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Annexure P1 Pg 36

* ? Vol. XXI No. L* Januarv 2O22

@ I e IIiI
I (GK IE.t-ll, Vol.xvl Ho. +)

corurv[JNTTY frI a
rrtrttlrrrr! lrllt I tlr
a I I
Happv NerY Year

tT rl
rlrttrtrrrlllllrtltl DELHI Irrrtlllt!!llltttllr
68.100 Copres p(blish€d Colony/Seclor wise overy month from 23 colonres ol S.Oelhi (12 Edilions): GK-I, GK-ll , tlefonce Colony. Panch3heel Enclave
+ Panch Park. G,een Park (Main+ Exln), Heuz Khes + SDA. Sat Encl., Gulmohar Park + Anand Lok, New Friends Colony + f,ahatanl Bagh + Friends
Colony (E&W), V$ant Viha?, An.nd l{ikelan + Sh.nti Niketsn + Wo3t End, Vasanl Kunj (covering S€c A, Sec B, Sec C, & Sec D) & 2t Seclors ol Noida
(16 Edilions): Scc 15A,26, 30+31+36,39,40+41, 50 (A to E), 50 (F Elock),61,75+76 A, r, A,78,93, 92+938, 100, 1O{, Ushtoryn Online Eroadcasl From
''Noida. South Delhi & 6 Areas ol curugram (6 Editions): oLF l, DLF ll , oLF lV, DLF V- Club Drive, Sushanl Lok and South City 1
ln This Edition
This News Magazine Ms. Rita Kalra
l/-73 2nd Flr
. Page 2 Aboul Thorns & Flesh...

Belongs to . Page 5 Same lndian, Same Job...

Greater Kailash 2
. Page 6 Artis TREE Of God
'll lhs rssid€nl by lhis name doasn'l slay hore; ll yor're . PageT Covering The Homeless...
noi q€ning a copy ln yow narn6 or ior anlting €laled
lo distixJtioo call or Whatsapp: 9810081630
. Page 8 Senior Citizens'Forum Helps
.o Page 10 Know Thy Neighbour- Dr. MotlJ

J \
o Civic Apathy! Bags full of construction
debris litterthe backlanes and random cor-

.".*,:3. t
.:-E n,

GKIIWA And TWA Jointly I

Address Market Woes ners of the colony. The residents need to
be responsible enough to discard lhe waste
by Manoj Kumar (8800184857)
properly rather than dumping it in backlanes.
rom being somewhat dull taken by their respective entities to enhance Concemed residents are seeking help to
and lackluster until not too lhe market aesthetics and improve the market dispose ofthis waste. lt is truly the height ol
long back, the GK-2 lilain managernent so as to rnake a visit herc a pleas- indiscipline and civic apathy!
market has evolved overthe anl experience lor the people. . Teenagers to be vaccinatedl KR
years to emerge as an up- To begin with, the problem of water over- Mangalam World School GK-2 organised
market Shopping Arcade ,lowing on the market streets is mstdisgust-
with several renowned ing and has been olten highlighted in these
brands across multiple product and service columns kom time to time. This problem is
categories having now opened their outlets most acute on the stretch near the market exit
here. The measure of its popularity can be and it makes il impossible for the market visi
gauged lrom the fact that the market is now tors to walk on this stretch wilhout stepping
hequented notjusl by the mlony residents but into a puddle of dirty water. The water on this
also by peoplecoming from tarand wide. The stretch flows onto the main road outside lhe
lancy shops and the stylish crowd ol custom' market as well thereby ffeating fillh all around
ers certainly add to the glitter and glamour ol the market besides damaging the road sur-
the market. However, the crumbling infrastruc- lace. The TWA had recently asked the shops keevaccination at their school campus on
ture and haphazard management ofthe mar on this stretch to releasethe rain water accu- 7th January lor children aged 15lo 18 years
ket have taken the sheen otf its glory. As one mulating in lheirbasements intothe sewers in lrom gam to 4pm. They asked GKllwA to
moves around the markel, several eyesores the back lanes instead of discharging it on the intimate residents about the same. The Om-
that stickoul like a sorethumbcan be spotted road in thefront. Although this did improve the cron variant has been categorised as a van-
almost everywhere. These problems cannot situation a bit, the problem conlinues unabated ant of concern, so it is imperative that allthe
be solved without concerted eflorts by the TWA in view of the fact that water constantly oozes children aged 15-18 get vaccinated on an
andthe RWA in this direction. Weat Samvada, outtrom the underground drain pipe opposite immediate basis. Vaccine to be administercd
recently interacled witil MrVikram Bhasin, TWA M-60 due to sewage overload. TWA has is Covaxin, according to guidelines issued
President and Ms Uma Talwar, BWA mem- agreed to raise this matter before the con- by the Union heatth ministry.
ber, to understand the initiatives being under (Continued on Wge 6) (Continued on page 12)
Pg 37
Regd No. 0ELENG/2001/5145

