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Script for Title Defense<3

Leader: Good morning to our lovely panelists; Ms. Tina Cacayan, Sir Jokio, Sir Jurus, Sir Ombao,
Sir Lumanaw and of course to our teacher in Practical Research, Ms. Gano. I am Kathleen Ashley
B. Echin the leader of Group 2. And I’d like to introduce to you my other groupmates or the
backbone of group 2.

*everyone will introduce themselves in alphabetical order*

(Atamosa, Isip, Magdaong, Sanchez, Nashrine; Sanchez, Shaine; Sican, Tutor and lastly Vero)

Leader: For today, we will be presenting 3 topics that captures our interest as students. To
begin with, our first selection will be discussed by Ms. Vero. Take it away, the floor is yours.

Ms. Vero: Thank you, Ms. Echin! Our first proposed topic is about “Self-esteem as a Factor in
the Academic Performance of STEM Students”. The following objectives are… (read the 3
objectives about this topic). Self-esteem has always been a big role in a person’s ability to take
risks. Students to be specific, holds a big stone in their hearts in order to build that self-esteem
up, whether be it in class or in socialization. This topic revolves around a behavior or personality
that has a major impact on the overall performance of a student. The main focus on this topic is
to gather information about the STEM students’ idealism regarding on how their self-esteem
can positively or negatively affect them as a factor in their academic attainments. The targeted
respondents of this research are STEM students from sections A, B, and C. Now onto the next
reporter, Mr. Sican. The stage is yours.

Mr. Sican: Thank you, Ms. Vero! Our second selection is about “Students’ Perception on the
Correlation of High Academic Achievement and Successful Future”. The following objectives
are… (read the 3 objectives about this topic). In this topic, students are analyzed and
questioned about the idea of having great achievements in life that originated in their success
as a student. Additionally, we aim to have a conclusion on whether students share the same
perception or concept about having high grades in school that can lead to their own individual
ideas about their desired success. Now onto the next reporter, Ms. Shaine Sanchez. The stage is

Ms. Sanchez: Thank you, Mr. Sican! Our third proposed topic is about “The Effects of Social
Media in Building Body Positivity Awareness”. The following objectives are… (read the 3
objectives about this topic). Body positivity is not just about challenging how society views
people based upon their physical size and shape. It also recognizes that judgments are often
made based on race, gender, sexuality, and disability. However, body positivity is more than
just questioning how society perceives people based on their physical appearances. In some
cases, it is also associated with judgments that are frequently made based on race, gender,
sexual orientation, and disability. Voted most likely to include this topic because as teenage
students, we are very much aware about how social media could benefit most people and could
be a danger to everyone else. Our main focus is on the effects of social media on certain topics
like body positivity awareness, which is very timely and relevant. We will be analyzing the perks
and disadvantages of social media in spreading awareness to its people. And that covers our
presentation for our 3 title proposals.

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