Rail Road Crossing GAD Approval System (RORACS) : User Manual

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Rail Road Crossing GAD Approval

System (RORACS)
User Manual


September 8, 2014
Table of Contents
1. Overview of RORACS Application.................................................................................................... 2
2. How to Access RORACS Application ................................................................................................ 3
3. User Management........................................................................................................................... 4
3.1. Create New User ................................................................................................................. 4
3.2. Update User profile............................................................................................................. 6
3.3. Upload GAD & Structural Drawings .................................................................................... 7
3.4. Update profile ..................................................................................................................... 9
3.5. Logout ................................................................................................................................. 9
4. RORACS Application Documents...................................................................................................10
5. ROACS Application Stage 1............................................................................................................12
6. ROACS Application Stage 2............................................................................................................17
7. ROACS Application Stage 3............................................................................................................20
8. ROACS Application Stage 4............................................................................................................27
9. ROACS Application Stage 5............................................................................................................30
10. ROACS Application Stage 6............................................................................................................32
11. ROACS Application Stage 7............................................................................................................34
12. ROACS Application Stage 8............................................................................................................36
13. Reports:-........................................................................................................................................38
13.1. View Proposal Request .................................................................................................38
13.2. View Joint Feasibility Report.........................................................................................40
13.3. Complete Status Report................................................................................................42
13.4. View Proposal Status.....................................................................................................44
13.5. View Approved GADs ....................................................................................................46
13.6. Status of Proposal .........................................................................................................48
13.7. Proposal Status Summary .............................................................................................50

1. Overview of RORACS Application
During the presentation of Ministry of Railways on 21 st June, hon’ble Prime minister was very critical
regarding inordinate delay in granting of approval to NHAI/ State Govt. by Railways for ROBs and
other track crossing.

In compliance to the instructions of hon’ble Prime Minister, it was decided that RDSO would make
available the standard GADs for different span along with checklist and CRIS would develop a “Web
enabled application” duly linked with other Railway applications for getting necessary approval from
Railways related to ROBs/RUBs.

Proposed online system should also include the standard GAD available with RDSO for ROBs/RUBs
along with standard checklist to be followed by various stake holders while submitting the
application online. The proposed application has been developed using nine stages identified by
Railways along with time lines and associated management reports. The detailed contents of each
stage provided by Railways are as under:-

S.No. Item / Activity Time Period

(Working Days)
1.  Proposal/Request from Authorised Officer of NHAI/MORTH with D to D+5
location details, etc. to SrDEN/DEN, DRM & CBE.
 Authorised Officer of NHAI/MORTH fixes date of joint site inspection in
consultation with SrDEN/DEN. SrDEN/DEN does so in consultation with
other related Branch officers of division and with approval of DRM.
2. Sr.DEN/DEN to do “Joint Site Inspection”, as per the Check list & Guidelines 10
circulated, with NHAI/MORTH and if required associating other officers of
division (Sr.DEE/TRD, Sr.DSTE, SrDOM, etc.).
3. Sr.DEN/DEN and NHAI/MORTH jointly prepare and sign “Joint Feasibility 5
Report & Conceptual Plan” and suggest spans in Railway portion also.
Sr.DEN/DEN to forward the same to CBE in hard & soft copy.
4. CBE finalizes “Conceptual Profile Sketch/Plan”, span arrangement & GAD 10
(standard/special) to apply for railway portion and sends to NHAI/MORTH.
5. NHAI/MORTH will submit (hard and soft copy) to CBE – 10
a) Overall GAD using the span arrangement for railway portion as
provided by CBE
b) Compliance of check list
c) Deviation if any from check list and justification thereof
6. HQ. (CBE) scrutinizes the GAD for in principle agreement, compliance of 5
check list and completion of various documents.
a) If satisfied that all documents are submitted he will send it to
division (DRM, SrDEN/DEN) for scrutiny and signature at divisional
level, and
b) If submission is not complete and satisfactory he will return it to
7. DRM will get the GAD scrutinised and signed at divisional level and then on 7
his behalf Sr.DEN/DEN will send the same to CBE for approval at Hq. level.
8. CBE will approve the GAD after scrutiny and signatures of all concerned at 8
Hq. Level.
9. Total time period 60

2. How to Access RORACS Application
User enters this https://ircep.gov.in/RCApproval/ in to the address bar of the browser and following
login screen appears.

Rules of login:-
a. User should have a predefined valid log in ID and password.
b. Non listed user cannot get access to the system.
c. Preferable browser should be Internet Explorer version 8.0 and above.

