FAR.2909 - Intangible Assets.

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FAR.2909-Intangible Assets OCTOBER 2020

1. Which statement is incorrect regarding intangible 7. The probability recognition criterion is always
assets? considered to be satisfied for intangible assets
a. Intangible assets are identifiable non-monetary a. Acquired separately
assets without physical substance. b. Acquired in a business combination
b. The recognition of an item of as an intangible asset c. Generated internally
requires an entity to demonstrate that the item d. Both a and b
meets the definition of an intangible asset and the
criteria for recognition. 8. An intangible asset arising from development shall be
c. An intangible asset shall be measured initially and recognized if, and only if, an entity can demonstrate:
subsequently at cost. I. The technical feasibility of completing the
d. Intangible assets are presented as a separate line intangible asset so that it will be available for use
item in the statement of financial position. or sale.
II. Its intention to complete the intangible asset and
2. The critical attributes of an intangible asset include use or sell it.
identifiability, control over the resource and existence III. Its ability to use or sell the intangible asset.
of future economic benefits. Which statement IV. How the intangible asset will generate probable
describes existence of future economic benefits? future economic benefits.
a. The asset is separable or arising from contractual V. The availability of adequate technical, financial
or other legal rights. and other resources to complete the development
b. The entity has the power to obtain benefits from and to use or sell the intangible asset.
the asset. VI. Its ability to measure reliably the expenditure
c. The use of the asset will generate revenues or attributable to the intangible asset during its
reduce future costs. development.
d. All of these.
a. I, II, III, IV, V and VI.
b. I, II, IV and VI only.
3. Which of the following will most likely qualify for
c. I, II, III, IV and V only.
recognition as intangible asset?
d. I, IV and VI only.
a. A team of skilled staff
b. Talented manager
9. Research is original and planned investigation
c. Customer loyalty
undertaken with the prospect of gaining new scientific
d. Knowledge protected by legal rights
or technical knowledge and understanding. Examples
of research activities do not include
4. An intangible asset shall be recognized if, and only if:
a. Activities aimed at obtaining new knowledge.
a. It is probable that the expected future economic
b. The search for, evaluation and final selection of,
benefits that are attributable to the asset will flow
applications of research findings or other
to the entity.
b. The cost of the asset can be measured reliably.
c. The search for alternatives for materials, devices,
c. Both a and b.
products, processes, systems or services.
d. Neither a nor b.
d. The design, construction and testing of a chosen
alternative for new or improved materials, devices,
5. Expenditures that do not satisfy the recognition criteria
products, processes, systems or services.
are recognized as
a. In general, expenses when they are incurred.
10. Development is the application of research findings or
b. In business combinations, part of the amount
other knowledge to a plan or design for the production
attributed to the goodwill recognized at the
of new or substantially improved materials, devices,
acquisition date.
products, processes, systems or services before the
c. Either a or b
start of commercial production or use. Examples of
d. Neither a nor b
development activities do not include
a. The design, construction and testing of pre-
6. Expenditure on items that cannot be distinguished
production or pre-use prototypes and models.
from the cost of developing the business as whole is
b. The design of tools, jigs, moulds and dies involving
not recognized as intangible asset. Those items
new technology.
c. The design, construction and operation of a pilot
I. Brands
plant that is not of a scale economically feasible for
II. Mastheads
commercial production.
III. Publishing titles
d. The formulation, design, evaluation and final
IV. Customer lists
selection of possible alternatives for new or
a. I, II and IV only c. II, III and IV only improved materials, devices, products, processes,
b. II, and IV only d. I, II, III and IV systems or services.

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11. Which statement is correct regarding research and Current period depreciation on a
development expenditures? machine used in R and D activities 500,000
a. Expenditure on research may be capitalized. Salary of R and D director 1,200,000
b. All development expenditures should be Salary of Vice-President who spends ¼
capitalized. of his time overseeing R and D
c. If an entity cannot distinguish the research phase activities 2,400,000
of an internal project to create an intangible asset Pension costs for salary of R and D
from the development phase, the entity treats the director 50,000
expenditure for that project as if it were incurred in Pension costs for salary of Vice-President 100,000
the development phase only.