About Thorns & Flesh -AIKGA Meeting


by Abha Batra (9811417012)

n D D

rr n:;l[:19..'Jffi"'Jiil.
An interesting differerrce between Cactiard

At Your Home I cubnb' keot us hooked to he

Succulents...while all cac{i are succulents, not
all succulents are cacti. Also, while water is
Taking All COVID Precaulions I recure or Ms. Sonra Kapoor, stored in the stems in cacti, and thorns are
in the All lndia Kitchen GaF actually modified leaves that help he planl con-
Dr Rohit Sharma den Assooamn s meetng on serve water in dryconditions, succulents look
aa B.PTh, [.PIh (Orlhopaedic), itlAP 29h December 202'1. She clearly busted the plump and lleshy as water is stored in their
2'l yrs experience in myth surrounding cacli about their being in- leaves. So, both need very little water and
Orthopaedic & l{euro Stseam
auspicious or harbingers ol bad luck. ln fact, maintenance.
981 r r 07030 on the contrary, according to her, these are Ms. Sonia showed us hercollection of dif-
Services for 'Warrior Plants', that deserve all the respect ferent cacti and succulents planted beautifu lly
. Back Pain .Slip Disc .Cervical and love, because theythrive in deseds or hot in ceramic mntaineE. She finds cacti mesmeF
Pain .Paralysis . Post Fracture and arid regionswhere nothing else grows. ln izing as each plant has diflerently shaped
Shoulder Pain 'Arthritis Joint Pain fact, villagers considerthem luclq, as tall cacti spines,/thoms. 'Bunny ears' and 'Moon caclus'
. Rehab PostJoint Replacement
hedges protecttheir homes from lighlning. can easily be grown by beginners. These plants
can also be brought indoors to brighten up
any dullcomer of your home.
HOMOEO Homoeopathy Clinic Cactiand succulents can easily be grown
AMIGO by keeping thelollowing points in mind:
. Only use recommended potting mix lor
these plants.
Stressed about your . Water only when the soil is completely
Don't Worry, is always by your side dry, as oven atering can lead to root rot.
. Keep them in the bright sun and protect
them trom rain.
Do not water in the aftemoons as water
retention on stem can lead to bums on the
Ow treatment from plant.
certified Doctoib . Fertilize once a month for good blooms
Diabeles with bone meal or NPK.
Long Tem Acidity
Getthe above right and see your cacliand
ln enility succulents thrive.
t Thyrold
Joinl P6in
Kldncy Sloies Amita Bhuwania (S247, 1 sl Floor) $lffisffi
Piles Manoj Kumar (S 233, GK2) 88@184867
Consulling Editors
H.k & Skin lse,r.. Veenod AggaMd : 981 m 81 630
SMJAN2O22 Asihma
Anxlety & Oepre3shn Coodinsting Editor: Shilpa Chandra:g8l l2841 18

Doctorb SlnusltlY Allerlic ttir{0t Advedising: Buchica 981 ts81848

Consultatlon Homoco Dla

t1 I 0,n All Advertising inputs are provided by fE
ers. The Publisher is not responsible lo. the quality

0tt ol goods or services provided by fEm.

Printed and published by Vimd &ganral f0( and 0n
behall o{ Antariksh Media Services (P) Ltd.


B-1 57 Priyadarshina Vihar, Delhi and prinled at the

Kavei Pdnlers ,163,Y1 9A Darya Gani, Nerv Delhi-
O I toro. u' O[!lt)|@ O 1 10 002. Editor :\incd Agqarwal
For lntemal Cirorhtbn 0nly
D.7l B, Gronnd tlool 0pporile $op Io 3,6.[ 0l PrcDeO 8.odng | 6/51 crcUnd tloot Old lbuble llorei, ollchlDrr: Iha vL6.nd o9lnh.ra a4nalad ln tho ar-
ilturlro, llolviVo llogor tler Dclhi tlo t.26, Xolloii, t{GU D.ltl i LoiDol ilogoi d tlery Delhi J 10024 dcb r!flodtbrdurrnlbtldrE3.lrlly ni*,t
0ra poilcy o. 0n of $. FJbllc.tor.

Communily Samvada . GKll . January 2022 2 For Adveftsing Call: 99100 ffi231,971n 7374r'.
Pg 38

Quolity life in the lop of

noture owoits!

