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Mnemonic Prof-Ed

Child and Adolescent Dev.

SPA - Sigmund PsychoAnalytic (Id, Ego, SuperEgo)

SPS - Sigmund PsychoSexual (OAPhaLaG - Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency
and Genital
EPS - Erickson PsychoSocial
JP C Dev - Jean Piaget Cognitive Development
SPCF for
- Sensorimotor
- Preoperational
- Concrete operations
- Formal Operations

JB C Dev - Jerome Bruner Cognitive Dev

Enactive - sensory stimuli (actions)
Iconic - concrete representations (images)
Symbolic - abstract representations (language, word and symbols)

JoWaBeDe - John Watson Behaviorist Development

LakoMoDe - Lawrence Kohlberg Moral Development
LeVy LCD - Lev Vygotsky Lingustic Cognitive Development
ZPD - Zone of proximal Development
Stages of Human Development (PIBEMLAADO)
Prenatal - (GEF) Genital, Embryonic, Fetal
Early childhood
Middle childhood
Late childhood
Adulthood Old Age
Mnemonic Prof-Ed

“Principles and Theory of learning motivation”

PCSO - Pavlov Classical Skinner Operant

ETC THREE - Edward Thorndike Connectionism
THREE - Thorndike, Readiness, Exercise, Effect
ABS - Albert Bandura Social learning theory -
ABM - Albert bandura Modeling
BoBo Doll experiment
ARMM - Attention, Retention, Motor reproduction, Motivational

DAMR - David Ausubel Meaningful Reception

DAGO - David Ausubel graphic organizer
JB D LeT - Jerome Bruner Discovery Lerning Theory
KIL - Kohler's Insight Learning
RoGaCuLe - Robert Gagne Cumulative Learning
GMI - Gardner's Multiple Intelligence (MILLSBIN)
Musical - musical pattern
Intrapersonal - Oneself
Linguistic - Language
Logical - mathematical pattern
Spatial - space
Bodily - Body parts
Interpersonal - with other people
Natural - environment/nature

Ur BEST - Urie Bronfenbrener's Ecological System Theory

Envi context ( MiMe Exsy MaCh)

Mi - Microsystem
Me - Mesosystem
Exsy - Exosystem
Ma - Macrosystem
Ch - Chronosystem

LeSCo - Levy Social Constructivism

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