The R and D expense for the current period should be
d. Expenditure on an intangible item that was initially
a. P3,875,000 c. P4,875,000
recognized as an expense shall not be recognized
b. P5,750,000 d. P3,800,000
as part of the cost of an intangible asset at a later
15. Which statement is incorrect regarding the cost of an
12. Joy Corp. is engaged in a research and development
intangible asset?
project to produce a new product. In the year ended
a. If an intangible asset is acquired separately, the
December 31, 2019, the company spent P1,200,000
cost comprises its purchase price, including import
on research and concluded that there were sufficient
duties and taxes and any directly attributable
grounds to carry the project on to its development
expenditure of preparing the asset for its intended
stage and a further P750,000 had been spent on
development. At that date management had decided
b. If an intangible asset is acquired in a business
that they were not sufficiently confident in the ultimate
combination that is an acquisition, the cost is
profitability of the project and wrote off all the
based on its fair value at the date of acquisition.
expenditure to date to the income statement. In 2020
c. If an intangible asset is acquired free of charge or
further direct development costs have been incurred of
by way of government grant, the cost is equal to
P800,000 and the development work is now almost
its fair value.
complete with only an estimated P100,000 of costs to
d. If payment for an intangible asset is deferred
be incurred in the future. Production is expected to
beyond normal credit terms, its cost is equal to the
commence within the next few months. Unfortunately
total payments over the credit period.
the total trading profit from sales of the new product is
not expected to be as good as market research data
originally forecasted and is estimated at only
16. Directly attributable costs of preparing the asset for its
P1,500,000. Assuming the other criteria given in PAS
intended use do not include
38 are met, how much should be capitalized as of
a. Costs of employee benefits (as defined in PAS 19)
December 31, 2020?
arising directly from bringing the asset to its
a. P1,650,000 c. P900,000
working condition.
b. P1,550,000 d. P800,000
b. Professional fees arising directly from bringing the
asset to its working condition.
c. Costs of testing whether the asset is functioning
13. Nasugbu Company incurred the following costs during
the current year:
d. Administration and other general overhead costs.
Quality control during commercial
production, including routine testing of
products P58,000 17. The cost of internally generated intangible asset
Laboratory research aimed at discovery of includes the following, except
new knowledge 68,000 a. Cost of materials and services used or consumed in
Testing for evaluation of new products 24,000 generating the intangible asset
Modification of the formulation of a plastic b. Cost to register a legal right
product 26,000 c. Salaries, wages and other employment related
Engineering follow-through in an early phase costs of personnel directly engaged in generating
of commercial production 15,000 the asset
Adaptation of an existing capability to a d. Expenditure on training staff to operate the asset
particular requirement or customer's need
as a part of continuing commercial
activity 13,000 18. Which of the following describes a patent?
Trouble-shooting in connection with a. It gives the holder exclusive right to use,
breakdowns during commercial production 29,000 manufacture, and sell a product or a process
Searching for applications of new research without interference or infringement by others.
findings 19,000 b. A word, phrase, or symbol that distinguishes or
What is the total amount Nasugbu should report as identifies a particular entity or product.
research and development expense? c. The exclusive and assignable legal right, given to
a. P137,000 c P198,000 the originator for a fixed number of years, to print,
b. P169,000 d. P213,000 publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or
musical material.