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Pg 39

Get dressed to lookyour best


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Locote us ot Defence Colony, Punjobi Bogh, Greoter Koilosh l, Greoter Koilosh 2, Soket,
Vosont Vihor, M3M golf estote, New Friends Colony, Gurgoon.
Pg 40

Same lndian, Same Job, Different SpecialAssistance ln

Work Ethics ElIGIlIEERIlIG
by Archita Varma

ecently on a trip to Dubai, I whatever miniscule amount of work they do in

noticed that a large popula- a day.Dothey not seek pride in the workthey ru"BITS, Pilani
tion of labourers working in do? Does theirconscience not calloutto them? .Thapar lnstitute, Puniab
the outdoors and on the Sparethe rod and spoilthechild is the prov- . Expert Team from llTs & llMs
streets were lndians or per- erb that keeps comingto my mind in this situa- .4.5+ Reviews and Rating by Parent5
haps neighboring Asians. tion. Where the fears are high of the heavy .6+ Year Old Venture
penalty that comes with less than expected .AllAdmissions Done Via Legitimate Process
They were engaged in jobs of road construc"
work quality, the same worker gives brilliant
tior/repar[ horticultural activities like hedge trim-
ming, flower bed clearing; road / pavement /
dushin clearances etc. Each one was diligently
results. I knowthal this write up is nevergoing
to be read bythose who are being referred to.
- ReviewAdda.Gom lSince 20151
However, it can make us all pause and think An CfitD tttedia Group Company
doing his work, no short cuts orshoddywork-
about our work cullure and elhics, Perhaps
manship. Notone wasto be seen busy on his
mobile phone. Didn't spot anyone sitting on
we can teach ourchildren that work is worship Q0gar10 21837
and good work makes us a better person. Address: C-63, Sec-2, Ioida
the grasschewing tobacco, smoking beedior
spitting away. No gupshup sessions over chai
rusk. The pleasing results of their hard work
click e picture
of this advt
Sale / Rent @
and save it tor
were there lor allto see.
Cut back to ourvery own lndia. What hap-
pens lo the same labor, doing the same jobs
We Hove Everylhing Required For Home PolienB At Dirrounted Prirei
here? Why does lhe same Indian laborer
change a 180"? Never giving their 100'/. to the 3 Ply t ll95 llorls lroiloble, I
OxlGen |i
9oding frco &. 3/. 5r 'ri
job. Cutting back on the committed time and 5Ut&l0Ltt
eflort. They are always so disinterested intheir
worl! wasting work hourson allother aclivities
but the task al hand. The body language shows
as if they are doing mankind a lavor by doing f ) ruExu All Leadlng Erands
of Adult DiapeB
are available

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For Advertising Call: 99100 ffi231,971n 73744 Commuoily Samvada . GK-ll . January 2022
Advertising: adl,, Edilorial: edit @
Pg 41

i (Continued ftom page 1)

\ri GKllWAAnd TWA...
cerned Authorities and ensure regular desilting
ofthe sewer lines in the markel in orderto rein
in thisproblem. While working on this initiative,
the menace of waterflowing outfrom the rear
lane ofthe shops on this stretch also needsto
.*r-l be fixed.

Artis TREE Of God While the market has ample car parking
space, it is common to see double parking on
by Abha Batra (98114 17012) certain sections thereby constricting the road
available for vehicuiar movemeni inside the
n the month of July 2010, as I The fruil is an orange-red olive shaped market. Two wheelers driving on the wrong
walked one morning in my GK2 berry, with edible yellow pulp inside. A favourite side ofthe road add to lhe kaffic chaos on the
park, a gentle breeze caressed market roads. These problems are particu-
mycheeks and mesmerized by larlyacute in thefront portion ofthe marketlor
some indescribablejoy, I began which TWAplans to issue strict instructions to
gazing at glossy neui leaves on the parking attendantsto ensure orderly park-
ing of cars and movement of kaffic. Although
some trees and vi/enl into an ecstasy and fellin
the rear portion of the market is relatively un-
love ..,with Treesl From then to now, the love
atfected by this nuisance, the gradient of the
affair continues. My curiosity grew and I real-
roadonlhisside often leads to cars being driven
ized that each tree was ditferent and beautiful in of birds. rashly downhill on the strelch meanttor move-
itsell. Trees are homesto birds andthe artistry Fun Facl: A tradi- ment of tratfic from the W Block Park side to-
ofGod unfolds beautifullyas llookatthem and tional 'ittar' / perfume is wardsthe market exit. There have been afew
the textures olbarksand leavesand colours of distilled from Maulsari recentincidentswhererecklessdrivingonthis
feathers and flowers never cease to amaze me. flowers. Has many other sec{ion has nanow missed causing accidents.
So, in this column lwillgetyou acquaintedwith medicinaluses. TWA is working on a plan to fix a speed limit lor
some beautifulbirds and trees of GK 2.. I think of Maulsari and always picture bul- vehides rnoving inside fe market in oderh dEck
Maulsari& Bulbuls buls devouring the orange, fleshy benies and this hazard. Some of he otfrer TWA iniliawes on

