offer stronger technical, suitability vocational

International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Research Volume 1, 2014

education ,still kept and satisfied with systematic which has no change in quality. Therefore, it still exist
theory teaching .Talents trained by these universities many problems compared to Malaysia. In summary,
do not meet the eager demand of the society ,even the primary reasons are as follows.
bring new talent’s imbalance between supply and
demand .The high-level, high quality innovative The Ideas of Educating the Talented Restrict the
talents that the university especially the key university Course of Popularity.
trains are insufficient in quantity and their lack of The clear characteristic of popularity is that it takes the
technological innovation ability are unfavorable to need of the market for the resources as the start and
improving Chinese scientific and technical innovation cultivates the talented with each category and each
level .The long-term deficiency of university’s high level. Furthermore, it gradually become the specialized
level innovative personnel training ability make China subject with relevant technique and be used as the
in weak status in the competition of overall national knowledge.
strength .
Malaysia gradually canceled some teaching content
Com pa rison in Popula rit y of H ighe r which not accommodate to the times development,
Educ a t ion be t w e e n China a nd M a la ysia strongly promote the information technical (IT)
education; stand out the position of English in IT. Add
The popularity of higher education reflects the many courses, such as information, industry
expansion of demand for the high-class talented manufacture, space engineering, craft engineering,
required by social economy and technology maritime engineering, microorganism engineering and
development. It emphasize on the cultivation of the physic engineering. Our country’s higher education
talented with each level and type, concern about the is placed in the administration-oriented planned
quantity of the talented. It is one of the targets that not model. The currently higher-education setting, layout
only pursued by the developed countries but also by and structure are formed in the planned economy
the developing countries. According to the higher- system. The layout of subject is not suiting to society
education development stage theory (AME sociology and economy development. Many subjects have
professor Martin-Troy), that is "essence-popularity- already obviously lagged behind ages, while some
universality". There pointed out the concrete index of subjects which are bad in need haven’t included in the
the right-age (18~21 years old) enrollment rate: the rate higher-education category. As a result, the talented
within 15% is the essence type; the rate between 15% cultivate under such model have bad
and 50% is the popularity type; the rate above 50% is market-adaptation. Leading to the phenomenon of
the universality type. Currently, most developed disjoint and error in the higher-education and market
countries have already entered the popularity stage. demand aspects. It doesn’t incarnate the role of market
As a developing country, Malays’ person from 19 to 24 choice and market orienting.
years old who accepted the higher education have
reached 13%.It’s obvious that Malaysia′s higher The Management System Restrict the Course of
education level has already approached to the Popularity
popularity. The popularity of higher education means: on one
Take the current circumstance of our country for hand the collage must become the body of market to
example, the national collage recruitment is 1080 participate in the competition, realize the effective
thousand in 1998 and reach 3200 thousand in 2002 collocate of teaching resources, exert the best efficiency;
on the other hand, promote the cognition of industrial
which is the triple of 1998’s.To the end of 2003, various
notion, let it as the knowledge industry of the whole
national higher-education students have reached 16
national economy with conduct, whole and fundament.
million, the gross enrollment rate has reached
Transform the Scholl-running system and change the
15%.According to the international-passing caliber, our
investment mechanism.
country’s higher education is walking up to the
popularity, on the turning period of the talented Malaysia's higher education primarily practices the
education. But the higher education's conception, “enterprise” which aims at the public university, that
content and form of teaching, standard of learning, is the free university from the administrative
management and strategy--as well as the scale and authorities of kinds of regulation inside, circulate as
function of collage are still settle in the talented stage, business companies. The government hopes to adopt