14. Cavinti Company provided the following information d. A contractual arrangement under which the
relevant to the research and development franchisor grants the franchisee the right to sell
expenditures for the current year: certain products or services, to use certain
trademarks or trade names, or to perform certain
Current period depreciation on the
functions, usually within a designated geographical
building housing R and D activities P1,500,000
Cost of market research study 1,000,000

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19. Batangas Company purchased a patent from the 25. Gooden Enterprises Inc. developed a new machine for
inventor, who asked P110,000 for it. Batangas paid manufacturing baseballs. Because the machine is
for the patent as follows: cash, P40,000; issuance of considered very valuable, the company had it
1,000 shares of its own ordinary shares, par P10 patented. The following expenditures were incurred in
(market value, P20 per share); and a note payable due developing and patenting the machine.
at the end of three years, face amount, P50,000, Purchase of special equipment to be
noninterest-bearing. The current interest rate for this used solely for development of the
type of financing is 12 percent. Batangas Company new machine P1,820,000
should record the cost of the patent at Research salaries and fringe benefits
a. P110,000 c. P95,590 for engineers and scientists 171,000
b. P 98,800 d. P85,590 Cost of testing prototype 236,000
Legal costs for filing of patent 127,000
20. Which statement is correct regarding the amortization Fees paid to government patent office 25,000
of an intangible asset? Drawings required by patent office to
I. The cost less residual value of an intangible asset be filed with patent application 47,000
with a finite useful life should be amortized over
that life
Gooden elected to amortize the patent over its legal
II. An intangible asset with an indefinite useful life
life. At the beginning of the second year, Gooden
should not be amortized.
Enterprises paid P240,000 to successfully defend the
III. The maximum amortization period cannot exceed
patent in an infringement suit. At the beginning of the
twenty years.
fourth year Gooden determined that the remaining
a. I only c. I and III only estimated useful life of the patent was five years.
b. I and II only d. Neither I, II nor III
The carrying amount of the patent at the end of fourth
year is
21. A consideration not relevant in determining the useful
a. P135,320 c. P1,649,680
life of the intangible asset is the
b. P131,100 d. P 39,800
a. The period of control over the asset and legal or
similar limits on the use of the asset
26. An entity purchases a trademark and incurs the
b. Technical, technological, commercial or other types
following costs in connection with the trademark:
of obsolescence
c. Expected actions of competitors or potential One-time trademark purchase price P100,000
competitors Nonrefundable taxes 5,000
d. Initial cost Training sales personnel on the use of
the new trademark 7,000
22. The residual value of an intangible asset with a finite Research expenditures associated with
useful life shall be assumed to be zero unless: the purchase of the new trademark 24,000
a. There is a commitment by a third party to Legal costs incurred to register the
purchase the asset at the end of its useful life. trademark 10,500
b. There is an active market for the asset and Salaries of the administrative personnel 12,000
residual value can be determined by reference to Assuming that the trademark meets all of the
that market and it is probable that such a market applicable initial asset recognition criteria, the entity
will exist at the end of the asset’s useful life. should recognized an asset in the amount of
c. Either a or b. a. P100,000 c. P146,500
d. Neither a nor b. b. P115,500 d. P158,500

23. The method of amortization used for an intangible

asset with a finite life 27. The legal life of trademark is
a. Need not reflect the pattern of use of the asset a. Ten years
b. Should be based on revenue that is generated by b. Twenty years
an activity that includes the use of the asset c. Seventeen years
c. Should always be the straight-line method d. The life of the creator plus fifty years
d. Should be the straight-line method if the pattern of
use cannot be determined reliably
28. On January 1, 2020, Sassou Corp. acquired a copyright
24. Which statement is correct regarding subsequent on a book of photographs from the estate of a world
expenditures on intangible assets? renowned photographer who died in late December
a. The nature of intangible assets is such that, in 2019, for a price of P500,000. Sassou’s CEO knows
many cases, there are additions to such an asset that copyrights normally cover the lifetime of the artist
or replacements of part of it. plus 50 years, but she has heard of a recent court case
b. Most subsequent expenditures are likely to that extended the legal life by an additional 20 years.
enhance the expected future economic benefits Other similar books sold by Sassou for deceased
embodied in an existing intangible asset that meet photographers typically remain popular for only 10
the definition of an intangible asset and the years. The carrying amount of the copyright at
recognition criteria. December 31, 2020 should be
c. Expenditures incurred after the initial recognition a. P500,000 c. P492,857
of an acquired intangible asset or after completion b. P490,000 d. P450,000
of an internally generated intangible asset are
rarely recognized in the carrying amount of an
d. All of these.