Steps to Login
a. User enters User Id and Password.
b. User click on Login button and following screen appears

3. User Management
3.1. Create New User
After logging to the system User navigates through the menu and selects “Create New User”

And following screen appears

Following is the input table for the above screen

S. No Fields Description Mandatory
1. Sponsoring Enter sponsoring organisation’s name
2. Postal address Enter sponsoring organisation’s postal address
3. City/town Enter the city/town name
4. State Select the state name from drop down list
5. District Select the district name from drop down list
6. Pin code Enter pin code
Name of person who will deal with the work
7. First name Enter person’s first name
8. Middle name Enter person’s Middle name
9. Last name Enter person’s Last name
10. Designation Enter person’s designation
11. Phone office Enter person’s official phone number
12. Phone Fax Enter person’s FAX phone number
13. Mobile no Enter person’s Mobile number
14. E – mail Enter person’s valid email ID
15. Login ID Enter person’s login ID

16. Password Enter person’s password
17. On clicking on this button data entered in the above
fields are saved.
18. On clicking on this button, user can clear all the entered
data from the input fields.

After successfully saving the data following screen appears

3.2. Update User profile
Once a user is created, its details can be changed if required. To do so user traverse through the
home menu and selects “Update User Profile”

And following screen appears

Here user selects one of the listed users from the “User” drop down box and clicks on the “GO”
button and following screen appears

Here user makes the relevant changes and click on “Save” button and following screen appears

3.3. Upload GAD & Structural Drawings
Here is a facility for uploading GAD & Structural Drawings. To do so user navigates through the
Home menu and selects “Upload GADs & Structural Drawings”

and following screen appears

Following is the input table for the above screen

S. No Fields Description Mandatory
1. Span Length User enters the span length in meter.
2. Span Angle User select skew angle range from the drop down list.
3. Type of Span User select Type of Span from the drop down list.

Here user selects Span Length, Skew Angle Range and Type of Span from the respective drop
down list and click on the “Search GAD/Structural Drawing” button and following careen appears

Following is the input table for the above screen

S. No Fields Description Mandatory
1. GAD (.pdf file) Here user can upload GAD document in PDF format.
2. Structural Drawing Here user can upload Structural Drawing in PDF
(.pdf file) format.
Here user can also upload multiple GAD or Structure by clicking on “Add GAD” and “Add
Structure” buttons and can view the already uploaded GADs and Structural Drawings in “View
GADs” and “View Structural Drawings” sections respectively.

3.4. Update profile
In this section the security admin can make changes in his/her profile details. User navigates
through the menu “Update Profile”

And following screen appears

As discussed in the “Update Profile” section, in a similar manner, user make relevant changes
and click on the save button.

3.5. Logout
User may click on this menu item to logout of the application.

4. RORACS Application Documents
This section lists following reference document:
 Working Steps in RORACS on-line Application
 Steps of GAD Approval
 Detailed Presentation on this Application
 Standard Spans for Railway portion
 Guidelines for Planning of Road Over Bridges RDSO Report No. BS -112
 Data for Planning of Road Over Bridges CBS/DRO Letters
 Status of Proposals

Working Steps in RORACS on-line Application: - user selects this option from the Quick Link section
or by navigating through the menu “Help-> Working Steps in RORACS on-line Application” and a
PDF appears for download

Steps of GAD Approval: - user selects this option from the Quick Link section or by navigating
through the menu “Help-> Steps of GAD Approval” and a PDF appears for download

Detailed Presentation on this Application: - user selects this option from the Quick Link section or
by navigating through the menu “Help-> Presentation on Application” and a PPT appears for

Standard Span for Railway Portion:- user selects this option from the quick link section or by
navigating through the menu “Documents-> Standard Span for Railway Portion” and following
screen appears

Here user selects Range of Span, Skew Angle Range and Type of Span from the respective drop down
list and click on the “Search GAD/Structural Drawing” button and following careen appears

Here user clicks on the respective PDF and refer the structural drawing.

10 | P a g e
Guidelines for Planning of Road Over Bridges RDSO Report No. BS -112:- user selects this option
from the Quick Link section or by navigating through the menu “Documents-> Guidelines for
Planning of Road Over Bridges RDSO Report No. BS -112” and a PDF appears for download.

Data for Planning of Road Over Bridges CBS/DRO Letters:- user selects this option from the Quick
Link section or by navigating through the menu “Documents-> Data for Planning of Road Over
Bridges CBS/DRO Letters” and a PDF appears for download.

Standard Design & Drawing: - user selects this option from the Quick Link section or by navigating
through the menu “Documents-> Standard Design & Drawing” and following careen appears

Here user selects Range of Span, Skew Angle Range and Type of Span from the respective drop down
list and click on the “Search Standard Design & Drawing” button and related options appears as in
GAD/Structural Drawing document.

Status of Proposal: - user selects this option from the Quick Link section or by navigating through
the menu “Reports->Status of Proposal”. It is explained in detail on page no 44.

11 | P a g e
The approval process of GAD of ROB/RUB/LHS involves following steps:-

5. ROACS Application Stage 1

After user creation, Login ID and password is sent to the authorised person of the Sponsoring
Organisation. Sponsoring Organisation logs in to the system using received ID password and
following screen appears.

