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VII ICSE Marks:30

Date: 12/03/2022 Time: 1hr 15min

Q.1) Fill in the blanks: 4

a) Heat is a form of _______.
b) The SI unit of temperature is ________.
c) The process of expulsion of the urine to the outside is called _________.
d) _______ is the structural and functional unit of Kidney.

Q.2) Match the following: 3

Column A Column B
Land Breeze Good reflector of heat
Convection current Bad conductor of heat
Non- metals Night time
Sea breeze Air
Shiny surface Day time

Q.3) State whether True or False: 3

a) Internally each kidney is composed of an outer darker region called Medulla.
b) In a gas, the particles are loosely packed.
c) Temperature has four units of measurement.

Q.4) Give reason for the following: 4

a) We feel warm inside the igloos.
b) A glass stopper, when it gets stuck to the neck of a bottle, is heated first in order to
open it.

Q.5) Answer the following in short: 6

a) Why is excretion necessary in living beings?
b) Distinguish between Conduction and Radiation.
c) Draw a neat labelled diagram of the human excretory system.

Q.6) Answer the following: 6

a) i) Define Osmoregulation.
ii) State the excretory role of Lungs and Liver.
b) Write three applications of Conductors and Insulators.

Q.7) Answer in detail: 4

Explain the structure of a Kidney with the help of a labelled diagram.

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