The l\4aulsari or liloulshree (Mimusops the anvil include creation of Zebra crossings at
even otherwise singing merrily on its topmost
strategic locations inside lhe market for he con-
elengi) is one of the most handsome kees of branctes. The two mmmonly seen bulbuls are:
venience ofthe pedestrians and prohibiting us-
GK 2 parks. lt is a middle sized tree that looks The Red Vented Bulbul, so called because
age of homs by vehicles inside he market. Ap-
naturally pruned, as it has a perfectly rounded of its bright red propriate measures are undeMay by TWA to
dense canopy. lwas attracted to its glossy lo- vent, is a bold obtain regulatory approvals for this purpose. As
liage, long and waly margined leaves and the and confident another initiative to make the ma (et pedestrian
numerous highly fragrant white multipetalled bird, not alraid friendly, TWA will be following up with the Au-
flowersthat bloom in L4ay-June. of humans. thorities to remove/Vaccinate thelarge number
IJ They feed on of aggressive stray dogs hat move around inskJe
figs and make he market posing a threat to people.
THIS SPACE COSTS cheerfulsounds. The entry and the exit points ol the market
almost always remain choked as these open
Just { 13OO/-
(ln Multi Colour)
The Red Whiskered Bulbul - also called
the'Sipahi Bulbul', for its soldier like cIest. lt
has crimson
out on he busy main road outside. As
efforts are underway to decongest
road by stopping movement of buses on
per TWA,
it While

patches on its
the elficacy ofthis initiative on enabling orderly
Special Advertising cheeks. A very movement of tratfic on this section of lhe road is
Packages Available cute and joyful yel to be assessed, we Ieel the option to inko-

There are
'e,1 duce one way traffic rnovemenl on this road
needs to be jointly explored by RWA and TWA

Pooja Gupta more than 10 to provide a lasting solution to the problem of

99100 86231
such trees in il tratfic congestion on the main road.
We hopethe elforts commenced by RWA
Sehgal Market
and TWA willenhance the esteem ofourmain
97177 73744 2 patk, a ma-
markel and urge them to rigorously rollow up
lestic and huge onewithflowers andfruits. Go
99902 74969 out and explore and marvelat these beauties
wih tE AutDrities to ensure timely and proper
culminalion d these initiatives for achieving fie
email: of nature. desired results.

Community Samvada . GK)l . Janlary 2022

6 For Adverlising Call: 99100 86,231 ,971n 737 U
Pg 44

Govering The Homeless With Warmth

by Neeta Jalan (92121 30949)

e lent support, once imaginable number of 2500 blankets in less ducting midnight drives, outside hospitals,
again, to the Robin Hood than a weekl temples, railway stations and some such, to
Army, lor collecting blan- Many social groups came forward to help
keh as donation, for tfiose
thousands of homeless
people, who have no roof !J
over their heads, and are struggling to beat
thechilly, coldwintersof Delhiandsurvive.
We are happy to share here that we lar t}e :

L -J- t JJi [r -j

spread the word, for which we are really grate-


tul-AWE, Elite, ConnectGK2;ln fact, Bhavna distribute these blankets to the truly needy,
Gupta of Ladies Club, along with RHA volun- whilewe are sitting in the cosy confines ofour
leers, wenl on one of the many drives and homes, with heaters in placel
distributed blankels to the shelterless, around A specialline otgratitude, also, to the resi-
Nehru Place and East Ol Kailash. dents of GK-2 in specific, and oloelhi in gen-
exceeded our target of 2022 blankets (sym- These amazing volunteersolRHA ars dG eral, for showing their humane side, and fully
bolic of the New Year) and managed an un- ing a great yeoman service to society, by con- supporting this much needed cause.

The Never Ending Seepage Issue

by Bhavna Gupta (9810831199)

!rI H:,:.ffi:JiJJ'Jll;
faced bv residenls ol
It's going to be the third yearand no relief to
these residents. The resideflts would like to
peal via Samvada to make a team of dedicated
time.By now all theories applied by various de-
partrnenb have given no r6ulb. We are slill fac-
ing seepage alter every rain.
I Greater Kailash 2. lt all people from various depafircnts involved who One should not just stick to one solution
and be strong headed to only follow that if it
I shrted atter metro came up
l0rgk2 and wfih each pass-
will not only be accountable hJt aho ans,,vsrable
fff s delay in hldng adEuate Sps leads to any has not helped solving the problemweshould
ing year the aquifer beneath our houses at mishappening. We wouh aho E<eto ktowwhom look out and try allernate methods .l person-
random places get filled up with water and with we shouh approadr lortE h6ses inqrned by ail ally have followed this matter closely and it is
moreand more rains it spills over or enters our residents of the colony. We as residenb of gk2 very disappointing when certain hurdles are
lift pib and basemenh, No depafinent has been pay l2 crore tax and therc b m deparmenl to created unnecessary to slop work,
able to give us relief, no officer is able to give us solve he long perding iss.E rre are tacing fmm 3 Its our colony and it is our outlook on how
an answer, no person is accountable. years. . .this time perbd of 3 )E s is not a small we work towards ils upliftment.