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29. On January 1, 2020, Five signed an agreement to b. Computer software for a computer-controlled
operate as franchisee of Clear Copy Service, Inc. for an machine tool that cannot operate without that
initial franchise of P680,000. Of this amount, specific software is an integral part of the related
P200,000 was paid when the agreement was signed hardware and it is treated as property, plant and
and the balance was payable in four annual payments equipment.
of P120,000 each, beginning January 1, 2021. The c. When the software is not an integral part of the
agreement provides that the down payment is not related hardware, computer software is treated as
refundable and no future services are required of the an intangible asset.
franchisor. The implicit rate for loan of this type is d. The operating system of a computer is treated as
14%. The agreement also provides the 5% of the an intangible asset.
revenue from the franchise must be paid to the
franchisor annually. Five’s revenue from the franchise 32. On 1 January 2020 an entity purchased a new software
for 2020 was P8,000,000. Five estimates the useful package to operate its production equipment for
life of the franchise to be ten years. The carrying P600,000, including P50,000 refundable purchase
amount of franchise as of December 31, 2020 is taxes. The purchase price was funded by incurring a
a. P494,680 c. P549,644 loan of P605,000 (including P5,000 loan origination
b. P538,733 d. P612,000 fees). The loan is secured against the software
30. UR Company purchased a customer database and a
formula for a new fuel substitute for diesel fuel for a In January 2020 the entity incurred the following costs
total of P100,000. UR Company uses the expected in customizing the software so that it is more suited to
cash flow approach for estimating the fair value of the systems used by the entity:
these two intangibles. The appropriate interest rate is • Labor – P120,000
5%. The potential future cash flows from the two • Depreciation of plant and equipment used to
intangibles, and their associated probabilities, are as perform the modifications – P15,000.
Customer Database: In January 2020 the entity’s production staff were
Outcome 1 - 20% probability of cash flows of P10,000 trained in how to operate the new software. Training
at the end of each year for 5 years. costs included:
Outcome 2 - 30% probability of cash flows of P2,000 • Cost of an expert external instructor – P7,000
at the end of each year for 4 years. • Labor – P3,000.
Outcome 3 - 50% probability of cash flows of P200 at
the end of each year for 3 years. In February 2020 the entity’s production team tested
the software and the information technology team
Formula: made further modifications necessary to get the new
Outcome 1 - 10% probability of cash flows of P50,000 software to function as intended by management. The
at the end of each year for 10 years. following costs were incurred in the testing phase:
Outcome 2 - 30% probability of cash flows of P30,000 • Material, net of P3,000 recovered from the sale of
at the end of each year for 4 years. the scrapped output – P21,000
Outcome 3 - 60% probability of cash flows of P10,000 • Labor – P11,000
at the end of each year for 3 years. • Depreciation of plant and equipment while it was
used to perform the modifications – P5,000.
How much should be recognized as customer
The new software was ready for use on 1 March 2020.
a. P11,060 c. P11,295
However, because of low initial order levels, the entity
b. P13,137 d. P 0
incurred a loss of P23,000 on operating the software
during March.
Probability What is the cost of the software?
Outcome Present value Prob. weighted PV a. P550,000 c. P722,000
Database b. P685,000 d. P732,000
1 43,295 .2 8,659
2 7,092 .3 2,128 33. Pagsanjan Company incurred costs to develop and
3 545 .5 273 produce a routine, low-risk computer software product
Total 11,060 as follows:
Formula Completion of detail program design P1,500,000
1 386,087 .1 38,609 Cost incurred for coding and testing to
2 106,379 .3 31,914 establish technological feasibility 500,000
3 27,233 .6 16,340 Other coding costs after establishment of
Total 86,863 technological feasibility 2,500,000
Other testing costs after establishment of
31. Which statement is incorrect regarding intangible technological feasibility 2,000,000
assets contained in or on a physical substance such as Costs of producing product masters for
a compact disc (in the case of computer software), training materials 3,000,000
legal documentation (in the case of a license or patent) Duplication of computer software and
or film? training materials from product master 4,000,000
a. In determining whether an asset that incorporates Packaging product 1,000,000
both intangible and tangible elements should be
treated property, plant and equipment or as an What amount should be capitalized as software cost
intangible asset, an entity uses judgment to assess subject to amortization?