At this step 1 user navigates through the menu and selects “Work-> New proposal" option

and following screen appears

12 | P a g e
Here user enters the details of the proposal. Following is the list of input fields for above screen
S. No Fields Description Mandatory
1. Name of work Enter name of the work for which proposal is Yes
Sponsoring Organisation Details
2. PIU/Unit Enter PIU or Unit Name No
3. Organisation/ Predefined fields (populates on the basis of the
Department data entered while creating user ID)
4. Contact person name
5. Designation
6. Fax no
7. Phone No
8. Mobile no
9. Email
10. Postal Address
Proposed road over bridge/road under bridge / limited Height Subway location Details
11. Proposal For User selects all the relevant options applicable Yes
among the following:-
 Road Over Bridge
 Road Under Bridge
 Limited Height Subway
12. State Select one of the option available from the drop Yes
down list
13. District Select one of the option available from the drop Yes
down list
14. Road Select one of the radio button among Yes
 Existing
 New
15. Category of road Select one of the road type options from the drop Yes
down list.
16. Name of road Enter name of road if any
17. Location/Chainage on Enter the Km and M value here
the Road
18. Village/towns on Enter name of village/town falling on either side
either side of the road mentioned.
19. Nearest City/Town Enter name of nearest city/town from the
proposed location of ROB/RUB/LHS
20. Railway Select one of the Railway zone from the drop Yes
down list
21. Railway Division Select one of the division from the drop down list Yes
22. Between Railway Select both the Railway station between which Yes
station the ROB/RUB/LHS construction will fall.
23. Major Railway section Select one of the major railway section from the
drop down
24. Location (on Railway Enter the exact position of the proposed Yes
Line) ROB/RUB/LHS by entering data in Km, m and TP
25. No of Lane(s) Enter no of lane that will be constructed in the Yes

13 | P a g e
proposed ROB/RUB/LHS
26. Width of road Enter the width Yes
27. Skew angle (wrt. Enter the skew angle value Yes
Normal to track)
28. Proposed Road Over Select one of the option among yes/no from the
Bridge/Road Under drop down list
Bridge/Limited Height
Subway in lieu of any
existing LC
29. LC No. Here user clicks on “Search LC” button and
selects one of the available LC from the pop up
30. Class of LC Data in these fields appear automatically on
31. Location of LC selection of LC No.
32. Average no of trains
per day
33. TVU
34. TVU year
35. Upload:- Click on the chose File button to browse and
Choose files chose a file. Here user can select only two files of
PDF and JPG format.
36. Save On entering all information user can either save it
37. Confirm & Forward to by clicking on the Save button.
CBE/<Zone>, OR
DRM/<Division> & Sr. Click on the Confirm & Forward to CBE (for
DEN/DEN viewing) and to Sr. DEN/ den for further

If user saves the entered data following screen appears

User can open the saved proposal in 2 ways

 By selecting it from alert section of the home page as seen below

 Or by navigation through the menu and selecting the option Work-> View/Edit Proposal and this
screen appears

14 | P a g e
Here user clicks on “Edit Proposal” button and is redirected to the page with pre-populated data
entered by user earlier.

After successful submission of this proposal, following alert message appears indicating that
proposal is been submitted.

After submission user is redirected to view edit proposal screen from which submitted proposal is

At this stage sponsoring organisation’s home screen appears as follows

The home screen is divided in to 2 sections

1. Alert:- this section provide alerts for showing proposal at various stages
2. Quick Links:-this section lists some quick links for reference and status of proposal.

15 | P a g e
After a proposal is been submitted by the SO, they need to propose a “Joint site inspection date”. To
do this user navigates through the menu and selects “Work->Date for Joint Site Inspection” option

and following screen appears

User can reach the above screen from alert section as well by clicking on the alert as indicated below

User clicks on the “Joint site inspection date” button and following screen appears

16 | P a g e
Here SO propose the date of joint site inspection on which site inspection will be scheduled and
clicks on the “Save Joint Site Inspection Date” to save the entered date.

At this point an alert appears in the DEN’s alert section of home page as seen below

6. ROACS Application Stage 2

Once a date is been fixed for Joint Site Inspection by SO, it appears in alert section of the DEN as
seen below.

At this stage a “joint site inspection “is conducted along with sponsoring organisation and other
divisional officer its report is submitted in this step

User click on the alert from the Alerts section as indicated above or navigates through the menu
Proposal->Joint Site Inspection->Date of Joint Inspection, etc.

and following screen appears

Here user click on the “Enter Joint Site Inspection Date etc.” button and following screen appears

17 | P a g e
Here user enters the joint Site Inspection details.

Following is the table if input fields to be entered by the user.