Ladies GIub Launches E-commerce Page

by Bhavna Gupta (9810831199)

II :i'."'j'jflli$i:[
ano assrsr women
Through WWBN Lets empower, lead, in-
clude, break down baniers,show the path
where there are unlimited opportunities.Lets
etlective method for small scale business
sladed by lot of women around.
Through this medium the small business
I to establish their work bring the change through his platlorm cre- will be able to work from home with full
I on,,n..we wlsn ro grve you ated lo support women. We wish to build a llexibility,will give them global reach and em-
powerment. These reasons made us start
wings to fly to make your future v{here everyone leels induded. Under-
dreams into reality, to get your work recogni- standing the importance and he need in todays WWBN as a platform for women entrepre-
tion. This initiative has been siarted by women time it is an important toollor willalso neurs. We rise by lifting others.Connect with
to suppo( other women. open new communiztbn dBnnels.This is very usa19990472222.

ForAdvertising Call: 99'!00 fi231,971n NU 7

Community Samvada . GK-ll . January 2022
Adverlising:, EditoriaI edit@

Pg 43

Senior Gitizenst Forum flelps lts Members To

Learn The Japanese Art Of Keeping lndoor Plants
by VK Gauba (40562161)

he Forum for Wellare ol living in S Block, GK ll. Shewas accompanied door plants. She used a small piece oljute,
Senior Citizens wanted to by three helpers, who in addition also gave 'sootli', soilmixed with manure and ol course
have a different kind ol
programme for ils members.
A talk and demonstralion
ilr,' the plant as her raw material and created a
beautifulpiece of art. The demonstration was
quite interesling. She gave plants to each
were organized on Monday, member present to try the art at their homes.
The painting demonslration was also very in-

the 27t December'21 atthe Recreation Cen-
ke, Uday Shankar Park with the help of an teresting and the members presentkied their
hand to create a beautiful piece of art within
I minutes. lt was amazing how birds on atree
r I
were painted.
I Sh. V.K. Gauba praised lhe talent ol Mrs.
Yadav. He said that he and his wife were very
old members ofthe Kilchen GardenAssocia-
\\ tion of lndia. He further mentioned that Gar
demonstration on painting on canvas. dening wasan exciting hobbythatcould keep

r The talk on 'Kokedama' (Japanese style
of keeping indoor plants) uras started at 4
P.M. Mrs. Urmila said thal in Japan , people
senior citizens busy and engrossed. lt gives
thrill and is rewarding.
Prior to the gardening programme, lhe
were short ol living space and hence they Forum had its General Body ileeting, which
expert, Mrs. Urmila Yadav
- - a talented lady had thought of a special style of keeping in- took about 25 minutes.

Senior Gitizens Have A Gala Day

by VK Gauba (40562161)

nnual Picnic is a very popu- an hour earlier for the venue at Sultanpur to people - Iadies and gentlemen - danced lor-
lar programme for Senior make some arrangements. The last car left getting lhat lunch was waitingtorthem,
Citizens. The Forum lor The OrganizeB and the caterer were very
Welfare of Senior Citizens carelulto give the Group a good treai. Every-
arranges picnics in the \ body enjoyed soup, makki-ki-rotiwith sarson-
month ol December.
ln ka-saag and other delicacies like karahi paneer
2020, it could not be orga- and many more including delicious gajar-ka-
nized because of the second wave of the Pan- I Halwa to satiate the sweet tooth. The posl
demic. ln 2021, it was eagerly awaited. 19h
Decemberwas the date fixed and announced.
Some seniorcitizens gave their names for the a
,o lunch period was as exciting as the pre-lunch
programme with fancy dress and musical
chairs. Eight members participated in fancy
picnic as soon as the date was announced. dress including Anju Malhotra dressed as a
Others waited and chose to book closetothe F\ down. The winners were Sh. V.K. Gauba, Mrs.
eventdate. The Organizers talked to a gener l N Kiran Loomba and Mrs, Urmil Dogra (in that
ous person, who readilyagreedto otfer space order), The entries were well-applauded by
in his farm house for holdingthe picnic. Rock Garden at 10 A.M. The Fam H@se the spectators, The winners in the luckydraw
Members with their friends started to reg- was beautifully demrated wih dEirs and bues were Mrs. Kusum Pandit and Mrs. Kiran
ister for the picnic. The last picnic two years laid out in the lawn, Loomba. The last item was'Musical Chairs',
back was enjoyed by 180 persons; this year, The participants got a orp ol hot tea witrl which was a big draw for many ladies. There
we did not want the group to be very large pakoras, which were in great demand, imme- were two prize winners.
because ol the pandemic stilllooming over our diately on arrivalatthe venue. The first event Every good thing comes to an end and af-
heads. The response to join was so ovenvhelm- was Tambola, which we how is extremely ter having a gala time throughout the day, ev-
ing that in the last two days, many members popular especially with the ladies. And some erybody lett after having a cup ol tea at 4 P. M.
were refused and they got disappointed. Ulti- ladies are quite lucky in winning. This wasfol- Those. who could notjoin felt happy by seeing
mately, we were a group of 130 senior citi- lowed by 0urz. Panicipants maintained disci- he photographs. Parlicipants thanked the Or
zens, who went lor the outing. Parlicipants pline and gave answers when asked by the ganizers for making their day very enjoyable.
were asked toassemble at The RockGarden, Ouiz Master. The next item was music and Everybody was full of praise for the generosity
S Blockat9.30A.M. An advance party had lett dance. The mood was so joyous that many of the Farm-owners.