3 International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Research Volume 1, 2014

the management method, save the fiscal expenditure, utilization rate is low. The number, scale, structure,
advance the administration efficiency, and prevents facilities...etc. of the collage still can't satisfy social
the losing of the talented from the public university at public’s need for entrance. the higher education of
the same time. famous and undergraduate school is basically placed
in" selling party" market; on the other hand, because of
Our country's higher-education undertaking doesn’t
the reasons of the system, management method and so
become the body of market in the real sense. In the
on, many school especially the altitude specialty school
development policy of some places and most people’s
enroll students to be used as the Life Line, and
thought, high education is seen as the welfare and
primarily put the energy on enroll students, and
commonweal undertaking, neglected its industrial
blindly expand the enrollment scale, before you can
characteristic. It's extremely disadvantageous for the
say Jack Robinson, the number of the students is
higher education developing to the popularity which
exceed ten thousand. But the condition is very poor,
school-running and investment mechanism still suffer
and the teaching resources are absent. The education
the tie of the planned economy system in some certain.
develops quickly, only in regard to teachers’ troops
The Level of School-running Restrict the Popularity development, which is very slow. The rate of the high
teachers and the students in altitude specialty school
Malaysia reforms the single governmental school-
exceed to 1:20, some even exceed to 1:50, most teachers
running form, encourage private. In the seventh
‘teaching task over-emphasize, teacher become the
development plan of Malaysia, government break the
prelist machine. To open the lesson, they have to retain
restriction order to private school-running for the first
teachers, some senior high vocational school hire the
time, admit the private enterprise invest to running
teacher from the outside even hold 50% in all the
school. From then on, privatization has been widely
teachers. As to the teacher's qualifications, educational
advocated as a mechanism which could enhance
background and the level of structure, the title of a
efficiency, satisfy public choice, and alleviate
technical post, profession ability and so on, that is a
government budget. It concretely represent in three
long story.
aspects: firstly, increase the ratio that private section in
the higher-education budget, significantly lift the Therefore, after the popularity of the higher education,
tuition standard. According to the estimate, tuitions the antinomy focus on higher-education resources and
will geminating increased after privately owned; the people’s accepting, and pay attention to the
Secondly, enhance the contact between the higher education quantity very much. And this kind of
education and private section, such as further improve condition must change.
teacher-educate system, make it match to demand for
The Ability of the Social to Bear Restrict the Course of
the science and technology specialist. Thirdly, promote
the role and deal which higher-education organization
played, encourage the private section to exert the more The popularity process of higher education in practice
positive effect in providing higher education. is also the course of the society and household
consumption structure has new change. Under the
Hereafter privately owned policy, the number of
planned mode, higher education is considered as a
private higher-education organizations and the
planned and welfare education, individual basically
practice number within the suit age to enter high
doesn’t burden relevant education fees. However, in
schools have increased evidently in Malaysia. the
the popularity stage, although the nation offering a
student number to occupy the competences have
part education budget, high teachers of primarily prop
increase from 9.1% in 1985 surge to 34.7% in 1995.In
up are common people. Higher education which is a
1996 the private university quantity of the Malaysia is
kind of importance investment that can't omit will
354,increase to 415 in June in 1997,but until 1998 June,
bring into the citizen's consumption structure system.
there have already registered 577 private colleges in
From this angle, popularity of higher education in
the Ministry of Education. Establishment of the private
practice is also popularity of higher-education
schools breaks out the phrase of government-operated
investment, closely related with society economy
situation. Not only increase the quantity of enrollment,
development level and national income.
but also form a competition situation, so as to increase
the teaching quantity. Malaysia government declares that Malaya University
and some national university will gradually business
In our country, the higher education is limit and the

International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Research Volume 1, 2014

enterprise from 1996. The student in these universities development of high education. So the value of it can
won't enjoy high government subsidy again, and on be seen by other developing countries. Towards
the contrary have to pay a considerable school fees of current problems of the development of high
large number. This measure aggravates the economy education in China, we can enhance them through the
pressure on the student and its family, therefore some ways below:
financial situations make some students unable
Firstly, to obtain optimal profit of education economics
continuously enter higher school, compelled
and social benefit, we should pay more attention to the
abdication education. Afterwards, the Malaysia
adjusting effect of the market, and distribute properly
government gradually, slowly increases the charging
the education resources using economic lever.
of higher school, and the student loan measure
matches, alleviating the pressure on students and their Secondly, try our best to increase the way we get the
families. Make sure that the entire students who have education investment, and the importance of receiving
hope can acquire the opportunity of accepting the money from foreign countries should be seen, while
higher education but not to the excess for the school enlarging the amount of the money into education
fees are too high. from the government;

As our country is broad and the development of every Thirdly, advance the reformation of higher education
locality is unbalance, higher education also assumes system, regulate and optimize its market and thus
"dualistic structure" as economy development. Big city construct a higher education system that is diverse and
have already followed into popularity. But in open, and form a pattern in which public school is the
countryside especially the far mountain area of side, majority and several ownership patterns exist.
the rate of entering the higher school is very low. The Fourthly, to exert absolutely the major college's
main reason that results in this condition is that the potential energy, create high quality education and
gap between economy development and the income well-known brand. And exert absolutely the
level is broad. Farmers, lay-off workers and people well-known brand and college's superiority of science
who belong to the low-income community and lots of and intelligence. Establish schools in various forms
the poor are fragile to accept higher education; many with the local government, reducing the gap of
people are not able to take out the funds to afford their development of higher education and the level of
children. This is the main obstacle which prevents school's handling between the areas. Then making the
higher education become popularity. resource of higher education better and improving the
whole higher educational level of the nation.
T he T a g
At last, to shorten the distance with the universities of
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developed countries and get more resources,
see that the reformation and development of our
universities at home should communicate with those
country's higher education will cost a long time. It's a
of foreign countries and setup more and more
changing and dynamic process which is related to the
programs collaborated by both sides while improving
level of social economic development and people's
living conditions, and a process which demands
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