S. No Fields Description Mandatory
Joint Site Inspection
1. Joint Site Inspection This field prepopulates based on the date
Date Proposed as Proposed by SO for site inspection.
2. Joint Site Inspection Enter the joint Site inspection Date. Yes
Date Confirm/Revised
(To be fixed with
approval of DRM)
3. Actual Date of Joint Site Select date from the pop up calendar on which Yes
Inspection Done site inspection was actually conducted.
4. Sponsoring Organisation: Enter name and designation of the person Yes
Name Designation nominated by sponsoring organisation for doing
joint site Inspection.
5. Engineering: Enter name and designation of the person Yes
Name nominated for inspection from engineering
Designation department
6. TRD:- Enter name and designation of the person Mandatory
Name nominated for inspection from Electrical for
Designation department electrified

18 | P a g e
7. Electrical -G:- Enter name and designation of the person
Name nominated for inspection from TRD
8. S&T:- Enter name and designation of the person
Name nominated for inspection from S&T Department
9. Finance:- Enter name and designation of the person
Name nominated for inspection from Finance
Designation Department
10. Others Enter name and designation of the person
nominated for inspection from any other
11. Save On clicking on this button user is able to save to
the data entered in the input fields.
12. Confirm On clicking on this button site inspection report is
submitted for generating “joint feasibility
After submission of these data, user needs to create a joint Feasibility report

At this stage the alert section in home page of the SO indicated the status as follows

19 | P a g e
7. ROACS Application Stage 3
In this step user provide details of joint site inspection conducted. An alert appears in the alert
section after submission of inspection report as shown below.

User click on the alert from the Alerts section as indicated above or navigates through the menu
Proposal->Joint Site Inspection->Joint Feasibility Report->Prepare & Sign. Of Rly.

and following screen appears

Here user clicks on the “Joint Feasibility Report” button and following screen appears

20 | P a g e
Following are the fields that are to be populated with data
S. No Fields Description Mandatory
Track Details
1. No of existing Tracks Enter no of existing tracks in the location of Yes
proposed ROB/RUB/LHS.
2. No. of Proposed /Future Enter No. of Proposed/Future Tracks in the location
Tracks of proposed ROB/RUB/LHS.
Clearance Required With Respect to Rail Level
3. Height Above Rail Level Enter height above rail level
4. Lateral Clearance (Left) Enter distance on left side from the centre of the
From Centre of Nearest track
5. Lateral Clearance (Right) Enter distance on right side from the centre of
From Centre of Nearest the track
Feasibility of Construction
6.  Road Over Bridge User selects one of the options among feasible /
(ROB) Feasible /Not not feasible for the three.
 Road Under Bridge
(RUB) Feasible /Not
 Limited Height Subway
(LHS) Feasible /Not
Proposed Road Over Bridge/Road Under Bridge/Limited Height Subway Location Details
7. State Data in these fields are prepopulated.
Name of road
Location change on road
Village/ towns on either
Nearest City/ Town
Zonal Railway
Railway Division
Between Railway station
Major Railway section
8. Location (on Railway line)Here user enters location details. Though data in
these fields appear prepopulated, but it can be
9. No of lanes Enter no of lanes proposed
10. Skew Angle (wrt. normal Enter the skew angle value
to track)
11. Existing LC Data(if These fields are prepopulated with values
 LC No
 Location of LC
 Class of LC

21 | P a g e
 Average no of trains
per day
 Year of TVU
12. Any Level Crossing to be Select one of the options among yes/no from the
closed in lieu of Road Over drop down list.
Bridge/Road Under
Bridge/Limited Height
Level Crossings to be closed:
13. Add row User click on this button to add a new row to
enter LC gate details.
14. Search Lc User clicks on this button and a pop up window
appears listing all the related LC gates. User
selects the desired LC gate from the list and
following fields get populated:-
 LC no.
 Class of LC
 Location of LC in Km & M
 Average no. of train per day
 Year of TVU
15. Delete User selects the checkbox against the row to be
Traffic Diversion
16.  Whether required or not Select one of the option among yes/no from the
 Through temporary drop down list
 Whether FOB is required
to close LC
 Through Temporary LC
 Whether additional RUB
is required to close LC
Utility Shifting
17.  OHE Select one of the options among yes/no from the
 Cables (S&T, DOT, OFC) drop down list.
 Cables (Electricals) If user select “Yes” as an option, “Department”
 Pipe Lines (Water, field appears editable and user can enter
Severe) concerned department’s name here
 Structures/Equipment
18. Any Other Enter any other details regarding utility shifting if
not covered above.
Railway & Other Land Details
19. Width of Railway land on Enter width
Left Hand Side from centre
of nearest track
20. Width of Railway land on Enter width
Right Hand Side from
centre of nearest track
21. Centre to Centre distances Enter the distance between the centre to centre

