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Seminar on Geography of the USA

Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps in the following text with proper names:
The United States of America is a country in the Western Hemisphere that
shares land borders with Canada, and Mexico. and a sea border with Russia.
Extending from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean, the United States is a
federal republic, with its capital in Washington.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions about the United States:

1. Where is the USA situated?
The United States of America is a country in the Western Hemisphere. It
occupies a third of the continent of North AmericaIn the north the USA shares land
borders with Canada, in the south-west – with Mexico. In the south the country is
washed by the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, in the west – by the Pacific
Ocean and in the east – by the Atlantic Ocean.

2. What is its area and population?

In its area the USA is fourth in the world after Russia, Canada and China. Its
territory is about 9.6 million square kilometers. In population it is the third
largest country in the world after China and India. The population is over
330 million people. 

3. What is the flag of the US called? Describe it and the symbolic meaning of
its parts.
The flag of the USA (also known as Old Glory, Stars and Stripes or Star-
Spangled Banner) consists of 13 horizontal stripes, 7 red alternating with 6
white. The stripes represent the original 13 colonies, the stars represent the
50 states of the Union. The Flag of the United States of America is a symbol
of freedom and liberty.

4. What fulfills the functions of the coat of arms in the US? Describe it.
A coat of arms is the official mark and emblem of a sovereign nation’s
authority. The image from the obverse (front) of the Great Seal is often used
informally as national arms of the USA. It is only attached to certain
documents, such as foreign treaties and presidential proclamations. Both
sides of the Great Seal can be seen on the back of a U.S. one-dollar bill.

In the center of the seal is a bald eagle with its wings outstretched. A bald
eagle holds a bundle of 13 arrows in its left talon, (referring to the 13
original states), and an olive branch, in its right talon, together symbolizing
that the United States of America has “a strong desire for peace, but will
always be ready for war”. The eagle has its head turned towards the olive
branch, said to symbolize a preference for peace. In its beak, the eagle
clutches the motto E pluribus unum (“Out of Many, One”). Over its head
there appears a “glory” with 13 stars on a blue field.
The shield the eagle bears on its breast has two main differences from the
American flag. First, it has no stars on the blue chief. Second, unlike the
American flag, the outermost stripes are white, not red.

The 1782 resolution adopting the seal blazons the image on the reverse as
“A pyramid unfinished. In the zenith an eye in a triangle, surrounded by a
glory, proper”. The pyramid is conventionally shown as consisting of 13
layers of blocks to refer to the 13 original states. There are also 13 sides
shown on the ribbon. The adopting resolution provides that it is inscribed on
its base with the date MDCCLXXVI (1776) in Roman numerals. Where the
top of the pyramid should be, the Eye of Providence watches over it. At the
top of the pyramid is the Eye of Providence with the Latin motto "Annuit
Coeptis" in the sky above - meaning "It [the Eye of Providence] is favorable
to our undertakings" or "He favors our undertakings."Below the pyramid, a
scroll reads "Novus Ordo Seclorum" - Latin for "New Order of the Ages."
which refers to 1776 as the beginning of the American new era.

5. What is the bird symbol of the country? Why was it chosen?

The American bald eagle was adopted as the official bird symbol of the
United States of America in 1782. The bald eagle was chosen because of its
majestic beauty, great strength, long life, and because it’s native to North

6. What is the national anthem of the USA?

“The Star-Spangled Banner” is the national anthem of the United States of
America. Like most national anthems, ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ is sung at
the beginning of sporting events, orchestral concerts and other public

7. Describe the capital city of the USA?

The capital of the USA is Washington. It is a special federal district, the
District of Columbia, occupying the area of 178 sq. km. and the place from
where the Government operates. The president of America and many other
important official government offices are here. It was founded in 1791 and
became the capital on December 1, 1800. It was called after the first
president of the USA George Washington.

8. When were Alaska and Hawaii admitted to the United States?

Hawaii was admitted to the USA as the 50 th state in 1959. Alaska became
the 49 th state in 1959.

9. What are the geographical and economic advantages of the Atlantic and
Pacific Oceans for the United States?
Oceans are a source of economic activity because of the possibility of
trading with most countries of the world. The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
make the U.S difficult to invade. So to say, the borders of the oceans provide
security from the threats of other countries. Plenty of natural resources are
should be mentioned. The natural resources on the ocean floor are also
invaluable. Oceans and great lakes make the most varied natural outdoor
scenery, so it is a great prospect for the development of tourism and the
economy as a whole.

10.What do you know about the 13 original states of the USA?

The United States of America initially consisted of 13 states that had been
British colonies until their independence was declared in 1776 and verified
by the Treaty of Paris in 1783: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode
Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey,
Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South
Carolina and Georgia. The 13 American Colonies were classified in three
separate regions consisting of the New England Colonies, the Middle
Colonies and the Southern Colonies.

11.What island territories does the USA possess in the Caribbean Sea and the
Pacific Ocean?
The United States has possession of various island territories in the Caribbean Sea
and the Pacific Ocean. The US Territories are:
 Puerto Rico
 Guam
 US Virgin Islands
 Northern Mariana Islands
 American Samoa
 Midway Atoll
 Palmyra Atoll
 Baker Island
 Howland Island
 Jarvis Island
 Johnston Atoll
 Kingman Reef
 Wake Island
 Navassa Island

Exercise 3. Indicate the surrounding waters and major terrain features of the US
mainland on the map.
Exercise 4. Fill in the table about the USA:
Total area 9,631,418 km²
Major rivers The Mississippi, the Missouri, the Colorado, the
Columbia, the Rio Grande

Major lakes
It is a system of five great lakes (Lake Superior, Lake
Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario)
by natural channels. Lake Superior is the largest lake
that’s partly in the United States at 82 413 km2. The
largest lake entirely contained in the United States
is Lake Michigan, 58 016 km2. Great Salt Lake,
located in the northern part of the U.S.

The highest The West is a mountainous area of the Rocky

mountain Mountains, the Cordillera and the Sierra Nevada.
Mountain Whitney (4,418 m) in the Sierra Nevada is the
highest peak in the contiguous United States.
The highest peak of North America is Denali (Mount
McKinley, its former official name) in Alaska (6,190 m).
Major cities New York City, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, St. Louis,
Boston, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Dallas, Miami, Las Vegas,
Phoenix, Seattle

Dwell on the following topics:

1. The geographical position of the USA.
2. The national symbols of the USA.
3. The capital of the USA.

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