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Ralph Lauren R. Cagadas X – St.


The Earth is Round

There are many people who still believe the earth is flat. Everyday, flat earthers are still
in a mission to prove that the earth is flat and not round. Their evidence that the earth is flat is
so dumb that it will make you cringe. A number of ancient cultures believed that the Earth was
flat because, simply, they didn’t know any better. But today, there remain people who still
believe that the Earth is flat, despite centuries of evidence proving the contrary.

The earth being round is easily proven by just looking at the sky in the night, looking at
the moon. The moon is round when you look up in the sky and they say “it is just the earth we
are proving that is flat not the moon.” And then what can they say about the moon? Looking at
the horizon in the beach also looks round when you stare at the horizon afar away. If the earth
is flat, where is the edge of the earth? If you were able to walk straight for days and years you
would be going back the same place as you were you started. A flat earther person would say,
“You all believe the earth is round because science said so!” Yes I believe on science because
the evidence being the earth is round is already written in the book. People who believe that the
Earth is flat aren’t coming to that conclusion from the same types of observations. They instead,
believe that we are being misled and lied to, that scientists want you to believe that the Earth is
round, despite its flatness.

I conclude that the earth is round and not flat because of the orbit of the space. In
physics, an orbit is the gravitationally curved trajectory of an object, such as the trajectory of a
planet around a star or a natural satellite around a planet. Normally, orbit refers to a regularly
repeating trajectory, although it may also refer to a non-repeating trajectory. Because of this, the
earth’s movement is in circular motion and it is spinning.

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