22 | P a g e
among tracks of the mentioned tracks.
22. Availability of land outside Enter the minimum and maximum availability of
Railway on Left Hand Side land outside Railway on LHS
23. Availability of land outside Enter the minimum and maximum availability of
Railway on Right Hand land outside Railway on RHS
24. Details of Encroachment if Enter encroachment details if any
Span Arrangement for ROB in Railway Portion
25. List of attached
document appears here
26. No of Spans in Railway User enters the number of spans that will fall in Yes
Portion Railway portion. As many number of span will be
entered, that many number of “Span”## will
27. Span arrangement in Here user selects from the available number for Yes
Railway Land drop down the appropriate span arrangement.
28. Length of viaduct/span on Enter length of the span that will fall outside the
Left Hand side outside Railway land on Left Hand side
29. Span## Here user selects one of the available option
from the drop down list.
If user selects NS
A new field appears as follows

User enters the required Span value in the

provided text box.
30. Length of viaduct/span on Enter length of the span that will fall outside the
Right Hand side outside Railway land on Right Hand side
31. Approach Gradient Left Enter approach gradient for Left hand side
Hand Side
32. Approach Gradient Right Enter approach gradient for Right hand side
Hand Side
33. No. of GADs applicable for Enter No of GADs applicable for this proposal Yes
this proposal
Clearance for Limited Height Subway (LHS)
34. Vertical Clearance Enter the vertical clearance unit here
35. Clear Width Enter the clearance width
36. Drainage Available or Not Select one of the options among yes/no from the
drop down list.
37. Issue if any to be resolve Enter details of issue that need to be resolved for
the execution for the proposed ROB/RUB/LHS.
38. Joint feasibility report Select one of the option among yes/no from the
prepared and signed by drop down list

After entering all relevant data user can perform following three actions
 Save:- by clicking on this “Save” button user can save the entered data and revalidate and
take other action later.

23 | P a g e
 Confirm:- on clicking this button user confirm that Joint Feasibility Report prepared and
signed by Railway.
 View Contact Details/time Line:-on clicking on this button a pop up window appears listing
contact details and timeline details of the concerned proposal as shown below

After confirm an alert appears in the alert section as shown below.

User click on the alert from the Alerts section as indicated above or navigates through the menu
Proposal->Joint Site Inspection->Joint Feasibility Report->Signing by SO & Uploading by Rly.

And following screen appears

24 | P a g e
Here user clicks on the “Joint Feasibility Report” button and following screen appears

View/Upload Conceptual Plan/Sketch

Joint feasibility report Select one of the option among yes/no from the
signed by sponsoring drop down list
Upload Conceptual Here user can upload document related to plan/
Plan/Sketch Sketch in PDF or JPG format.
(.pdf file)
Upload Site Photos Here user can upload document related to plan/
(.pdf, .jpg file) Sketch in PDF or JPG format.
Upload Google image of Here user can upload Google images related to
Site plan/ Sketch in PDF or JPG format.
(.pdf, .jpg file)

After entering all relevant data user can perform following three actions
 Save:- by clicking on this “Save” button user can save the entered data and revalidate and
take other action later.
 Confirm & Forward to CBE/Rly:- on clicking on this button user forwards the Feasibility
Report to the concerned CBE.

25 | P a g e
 View Contact Details/time Line:-on clicking on this button a pop up window appears listing
contact details and timeline details of the concerned proposal as shown above

26 | P a g e
8. ROACS Application Stage 4
At this step CBE perform a scrutiny of the “Joint Feasibility Report” received from Sr. DEN/DEN. Once
feasibility Report is been submitted to the CBE it appears in the alert section of the concerned CBE’s
home page.

CBE click on the below highlighted link

And following screen appears

User click on the “Span Arrangement, Abstract Estimate, etc.” button and following screen appears

The screen is divided into four major sections

1. Site Details
2. Span Arrangement for ROB in Railway Portion By CBE
3. Abstract Estimate / P&E Charges or Planning & Estimation (P&E) Charges and Way-leave
4. Upload/View Conceptual Plan/Sketch

