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Name: ______________

Date: ___-02-2021
Belief of a Muslim

2.1: nature of belief in allah

Three types of Tauhid:

singling out Allah with singling out Allah with describing Allah with
creation, providing worship so that none whatever He described
sustenance, giving life, besides Him is Himself without
causing death resemblance to the

Importance of Tauhid:
The most fundamental and the most important teaching of all Prophets

It has been declared the purpose of our Creation

It differentiates between Islam and Kufr (disbelief)
It is the basic teaching of the Quran as well. Hence, Surah Ikhlas has
been declared 1/3 of the Quran as it elaborates the concept of Tauhid
Anyone who commits Shirk is no longer considered a Muslim and
because it is an unforgivable sin, that person will go to Hell
It ensures us the entrance of Paradise and forgiveness of sins
It helps Muslims make sense out of life and think about their Creator

Impact of Tauhid:
that ends ignorance about our Creator and the purpose of our
Knowledge creation
after knowing about Allah, the believer listens and obeys
Submission commands seeking His pleasure
as this belief cures all sorts of doubts about Allah and His
Certainty Attributes
he does what Allah commands without hypocrisy or to win any
Truthful favour; he stands by his faith even when alone
to Allah in all acts of devotion; you remove all superstition and
Sincerity reliance upon all others to attain Ikhlas
this faith instills into our hearts strong love of Allah that enables
Love us to even give up our life for His pleasure
of the belief in Allah and His Messengers and that there are
Acceptance Divine Laws that must be observed
it instills in the believer the hope of the best and so he remains
Optimism optimistic under all circumstances
Patience & the belief of Tauhid imparts to his heart extra ordinary
consolation because he knows that Allah is the Master of all the
Trust treasures
a believer never becomes proud of power, wealth and worth
Humbleness because he knows that everything is provided by Allah and He
can take it away
it creates an attitude of peace and contentment, preventing the
Peace believer from jealousy and greed and keeping away of unfair
means of success
he knows that his life, property and everything belongs to Allah;
Bravery no one can give or take life....a time has been ordained for
this belief produces a very strong degree of determination;
Determination nothing can make him give up his resolution
he knows that Allah bestows honour, power and wealth as He
of earning
he knows that there is no other mean of success except purity of
Virtuous soul and righteousness of behavior
as the believer knows that Allah alone can benefit or harm a
Self-Esteem person, so he never bows his head to anyone other than Allah
Universal his intellectual horizons widen and he gets a better understanding
Outlook of the universe and the submission of the Universe to their Lord

Living the names of Allah:
Allah is the Unique Name of God; The One who is perfect in every way, in His

Allah remember Allah by doing Zikar of Alhmdulillah, SubhanaAllah, La ilaha illa Allah
as much as you can and while you are saying it remember: He is the ONE and
Allah, Ar-Rahman bestows His mercy upon all the creatures in the universe. This
Ar- name has been mentioned 57 times in the Quran.
In order to be shown mercy, be merciful to others! The poor, the needy and
those around. Be dutiful to your parents. Reflect upon all your blessings and
Rehman when you face any problem or commit a sin and want to repent, call Allah by
this name to have Mercy on you!
Ar- -
Ar- -
effect of this Mercy on His creation!
To receive the special Mercy of Ar-Raheem: obey Allah and His Messenger; have
Raheem Taqwa, have ihsaan (doing the best you can) and show mercy to the creation of
Al-Malik is the One who possesses the attribute of Mulk: Kingdom, dominion,
power and authority. Allah is Al-Malikul Haqq. He is the one who possesses the
Al- disposal of all affairs. He commands and does whatever He Wants. It repeats 5
times in the Quran.
We should
ourselves by great names, like Malik. In our daily life we should remain within
our bounds set by Allah, Al-Malik.
Al-Aleem, The Omniscient is the One whose knowledge is neither acquired
through learning, nor preceded by ignorance, nor followed by forgetfulness. He
Al- is aware of all things, even before they happen!
owledge and this should
humble you and increase your admiration for Him. Realize the extent of His
Aleem Knowledge and be more cautious about your actions. Find comfort in the fact
He knows all that you have struggle with. Desire to learn, especially Islamic
Al-Qadeer is the One who has perfect, complete Power and Ability. By the
power of Al-Qadeer, the creation is brought into being, life and death is given
Al- and by His power the resurrection and recompense will be established.
Know that Al-Qadeer can make everything and anything happen by His Power,
Qadeer so ask Him. Cure your heart from hatred and envy by believing that all the
affairs are by the decree of Al-Qadeer. Have patience and strive to be pleased
with His Qadr (decree).

Shirk literally means associating partners. In terminology of Islam, it refers to
assigning partners to Allah or ascribing divine attribute to others beside Allah. It
is the opposite of Tauhid.

Three Types of Shirk:

Shirk in Ruboobiyyah: associating partners with Allah in His Lordship
Shirk in Uloohiyyah: associating partners with Allah in His Worship
Shirk in Al-Asmaa was-Sifat: false interpretation of Attributes or negating them

Everyday Examples of Shirk:

Astrology and The Number Lucky or Unlucky

Fortune Telling
Horoscopes 13 Creatures

Attempting to tell the It has been a common

Astrology is the fortune by any means custom for certain
practice of people such as reading Stemming from the animals to be associated
using the stars and palms, looking into a belief that the with good or bad luck
planets to establish crystal ball etc. These number 13 is an for many centuries. For
physical and are all forms of Shirk. unlucky number, example, black cats have
emotional traits for Our Prophet especially in US been considered unlucky
people born under addressed his where it is not because of their
certain Zodiac Sign. companions and uncommon for tall supposed association
We believe that only warned them not to buildings not to with witches. Likewise,
Allah knows what get into any such stuff. have a 13th floor.
will happen in the It has been made clear This is also a form horseshoes are thought
future and it is that performing of Shirk by to bring good luck. All of
therefore impossible fortune-telling assigning the ability these examples are shirk
to gain an inkling of yourself or visiting a to bring bad fortune because the ability to
future events by fortune-teller are to a mere object! bring good or bad luck is
studying the stars. Haram and must be
avoided! creation.

Importance of knowing Shirk:
The only way a person will save himself from the Fire of Hell is by avoiding
Shirk; if he is not even aware of the essence of Shirk, then how can he avoid it?
The primary incentive to avoid Shirk is to be aware of its dangers
Shirk is of many different types. Only through a critical study of these categories,
a person can ensure he is free of all types of Shirk!
Acts of worship will not be accepted by Allah unless Tauhid is perfected

Analytical Proof that God is One:

Allah says in Surah Al-Anbiya:

" "
Had there been any others to worship other than Allah, then the Heavens and the
Earth would have been corr

If both agreed?? no need for the second

If both disagreed?? alot of disturbance would take place

Practice Questions:
(a) Identify two ways to show Allah is just. (2)

(a) . ( ___ / 2)


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