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01. ODIN
The King Of Asgard, The Father of Thor in the
marvel comics and movie adaptation.
In Norse Mythology, Odin is the King of the Aesir
God, he is also god of wisdom, poetry, death, and
divination. Odin was associated with various (and
often antithetical) aspects, ranging from wisdom,
healing, royalty to death, sorcery, and even

02. THOR
The Asgardian God of Thunder, the former King of
Asgard and New Asgard and a founding member of
avengers in marvel comics and marvel adaptations
In Norse Mythology, Thor is the God of Thunder and
was hailed as the loyal and stalwart defender of
the Aesir stronghold of Asgard, thus suggesting his
symbolic role as the protector of the ordered

03. WOnder woman

She is known as Wonder Woman and a daughter of

Zeus in DC comics and DC movie adaptations.
In Greek Mythology, Diana is equivalent to the
Goddess Artemis. Artemis is the goddess of hunting,
animals and childbirth. Artemis embodied the
sportsman’s ideal, so besides killing game she also
protected it, especially the young; this was the
Homeric significance of the title Mistress of
The first born of Odin and its personal executioner
, the Asgardian Goddess of Death in the Marvel
Comics and Movie adaptations.
In Norse Mythology, Hela or Hel is the Ruler of the
Underworld, it fell upon her to judge and decide
the fate of the souls who entered her realm.

The main antagonist in Percy Jackson and the
Olympian. Kronos is the King of Titans.
In Greek Mythology, Cronos or Kronos is the Titan
God of harvest, agriculture, vegetation, fertility,
the ages and the destructive forces of time. He is
responsible of killing his kids and overthrown his
father along with his brother upon hearing their

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