27 | P a g e
The “Site Details” section lists the ROB/RUB/LHS proposal’s feasibility report submitted by Sr.
In the “Span Arrangement for ROB in Railway Portion By CBE” section the CBE enter the relevant
Following is the table listing input fields that are to be entered by the CBE
S. No Fields Description Mandatory
1. Issues to be resolve The issue to be resolved is pre-entered by the DEN Yes
during feasibility study
2. Decision by CBE on above Here CBE enter his decision regarding the issue
Issue mentioned by the DEN
3.  Span arrangement in Though value for these fields are prepopulated
Railway Land (entered by DEN), CBE can change it as per
 Length of viaduct/span requirement.
on Left Hand side
outside Railway
 Length of viaduct/span
on Right Hand side
outside Railway
 No. of GADs applicable
for this proposal
Abstract estimate and P&E Charges
4. Foundation Cost User enter foundation cost
5. Sub Structures Cost (Pillars User enter Sub Structure cost
6. Super Structures Cost User enter super Structure cost
(Pillars etc.)
Abstract Cost (A) (here the total of the above 3 fields appear)
7. Freight/Incidental Charges Here user enters the % of the sub total cost for
[of Sub Total (A)] freight/incidental charges. On entering the % value,
the actual amount appears in the non-editable field.
Sub Total (B) (here the total of the A + Freight/Incidental Charges appears)
8. Departmental Charges [of Here user enters the % of the sub total cost for
Sub Total (B)] Departmental charges. On entering the % value, the
actual amount appears in the non-editable field.
9. Supervision Charges [of Here user enters the % of the sub total cost for
Sub Total (B)] Supervision charges. On entering the % value, the
actual amount appears in the non-editable field.
Sub Total (C) (here the total of the Sub Total (B) + Departmental Charges + Supervision Charges
10. Capital Maintenance Cost Here user enters the % of the sub total cost for
[of Sub Total (C) Capital Maintenance. On entering the % value, the
actual amount appears in the non-editable field.
Sub Total (D) (here the total of the Sub Total (C) + Capital Maintenance Cost appears)
11. P&E Charges [of Sub Total Here user enters the % of the sub total cost[C] for
(C)]. P&E Charges. On entering the % value, the actual
deposit in advance finally amount appears in the non-editable field.
against departmental
Upload/View/Conceptual Plan/Sketch
12. Conceptual Plan/Sketch Here user need to select one of the option among
uploaded by Division  Approve the Same

28 | P a g e
 Upload Another
If user selects approve the same, plan/sketch sent
by DEN will be approved
If user selects Upload another, two different files
can be selected and uploaded using the browse

After entering all relevant data user can perform following three actions
 Save:- by clicking on this “Save” button user can save the entered data and revalidate and
take other action later.
 Forward to <Sponsoring organisation>:- on clicking on this button user forwards the
proposal estimate and feasibility report to Sponsoring Organisation.
 Send back to DRM & SR. DEN/DEN:-on clicking on this button the Joint Feasibility Report is
been sent back to the DEN for re-submission of the “Feasibility report”. At this stage the
proposal reappears in the DEN’s login.
 View Contact Details/time Line:-on clicking on this button a pop up window appears listing
contact details and timeline details of the concerned proposal.

29 | P a g e
9. ROACS Application Stage 5
After successful submission of the “Span Arrangement, P&E charges etc.” for the proposal, it is
forwarded to the Sponsoring Organisation for uploading the GAD, MoU and P&E charge details.
The forwarded proposal appears in the sponsoring organisation’s alert section of home page as
shown below.

Sponsoring Organisation clicks on the received proposal and following screen appears. In this screen
sponsoring organisation selects one of the proposal from the list

And following screen appears

30 | P a g e
The screen is divided into three major sections
1. Site Details
2. P&E Charges, Deposit Instrument Details
3. Upload GAD, MoU, Compliance Check List, etc.

The “Site Details” section lists the ROB/RUB/LHS proposal’s feasibility report details
In the “P&E Charges, Deposit Instrument Details” section the sponsoring organisation enter
following details.
S. No Fields Description Mandatory
1. P&E Charges to be adjusted User elect one of the option among yes/no
against standing deposit with from the drop down
2. Deposited With Enter organisation name
3. Date Select date from the pop up window
4. Instrument Details User enter the payment instrument details like
cheque No, DD No. etc.
5. Date User select date on which DD No. etc. is issued
by selection from pop up calendar
6. Amount Enter amount mentioned in the Instrument
7. Upload Copy of Instrument User browse and upload copy having
Details instrument details
Upload GAD, MoU, Compliance Check List, etc.
8. Date of depositing hard copy of Select date from the pop up window
GAD, MoU, Compliance of
Checklist etc. in CBE's office
9. Uploaded Overall GAD for User browse and select relevant files to attach
Approval with the proposal
10. Uploaded Signed MoU
11. Uploaded Compliance of
12. Uploaded LC Closure Certificate

After entering all relevant data user can perform following three actions
 Save:- by clicking on this “Save” button user can save the entered data and revalidate and
take other action later.
 Forward to CBE:- on clicking on this button user forwards the proposal details along with
instrument details to the CBE.
 View Contact Details/time Line:-on clicking on this button a pop up window appears listing
contact details and timeline details of the concerned proposal.

31 | P a g e
10.ROACS Application Stage 6
After successful submission of the “GAD, MoU and P&E charges etc.” proposal appears in the CBE’s
alert section of home page as shown below.