which element is more significant. a. P7,500,000 c. P4,500,000
b. P9,500,000 d. P8,000,000

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34. On January 1, 2020, Pila Company had capitalized cost LECTURE NOTES:
of P10,000,000 for a new computer software product
with an economic life of 4 years. Sales for 2020 for Determination of Goodwill
the software product amounted to P4,000,000. The
total sales of the software over its economic life are Specific attributes approach
expected to be P20,000,000. However, the pattern of
The attributes and components of goodwill are identified
the future sales from the computer software cannot be
and valued accordingly.
determined reliably. Pila should record amortization of
computer software in 2020 at Examples
a. P2,500,000 c. P5,000,000 • Highly advantageous strategic location
b. P2,000,000 d. P 0 • Superior management team
• Outstanding sales organization
35. Betterword Company is engaged in developing • Unusually good reputation in the industry
computer software. The following costs were incurred
during the current reporting period: Indirect valuation approach
Salaries of programmers doing research P235,000 Goodwill is the difference between the purchase price and
Expenses related to projects prior to the fair value of identifiable net assets acquired.
establishment of technological
feasibility 78,400 Excess earnings approach
Expenses related to projects after
technological feasibility has been Goodwill represents the expected value of future above-
established but before software is normal (superior) financial performance.
available for production 49,500
Amortization of capitalized software 1. Purchase of average earnings.
development costs 26,750 Average earnings Pxx
Costs to produce and prepare software Less normal earnings
for sale 56,300 (FV of NA x Normal rate of return) xx
Additional data: Excess earnings xx
Sales of products for the year P515,000 x number of years x
Goodwill Pxx
Beginning inventory 142,000
Portion of goods available for sale sold
2. Capitalization of average excess earnings
during the year 60%
Average earnings Pxx
Determine the company’s profit before tax. Less normal earnings
a. P 66,570 c. P55,870 (FV of NA x Normal rate of return) xx
b. P111,580 d. P76,810 Excess earnings xx
/ Capitalization rate %
SOLUTION: Goodwill Pxx
Sales P515,000
Less cost of sales: 3. Capitalization of average earnings
Inventory, beg. P142,000 Average earnings Pxx
Amort. of SDC 26,750 / Capitalization rate %
Production costs 56,300 Net assets, including goodwill xx
GAS 225,050 Less net assets, excluding goodwill xx
x COS ratio .6 135,030 Goodwill Pxx
Gross profit 379,970
Salaries of programmers (235,000) 4. Present value of average excess earnings
Expenses before TF ( 78,400) Average earnings Pxx
Profit before tax P 66,570 Less normal earnings
(FV of NA x Normal rate of return) xx
36. An asset representing the future economic benefits Excess earnings xx
arising from other assets acquired in a business x PVF using an appropriate rate xx
combination that are not individually identified and Goodwill Pxx
separately recognized is
a. Goodwill c. Trademark 39. RGW Industries purchased the net assets of SP
b. Patent d. Customer list Company for P1,300,000. A schedule of the net assets
of SP Company, as recorded on SP Company's books
37. Goodwill may be recorded when: at the time of the acquisition, is as follows:
a. It is identified within a company.
b. One company acquires another in a business Assets
combination. Cash P 31,000
c. The fair value of a company’s assets exceeds their Receivables 250,000
cost. Inventory 302,000
d. A company has exceptional customer relations. Land, buildings, and equipment (net) 350,000
Total assets P933,000
38. Internally generated goodwill is prohibited from Liabilities
recognition in the financial statements of an entity. Current liabilities P 90,000
The reason for this treatment is that: Long-term debt 185,000
a. Goodwill is not identifiable. Total liabilities P275,000
b. Goodwill is not measurable.
c. It is not comparable to any other intangible assets. Net assets (book value) P658,000
d. It is not prudent to recognize intangible assets.

