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: # * $ - # « ^ f c i p t f 33004/99 KI'XiD. NO. D.


OF7T ^ 1 5 1 1 1 1
<£ke (Baxette of <3udia
«JFT II 9 ^ 3--^J-TJU^ in)
PART H—Section 3—Sub-siulion (if)

tf. 58f>( =rf f ^ t . ^ s r a r r , TT^ 31, 2010/^ra 10, 1932
No. 5891 NEW DFIJfl, WROXESDAY, MARCH 31, 20I0.T I1AITRA 10, 1932

*wfanui 3frr g?r i£ntw

<-a) 7^5- c^> ^ ^P9R(, pTRf^nw w ? <tm:^rfer

•Igfevft, 26.^.2010
few w^n, at«rf?j:—
3TT.3IT, 714(3T).—T$ 3 ^ ft*nPI (^iT)fo*ra,2001
i^n ^i wrffejra « ^ r fsr^ 'TTJ *U*II U I sii
* fltn 5 ^ i ^ i r^rarm aifiippm, i960 (1960 « i 59) ^1
3, "3^1 iWH1 ^F ft'W 5 R, 'NS" (**$) ip M?"^. Ti

fas t^FT* 7^9 g^ifa* tjft ^ t * N * n f , -s^rftrri t*qr " {^?) "^TfirfTT 7P IsfiTlPBWrif 3?T #^7 ?j^n ^' T ^ ^ T I
^IHt t $fk ^ T^^l H ^ f t £ fa im UT^q 1*PPff q^ 3*T
4.3*8 "Pratf -^ f\m 6 ^,^-•Pran (3) ^ . - w ^
r^Hf^lf^? 3q-t^W 31TT:T»TfPTr11*"^T ':%Ff>\], « ^ ^
" (4) 3^1 " ^ f t ^ ^ H I H I ^ Trftrfa v g "5RT I^RraTr
+l^sCT ^K 4HIHWH ^ ^ T? IPlfif 3n W 0 I

t^crfl-l 10003*^^4 ff^I I '

1. ( U ST f W l ^T :fffelfl ^ ^ 3Rr frf^T

( ^ ) OTV* ftlW, 2009 £ I
l^m. ^. 27-02/2009-H^Pl:#]
(2) ^ Ti^PH n f # <fffo? 3Rii7H ^ ffifra ?>i ^ 1 'W$i, "TT^fl Ul^T7

2, TRJ "ot^T t^nw ( ^ ) f=ran, 2001 (fa^ F ^ U ^1.3Tl 1256(3T>, "ilRT^T 24 t*^T^T, 2001,
^ T ^ ^ror-^m ftm ^FT Tin i ) , 1 w ^ t^m 4 ^,— SKI Tl^lf ?RT 1^1 "im «| |
IIGJ CiJ/20in

MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS (b) after clause (r), the following clause shall he
NOTMCATiON inserted, namely;—

New Delhi, the 26th March, 2010 "(g) a representative of the people who is a
humanitarian or a well known individual wJ«r
S.O. 714(E). Whereas Ihe following draft rules
has experience in animal welfare in the locality''.
further TO amend rhe Animal Birth Control (Dogs) Rules,
2001 is hereby published, as required by sub-section (1) of 3. In rule 5 of the said rules, after clause (g), the
Section 38 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
following clause shall be inserrcd, namely:—
Act, I960 (59 of I960), for the information of the public
likely to be affected thereby; and the notice is hereby givcu ''(h) the activities of the Committee shall be brought
thai the said draft rules shall be taken into consideration to (he public notice by announcements and
on or after the expiry of a period of thirty days from the advertisements'"
dale of publication of this nolification;
4. In rule 6 of the said rules, after rule (3) the
And whereas any person desirous of making any fallowing rule shall be inserted, namely :—
suggestions or objections with respect to the said drall
rules may forward the same, wilhin the period so specified, "(4) The Monitoring Committee of the said locality
to the Joint Secretary (Animal Welfare) of the Ministry shall meet al least once in every tnonlh to
of linvironmcnt and Forests. Paryavaran Bhawan, Room assess the progress made in regard to
No. 621, (;.(].(>. Complex, New Dellii-110003. implementation of the Animal Birth Control
1. (1.) These ruie^ may be called the Animal Birth 5. In rule 7 of the said rules, in rule (6) for the words
Control {Dogs) Amendment Rules, 2009. "other institutions'''the words "other recognized
institutions" shall be substituted.
(2) They shall come into force on die date of their
filial publication in the Official Gazette. |F.No.27-*2.n09-AWr>|
2. In the Animal Birth Control (Dogs) Rules, 2001
(hereinafter referred to as the said rules), in rule 4,— IinMPANDfUi.Secy.
(a) after the words "Constituted by the local Note:—The Principal rules were published in ihe Gazette
authority", Ihe words "for a period 4)1* Ihree of India, Extraordinary vide Notification
years" shall be inserted;
No. S.O. 1256(E), dated the 24th December, 2001.

I'lim-il hy the Manager, Government of India Pr«s, Kme Knad, Mayapun, New Delhi-)100h-1
and Published bv die Controller of Publications, Uclht-11UU5-1-

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