Communily Samvada . GK-ll . January 2022

8 For Advertising Call: 991 00 86231 ,971n 73744
Pg 44

A Dalmia Bharat lnitiative

'af .1


G* //.


Il I \
Actuol lmoge of Villo Delivered ln aurugrom


Meel our client lrom GK- |

a ffi,| There is a lot of space in the house itseli As in, if you compare it with other
3OO sq. yards, fully built houses with no shafts this one is more open. So, it's
got a lot to do with smart layout planning. Also, there was a lot of
transparency in terms of pricing, expectations and delivery of project. You all
were very willing to change a lot of things that we wanted to incorporate in
d'i the house. whatever was promised has been delivered.
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Pg 45

Know Thy Neighbour- Dr. Motilal Gupta

An outstanding philanthropist in the service of humanity
by l\4anoj Kumar&Amita Bhuwania

assion is enetry, Feel lhe General Duty Assistanl (G DA), Graphics, Hard- his students to enable them to attend vidual
power that cones from fo- ware and Networking, Photography and classes. He takes immense satisfaction in add-

cusing on what excites you- ing that his studenls are supported byvarious
When it comes to serving
humanity, Dr Motilal Gupta
is a perfect embodiment of
philanthropists for higher education and get
gainfully employed upon completing their edu-
cation, which is an eye openerto theircommu-
this famous dictum by Oprah Winf rey. t: nity and neighbours.
While he was in hls early fifties, Motilal ji l\ilotilal ji is a stern adherent 10 probity in
responded to his inner calling during one of his businessand sociallife. Hetakespride in men-
visits to the Sai Baba Temple at Lodhi Road
New Delhi in 1986 and decided to renounce
Videography etc. tollowed by job placements.
tioning that his Trust has honestly complied
with all legal and operational imperatives all
his flourishing business spread across lndia 3. Facilitating mass marriages of about 00 along, through his team of ethicaland sincere
and England to plunge himselfwholeheartedly girls in a yearfrom economically weaker sec- professionals engaged in managing his ven-
to the service of downtrodden and underp,ivi- tions of the society, irrespective of caste and tures. Donationsto hisTrust qfalify lor neces"
leged. The very lirsl manifestation of this yeam- creed, along with gifting them all necessary sary tax deductions underthe relevant laws as
ing was to establish Shirdi Sai Baba Temple household items without any expenditure on well as qualify for fulfilment under the CSR
Society, an eminentNGO in Faridabad in 1988 the pad of their parents, sai Dham has per- norms. Besides monetary contributions, his
which ispopularly known as SaiDham, based lormed more than 1000 marriages so far. Trust also needs essential items like old clothes,
on the principle ol'Sewa Parmo Dharm' (ser- 4. Health care to about 1000 needy and utensils, footwear, toys etc. lorthe needy and
vice is the supreme duty). l4otilalji has never poor persons per day through its 18 Homeo- deprived. One can sponsor education ofa child
looked back since then. The NGO carries out pathic dispensaries and at Sai Dham also Allo- @ Rs.10,0001 per child per year and/or spon-

multiple philanthropic activities under its aegis. pathic clinic, Eye clinic on Thursdays, and sor food @ Rs.10,0001 per day, get God's
which include, Psycho Neurotics (Cure of seven chakras with- grace and availtax benefits u/s 80G. He also
1 . Providing 100o/" tree and quality educa- out medicine). looks to CSR donations from the Corporates
tion to 2100 poor children (1500 at Faridabad 5. Distribution of clothes and Sanitary Nap- to keep the momentum going.
and 600 at Niswara (UP) along with nukitious kins to Tribal and Poor people in backward Always keeping social issues close to his
food, uniforms, books, stationary, health care, areas of ditlerent states. As of now, SaiDham heart, Motilaljiwrote tothe Hon'ble Prime l\,1in-
and excursions; lree yet better than the best has sent 34 truck-loads to Himachal Pradesh, ister last year with suggestions to raise the
publicschoolsin India,Shirdi Sai BabaSchool, Uttarakhand, UP , MP, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, legally permissible age of maniage for women,
Faridabad is an English medium CBSE affili Jharkhand, Biharand Haryana serving about bringing retorms for cooperative farming and
6lakh poor people. to make farming a commercially rewarding in-

J 6. Organizing Blood Donation Camps. dustry.


