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An introduction to the issue/topic/theme/event (A satisfactory response should be no more than
100 words).
(a) Why did you choose this issue/topic/theme/event?
(b) What are the expected benefits to you as a student of English?
(c) How do you intend to collect relevant information on your issue/topic/theme/event and use
this in your presentation?

Sample Plan of Investigation

Example 1:
I chose the topic “Does Scamming Help the Economy When Scammers Target Overseas
Residents” from the group theme Scamming because I want to know how it affects the Jamaican
economy along with how it would indirectly affect me.
As a student of English, this will help to develop: my research skills; my ability to analyze and
critically interpret information accurately; develop critical thinking skills along with basic error
recognition skills.
Also, I will increase my knowledge about the topic. I intend to collect various information on my
topic from the internet, newspaper articles, and documentaries and from recorded interviews.

Example 2:
Child abuse exists in many forms all over the world. I chose this topic as although it is prevalent,
awareness still needs to be raised on neglect and exploitation. Through this research, I hope to
expand my knowledge of this topic and also boost my research skills and language skills through
identifying writer’s technique in presenting the issue and identifying main ideas. To do this, I
will conduct secondary research to examine ways that abuse affects teens and ascertain the
resources that are available to assist them, after which, I will present my data through learnt oral
and written communication.
Collection of Related Material

You will gather a minimum of three pieces of material related to the topic or theme. These
materials may be in audio visual, audio-visual, or print media. One of the three pieces MUST be
in print. These pieces will be used as the basis of the process of investigation.
When selecting your pieces you are expected to select those that examine your theme in some
way. Each piece does not have to treat the issue in the same way or show the same aspect of the
issue. Here are some types of media you may select:
! songs ! talk show clips
! poems ! newspaper or magazine articles
! videos ! excerpts from plays or novels
! movie clips ! paintings
In deciding which pieces to choose, you will have to discuss the pieces that you have collected in
relation to the topic or issue that you are investigating. What do the pieces have to say about the
issue? What perspectives are presented? Do the pieces agree or diverge in their presentation of
the issue?

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