On clicking on the “GAD Awaiting scrutiny and necessary action” link following screen appears

CBE clicks on the Scrutinise GAD/Mou etc. button and following screen appears

The screen is divided into 2 major sections

1. Site Details
2. Scrutiny of GAD & Other Documents.

The “Site Details” section lists the ROB/RUB/LHS proposal’s feasibility report details. This section is
prepopulated with data.
In the “Scrutiny of GAD & Other Documents” section user enter following details

32 | P a g e
S. No Fields Description Mandatory
1. Whether satisfied with the CBE selects one of the options among yes/no
GAD and other documents from the drop down. If CBE selects yes, option,
submitted proposal can be forwarded to DEN.
If user selects No then the proposal is send back
to the sponsoring organisation
2. Remarks CBE enters his/her remarks as desired.

After entering all relevant data user can perform following three actions
 Save:-on clicking on this “Save” button user can save the entered data and revalidated and
take other action later.
 Send back to <Sponsoring Organisation>:-If the GAD. MOU and instrument details are not
at par, CBE return back the proposal to the sponsoring organisation. This button is visible
only if user selects “No” option in the “Whether satisfied with the GAD and other
documents submitted” section.
 Forward to DEN:- on clicking on this button user forwards the proposal details along with
instrument details and remarks to the DEN. This button is visible only if user selects “Yes”
option in the “Whether satisfied with the GAD and other documents submitted” section.
 View Contact Details/time Line:-on clicking on this button a pop up window appears listing
contact details and timeline details of the concerned proposal.

33 | P a g e
11.ROACS Application Stage 7
Once CBE forwards the ROB/RUB/LHS proposal with his remarks, it appears in the alert section of
the DEN’s home screen as shown below.

Sr. DEN/DEN clicks on the “GAD Awaiting Signature and Forwarding to CBE” and following screen

Sr. DEN/DEN click on the “Forward to CBE” button and following screen appears

The screen is divided into 2 major sections

1. Site Details
2. Signing of GAD, etc. by Divisional Officers.

The “Site Details” section lists the ROB/RUB/LHS proposal’s feasibility report details and other
related information. This section is prepopulated with previously filled data.

In the “Signing of GAD, etc. by Divisional Officers” section Sr. DEN/DEN enter following details

34 | P a g e
S. No Fields Description Mandatory
1. Date of Examination of GAD Enter the date of examination of GAD by Drawing
by Drawing Office of CBE office of DEN
2. Date of Signing by Enter the date of signing by Electrical/TRD
3. Date of Signing by S&T Enter the date of signing by S&T
4. Signed & Forwarded to CBE Enter the letter no that is signed and forwarded to
wide letter No. the CBE
5. Date Select date from pop up calendar on which letter
was drafted
6. Remarks Sr. DEN/DEN enters remarks as desired.

After entering all relevant data Sr. DEN/DEN can perform following three actions
 Save: - on clicking on this “Save” button user can save the entered data and revalidated and
take other action later.
 Forward to Chief Bridge Engineer: - on clicking this button Sr. DEN/DEN forwards the signed
GAD MoU along with remarks to the CBE.
 View Contact Details/time Line:-on clicking on this button a pop up window appears listing
contact details and timeline details of the concerned proposal.

35 | P a g e
12.ROACS Application Stage 8
Once DEN forwards the forwards the signed GAD MoU of ROB/RUB/LHS proposal with his remarks, it
appears in the alert section of the CBE’s home screen as shown below.

In this step user approves the proposal

CBE clicks on the “GAD Awaiting Approval” and following screen appears

User click on the “Approve & Sign” button and following screen appears

The screen is divided into 2 major sections

1. Site Details
2. Approval of GAD By Chief Bridge Engineer

The “Site Details” section lists the ROB/RUB/LHS proposal’s feasibility report details. This section is
prepopulated with data.

In the “Approval of GAD By Chief Bridge Engineer.” section user enter following details

S. No Fields Description Mandatory

36 | P a g e
1. Date of Examination of GAD by Enter the date of examination of GAD by
Drawing Office of CBE Drawing office of CBE
2. Date of Approval Select date from pop up calendar
3. Upload Signed GAD
4. remarks CBE enters his/her remarks as desired.

After entering all relevant data CBE can perform following three actions
 Save: - on clicking on this “Save” button CBE can save the entered data and revalidated and
take other action later.
 Approve & Send: - on clicking this button CBE can forwards the signed GAD MoU proposal
details along with remarks
 Send back to <>Division:- on clicking this button CBE can return back the proposal to Sr.
DEN/DEN along with remarks for being incomplete.
 View Contact Details/time Line:-on clicking on this button a pop up window appears listing
contact details and timeline details of the concerned proposal.