7. Organizing Covid Vaccination camps.
Motilal ji donated 3 acres of his personal
landto set up this institution in Faridabad way
Bom in 1934 in awell-known businessfam-
ily of Faridabad, Dr. lvlotilal Gupta completed
his schooling from Rohlak and graduation in

back in 1988. Thereafter. help slarted pouring Science from Benaras Hindu University in 1955
in from different quarters induding corporates with aGold Medal. His wife, lvlrs Kanta Gupta,
I and individuals both in cash and kind for his who had been his pillar of strength and a huge

I I t various initiatives. llolilal ii londly recalls the

time when well-wishers not only donated Com-
motivator in allhis socialendeavours, left for her
heavenly abode in 2018. Motilaljihas fourchil-
ated schoolupto Senior Secondary level. The putersfor his schools but also conducted free dren (3 daughters and a son) who are well
CBSE results of this school have been 100% classes as a meansto provide self-sufficiency plac€d in life. His son is a builder by protession.
sincethe last three years. Since CBSE affilia- to them. Likewise, corporates like Knorr- Team SAIVIVADA salutes Dr Motilal Gupta's
tion was granted. Bremse, Hindustan Syringe, Glen Appliances, 'Never say die'spirit of work and wishes him
2, Skill development to youth from ruraland Singer lndia and many more have rendered many more years of outstanding service to
slum areas in numerous modules like Com- timely help by providing support needed for his humanity. He can be contacted at
puter Data entry, tally and languages, lndus- centres. At the peak of the Covid induced motilal@ and one can visit
trialsewing machine operator, Domestic Tai- lockdown, l/otilaljiwith the support of his do- for more information on his
loring, Dress Designing, Beauty & Wellness, nors distributed 500 prepaid smart phones to initiatives.

Comrnunity Samvada . GK.ll .lanuary 2022

10 For Adverlising Call: 991 00 86231 ,97ln 73744


Pg 46

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Pg 47

Enigmatic Problem of Underground Water Seepage

in The Basements of GK-2
by Ashwani l.€pur (Gen. Se6y, GKIIWA)
he issue of water seepage On the other hand, a group of directly af- on acontinuous basis. As an option, the waler
I rn me Dasemenrs or many fected residence also engaged an expert. pri- so pumped outfrom the sub-soilcould be col-
I commercrarcomDrexesano vate agency specializing in the fields ol Hydrol- lected and transported through an indepen-
I resroences or GK-z nas oe- ogy, Soil & Foundation to determine and fix dent network olpiping to the consumers after
f come an enroma. Tne DroD- the cause ofthe problem necessary storage by Delhi Jal Board.
I lem was notiied in theium- lronically, the suggestions given by two ex-
pe( agencies (CGWB and the private firm)
With the issue lingering on lor so long, a
mer of 2020 when water few concerned residents have soughtjudicial
staded getting into the basements from the were contrary to each other. As per CGWB, intervention by moving the courls to direcl lhe
sub-soil. This unusual phenomenon was ini- the excess water accumulated under the im- Authorities to expedite redressal ot their griev-
tially attributed lo heavy showers of a hypor mediate sub-soil surlace should be pumped ance. This matter is still sub-judice. We ea-
active monsoon that lashed Delhi lhat year. out, whereas the private experl desired that gerly awail the courl verdict, which should help
The owners/ residents deployed water pumps this accumulated water (lying uptoabout20fl in pinpointing the root cause ol the problem
to pump out the water continuously for weeks to 30lt below the sub soil)should be pushed along with the directions for implementation of
together. The problem however remained down further, say even beyond 115lt down specific solutions by the concerned agencies
within the given deadlines.
While lh6legal process is on, GKIIWA is
leaving no stone unlurned to ensure resolu-
r tion ol this peculiarand unprecetented prob-
I lem, by engaging with lhe Authorities as well
I as with our localelected legislatorsto explore
all the possible options available in this regard.
The following additional facts would be
worth sharing in this matter.
1. lt has been gahered hmugh NB otliclals
hat anangernents for pumping out underground
GKIIWA Talm wo*lng on th6 proj.ct {th Sotilc & t olhl J.l BoE d porsonncl
water will henceforttr be made a regular process.
unabated even during the dry spells ol he mon- belorv to meet the acqyfier. This is likelyto increase the volume ol pumped
soon season which indicated a much deeper The executive govemment agencies, viz. out water by about three times tire present level.
root cause behind this malaise, though with DJB and SDMC, starled working towards the DJB will install a networking ol piping to supply
marginal reduction in the quantity ot water. solution as per the suggestion of CGWB. The his water from GK-2 to CR Park
GKIIWA immediately took cognizance of he ownerd residents deployed rvater pumps lo 2. As per the latest intormation obtained
residents' grievance and reported the matter pump out the water continuously for weeks durjng interactions with the elected represen-
to the concemed Auhorities, including CGWB, together. SDMC and NB coo{dinated to in- tatives olthe othercolonies, this problem is no
DJB, SDMC, DOMA, MLC, MLA, thE OffiCES Of stall six water pumps to pump out the waler, longer confin€d to GK-2 but has now impacted
Chief iilinister, MP and the Honorable L.G. Additionally, U,B has aho iEtaled gezofiEters other neighbouring areas as well
The Government machinery sprang into ac- at six locations in the colony in orde( to rnonilor 3. As per our underslanding, pumping out
tion after the intervention of the Honorable LG. the ground water level round the year. ol waler from the sub soil has also been initi-
With regular follow ups by GKllWA, the GKIIWA obtained requiits $aDry app@/- ated by Delhi Metro
Central Ground Water Board surveyed the als to 6rect a test borewell al LJrhy Stur*ar GK-2 Welfue Association expresses ib grali-
undergroundisub surlace hydrological flow in Pafi. This activty made sorne $(l
bgilg m hJde tofie oncemgd authoriti€s as well as the
the colonyand submitted its interim Report in pad hrt fle problem $'rck backurh \,engerre residenb wio made an invaluable effort in try-
September'2o. The Report a ribuled this is- once this experiment got over. ln the rlEar] mg to resoave fiis problem which we hope would
sue to construction of liletro tunnelsthatwere while, GKIIWA also decided to rub qr $e pG- nol adse again with the same vengeance and
obstrucling the naturaltlow ol ground water in sibility ol any leakage in tre undergror''d w magnitude in the next rainy season,
the area and recommended draining out ex- pipes by temporarily suspendng s+pty
cess waterfrom the existing horticulture tube 'ivabr
in the colony lor two days wifi tE tEF d oelli
wells in the colony parks by means of heavy Jal Boad and the intervenlbn d MLA No $b r Car Slolen and Recovered! Another car
pumping. The Beportlurther suggested clean- stantial change was obsefled in tre se€page lheft took place in the colony's S block be-
, ing of the storm water drains of the colony to problem during this experircflt loqing to Mr Raliv Kumar. ltwasan old car.
avoid excessive seepage. DMRC refuted the CGWB scienlish suggpsled tralfle purp The matter was reported to CR Park Police
obsorvation by CGWB about construction o[ ing of the water should beconlirued lor a mudr Station and the Police was requested to in-
faulty Metro tunnols in the area claiming that longertime period as millbru ol galbrE o{wakr dease patrolling. The stolen car was recov-
the tunnels existed much above the ground seemed to have accumulaled undergrourd ered within four days ofthe theft due tothe
water table and laid the blame on the faulty personal inleNontion ofthe GK-2WA Presi-
lhat raised the level ol water table. The next
construction ol the affected basements. problem was where to relsase so mudl watgr dent through CB Park SHo.