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The following schedule shows the differences between 42. The owners of Majayjay Company are planning to sell
the recorded costs and market values of the assets of the business to new interests. The cumulative net
SP Company at the date of the acquisition: earnings for the past 5 years was P9,500,000. The
Cost Market current value of net assets of Majayjay Company was
Inventory P302,000 P400,000 P20,000,000. Goodwill is determined by capitalizing
Land, buildings, & average earnings at 8%. What is the amount of
equipment 350,000 390,000 goodwill?
Patents -0- 40,000 a. P1,900,000 c. P1,700,000
Purchased in-process b. P3,750,000 d. P1,250,000
research &
development -0- 300,000
Existing work force -0- 90,000 43. An investor purchased Lemery Travel Corporation.
Totals P652,000 P1,220,000 Lemery has one asset whose value exceeds its book
Liabilities P275,000 P 275,000 value by P10,000. Lemery's Equity is P80,000. The
investor agreed with Lemery that its excess earnings
Determine the amount of goodwill to be recognized on would last for 10 years. Lemery's average income for
the acquisition. negotiation purposes is P40,000 and the industry
a. P642,000 c. P 74,000 average rate of return is 30% on market value of net
b. P464,000 d. P164,000 assets. Using the "present value of excess earnings"
approach to the calculation of goodwill and an
SOLUTION: appropriate discount rate of 10%, what is the purchase
price paid for Lemery?
Purchase price P1,300,000
a. P335,782 c. P169,880
Less FV of net assets:
b. P220,000 d. P 79,880
Cash P 31,000
Receivables 250,000
Inventory 400,000
44. Which of the following intangible assets should be
PPE 390,000
shown as a separate item on the statement of financial
Patents 40,000
In-process R&D 300,000
a. Goodwill c. Patent
Total 1,411,000
b. Franchise d. Trademark
Liabilities ( 275,000) 1,136,000
Goodwill P 164,000
45. An entity shall disclose the following for each class of
40. Acquiree Corporation's pretax accounting income for
intangible assets, distinguishing between internally
the year 2020 was P850,000 and included the
generated intangible assets and other intangible
following items:
Impairment of goodwill P60,000 I. Whether the useful lives are indefinite or finite
Amortization of identifiable intangibles 57,000 and, if finite, the useful lives or the amortization
Depreciation on building 80,000 rates used
Extraordinary losses 44,000 II. The amortization methods used for intangible
Extraordinary gains 150,000 assets with finite useful lives
Profit-sharing payments to employees 65,000 III. The gross carrying amount and the accumulated
amortization (aggregated with accumulated
Acquirer Corporation is seeking to purchase Acquiree impairment losses) at the beginning and end of the
Corporation. In attempting to measure Acquiree’s period
normal earnings for 2020, Acquirer determines that IV. The line item(s) of the statement of comprehensive
the fair value of the building is triple the book value income in which any amortization of intangible
and that the remaining economic life is double that assets is included
used by Acquiree. Acquirer would continue the profit- V. A reconciliation of the carrying amount at the
sharing payments to employees. What is the normal beginning and end of the period
earnings (for purposes of computing goodwill) of
Acquiree Corporation for the year 2020? a. I, II, III IV and V c. I, II and III only
a. P764,000 c. P844,000 b. I, II, III and IV only d. II, III, IV and V only
b. P804,000 d. P954,000

41. Liliw Company engaged your services to compute the 46. An entity shall disclose
goodwill in the purchase of Calauan Company which a. A description of any fully amortized intangible
provided the following: asset that is still in use.
b. A brief description of significant intangible assets
Net income Net assets
controlled by the entity but not recognized as
2017 P1,400,000 P 6,000,000
assets because they did not meet the recognition
2018 1,600,000 8,000,000
criteria in PAS 38.