37 | P a g e
13. Reports:-
This section lists various reports indicating project’s progress, status etc. Following are the type of
reports available
1. View proposal request
2. View joint Feasibility Report
3. Complete Status Report
4. View proposal status
5. View Approved GADs
6. Status of proposals
7. Proposal Report Summary
8. Standing Transaction report
9. Debit statement

13.1. View Proposal Request

User navigates through the menu and selects Report->View Proposal request

And following screen appears

Here user can generate report either “Railway and Division wise” or ‘State and CGM wise”.
S. No Fields Description Mandatory
If “Railway and division wise” report
1. Railway User selects one of the Railway from the drop
2. Division Select one of the Division from the drop down
If “State and CGM wise” report
1. State User selects one of the State from the drop

38 | P a g e
2. CGM Select one of the CGM from the drop down list.
3. Proposal Date Between Select Date from Calendar Popup.
4. Proposal Status Select one of the Status from the drop down

and after clicking on Generate Report button following screen appears

On clicking the View button a new window appears showing project status report

Other than this, user can download the joint feasibility report and proforma by clicking the
respective icon .

39 | P a g e
13.2. View Joint Feasibility Report
User navigates through the menu and selects Report->View Joint Feasibility Report

And following screen appears

Here user can generate report either “Railway and Division wise” or ‘State and CGM wise”.
S. No Fields Description Mandatory
If “Railway and division wise” report
1. Railway User selects one of the Railway from the drop
2. Division Select one of the Division from the drop down
If “State and CGM wise” report
1. State User selects one of the State from the drop
2. CGM Select one of the CGM from the drop down list.
3. Proposal Date Between Select Date from Calendar Popup.
4. Proposal Status Select one of the Status from the drop down

and after clicking on Generate Report button following screen appears

40 | P a g e
On clicking the View button a new window appears showing project status report

Other than this, user can download the joint feasibility report and proforma by clicking the
respective icon .

41 | P a g e
13.3. Complete Status Report
User navigates through the menu and selects Report->View Proposal Status

And following screen appears

Here user can generate report either “Railway and Division wise” or ‘State and CGM wise”.
S. No Fields Description Mandatory
If “Railway and division wise” report
1. Railway User selects one of the Railway from the drop
2. Division Select one of the Division from the drop down
If “State and CGM wise” report
1. State User selects one of the State from the drop
2. CGM Select one of the CGM from the drop down list.

and after clicking on Generate Report button following screen appears

On clicking the View button a new window appears showing project status report

42 | P a g e
43 | P a g e
13.4. View Proposal Status
User navigates through the menu and selects Report->View Proposal Status

And following screen appears

Here user can generate report either “Railway and Division wise” or ‘State and CGM wise”.
S. No Fields Description Mandatory
If “Railway and division wise” report
1. Railway User selects one of the Railway from the drop
2. Division Select one of the Division from the drop down
If “State and CGM wise” report
1. State User selects one of the State from the drop
2. CGM Select one of the CGM from the drop down list.
3. Proposal Date Between Select Date from Calendar Popup.
4. Proposal Status Select one of the Status from the drop down

and after clicking on Generate Report button following screen appears

44 | P a g e
On clicking the View button a new window appears showing project status report

45 | P a g e
13.5. View Approved GADs
User navigates through the menu and selects Report->View Approved GADs

and following screen appears

This report lists all the proposals with approved GADS.

If user clicks on the proposal ID following window appears showing the life cycle of the proposal
from proposal request to approval.

46 | P a g e
On clicking the” View” button a new window appears listing all the details related to the proposal.

Here user can download a PDF document of the approved GAD by clicking on the icon.

47 | P a g e
13.6. Status of Proposal
User navigates through the menu and selects Report ->Status of Proposal

And following screen appears

Here user can generate report either “Railway and Division wise” or ‘State and CGM wise”.
S. No Fields Description Mandatory
If “Railway and division wise” report
1. Railway User selects one of the Railway from the drop
2. Division Select one of the Division from the drop down
If “State and CGM wise” report
1. State User selects one of the State from the drop
2. CGM Select one of the CGM from the drop down list.

and after clicking on Generate Report button following screen appears

48 | P a g e
This report indicates the current status of each proposal i.e. what all steps are completed and where
is it pending and with whom.

The symbol indicates completed step whereas indicates that the proposal is pending at the
respective step.

User can view the proposal details as well. To do so user click on the Proposal ID and a pop up
window appears listing all the related details with the respective proposal.

49 | P a g e
13.7. Proposal Status Summary
User navigates through the menu and selects Reports->Proposal Status Summary

And following screen appears

Here user can generate report either “Railway and Division wise” or ‘State and CGM wise”
S. No Fields Description Mandatory
If “Railway and division wise” report
1. Railway User selects one of the Railway from the drop
2. Division Select one of the Division from the drop down
If “State and CGM wise” report
1. State User selects one of the State from the drop
2. CGM Select one of the CGM from the drop down list.
3. Report type Select one of the report types from the drop
down list.

and after clicking on Generate Report button following screen appears

50 | P a g e
On clicking any of the number a pop up window appears listing status of each proposal

51 | P a g e

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