Community Samvada . GKll . Janusry 2022 12 For Adveriising Call: 991 00 fi231 ,971n 737 44
Pg 48

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Pg 49

I Monkey Business
by Dr Savita Nagpal (B 86, South Cityl )

hardly thought it appropriate to do some nit-

rowing up in an Army house-
hold, we were broughl up to picking with the Monkeys as regards my pret
love and accept an extended
family of the Armed Forces,
sl! which therelore extended
well beyond the confines of
. Water Tank . Swimming Pools
. Underground Water Tank one's own extended family. A naturalcorollary a
Cleaning Process ls Done With lmported
Machines & Then Water Tank ls
was to be welcomingof all'Family' members.
was, however, quite unprepared to welcome
a. ;1,

afamilyof our Simian cousins.

I went up to the rool, happy to be able to
SB TANK CLEANERS manulacture some Sunshine Vitamin at last,
when I spotted a happier pair doing lust the
Please callto take refereaces in your colony same, and what's more, picking nits as well. I

erentialterritorial rights ol my own rool. On the

flip side, the Simians would definitely feelthere

o Portable Wheelchairs was an intrusion ol their forest area.

qP-R.d ee For Stairs

Notwantingto disturb my distantcousins,
headed lor a walk in the park. Again, ltound

& was not alone, as the gregarious monkeys

Easy to use, portable wheelchair
designed to climb staks. Seedee
powerful motor allows a small
t came to accompany me in fulllorce, with chil-
dren, and I suspect, a Grandtather in towl I
decided thata species war was not my cup of
Portable Compact attendant to safelytransport a
larger passenger up and tea and instead, I scuttled back to the safe
Battery Powered down stairways, Seedee is confines otmy balconywith acup ofsleaming
Zero Maintenance suitable for indooror
outdoor use in public Lipton tea. I turned my face to the Sun and lo
and behold. I was looking into a pair of mis-
See Video
How lt Worls
ffi I
chievous brown eyes.
Astonishingly, I didn't feel a trace of fear.
There was in its place, a quiet exchange ol
Contact Jamshed Dalal/ Jasmine Dalal L
acceptance and serenity as both Simian and
Human contemplated the marvels ofa peace-
+91-9890f 49666, +91-98674 48483 ful co-existence.

less @l wondering whach Draces

painful. should you choose for

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Communily Samvada. South Delhi-l . January 2022 For Advertising Call: 991 00 ffi231,971n W 44
Pg 50
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