2019 2,000,000 8,800,000
c. The aggregate amount of research and
2020 2,200,000 9,200,000
development expenditure recognized as an
Total P7,200,000 P32,000,000
expense during the period.
It is agreed that goodwill is measured by capitalizing d. All of the above.
excess earnings at 25% with normal return on average
net assets at 15%. How much is the purchase price
for Calauan Company?
a. P11,600,000 c. P10,400,000
b. P11,200,000 d. P11,000,000 - now do the DIY drill -

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1. PAS 38 applies to 6. Which of the following costs would be capitalized?
a. Intangible assets that are not within the scope of a. Acquisition cost of equipment to be used on
another Standard. current research project only.
b. Financial assets, as defined in PAS 32 Financial b. Engineering costs incurred to advance the product
Instruments: Presentation. to the full production stage.
c. The recognition and measurement of exploration c. Cost of research to determine whether a market
and evaluation assets. for the product exists.
d. Expenditure on the development and extraction of d. Salaries of research staff.
minerals, oil, natural gas and similar non-
regenerative resources. 7. Laguna Company incurred P900,000 of research and
development cost to develop a product for which a
2. PAS 38 applies to patent was granted on January 2, 2020. Legal fees
a. Intangible assets held by an entity for sale in the and other costs associated with the registration of the
ordinary course of business. patent totaled P200,000. On July 31, 2020, Laguna
b. Goodwill acquired in a business combination. paid P400,000 for legal fees in a successful defense of
c. Non-current intangible assets classified as held for the patent. The total amount capitalized for this
sale. patent through July 31, 2020 should be
d. Computer software used in extractive industries. a. P1,500,000 c. P1,100,000
b. P 600,000 d. P 200,000
3. Which of the following items qualify as an intangible
asset under PAS 38? 8. Alaminos Company acquired three patents in January
a. Advertising and promotion on the launch of a huge 2020. The patents have different lives as indicated in
product the following schedule:
b. College tuition fees paid to employees who decide Remaining Remaining
to enroll in an executive M.B.A. program at Patent Cost useful life legal life
Harvard University while working with the A P2,000,000 10 8
company B 3,000,000 5 10
c. Operating losses during the initial stages of the C 6,000,000 Indefinite 15
d. Legal costs paid to intellectual property lawyers to Patent C is believed to be uniquely useful as long as
register a patent the company retains the right to use it. In June 2020,
the company successfully defended its right to Patent
4. According to PAS 38 Intangible assets, which of the B. Legal fees of P800,000 were incurred in this action.
following statements about research and development The company’s policy is to amortize intangible assets
expenditure is incorrect? by the straight-line method to the nearest half year.
a. Research expenditure, other than capital The company reports on a calendar-year basis. The
expenditure on research facilities, should be amount of amortization that should be recognized for
recognized as an expense as incurred. 2020 is
b. In deciding whether development expenditure a. P1,330,000 c. P1,250,000
qualifies to be recognized as an asset, it is b. P2,050,000 d. P 950,000
necessary to consider whether there will be
adequate finance available to complete the project. 9. On January 1, 2020, Calamba Company signed an
c. Development expenditure recognized as an asset agreement to operate as a franchisee of Bay Company
must be amortized over a period not exceeding 5 for an initial franchise fee of P30,000,000. Of this
years. amount, P10,000,000 was paid when the agreement
d. Capitalized development expenditure must be was signed and the balance is payable in equal annual
disclosed in the statement of financial position payment of P5,000,000 beginning December 31, 2020.
under intangible non-current assets. The agreement provides that the down payment is not
refundable and no future services are required of the
5. Which statement is incorrect concerning internally franchisor. Calamba’s credit rating indicates that it can
generated intangible asset? borrow money at 12% for a loan of this type.
a. To assess whether an internally generated How much is the cost of franchise?
intangible asset meets the criteria for recognition, a. P30,000,000 c. P21,541,500
an enterprise classifies the generation of the asset b. P25,186,500 d. P19,065,000
into a research phase and a development phase.
b. The cost of an internally generated asset 10. Kuh Lafuh Company purchased a customer list and an
comprises all expenditure that can be directly ongoing research project for a total of P400,000. Kuh
attributed or allocated on a reasonable and uses the expected cash flow approach for estimating
consistent basis to creating, producing and the fair value of these two intangibles. The
preparing the asset for its intended use. appropriate interest rate is 7%. The potential future
c. Internally generated brands, mastheads, cash flows from the two intangibles, and their
publishing titles, customer lists and items similar in associated probabilities, are as follows:
substance should not be recognized as intangible
assets. Customer List
d. Internally generated goodwill may be recognized Outcome 1 - 20% probability of cash flows of P50,000
as an intangible asset. at the end of each year for 5 years.
Outcome 2 - 30% probability of cash flows of P30,000
at the end of each year for 4 years.
Outcome 3 - 50% probability of cash flows of P10,000
at the end of each year for 3 years.

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Ongoing Research Project 13. Balete Company is negotiating to acquire Drive

Outcome 1 - 10% probability of cash flows of P500,000 Company. Balete manufactures and sells wood
at the end of each year for 10 years. burning stoves and Drive Company produces parts that
Outcome 2 - 10% probability of cash flows of P10,000 are required to manufacture stoves. Drive enjoys an
at the end of each year for 4 years. exceptional reputation and Balete management
Outcome 3 - 80% probability of cash flows of P100 at believes it can continue Drive’s level of income and
the end of each year for 3 years. satisfy its own need for parts. The recorded amounts
and current values of the assets and liabilities of Drive
How much should be recognized as customer list?
a. P400,000 c. P 77,025
b. P 84,609 d. P322,975 Assets Liabilities
Recorded amounts P20,000,000 P8,000,000
11. Biñan Company incurred the following costs during Current values 25,000,000 5,000,000
2020: Drive’s earnings for the past 5 years averaged
Design of tools, jigs, molds and dies P5,000,000. This is believed to be a reasonable
involving new technology P2,500,000 estimate of future income. The level of income
Modification of the formulation of a normally experienced by enterprises similar to Drive is
process 3,200,000 15%. Balete and Drive agreed to capitalize average
Trouble shooting in connection of excess earnings at 25% in estimating the value of
breakdowns during commercial goodwill. How much should Balete pay in acquiring
production 2,000,000 Drive?
Adaptation of an existing capability to a a. P20,000,000 c. P28,000,000
particular customer’s need as part of b. P32,000,000 d. P20,500,000
a continuing commercial activity 2,200,000
In its 2020 income statement, Biñan should report
14. Which of the following disclosures does PAS 38 not
research and development expense of
a. P2,500,000 c. P3,200,000
a. A description, the carrying amount and remaining
b. P4,700,000 d. P5,700,000
amortization period of any individual intangible
asset that is material to the entity’s financial
12. Toni Company purchases Pauleen Company for
P13,985,000 cash on January 1, 2020. The book value
b. The existence and carrying amounts of intangible
of Pauleen Company’s net assets reported on its
assets whose title is restricted and the carrying
December 31, 2019 statement of financial position was
amounts of intangible assets pledged as security
P12,620,000. Toni's December 31, 2019 analysis
for liabilities.
indicated that the fair value of Pauleen's tangible
c. Contractual commitments for the acquisition of
assets exceeded the book value by P560,000, and the
intangible assets.
fair value of identifiable intangible assets exceeded
d. Fair value of similar intangible assets used by its
book value by P245,000.
How much goodwill should be recognized by Toni
Company when recording the purchase of Pauleen?
a. P 0 c. P 805,000
b. P560,000 d. P1,365,000
J - end of FAR.2909 - J

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